Kinseth, Filthy, Bengi, Awesome unleashed are already in because they won an event. Therefore the rankings affect the other organizers(Dok, Mega, Xorlof). Dok clearly has earned his way no matter how you dice it. So therefore we are taking a system that now can exclude Mega and Xorlof at this point. I don't see how this system now benefits the Organizers, when it puts two of them at jeopardy.
Yes we wished we had it hashed out sooner, but we were busy working on the current events and with Gencon coming up in the summer we just didn't hash it out as fast as we wanted too.
The reason why we are using all of these games is that it would be unfair to everyone who played before and all of the success they had if we excluded that. And as Dok said, EoY championship isn't really a big deal if we include 2 seasons...