• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.



Added a new board to the BoOH: REMAINS OF CLIONESIA, by tannergx.

Props to Awesomeunleashed, who furnished the main top-down pic of the map, complete with elevation markings. :up:

A preview of the board:
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

I've reorganized the OP, and added links to Filthy's app and the Master Figure Template.

Added a new board to the BoOH: REMAINS OF CLIONESIA, by tannergx.

Board looks slick Typhon2222. Many thanks to you and Awesomeunleashed for adapting it. I'm going to have to learn me some Online Heroscape someday.


~ tgx

Reorganized the OP again.

Among other things, I hope it's clear now that you don't need to add the Boards of Online Heroscape folder to your own Google Drive — or even have a Google Drive — in order to access the maps.

Added a new board to the BoOH: REMAINS OF CLIONESIA, by tannergx.

Board looks slick Typhon2222. Many thanks to you and Awesomeunleashed for adapting it. I'm going to have to learn me some Online Heroscape someday.


~ tgx
Hope you do, tgx. Perhaps next tourney? I hear it'll start almost immediately after the current one ends. :p
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

There will be about a week grace period before it starts up again, I think. That's what happened before.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

Added the board, HS2010, to the BoOH. :up:

Looking it over, though, I notice the resolution of the main top-down pic is substantially inferior to the first version. If you end up redoing the pic, you can drop it into the new board any time, of course — you should have editing rights to this one too.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

Added the board, HS2010, to the BoOH. :up:

Looking it over, though, I notice the resolution of the main top-down pic is substantially inferior to the first version. If you end up redoing the pic, you can drop it into the new board any time, of course — you should have editing rights to this one too.
It loads really fast, though.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

It's because I had to zoom out in VS to be able to not have an over lapse on the tiles below the castle pieces. Then I had to blow I up, causing the bad picture. Still works though.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

I need to run a few SoV playtests this week, but I don't think I have time to build a physical board. Is anyone interested in playing against me?
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

I need to run a few SoV playtests this week, but I don't think I have time to build a physical board. Is anyone interested in playing against me?

Have you gotten any response yet Caps?

I'd eagerly raise my hand, but I know the time difference can be a pain to work around. :(
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

I'm actually looking to play in the morning or afternoon, Central time, so that might be perfect.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

I'm actually looking to play in the morning or afternoon, Central time, so that might be perfect.

Nice. :p

I'm free this Wednesday or Thursday. Ideal for me would be to start between 11 AM and noon (your time), but anytime between 11 AM and 4 PM is absolutely doable.

Which map? Perhaps Sidewinder or Remains of Clionesia, to get some prep in for the next round or two of the tourney?

And a Google Hangout okay?
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

RoC sounds fine. It'll probably be Thursday. Google Hangout sounds fine.

500 points. Please pick an army with either multiple bonding heroes or tricky OM management.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

RoC sounds fine. It'll probably be Thursday. Google Hangout sounds fine.

500 points. Please pick an army with either multiple bonding heroes or tricky OM management.

Board copied, and loaded into Filthy's app. Link to app/board for our game: clicky me!
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

Something I/we forgot to mention to the public. 3D figures sizes have been standardized (mostly), and so whenever you make a template, import a figure and resize the map accordingly. If the templates already made could be re-sized, that would be great...
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

On a note on top of that, neither the 2D or 3D templates are complete BTW, and it's very annoying when you want to play that figure and it's only in one or thee other.
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

Something I/we forgot to mention to the public. 3D figures sizes have been standardized (mostly), and so whenever you make a template, import a figure and resize the map accordingly. If the templates already made could be re-sized, that would be great...

Not sure what you're saying, AU. Most of the figures are too large for the boards, true. I find myself resizing the figures upon import, shrinking them, so they fit the board. You're asking the opposite? But what does that mean? Resizing (enlarging) the main top-down map will extend it way off the edges of the canvas, making it impractical to play on: you have to constantly scroll around that way, and can't see the entire board at one time. Wouldn't it be better to shrink the figures?
Re: The Boards of Online Heroscape

Something I/we forgot to mention to the public. 3D figures sizes have been standardized (mostly), and so whenever you make a template, import a figure and resize the map accordingly. If the templates already made could be re-sized, that would be great...

Not sure what you're saying, AU. Most of the figures are too large for the boards, true. I find myself resizing the figures upon import, shrinking them, so they fit the board. You're asking the opposite? But what does that mean? Resizing (enlarging) the main top-down map will extend it way off the edges of the canvas, making it impractical to play on: you have to constantly scroll around that way, and can't see the entire board at one time. Wouldn't it be better to shrink the figures?
I'm saying that all of the 3D figures are the same (ish) size relative to each other, so the templates should be adjusted accordingly. Re-size the maps, but also re-size the window (See the little shading in the bottom left corner of all Google Drawings? Drag that out to the new map size.).