• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online HS How-to-play and Question Dump

On first glance, I can tell that you are double-clicking on the SEND button in the chat window. For example:
(1:14 PM) Heroscaper Guy: what did you do?
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy:
The blank line, above, generally means that you have double-clicked, which is not necessary (a single-click on the buttons will do). I have not been able to yet replicate the peculiar rolls (which happened 8 times); for example:
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
But, I also think that this is tied in with the double-clicks. I recommend that you try out another test game, with single clicks, and see if you still have the same problems.

The blank lines and zero dice have both appeared before I start doing anything automatically when I start a match. I'd forgotten about the blank lines because they're not as annoying. I don't think any of those are from double clicking as I input chat lines by hitting enter and I make sure to hit that only once. I've been in instant messaging long enough that I try not to click enter twice and do that sort of thing. I honestly think they're all glitches, but I will try to limit time between clicks and see if that helps. Thank you for trying to help Filthy.
On first glance, I can tell that you are double-clicking on the SEND button in the chat window. For example:
(1:14 PM) Heroscaper Guy: what did you do?
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy:
The blank line, above, generally means that you have double-clicked, which is not necessary (a single-click on the buttons will do). I have not been able to yet replicate the peculiar rolls (which happened 8 times); for example:
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
But, I also think that this is tied in with the double-clicks. I recommend that you try out another test game, with single clicks, and see if you still have the same problems.

The blank lines and zero dice have both appeared before I start doing anything automatically when I start a match. I'd forgotten about the blank lines because they're not as annoying. I don't think any of those are from double clicking as I input chat lines by hitting enter and I make sure to hit that only once. I've been in instant messaging long enough that I try not to click enter twice and do that sort of thing. I honestly think they're all glitches, but I will try to limit time between clicks and see if that helps. Thank you for trying to help Filthy.
Yeah, something is obviously triggering the clicks. Unfortunately, I don't have any other reports of this behavior, besides your's (I can't replicate it). And, I don't see this problem in any of the other log files that I have reviewed. So, I suspect that it is not a glitch for the masses. I wonder what happens if you access the app from another computer? Or if you try another browser, and/or clear your browser history/cache first? And, is anyone else getting the same behavior?
On first glance, I can tell that you are double-clicking on the SEND button in the chat window. For example:
(1:14 PM) Heroscaper Guy: what did you do?
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy:
The blank line, above, generally means that you have double-clicked, which is not necessary (a single-click on the buttons will do). I have not been able to yet replicate the peculiar rolls (which happened 8 times); for example:
(1:15 PM) Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
But, I also think that this is tied in with the double-clicks. I recommend that you try out another test game, with single clicks, and see if you still have the same problems.

The blank lines and zero dice have both appeared before I start doing anything automatically when I start a match. I'd forgotten about the blank lines because they're not as annoying. I don't think any of those are from double clicking as I input chat lines by hitting enter and I make sure to hit that only once. I've been in instant messaging long enough that I try not to click enter twice and do that sort of thing. I honestly think they're all glitches, but I will try to limit time between clicks and see if that helps. Thank you for trying to help Filthy.
Yeah, something is obviously triggering the clicks. Unfortunately, I don't have any other reports of this behavior, besides your's (I can't replicate it). And, I don't see this problem in any of the other log files that I have reviewed. So, I suspect that it is not a glitch for the masses. I wonder what happens if you access the app from another computer? Or if you try another browser, and/or clear your browser history/cache first? And, is anyone else getting the same behavior?

I can try it on another computer soon. A friend is gonna screw through the stripped screw on my laptop and then I should be able to fix it once the part gets shipped in. Hopefully, this works and I can see if it's the computer.
Did you not get the memo? You can't use the app on computers with stripped screws. I am fairly certain that this is in the app disclaimer. ;)
Where is this disclaimer? I didn't sign up for this. Get me out of the system.:D Filthy, I think I figured my problem out. I was loading up a webpage right after clicking the dice to roll and it did the 0 skulls rolled. Doing the same thing a few times produced the same result. So note to self don't load web pages while playing online scape. Hopefully that's the problem and not something else. Doesn't explain it when the thing first loads or the submitting blank lines.
I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this problem, byt Dysole and I were just trying to play a game, and the app was EXTREMELY laggy. It'd take maybe 3 or 4 seconds for something to move or show up, and his rolls were appearing noticeably faster on my end than on his. I'm not sure if this is a fixable problem or not, but it's worth noting I guess. Also it wasn't doing this last night when we played at around the same time.
I am almost hopeless when it comes to computers. I DESPERATLY want to try this out but everytime i go to open the online hs maps and figures it says.that there are no results for that. Anyone else having that problem?
I am almost hopeless when it comes to computers. I DESPERATLY want to try this out but everytime i go to open the online hs maps and figures it says.that there are no results for that. Anyone else having that problem?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. When I click the link, it goes to the two folders on Google Drive. Could you describe what comes up for you in more detail, or post a screenshot?

Can anyone else without edit access to the folders (like I have) replicate this problem?
I am almost hopeless when it comes to computers. I DESPERATLY want to try this out but everytime i go to open the online hs maps and figures it says.that there are no results for that. Anyone else having that problem?

I'm not quite sure what you mean. When I click the link, it goes to the two folders on Google Drive. Could you describe what comes up for you in more detail, or post a screenshot?

Can anyone else without edit access to the folders (like I have) replicate this problem?

I just checked and I get the folders, but I've accessed them a million times before.
I am almost hopeless when it comes to computers. I DESPERATLY want to try this out but everytime i go to open the online hs maps and figures it says.that there are no results for that. Anyone else having that problem?

Welcome to the site fellow Kentuckian!

I do believe the other two should have your solution, but if not I suggest you send a PM to Filthy the Clown to work it out.
Thanks for the help guys. Ill keep playing around with it and if i cant resolve it ill contact the clown.
Ive been playing for a few years with a group of my friends and we do things a little different and make stuff up along the way. But ive ALWAYS been wondering about an online heroscape so im excited to get this going.
Sigh.... the simpliest solutions always go unnoticed by me. All i had to do was change it from mobile viewing to desktop viewing (im using my phone only to scope things out, im not sure the system would run well offof my phone)
Sigh.... the simpliest solutions always go unnoticed by me. All i had to do was change it from mobile viewing to desktop viewing (im using my phone only to scope things out, im not sure the system would run well offof my phone)


Well, it may work. Never heard anyone using it before like that, though.

Google Chrome or Firefox are the browsers you should play it on too.

Not sure if this is the right place or not, but if not I'm sure a mod can move this post to the correct area.

I have never done online scape. It seems odd to me to look at the screen when I so very much want to be playing with the physical pieces...but, my 'scape playing partners are few and far between these days due to summer activities and I'd really like to just play some games for fun...so here I am.

The process is very new to me, and slightly confusing. I'm looking for someone who can walk me through the process starting with some low point, lightweight style(say gencon rules, 330 pts. 12 figures on a bov map) and who has the time and patience to do so. Or heck even just a hero vs hero (ie. krug vs Jotun, etc) match up just to get the feel for the process.

I did read through Filthy's startup guide. However, without actually creating a match and playing it just seems sort of confusing to me.

I have created a google account, and have copied all the bov maps to my personal drive as well as set them to share with a link can access/modify.

That's as far as I've gotten.

Should I copy all the figure files to my drive as well?

What then....?

It is currently Saturday about 12:15pm CST and I should be back online about 1pm CST and have until about 4pm CST free if anyone happens to see this and care to shoot me a PM about what I should do next.

- Raider30
You do not need to copy any of the maps or figures to your drive to play.

Here is a condensed version of how to create a game:

Go the the Boards of OHS drive here.

Choose a map.

Go to File > Make A Copy, and then rename the if you wish, and click Okay.

In the Copy, click File > Share.

On the "Who has Access" page under "Private," click Change > Anyone with the Link and then change "Access" to "Can Edit". Then click Done at the bottom.

Now, open the HSO App here.

Type in your name.

On the Copy of the Map you made, copy the Alphanumerical string only. Put that in the Google Doc String. Hit Enter.

Now, for your opponent, give them the Google Doc alphanumerical string and the Game Name ID at the top of your page so they can enter the game.

Now for the figures.

Go to the 3D Figures Page here.

Select your figure(s). (Use Ctrl or Shift to select more than one figure.)

Click on Edit > Web Clipboard > Copy Shape(s) to Web Clipboard.

Once you have all your figures, go to your HSOApp with the map.

Click Edit > Web Clipboard > Shape(s)

They should appear on the map then!

You can use Ctrl + C/V/X to copy/paste/delete the figures once they are on the Doc Map.

I hope that helps you get started!

Any more questions, just ask them here!

Have fun! :)

Going to be giving this a shot here in a little bit with dok's help. Thanks to those who have pm'd me looking to help!

- Raider30

Well I have to say that after some minor initial problems things went pretty smoothly. The online scape app is really quite impressive. We played a quick(relatively speaking) match of minions vs heavies/grimnak just so I could get the hang of things. Once we started the game things went pretty smoothly.

I think I'll definitely make use of the find a match thread the next time I get some free time.

Thanks Dok.

- Raider30
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Perhaps we will see you in the GenCon Prep Tourney too! :D

Wow, just played another online scape game with Kevindola this time. I gotta tell you, this setup is just amazing. I'm having an absolute blast and I will highly recommend online scape to anyone without a regularly available playing partner.

Seriously, I can't say enough good stuff about it.

I am definitely going to be using this any chance I get.

- Raider30