(11:23 AM)
User Heroscaper Guy has left the chat session.
(11:38 AM)
Suj: Hello?
(11:39 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: I'm here
(11:40 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: Is this working
(11:40 AM)
Suj: Okay
(11:40 AM)
Suj: I can see it
(11:40 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: laggy sorry
(11:41 AM)
Suj: Yeah, it's fine
(11:41 AM)
Suj: That's your army, right?
(11:41 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: Yep
(11:42 AM)
Suj: This isn't going to be a good representative battle for you...
(11:42 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: well, I need to at least practice the army
(11:42 AM)
Suj: Yeah
(11:43 AM)
Suj: It's just that you don't get to use Zombies Rise Again on almost my entire army
(11:45 AM)
Suj: Wait a second, where did all of my figures go?
(11:46 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: I don't know it reloaded on me and they were gone
(11:46 AM)
Suj: Wait, I think they're under the board
(11:46 AM)
Suj: Grr
(11:46 AM)
Suj: Ugh
(11:46 AM)
Suj: This is annoying...
(11:46 AM)
Suj: Hold on a moment
(11:47 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: It's all right
(11:47 AM)
Suj: Well the board is appearing on top of all of my figures, it wasn't doing that earlier
(11:47 AM)
Suj: Do you know how I could fix that?
(11:47 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: I seem to glitch things up. It's a gift from my family curse
(11:48 AM)
Suj: I would have thought that there would have been a "Send to Back" feature, but it doesn't look like there is
(11:48 AM)
Suj: Aha
(11:48 AM)
Suj: Got it
(11:48 AM)
Suj: It's under Arrange
(11:50 AM)
Suj: Is there a way to make the sun and moon smaller?
(11:50 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: I'll lokk
(11:50 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: look
(11:52 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: Is that better?
(11:52 AM)
Suj: Oh yeah, definitely
(11:52 AM)
Suj: Thanks
(11:52 AM)
Suj: Be right back
(11:52 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: ok I'll set up order markers
(11:53 AM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Zombie Hulk Sun
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on Zombie Hulk Moon
1 OM on Zombies
(11:53 AM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 19 for initiative
(11:57 AM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Death Knights of Valkrill
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(11:57 AM)
Suj rolled 15 for initiative
(11:58 AM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on Zombie Hulk Sun
(11:58 AM)
Suj: Note that the 2 shadow tiles in the middle are on level 2, not 1
(11:59 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: ok
(11:59 AM)
Suj: Also, are youi going to move 6 zombies?
(11:59 AM)
Suj: Horde Movement
(11:59 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn. I think I can only move 3 zombies with on order marker on zombies
(11:59 AM)
Suj: Also, what sort of glyph pool should we use?
(11:59 AM)
Heroscaper Guy: Done
(12:00 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Laggy again, I don't know what to do with glyphs maybe wannok?
(12:00 PM)
Suj: I was thinking of having it be a few different possibilities
(12:01 PM)
Suj: Like Dagmar, Valda, Wannok, and Lodin?
(12:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Hmm.. You mean roll for it when we get on it.
(12:01 PM)
Suj: Roll to see what it is when you land on it
(12:01 PM)
Suj: Yeah
(12:01 PM)
Suj: Also you do get to move 6 zombies.
(12:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:01 PM)
Suj: That's my understanding at least
(12:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: okay, well I'll move them next turn. Your first move
(12:02 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:02 PM)
Suj: Still, with the glyph, is what I proposed okay?
(12:02 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: yeah, don't know why It's so laggy today
(12:03 PM)
Suj: It's usually somewhat laggy for me, so don't worry about it
(12:03 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Phantom Knights
(12:04 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(12:04 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on Zombie Hulk Moon
(12:04 PM)
Suj: Wait a second
(12:04 PM)
Suj: Last turn you revealed one on ZH Sun
(12:04 PM)
Suj: But moved Moon
(12:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: It hasn't revealed it yet has it?
(12:05 PM)
Suj: Your OM 1
(12:05 PM)
Suj: It was on sun
(12:05 PM)
Suj: (11:58 AM)Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on Zombie Hulk Sun
(12:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: sorry I just realized that
(12:05 PM)
Suj: An easy fix would just be to move sun this turn
(12:05 PM)
Suj: Which is fine with me.
(12:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Well, that was my plan
(12:06 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:06 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: zombie hoard movement
(12:06 PM)
Suj: I'll just assume that you're always using Horde Movement, because it's silly not to
(12:07 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: gotta take a restroom break
(12:07 PM)
Suj: Okay, that's fine
(12:08 PM)
Suj: You've moved 1 zombie so far
(12:12 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I'm back
(12:12 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:13 PM)
Suj: Also some others may be spectating soon
(12:13 PM)
Suj: Kevindola asked for the link
(12:13 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: ok
(12:13 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:13 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:13 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:13 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Phantom Knights
(12:14 PM)
Suj: Okay, for the glyph
(12:14 PM)
Suj: Chart is near my start zone
(12:14 PM)
Suj rolled 11 on the d20
(12:14 PM)
Suj rolled 17 for Wannok
(12:14 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: all-right
(12:14 PM)
Suj: ATtack
(12:15 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:15 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:15 PM)
Suj: attack
(12:15 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:15 PM)
Suj: For future reference, I'll be attacking like this
(12:15 PM)
Suj: Selecting my unit and your unit
(12:16 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Yeah, I fugured
(12:16 PM)
Suj: Yeah, it's basic, I just wanted to clarify so there wasn't future confusion
(12:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: my turn
(12:16 PM)
Suj: Yep
(12:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: ?
(12:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on Zombies
(12:17 PM)
Suj: wait
(12:17 PM)
Suj: where was this one?
(12:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I believe right here
(12:17 PM)
Suj: That's what I thought
(12:17 PM)
Suj: But they only hvae 4 move
(12:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: oh I thought that was 2 height sorry
(12:17 PM)
Suj: Nah, it's fine
(12:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: there
(12:18 PM)
Suj: that'll work
(12:18 PM)
Suj: Moving a 6th?
(12:18 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:18 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:18 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: nah
(12:18 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:19 PM)
Suj: Remember, you don't have to attack with the ones you moved with zombies
(12:19 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(12:19 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking again
(12:19 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:19 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(12:19 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:19 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Phantom Knights
(12:20 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:20 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 shields with 3 total dice
(12:20 PM)
Suj: Well then
(12:20 PM)
Suj: End round.
(12:20 PM)
Suj: Therefore Wannok
(12:20 PM)
Suj rolled 16 for Wannok
(12:21 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: wound on rachiem
(12:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:21 PM)
Suj: OMs ready
(12:21 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on zombie hulk moon
1 OM on zombie hulk sun
1 OM on Zombie Hulk Sun
1 OM on Zombie Hulk Moon
(12:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:22 PM)
(12:22 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Death Knights of Valkrill
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(12:22 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 for initiative
(12:22 PM)
Suj rolled 9 for initiative
(12:22 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:22 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Phantom Knights
(12:23 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:23 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:23 PM)
Suj: You get 1 extra
(12:23 PM)
Suj: Because of the shadow
(12:24 PM)
Suj: So roll one extra D die
(12:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 1 total dice
(12:24 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:24 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:24 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:25 PM)
Suj: Wait what are you doing
(12:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: sorry thought wou were rolling another attack
(12:25 PM)
Suj: Oh no
(12:25 PM)
Suj: That's fine
(12:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: he would have died anyways
(12:25 PM)
Suj: That was my 3rd attack
(12:25 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(12:25 PM)
Suj: Yeah
(12:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on Zombie Hulk Sun
(12:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:26 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(12:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:26 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Phantom Knights
(12:26 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(12:26 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(12:27 PM)
Suj: Roll for Sun, he gets 4
(12:27 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:27 PM)
Suj: Your move
(12:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on Zombie Hulk Moon
(12:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:27 PM)
Suj: Yep
(12:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:27 PM)
Suj rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(12:28 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I believe it's your turn
(12:28 PM)
Suj: Yep
(12:28 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Phantom Knights
(12:28 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:28 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:29 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:29 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:29 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(12:29 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on zombie hulk sun
(12:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:30 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(12:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:30 PM)
Suj: End of Round
(12:30 PM)
Suj rolled 1 for Wannok
(12:30 PM)
Suj: Well poop
(12:30 PM)
Suj: That wasn't supposed to happen
(12:31 PM)
Suj: Anyway, order markers
(12:31 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Death Knights of Valkrill
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(12:31 PM)
Suj rolled 5 for initiative
(12:31 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on zombies
1 OM on zombies
1 OM on zombie hulk sun
(12:31 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:32 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 15 for initiative
(12:32 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on zombies
(12:33 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: onslaught vs phantom by hulk
(12:33 PM)
Suj: Oh crap. I just realized that I haven't been losing one defense die against the hulkls...
(12:33 PM)
Suj: Sorry about that
(12:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: it's allright
(12:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 6 total dice
(12:34 PM)
Suj rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:34 PM)
Suj: I've never used them before
(12:34 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Phantom Knights
(12:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: never used zombies either
(12:34 PM)
Suj: Oh, you haven't?
(12:35 PM)
Suj: you'd be doing better than you currently are if you could get ZRA
(12:36 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:36 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: yep I would. The thing I like about the online is I can play armies I don't have so I play new things a lot
(12:36 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:36 PM)
Suj: Yeah, it's fun
(12:36 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:36 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:37 PM)
Suj: your turn
(12:37 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on zombies
(12:38 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:38 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:38 PM)
Suj rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:39 PM)
Suj rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: attacking
(12:39 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(12:39 PM)
Suj: you don't need to say that you're attacking each time
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:39 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Phantom Knights
(12:39 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: ok
(12:40 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: habit I guess
(12:40 PM)
Suj: yeah
(12:40 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:40 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(12:40 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 shields with 4 total dice
(12:41 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:41 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:41 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:41 PM)
Suj: your turn
(12:41 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on rachiem
(12:42 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:42 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:42 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:42 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:42 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:42 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:43 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:43 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Phantom Knights
(12:43 PM)
Suj rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:43 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:43 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:43 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:43 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:43 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:43 PM)
Suj: End of round
(12:44 PM)
Suj: right?
(12:44 PM)
Suj rolled 6 for Wannok
(12:44 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:45 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on zombies
1 OM on zombies
1 OM on zombies
(12:45 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:45 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 5 for initiative
(12:45 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Death Knights of Valkrill
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(12:45 PM)
Suj rolled 15 for initiative
(12:45 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Phantom Knights
(12:45 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(12:46 PM)
Suj: hold on...
(12:46 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:46 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:47 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:47 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: that first roll is a glitch
(12:47 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(12:47 PM)
Suj: ah, okay
(12:47 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:47 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:48 PM)
Suj: wait, what's with the last one?
(12:48 PM)
Suj: What was it for?
(12:48 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Opps button happy I guess. Just count it
(12:48 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:48 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(12:48 PM)
Suj: Okay
(12:48 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: My turn
(12:49 PM)
Suj: it's probably best if you roll defense dice after the attack dice are rolled
(12:49 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on zombies
(12:49 PM)
Suj: it gets hard to keep track of otherwise
(12:49 PM)
Suj: and yeah, it's your turn
(12:50 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:50 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:50 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:50 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Phantom Knights
(12:50 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:50 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:51 PM)
Suj: well
(12:51 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(12:51 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on zombies
(12:52 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:52 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 4 total dice
(12:52 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(12:52 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: one too few
(12:52 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with 1 total dice
(12:52 PM)
Suj: roll one extra
(12:52 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(12:53 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:53 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(12:53 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Phantom Knights
(12:53 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:53 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(12:53 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:54 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(12:54 PM)
Suj: your turn
(12:54 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on rachiem
(12:55 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: do you think he could fit there
(12:55 PM)
Suj: yeah
(12:55 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: frost breath
(12:55 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:55 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(12:56 PM)
Suj rolled 4 for Wannok
(12:57 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on rachiem
(12:57 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(12:57 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 12 for initiative
(12:57 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
(12:57 PM)
Suj rolled 18 for initiative
(12:57 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(12:58 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:58 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 4 total dice
(12:58 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(12:58 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 4 total dice
(12:59 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(12:59 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on rachiem
(12:59 PM)
Suj: I probably should have moved one up, didn't think about that
(12:59 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(12:59 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(12:59 PM)
Suj: wait what
(12:59 PM)
Suj: what are you doing this turn
(12:59 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:00 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I was attacking this phantom first
(1:00 PM)
Suj: Okay
(1:00 PM)
Suj: And the defense roll?
(1:01 PM)
Suj: what was it for?
(1:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: My thingy glitches and does that. I've pointed it out to Dok. It just tolls zero dice at times
(1:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: rolls
(1:01 PM)
Suj: Ah, okay
(1:01 PM)
Suj: Strange
(1:01 PM)
Suj: Okay, continuing on
(1:01 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:01 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:02 PM)
Suj rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(1:02 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:02 PM)
Suj rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(1:02 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:02 PM)
Suj: Well this was unexpected
(1:02 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Phantom Knights
(1:03 PM)
Suj: Okay, I forgot to reveal that first turn
(1:03 PM)
Suj: So that was my last turn
(1:03 PM)
Suj: This turn is this:
(1:03 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Death Knights
(1:03 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:03 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: roll for stab
(1:03 PM)
Suj: Yep
(1:03 PM)
Suj rolled 19 on the d20
(1:04 PM)
Suj: Your turn.
(1:04 PM)
Suj: Death Knights weren't the best choice for that OM...
(1:04 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: my turn?
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:05 PM)
Suj: oh, yeah
(1:05 PM)
Suj: sorry
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on rachiem
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:05 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:05 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:05 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:06 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:06 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:06 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:07 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:07 PM)
Suj: My turn?
(1:07 PM)
Suj: Okay
(1:07 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Death Knights
(1:07 PM)
Suj: Stab
(1:07 PM)
Suj rolled 1 on the d20
(1:07 PM)
Suj: Jesus Christ
(1:07 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:08 PM)
Suj: I should have just left him in my start zone...
(1:08 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: wow 5% chance
(1:08 PM)
Suj: I know
(1:08 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:08 PM)
Suj: Attack
(1:08 PM)
Suj: Soul weapons, so you roll one less. Shadow, so you roll one more. 3 total
(1:08 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(1:08 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: how many defense do I roll
(1:09 PM)
Suj: 3 total
(1:09 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I'm trying to pull up his card now
(1:09 PM)
(1:09 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: ok
(1:09 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on rachiem
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: let's try this again
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:10 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:10 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:11 PM)
Suj: Blarg
(1:11 PM)
Suj: I made a lot of bad decisions this round...
(1:11 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: end of round
(1:11 PM)
Suj: But still, Wannok
(1:11 PM)
Suj rolled 20 for Wannok
(1:12 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on rachiem
1 OM on rachiem
(1:12 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:12 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 for initiative
(1:12 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(1:12 PM)
Suj rolled 16 for initiative
(1:12 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:13 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:13 PM)
Suj: oh sorry, I didnt see your initiative roll. >_>
(1:13 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Death Knights
(1:14 PM)
Suj rolled 3 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:14 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(1:14 PM)
Suj: ugh hold on
(1:14 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: what did you do?
(1:15 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:15 PM)
Suj: I somehow again put the picture of the board in front of the pictures of everything else
(1:15 PM)
Suj: but it's fixed now
(1:15 PM)
Suj: DK is attacking HAwthorne
(1:15 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:15 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 shields with 3 total dice
(1:15 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:15 PM)
Suj: your turn
(1:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on sir hawthorne
(1:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 5 total dice
(1:16 PM)
Suj: you don't get 5...
(1:16 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: 4 plus height?
(1:17 PM)
Suj: Reroll 4, or 3 if you want to use your special attack
(1:17 PM)
Suj: You're not higher
(1:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: oh
(1:17 PM)
Suj: It's fine
(1:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 4 total dice
(1:17 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 5 on the d20
(1:17 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:17 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Death Knights
(1:18 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:18 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:18 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(1:19 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(1:19 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on rachiem
(1:19 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:19 PM)
Suj: Okay
(1:19 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Death Knights
(1:20 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 skulls with total dice
(1:20 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:20 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(1:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: not looking good
(1:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on sir hawthorne
(1:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(1:21 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:21 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:22 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 12 on the d20
(1:22 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:22 PM)
Suj: OMs
(1:22 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:22 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 5 on the d20
(1:22 PM)
Suj: ???
(1:23 PM)
Suj: What was that for?
(1:23 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
(1:23 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:23 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: initiative sorry
(1:23 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Isamu
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
(1:23 PM)
Suj: so are we counting it or not?
(1:23 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:23 PM)
Suj: Because it was rolled prematurely...
(1:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: yeah
(1:24 PM)
Suj: okay
(1:24 PM)
Suj rolled 7 for initiative
(1:24 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Death Knights
(1:24 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(1:24 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on sir hawthorne
(1:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 3 skulls with 4 total dice
(1:25 PM)
Suj rolled 3 shields with 5 total dice
(1:25 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 7 on the d20
(1:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 8 on the d20
(1:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:26 PM)
Suj: what was the second one for?
(1:26 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: I only clicked it once. Huh
(1:26 PM)
Suj: weird
(1:26 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Death Knights
(1:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:27 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(1:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 2 total dice
(1:27 PM)
Suj rolled 0 skulls with 2 total dice
(1:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 shields with 3 total dice
(1:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:27 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:28 PM)
Suj: your turn
(1:28 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on sir hawthorne
(1:28 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: blind rage
(1:28 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:28 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:29 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:29 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:29 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 4 on the d20
(1:29 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Death Knights
(1:29 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:30 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(1:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 3 total dice
(1:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 3 on sir hawthorne
(1:30 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 2 skulls with 5 total dice
(1:31 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:31 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 14 on the d20
(1:31 PM)
Suj rolled 3 for Wannok
(1:31 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:32 PM)
User Heroscaper Guy has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
1 OM on sir hawthorne
(1:32 PM)
Heroscaper Guy:
(1:32 PM)
User Suj has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Death Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
1 OM on Phantom Knights
(1:32 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 7 for initiative
(1:32 PM)
Suj rolled 16 for initiative
(1:32 PM)
Suj revealed OM 1 on Death Knights
(1:32 PM)
Suj rolled 1 skulls with 2 total dice
(1:32 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 2 total dice
(1:33 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(1:33 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 1 on sir hawthorne
(1:33 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: blind rage
(1:33 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 1 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:33 PM)
Suj rolled 1 shields with 5 total dice
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 18 on the d20
(1:34 PM)
Suj revealed OM 2 on Phantom Knights
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: your turn
(1:34 PM)
Suj: Your turn
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy revealed OM 2 on sir hawthorne
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: normal
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 4 skulls with 4 total dice
(1:34 PM)
Suj rolled 2 shields with 5 total dice
(1:34 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 16 on the d20
(1:35 PM)
Suj revealed OM 3 on Phantom Knights
(1:35 PM)
Suj rolled 2 skulls with 3 total dice
(1:35 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with 4 total dice
(1:36 PM)
Suj: And down goes the betrayer. Finally.
(1:36 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:36 PM)
Suj: Thanks for playing!
(1:36 PM)
Heroscaper Guy rolled 0 shields with total dice
(1:37 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Yeah, sorry it was laggy. I'm suprised I did as good as I did.
(1:37 PM)
Suj: Yeah
(1:37 PM)
Suj: Zombies did pretty well despite not being able to come back
(1:38 PM)
Heroscaper Guy: Yep, well I gotta go eat so bye.
(1:38 PM)
Suj: Yep, see ya.
(1:38 PM)
Suj: Thanks again
User Suj has left the chat session.
User Heroscaper Guy has left the chat session.