• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online HS How-to-play and Question Dump

Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Huh, I guess I thought this was basically HeroSkype. I didn't realize the "playback" movie mode this detailed. Very cool.

Okay, I see where I saw it. Filthy's HeroSkype app basically adds on to Griffin's initial creation. I didn't see a thread dedicated to it, but I saw the link attacked to "The 1st Heroscape online tourney" thread.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Filthy, I think you need to readapt this page and post it in the Events page so it's easier to find. Thanks.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Filthy, I think you need to readapt this page and post it in the Events page so it's easier to find. Thanks.

We are working on some major updates to this, although it could be a bit before it is finalized. Once we have it ready, posting it to the EVENTS section sounds like a winner.

Thanks for the suggestion!
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Filthy, I think you need to readapt this page and post it in the Events page so it's easier to find. Thanks.

We are working on some major updates to this, although it could be a bit before it is finalized. Once we have it ready, posting it to the EVENTS section sounds like a winner.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Thanks for doing this!
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Okay, I'm trying to playtest some HoSS figures just for fun, i have the map and everything, but every time I type something for Player 1 it says Player 2. And every time I reveal an OM for player 1 on Axegrinders, it says Player 2 revealed an OM on Nagrubs. And yes, I opened them in different windows. What is with it? Anyone know?
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Like this:

(6:19 PM) Team 1:
(6:19 PM) Team 2:
(6:20 PM) Team 2: Han Solo 150 Mogrimm Forgehammer 270 Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4 550
(6:21 PM) Team 2: Tor-Kul-Na 220 Marrden Nagrubs x3 310 Marro Stingers x4 550
(6:22 PM)User Team 2 has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Axegrinders of the Burning Forge
1 OM on Axegrinders of the Burning Forge
1 OM on Mogrimm Forgehammer
1 OM on Axegrinders of the Burning Forge

(6:22 PM)User Team 2 has placed all 4 Order Markers:
1 OM on Marrden Nagrubs
1 OM on Marrden Nagrubs
1 OM on Marrden Nagrubs
1 OM on Marro Stingers

(6:22 PM)User Team 2 rolled 12 on the d20
(6:22 PM)User Team 2 rolled 13 on the d20
(6:23 PM)User Team 2 revealed OM 1 on Marrden Nagrubs
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

So wait, you are using HeroSkype by yourself with two browsers open? The system doesn't like that. It keeps the last HS brower that you logged in as "the" log in for all Heroskype browers you have open. That is why Team 2 always pops up even though you've moved back to Team 1. I know, as I was watching two games going on at the same time, and though I tried to leave a message that I typed in the first browser, it always moved it to the second one. So, I had to watch only one game. :lol:
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Hi HS2010. See posts 15 and 16 in this thread for two options on how you can make this work with two browser windows. Let us know if that doesn't work for you!
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I just started my first online solo-playtest with this app and I'm having a blast! Thanks Filthy for teaching me how to do it and Bothi for the helpful video, as well as anyone else who helped put this guide together.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources


Now that Skype is no longer an integral part of online play (with Google voice chat, Google Hangouts, and many others offering free voice)....

And now that using the GoogleDoc system developed by Kinseth is fundamental to it....

Is it time to call it something else? GoogleScape seems more fitting now as a shorthand than HeroSkype.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Is it time for a new shorthand name for it all? GoogleScape seems more fitting now than HeroSkype.

We've discussed this. We decided that it would be best for the advancement of the program if it was referred to simply as Online Heroscape, not Heroskype or Googlescape. This is for various reasons, most of which are need-to-know classified. :D
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

How do you create a link for your opponent to get on and play similar to what is being done with the online heroscape leagues?

I have a google doc string and a game name that I can enter and sign in, but opponent is just requesting a link they can click on (similar to the online scape season games)
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

How do you create a link for your opponent to get on and play similar to what is being done with the online heroscape leagues?

I have a google doc string and a game name that I can enter and sign in, but opponent is just requesting a link they can click on (similar to the online scape season games)

Use this template (remove the space after the opening bracket):
[ URL="http://skorcard.net/tools/hs/online/index.php?log=GAME_NAME&gdoc=GOOGLE_DOC_STRING"]LINK_NAME[/URL]

An example:
[ URL="http://skorcard.net/tools/hs/online/index.php?log=50b67153939441354133843.html&gdoc=1RLA-x-qcSsWrUHgqEZhZh9aDwevc4z9CNRL0Np-mCMs"]dalu v. THESHADE12[/URL]
Re: Online HS Tutorial and Question Dump

The OP has been majorly updated, and it is now the Question Dump for any Online Heroscape questions you may have. :D
I say one more time: I love online heroscape. Thanks for all who make this possible.

I can't get the 3D C3V/SoV figures to load in my browser, though. I have to restart my browser after opening it because it freezes everything. All the other 3D figures & maps work without a problem. (I have a Mac and I use Safari.)