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Online HS How-to-play and Question Dump

Filthy the Clown

Online HS Season 1 Champion & 'scape's foremost 's
The following tutorial discusses the use of the HS Online app, in conjunction with Google Docs, to play games of Heroscape online. It's long and detailed, but really the process is pretty simple. Post any questions you have in this thread.

What you will need:
  • A google account to edit Google docs - https://accounts.google.com/NewAccount - this account can be associated with any valid e-mail address).
  • Internet access.
  • A Web browser that isn't Internet Explorer.
  • Skype or Google Hangout; optional, but highly recommended.
  • A physical map if you want to be able to check close LOS calls. This is completely optional.

First, login to Google Docs. Then, go to the Online HS Maps & Figures. When you find the map template you want to play on, click File>Make a copy (while viewing the template), re-name it, and hit OK.
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If you want others to be able to view the map, go to File>Share.
Or, you can click on Share at the top right of the document:
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Then, do one of two things (the first is slightly easier, the second slightly better):
1. Hit "Change" next to "Private" and change it to "Anyone with the link" and "Can edit."
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2. Hit "Change" next to "Private" and change it to "Anyone with the link" and "Can view," hit "Save," and then put the email address(es) of the other players into the "Add people" box.
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Now go back to the Maps & Figures and go to the Figure template you that want to get figures from. Once there:
  • Hold down Ctrl and click on all of the figures that you want to select.
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  • Click Edit, scroll over Web Clipboard, and click "Copy shape(s) to web clipboard."
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  • Go to your map. Click Edit and scroll over Web Clipboard again. Now scroll over the "Shapes" button right below "Copy shape(s) to web clipboard."
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    A preview window showing what you copied from the template should appear. If there is no "Shapes" button or the preview window shows the wrong things, move your cursor out of the Clipboard and wait a few seconds for it to update.
  • Hit the Shapes button that shows the right figures. It will probably take a few seconds for the figures to paste; DO NOT hit anything unless it's been more than, say, 10 seconds. If you are using any reasonably modern online Heroscape map, the figures should show up in the visible part of the screen.
  • Repeat for all of the templates that you need figures from.

If you can't find a figure you need, PM awesomeunleashed a request for it. In the meantime, use a proxy.
A couple more things:
  • To duplicate a figure or squad, select it and then press CTRL + C to copy it, and CTRL + V to paste it.
  • Double-click on the WOUNDS text boxes and change them to show the names and life values of any heroes in the battle. When a figure takes one or more wounds, simply double-click on the box and change the number of wounds the figure has.
  • Want to see your move history? Use the REVISIONS feature: click on File>See revision history. The revision history will open up to the right of the document. Click on "Show more detailed revisions" (bottom of revision panel) to view clickable links of all of the moves/actions. This is a great way to review your game, as well as create an illustrated, accurate battle report!
Now that you have a map, you need to get it set up in the app.
  • Go to the HS Online app.
  • Type in your player name. Leave Game Name empty if you are starting a new game.
  • Copy the Google Doc string out of the URL of your Google Doc. For example, the string is the red part in the following URL:
  • Click Enter.
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You will now have access to a chat window, a dice rolling window, an Order Marker window, and a stats window.
  • The Chat window has a Quick Message list; the Initiative and Wannok messages automatically roll the d20 for you.
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  • To see how many blanks/symbols you rolled when rolling, check the "Roll Valkyrie dice" box before you roll.
  • If a figure in play has an ability that can remove or move your Order Markers, check the "Add random characters" box before you submit your Order Markers. If, for example, your opponent needs to remove one of your Order Markers, he/she should state (in the chat window) something like "I am removing OM ####." *
All dice rolls and OM revealing will be displayed on the chat window, which in turn is written to a log file for future viewing. You can access this log file directly by copying the Game Name located at the top of the HS Online app (for example: 4f218959d30541327597913.html) and going to the following URL:
https://www.heroscapers.com/ohs/[your game name]

Now, you can create the full game link. Here's the format:
https://www.heroscapers.com/ohs/index.php?log=[your game name]&gdoc=[your Google Doc string]
Give this link to anyone who will need to access you game, and they will be able to automatically come into the app with the correct chat log and map.

The use of either Skype or Google Hangout is highly recommended, as it emulates the verbal banter that is usually found in real-world games.

You can also use the HS Online app for SoloScape. The best way to do this is to open up the game in two different browsers (Player 1 in one window; Player 2 in another). You can then track Order Markers and roll dice separately for each "player."

How to differentiate Uncommon figures
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Video Tutorials
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* Here's how to handle the C3V's Glyph of Xipta in the app:
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Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Ohmigosh. So cool, so detailed, and such a boon to the community. :woot:
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Great resource Filthy, I plan on using it in the future. One question, can you play with anyone or do they also have to be playesting the unit that is being used?
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Great resource Filthy, I plan on using it in the future. One question, can you play with anyone or do they also have to be playesting the unit that is being used?

Thanks, sloth. It is recommended that both of you be playtesting the unit. However, if you are looking to pick up a quick game with an opponent, by all means play the game and share your findings...Just try to keep the unit exposure to a minimum in the process in order to make any official unveiling that much more exciting.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Anyone have the problem when you try to paste from the web clip board, all you get is a blank box.

Am I doing it wrong? Got the map in, but can't copy paste the figures.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I knew an online playtesting tutorial was coming. Great job. :thumbsup:
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Anyone have the problem when you try to paste from the web clip board, all you get is a blank box.

Am I doing it wrong? Got the map in, but can't copy paste the figures.

Scroll over the Shapes tabs inside the Web Clipboard tab. When you find the one you want, just click on it, and it will paste into the screen (sometimes it pastes outside the screen, so you may need to scroll the view around).
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

That dang 6 minute video took twelve minutes to make, and an hour to upload. Haha, I am considering making one on set-up/ hosting.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

That dang 6 minute video took twelve minutes to make, and an hour to upload. Haha, I am considering making one on set-up/ hosting.

You should. It would be nice to have a video that I could send to non-Heroscapers.com friends of mine that I play with occasionally.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

Also can someone please upload more figures to the sheet? I know it doesn't actually matter the figure since you just use whatever picture, but it's nice to have actual figures. Missing figures I noticed were: Pelloth, Deepwyrm Drow, Blastatrons, and Gladiatrons
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't 'soloscape'. When I try to open two windows (I created a different name and everything), I can't place more than one set of Order Markers or have more than one person logged on at this time. Help please!
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't 'soloscape'. When I try to open two windows (I created a different name and everything), I can't place more than one set of Order Markers or have more than one person logged on at this time. Help please!

You'll have to use two different browsers at the same time. Like Internet Explorer and Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, etc... any combination of two browsers should work.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't 'soloscape'. When I try to open two windows (I created a different name and everything), I can't place more than one set of Order Markers or have more than one person logged on at this time. Help please!

You'll have to use two different browsers at the same time. Like Internet Explorer and Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, etc... any combination of two browsers should work.
Or alternately you can use two windows of the same browser, but have one window in "private browsing" mode. To open up the second private-browsing window do one of the following:

Internet Explorer: CTRL+SHIFT+P

In Safari and Firefox, you open up the second window manually and then turn on private browsing

Safari: Click on the "gear" and select "Private browsing"
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but I can't 'soloscape'. When I try to open two windows (I created a different name and everything), I can't place more than one set of Order Markers or have more than one person logged on at this time. Help please!

You'll have to use two different browsers at the same time. Like Internet Explorer and Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer, etc... any combination of two browsers should work.
Or alternately you can use two windows of the same browser, but have one window in "private browsing" mode. To open up the second private-browsing window do one of the following:

Internet Explorer: CTRL+SHIFT+P

In Safari and Firefox, you open up the second window manually and then turn on private browsing

Safari: Click on the "gear" and select "Private browsing"

Xorlof is more clever than I am.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I think this would get a lot more notice posted in software, with a title not suggesting it is only for play-testing. Also, Major X17 is missing.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

There is a whole HeroSkype thread that uses this format somewhere else in the forums I think. It really took off in popularity from what I've seen.
Re: Instructions for playtesting via online resources

I know of this one that got really popular since Griffin posted it, but it isn't the same at all. Do you have a link to the other thread?