• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online Heroscape Season 6: CONGRATS TheSparkleInYourWater

Filthy the Clown

Online HS Season 1 Champion & 'scape's foremost 's
Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Game winners, please report results here.

(As reported by the players - may contain errors)

                          vegie's dad
                      1 ---------------------+
    Deroche                                  +--------------------+
8  --------------------+  Deroche            ¦                    ¦
    Arch-vile          +---------------------+                    ¦
9  --------------------+                                          ¦  
    vegietarian18                                                 +--------------------+
5  --------------------+  vegietarian18                           ¦                    ¦
    Typhon2222         +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
12 --------------------+                     ¦                    ¦                    ¦
    Robber                                   +--------------------+                    ¦
13 --------------------+  Robber             ¦                                         ¦
    kevindola          +---------------------+                                         ¦
4  --------------------+                                                               ¦
                          dok                                                          ¦
                      3 ---------------------+                                         ¦
                                             ¦                                         ¦
    I.S.B.3                                  +--------------------+                    ¦
11 --------------------+  I.S.B.3            ¦                    ¦                    ¦
    marrowick          +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
6  --------------------+                                          ¦                    ¦
    thesparkleinyrwtr                                             ¦                    ¦
7  --------------------+  thesparkleinyrwtr                       +--------------------+
    Rexmax2            +---------------------+                    ¦
10 --------------------+                     ¦                    ¦
                          Filthy the Clown   ¦
                      2 ---------------------+
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Here are the results of season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, and season 5.

Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
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Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

For this event, each player will bring 4 different armies, one for each format. All armies will be submitted at the start of the season. VC (formerly C3V/SoV) allowed, no Marvel for all formats. You may not use any army card in more than 1 of your armies.

The format for the games will vary from week to week. The four formats are as follows:
  1. Delta
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  2. Lightweight
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  3. Heroes Only
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  4. General Wars
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The event will last four weeks, with one round being played each week (i.e. each player will have one game each week). After those four rounds, there will be a single elimination playoff for the top finishers, which will reuse each format once. The non-Delta playoff rounds will be Reverse The Whip, i.e. you will use your opponent's army and he will use yours. Consider this when building your armies.

Treasure Glyphs (for Hotstepper and Draugur)
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League Details:
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PRIZES: The winner this season receives a set of very cool custom Heroscape dice. Other prizes TBD.

Players in the event:
  1. awesomeunleashed
  2. Filthy the Clown
  3. MegaSilver
  4. Bengi
  5. dok
  6. Kinseth
  7. =Ace=
  8. Arch-vile
  9. Betawolf36
  10. billybob5060
  11. bobinchese
  12. Crixus33
  13. Deroche
  14. Dhyanam
  15. Dysole
  16. Eraguy816
  17. fishguy1
  18. flameslayer93
  19. Foudzing
  20. greygnarl
  21. Heroscaper Guy
  22. heroscaper2010
  23. Hivelord
  24. infectedsloth
  25. infectedsloth's brother
  26. KeepCalmAndDraftHulk
  27. kevindola
  28. marrowick
  29. mcorriga
  30. n00b
  31. orgsbane
  32. remag117
  33. Rexmax2
  34. Robber
  35. Rosencrantz
  36. Serenity
  37. Soundwarp SG-1
  38. Sujoah
  39. The CEE
  40. TheLegendaryIrishSword
  41. TheSparkleInYourWater
  42. Toogwick_tuk
  43. Typhon2222
  44. vegie's dad
  45. vegietarian18
  46. Viideosayg
  47. William099
  • Wanderer999
Players who sign up for the event who have little or no history on Heroscapers may be asked to give a quick summary of their experience playing Heroscape.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

So how exactly will we submit our armies in this season? I don't see a link.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End


A few notes:

1. We said we would have dice pics for you, and we will. Unfortunately, Xorlof won't be able to post them for at least a week.

2. There will be a Special Event with limited spots (16 or 20) opening in a few weeks. It will feature bring-two combined with several special scenarios.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

I'm signed up and ready to go! :thumbsup:
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Well, I know what my first army will be because of a hint by someone, I was planning a legacy army. The other armies I'll have to think hard about because of the reverse-the-whip. Looks like fun and thanks for putting this up guys!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

2. There will be a Special Event with limited spots (16 or 20) opening in a few weeks. It will feature bring-two combined with several special scenarios.

Wow sounds like fun. :D
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Why am I not on the list? I submitted my army along with the rest of the organizers. ;)

Can't wait for this game either! :)
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Armies now submitted. I'm probably going to die in the playoffs or before that as they are competitive armies. I've never played some of them before besides my heroes only and lightweight armies, so It'll be fun to try something new even if I lose.
Well Then...

I'm going to sign up. I just need to figure out armies first.

~Dysole, excited
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

There will be a Special Event with limited spots (16 or 20) opening in a few weeks. It will feature bring-two combined with several special scenarios.

What will determine who can play in that? First come, first served? Previous record? Lottery? Mysterious cabal?
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

There will be a Special Event with limited spots (16 or 20) opening in a few weeks. It will feature bring-two combined with several special scenarios.

What will determine who can play in that? First come, first served? Previous record? Lottery? Mysterious cabal?
First come, first served. Stay tuned!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Make sure to specify that this is Delta+!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Signed up! If you say what I said before I didn't mean it.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Well I'd love to play. I don't expect to do well at all because I have not played in forever, but it should be fun either way.

Also it'll be my first sort of competitive game. So I should probably practice for that, as Raelin, rats, Q9, et cetera, never were seen at my house...
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Bummer, I only have time to focus on one tourny at a time (currently Season 3 of Super league). I hope to make the "special event" though.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Well I'd love to play. I don't expect to do well at all because I have not played in forever, but it should be fun either way.

Also it'll be my first sort of competitive game. So I should probably practice for that, as Raelin, rats, Q9, et cetera, never were seen at my house...
A quick review of the previous events will show you that rats/Raelin/Q9/etc are not the most common options in our events. With "reverse the whip" making everyone pick armies they think they can beat (except for Delta, where rats/rae/Q9 are all much more expensive than normal), I don't expect that to change.

As with most tournaments, the most important thing is to pick armies that you are comfortable playing. Relax, pick your favorites, and enjoy!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

So say one wants to be in this tourney, but one may not be able to access a computer from the 12th to the 24th, how would that work? Yes, this "one" person would be me.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Submitted my armies. Don't know what I was thinking last tourney, my armies were both really lame.

This time around they are amazing though. Going to be so much fun!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

Well I'd love to play. I don't expect to do well at all because I have not played in forever, but it should be fun either way.

Also it'll be my first sort of competitive game. So I should probably practice for that, as Raelin, rats, Q9, et cetera, never were seen at my house...
A quick review of the previous events will show you that rats/Raelin/Q9/etc are not the most common options in our events. With "reverse the whip" making everyone pick armies they think they can beat (except for Delta, where rats/rae/Q9 are all much more expensive than normal), I don't expect that to change.

As with most tournaments, the most important thing is to pick armies that you are comfortable playing. Relax, pick your favorites, and enjoy!

Right, didn't think about reverse the whip. Good to know.

And I don't know if going with Sujoah and spiders is the best for any tournament. :p But hey, you never know...
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

And I don't know if going with Sujoah and spiders is the best for any tournament. :p But hey, you never know...

New York Powerball Millions! Hey you never know.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 6: Loyal 'til the End

A teaser of my 4 armies:

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Can you guess all 4?