Season 4: Winter is Coming
Many thanks to our sponsor, Auggie's Games.
If you win your game, report the game result here.
(As reported by the players - may contain errors)
Round 1 Games:
Round 2 Games:
Round 3 Games:
Round 3 Map & Matchups
The map this time is Frozen Fossil with normal snow and normal ice.
Glyphs: Holdir (Heroic Attack +1) and Lodin (lucky 20-sider)
The vegie's dad v. The Legendary Irish Sword pool of armies is:
The Hivelord v. Rosencrantz pool of armies is:
The TSIYW's friend v. Deroche pool of armies is:
The Kinseth v. Filthy the Clown pool of armies is:
The Northgate v. thesparkleinyourwater pool of armies is:
The Soundwarp SG-1 v. Toogwick_tuk pool of armies is:
The Bengi v. dalu pool of armies is:
The Typhon2222 v. Foudzing pool of armies is:
The dok v. DrummerScaper97 pool of armies is:
The GTigers55 v. Eraguy816 pool of armies is:
The Sixthflagbearer v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
The Anonymous v. El Diabolo pool of armies is:
The Boromir96 v. Psymanski pool of armies is:
The MegaSilver v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
The awesomeunleashed v. xorlof pool of armies is:
The Crixus33 v. Smithy Winfred pool of armies is:
The simval v. onibaku06 pool of armies is:
The THESHADE12 v. n00b pool of armies is:
The infectedsloth's brother v. Ashus pool of armies is:
The =Ace= v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
The This v. Zahza1234 pool of armies is:
The Dherculesr v. utahscott pool of armies is:
The Shafizele v. itsbuzzi pool of armies is:
The Dhyanam v. marrowick pool of armies is:
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
marrowick will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Dhyanam decides who places their (entire) army first.
The vegietarian18 v. KeepCalmAndDraftHulk pool of armies is:
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
* 4th Mass x4,Sgt. Drake (SOTM), Sir Gilbert
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
vegietarian18 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, KeepCalmAndDraftHulk decides who places their (entire) army first.
The infectedsloth v. Tandros Kreel pool of armies is:
* Haduc, Ulginesh, Morsbane, Jorhdawn, Emirroon, Kyntela Gwyn, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
Tandros Kreel will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth decides who places their (entire) army first.
The Shyxx v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
Shyxx will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, blackwulf23 decides who places their (entire) army first.
Round 4 Games:
Round 4 Matchups
The map this time is:
Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Power Glyphs: Crevcor (Common Attack +1) and Gerda (Defense +1)
Treasure Glyph Pool: Bracers of Teleportation, Giant Hunter Stone, Talisman of Defense, Brooch of Shielding, Gem of Lava Resistance
Glyph Trap: Ensnaring Trap--your figure is trapped. The trapped figure cannot move from this space. The figure can move only if a friendly figure occupies an adjacent space. This does not take affect if it is your last figure.
The thesparkleinyourwater (3-0) v. deroche (3-0) pool of armies is:
The kinseth (3-0) v. dalu (3-0) pool of armies is:
The rosencrantz (3-0) v. soundwarp sg-1 (3-0) pool of armies is:
The the legendary irish sword (3-0) v. shafizele (2-1) pool of armies is:
The hivelord (2-1) v. el diabolo (2-1) pool of armies is:
The vegie's dad (2-1) v. psymanski (2-1) pool of armies is:
The bengi (2-1) v. tandros kreel (2-1) pool of armies is:
The thesparkleinyourwater's friend (2-1) v. megasilver (2-1) pool of armies is:
The dok (2-1) v. xorlof (2-1) pool of armies is:
The filthy the clown (2-1) v. sixthflagbearer (2-1) pool of armies is:
The northgate (2-1) v. foudzing (2-1) pool of armies is:
The dhyanam (2-1) v. shyxx (2-1) pool of armies is:
The vegietarian18 (2-1) v. crixus33 (2-1) pool of armies is:
The toogwick_tuk (2-1) v. gtigers55 (2-1) pool of armies is:
The anonymous (1-2) v. awesomeunleashed (1-2) pool of armies is:
The smithy winfred (1-2) v. typhon2222 (1-2) pool of armies is:
The betawolf36 (1-2) v. heroscaper2010 (1-2) pool of armies is:
The eraguy816 (1-2) v. drummerscaper97 (1-2) pool of armies is:
The infectedsloth (1-2) v. marrowick (1-2) pool of armies is:
The keepcalmanddrafthulk (1-2) v. infectedsloth's brother (1-1) pool of armies is:
The =ace= (1-2) v. utahscott (1-2) pool of armies is:
The zahza1234 (1-2) v. blackwulf23 (0-3) pool of armies is:
The ashus (0-3) v. dherculesr (0-3) pool of armies is:
The theshade12 (0-2) v. n00b (0-2) pool of armies is:
The simval (0-2) v. affhw2 (0-2) pool of armies is:
The onibaku06 (0-2) v. this (0-3) pool of armies is:
Play-in Game:
Sweet 16 Games:
Elite 8 Games:
Final 4 Games:
Here are the results of season 1, season 2, and season 3.
Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.
The format for this event is:
The event will last four weeks, with one round being played each week (i.e. each player will have one game each week). After those four rounds, there will be a single elimination playoff for the top finishers.
One map will be used for each week/round of the event. All maps have a wintery theme. The maps for this event will be:
Elimination round games will use the same maps.
League Details:
Specifics on game setup and gameplay:
Sign-ups were completed Tuesday, November 27th.
Players in the event:
Many thanks to our sponsor, Auggie's Games.
If you win your game, report the game result here.
(As reported by the players - may contain errors)
1 --------------------+
El Diabolo ¦ thesparkleinyourwater
16 -------------------+ El Diabolo +---------------------+
Psymanski +--------------------+ ¦ thesparkleinyourwater
17 -------------------+ +--------------------+
Deroche ¦ ¦
8 --------------------+ Deroche ¦ ¦
Filthy the Clown +---------------------+ ¦
9 --------------------+ ¦ Soundwarp SG-1
Foudzing +--------------------+
5 --------------------+ Crixus33 ¦ ¦
Crixus33 +---------------------+ ¦ ¦
12 --------------------+ ¦ Soundwarp SG-1 ¦ ¦
Soundwarp SG-1 +--------------------+ ¦
13 --------------------+ Soundwarp SG-1 ¦ ¦
LgndryIrishSword +---------------------+ ¦
4 --------------------+ ¦ SOUNDWARP SG-1
Rosencrantz +--------------------
3 --------------------+ Bengi ¦
Bengi +---------------------+ ¦
14 --------------------+ ¦ dok ¦
dok +--------------------+ ¦
11 --------------------+ dok ¦ ¦ ¦
dalu +---------------------+ ¦ ¦
6 --------------------+ ¦ ¦
Toogwick_Tuk ¦ Dhyanam ¦
7 --------------------+ TSIYW's friend +--------------------+
TSIYW's friend +---------------------+ ¦
10 --------------------+ ¦ ¦
Shyxx ¦ Dhyanam ¦
15 -------------------+ Dhyanam +--------------------+
Dhyanam +--------------------+ Dhyanam ¦
18 -------------------+ +---------------------+
Kinseth ¦
2 --------------------+[/SIZE]
Spoiler Alert!
The Foudzing v. Shyxx pool of armies is:
The infectedsloth v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
The dok v. utahscott pool of armies is:
The dalu v. THESHADE12 pool of armies is:
The Toogwick_tuk v. onibaku06 pool of armies is:
The GTigers55 v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
The thesparkleinyourwater v. Schulzy pool of armies is:
The Boromir96 v. Shafizele pool of armies is:
The Sixthflagbearer v. Ashus pool of armies is:
The Anonymous v. =Ace= pool of armies is:
The Crixus33 v. Cold Blooded pool of armies is:
The MegaSilver v. vegie's dad pool of armies is:
The Filthy the Clown v. simval pool of armies is:
The Hivelord v. Psymanski pool of armies is:
The awesomeunleashed v. Zahza1234 pool of armies is:
The Smithy Winfred v. This pool of armies is:
The Deroche v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
The Rosencrantz v. oMichaelo pool of armies is:
The Dhyanam v. Tandros Kreel pool of armies is:
The xorlof v. Dherculesr pool of armies is:
The Kinseth v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
The n00b v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
The Soundwarp SG-1 v. Eraguy816 pool of armies is:
The DrummerScaper97 v. Northgate pool of armies is:
The marrowick v. vegietarian18 pool of armies is:
The El Diabolo v. Bengi pool of armies is:
The KeepCalmAndDraftHulk v. Typhon2222 pool of armies is:
The The Legendary Irish Sword v. infectedsloth's brother pool of armies is:
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
Shyxx will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Foudzing decides who places their (entire) army first.* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
The infectedsloth v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
* Haduc, Ulginesh, Morsbane, Jorhdawn, Emirroon, Kyntela Gwyn, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
blackwulf23 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
The dok v. utahscott pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
utahscott will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dok decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
The dalu v. THESHADE12 pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Marro Warriors, Zettian Guards, Dumutef Guard, Krav, Nakitas, Deadeye Dan, DW8k
* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
dalu will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, THESHADE12 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Marro Warriors, Zettian Guards, Dumutef Guard, Krav, Nakitas, Deadeye Dan, DW8k
* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
The Toogwick_tuk v. onibaku06 pool of armies is:
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
onibaku06 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Toogwick_tuk decides who places their (entire) army first.* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
The GTigers55 v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Ra, Marcu
* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
GTigers55 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, TSIYW's friend decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
The thesparkleinyourwater v. Schulzy pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Skeletons of Annellinta x3, Cyprien E., Sonya E., Iskra E.
* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
Schulzy will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, thesparkleinyourwater decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Skeletons of Annellinta x3, Cyprien E., Sonya E., Iskra E.
* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
The Boromir96 v. Shafizele pool of armies is:
* Cyprien, Sonya, Brunak, Finn, Beakface Sneaksx6
* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
Shafizele will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Boromir96 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
The Sixthflagbearer v. Ashus pool of armies is:
* 10th Regiment x4, Greater Ice Elemental x2
* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
Sixthflagbearer will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Ashus decides who places their (entire) army first.* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
The Anonymous v. =Ace= pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Blue Wyrmling x8, Myrddin
* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
=Ace= will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Anonymous decides who places their (entire) army first.* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
The Crixus33 v. Cold Blooded pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Capuans x3, spartacus, Crixus, Zetacron
* Warforged x3, Krav Maga, Laglor, Raelin, Guilty McCreech
Cold Blooded will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Crixus33 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Capuans x3, spartacus, Crixus, Zetacron
* Warforged x3, Krav Maga, Laglor, Raelin, Guilty McCreech
The MegaSilver v. vegie's dad pool of armies is:
* Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, Zetacron, Nilfheim
* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
MegaSilver will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, vegie's dad decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule a game with his dad.* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
The Filthy the Clown v. simval pool of armies is:
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
Filthy the Clown will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, simval decides who places their (entire) army first.* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
The Hivelord v. Psymanski pool of armies is:
* DCoT x3, Stingers x2, Ogre Pulverizer, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, (sit one DCoT)
* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
Psymanski will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Hivelord decides who places their (entire) army first.* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
The awesomeunleashed v. Zahza1234 pool of armies is:
* Arrow Gruts x1, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Havech Eradicators x3
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
Zahza1234 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
The Smithy Winfred v. This pool of armies is:
* Nakita, Agent Skahen, Krav Maga, Q9, Isamu, Black Wyrmling
* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
Smithy Winfred will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, This decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
The Deroche v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
affhw2 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Deroche decides who places their (entire) army first.* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
The Rosencrantz v. oMichaelo pool of armies is:
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Braxas, Krav Maga Agents, Raelin (RotV), Drake (SotM)
* Nilfheim, Marro Warriors, Sonlen, Major Q10
oMichaelo will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Rosencrantz decides who places their (entire) army first.* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Braxas, Krav Maga Agents, Raelin (RotV), Drake (SotM)
* Nilfheim, Marro Warriors, Sonlen, Major Q10
The Dhyanam v. Tandros Kreel pool of armies is:
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
Dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Tandros Kreel decides who places their (entire) army first.* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
The xorlof v. Dherculesr pool of armies is:
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
Dherculesr will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, xorlof decides who places their (entire) army first.* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
The Kinseth v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
heroscaper2010 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Kinseth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
The n00b v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
n00b will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, betawolf36 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
The Soundwarp SG-1 v. Eraguy816 pool of armies is:
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
Soundwarp SG-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Eraguy816 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
The DrummerScaper97 v. Northgate pool of armies is:
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
DrummerScaper97 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Northgate decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
The marrowick v. vegietarian18 pool of armies is:
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
vegietarian18 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, marrowick decides who places their (entire) army first.* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
The El Diabolo v. Bengi pool of armies is:
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
El Diabolo will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Bengi decides who places their (entire) army first.* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
The KeepCalmAndDraftHulk v. Typhon2222 pool of armies is:
* 4th Mass x4,Sgt. Drake (SOTM), Sir Gilbert
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
Typhon2222 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, KeepCalmAndDraftHulk decides who places their (entire) army first.* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
The The Legendary Irish Sword v. infectedsloth's brother pool of armies is:
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
The Legendary Irish Sword will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth's brother decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to infectedsloth to schedule a game with his brother.* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
Round 2 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
The infectedsloth v. northgate pool of armies is:
The dalu v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
The dok v. The Legendary Irish Sword pool of armies is:
The toogwick_tuk v. typhon2222 pool of armies is:
The shyxx v. bengi pool of armies is:
The thesparkleinyourwater v. vegietarian18 pool of armies is:
The boromir96 v. soundwarp sg-1 pool of armies is:
The sixthflagbearer v. vegie's dad pool of armies is:
The anonymous v. kinseth pool of armies is:
The crixus33 v. rosencrantz pool of armies is:
The filthy the clown v. dhyanam pool of armies is:
The hivelord v. xorlof pool of armies is:
The awesomeunleashed v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
The smithy winfred v. deroche pool of armies is:
The foudzing v. ashus pool of armies is:
The gtigers55 v. =Ace= pool of armies is:
The megasilver v. simval pool of armies is:
The n00b v. psymanski pool of armies is:
The keepcalmanddrafthulk v. zahza1234 pool of armies is:
The marrowick v. this pool of armies is:
The infectedsloth's brother v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
The el diabolo v. dherculesr pool of armies is:
The theshade12 v. tandros kreel pool of armies is:
The onibaku06 v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
The schulzy v. eraguy816 pool of armies is:
The drummerscaper97 v. utahscott pool of armies is:
The shafizele v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
* Haduc, Ulginesh, Morsbane, Jorhdawn, Emirroon, Kyntela Gwyn, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
infectedsloth will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, northgate decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
The dalu v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
betawolf36 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dalu decides who places their (entire) army first.* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
The dok v. The Legendary Irish Sword pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
The Legendary Irish Sword will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dok decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
The toogwick_tuk v. typhon2222 pool of armies is:
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
toogwick_tuk will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, typhon2222 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
The shyxx v. bengi pool of armies is:
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
shyxx will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, bengi decides who places their (entire) army first.* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
The thesparkleinyourwater v. vegietarian18 pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
vegietarian18 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, thesparkleinyourwater decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
The boromir96 v. soundwarp sg-1 pool of armies is:
* Cyprien, Sonya, Brunak, Finn, Beakface Sneaksx6
* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
soundwarp sg-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, boromir96 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
The sixthflagbearer v. vegie's dad pool of armies is:
* 10th Regiment x4, Greater Ice Elemental x2
* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
sixthflagbearer will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, vegie's dad decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule a game with his dad.* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
The anonymous v. kinseth pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Blue Wyrmling x8, Myrddin
* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
anonymous will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, kinseth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
The crixus33 v. rosencrantz pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
crixus33 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, rosencrantz decides who places their (entire) army first.* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
The filthy the clown v. dhyanam pool of armies is:
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, filthy the clown decides who places their (entire) army first.* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
The hivelord v. xorlof pool of armies is:
* DCoT x3, Stingers x2, Ogre Pulverizer, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, (sit one DCoT)
* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
xorlof will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, hivelord decides who places their (entire) army first.* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
The awesomeunleashed v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
* Arrow Gruts x1, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Havech Eradicators x3
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
TSIYW's friend will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
The smithy winfred v. deroche pool of armies is:
* Nakita, Agent Skahen, Krav Maga, Q9, Isamu, Black Wyrmling
* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
smithy winfred will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, deroche decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
The foudzing v. ashus pool of armies is:
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
ashus will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, foudzing decides who places their (entire) army first.* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
The gtigers55 v. =Ace= pool of armies is:
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Ra, Marcu
* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
gtigers55 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, =Ace= decides who places their (entire) army first.* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
The megasilver v. simval pool of armies is:
* Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, Zetacron, Nilfheim
* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
simval will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, megasilver decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
The n00b v. psymanski pool of armies is:
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
n00b will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, psymanski decides who places their (entire) army first.* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
The keepcalmanddrafthulk v. zahza1234 pool of armies is:
* 4th Mass x4,Sgt. Drake (SOTM), Sir Gilbert
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
keepcalmanddrafthulk will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, zahza1234 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
The marrowick v. this pool of armies is:
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
this will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, marrowick decides who places their (entire) army first.* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
The infectedsloth's brother v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
affhw2 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth's brother decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to infectedsloth to schedule a game with his brother.* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
The el diabolo v. dherculesr pool of armies is:
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
dherculesr will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, el diabolo decides who places their (entire) army first.* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
The theshade12 v. tandros kreel pool of armies is:
* Marro Warriors, Zettian Guards, Dumutef Guard, Krav, Nakitas, Deadeye Dan, DW8k
* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
theshade12 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, tandros kreel decides who places their (entire) army first.* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
The onibaku06 v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
heroscaper2010 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, onibaku06 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
The schulzy v. eraguy816 pool of armies is:
* Skeletons of Annellinta x3, Cyprien E., Sonya E., Iskra E.
* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
schulzy will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, eraguy816 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
The drummerscaper97 v. utahscott pool of armies is:
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
drummerscaper97 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, utahscott decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
The shafizele v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
shafizele will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, blackwulf23 decides who places their (entire) army first.* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
Round 3 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
Round 3 Map & Matchups
The map this time is Frozen Fossil with normal snow and normal ice.
Glyphs: Holdir (Heroic Attack +1) and Lodin (lucky 20-sider)
The vegie's dad v. The Legendary Irish Sword pool of armies is:
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
vegie's dad will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, The Legendary Irish Sword decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule a game with his dad.* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
The Hivelord v. Rosencrantz pool of armies is:
* DCoT x3, Stingers x2, Ogre Pulverizer, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, (sit one DCoT)
* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
Hivelord will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Rosencrantz decides who places their (entire) army first.* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
The TSIYW's friend v. Deroche pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
TSIYW's friend will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Deroche decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
The Kinseth v. Filthy the Clown pool of armies is:
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
Filthy the Clown will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Kinseth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
The Northgate v. thesparkleinyourwater pool of armies is:
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
thesparkleinyourwater will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Northgate decides who places their (entire) army first.* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
The Soundwarp SG-1 v. Toogwick_tuk pool of armies is:
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
Soundwarp SG-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Toogwick_tuk decides who places their (entire) army first.* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
The Bengi v. dalu pool of armies is:
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
dalu will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Bengi decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
The Typhon2222 v. Foudzing pool of armies is:
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
Typhon2222 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Foudzing decides who places their (entire) army first.* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
The dok v. DrummerScaper97 pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
dok will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, DrummerScaper97 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
The GTigers55 v. Eraguy816 pool of armies is:
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Ra, Marcu
* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
Eraguy816 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, GTigers55 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
The Sixthflagbearer v. heroscaper2010 pool of armies is:
* 10th Regiment x4, Greater Ice Elemental x2
* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
heroscaper2010 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Sixthflagbearer decides who places their (entire) army first.* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
The Anonymous v. El Diabolo pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Blue Wyrmling x8, Myrddin
* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
Anonymous will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, El Diabolo decides who places their (entire) army first.* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
The Boromir96 v. Psymanski pool of armies is:
* Cyprien, Sonya, Brunak, Finn, Beakface Sneaksx6
* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
Psymanski will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Boromir96 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Morgoloth, Wolves of Badrux2, Mezzosx4
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
The MegaSilver v. betawolf36 pool of armies is:
* Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, Zetacron, Nilfheim
* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
betawolf36 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, MegaSilver decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
The awesomeunleashed v. xorlof pool of armies is:
* Arrow Gruts x1, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Havech Eradicators x3
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
xorlof will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
The Crixus33 v. Smithy Winfred pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Nakita, Agent Skahen, Krav Maga, Q9, Isamu, Black Wyrmling
* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
Smithy Winfred will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Crixus33 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Nakita, Agent Skahen, Krav Maga, Q9, Isamu, Black Wyrmling
* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
The simval v. onibaku06 pool of armies is:
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
simval will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, onibaku06 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
The THESHADE12 v. n00b pool of armies is:
* Marro Warriors, Zettian Guards, Dumutef Guard, Krav, Nakitas, Deadeye Dan, DW8k
* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
n00b will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, THESHADE12 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
The infectedsloth's brother v. Ashus pool of armies is:
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
Ashus will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth's brother decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to infectedsloth to schedule a game with his brother.* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
The =Ace= v. affhw2 pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
=Ace= will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, affhw2 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
The This v. Zahza1234 pool of armies is:
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
This will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Zahza1234 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
The Dherculesr v. utahscott pool of armies is:
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
Dherculesr will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, utahscott decides who places their (entire) army first.* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
The Shafizele v. itsbuzzi pool of armies is:
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
* Skeletons of Annellinta x3, Cyprien E., Sonya E., Iskra E.
* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
Shafizele will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, itsbuzzi decides who places their (entire) army first.* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
* Skeletons of Annellinta x3, Cyprien E., Sonya E., Iskra E.
* Cxurg'Gyath, Ornak, Mind Flayer Mastermind x2, Deathreavers x3
The Dhyanam v. marrowick pool of armies is:
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
marrowick will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Dhyanam decides who places their (entire) army first.
The vegietarian18 v. KeepCalmAndDraftHulk pool of armies is:
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
* 4th Mass x4,Sgt. Drake (SOTM), Sir Gilbert
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
vegietarian18 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, KeepCalmAndDraftHulk decides who places their (entire) army first.
The infectedsloth v. Tandros Kreel pool of armies is:
* Haduc, Ulginesh, Morsbane, Jorhdawn, Emirroon, Kyntela Gwyn, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
Tandros Kreel will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, infectedsloth decides who places their (entire) army first.
The Shyxx v. blackwulf23 pool of armies is:
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
Shyxx will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, blackwulf23 decides who places their (entire) army first.
Round 4 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
Round 4 Matchups
The map this time is:

Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Power Glyphs: Crevcor (Common Attack +1) and Gerda (Defense +1)
Treasure Glyph Pool: Bracers of Teleportation, Giant Hunter Stone, Talisman of Defense, Brooch of Shielding, Gem of Lava Resistance
Glyph Trap: Ensnaring Trap--your figure is trapped. The trapped figure cannot move from this space. The figure can move only if a friendly figure occupies an adjacent space. This does not take affect if it is your last figure.
The thesparkleinyourwater (3-0) v. deroche (3-0) pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
deroche will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, thesparkleinyourwater decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
The kinseth (3-0) v. dalu (3-0) pool of armies is:
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
dalu will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, kinseth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
The rosencrantz (3-0) v. soundwarp sg-1 (3-0) pool of armies is:
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
soundwarp sg-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, rosencrantz decides who places their (entire) army first.* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
The the legendary irish sword (3-0) v. shafizele (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
the legendary irish sword will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, shafizele decides who places their (entire) army first.* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Venoc warlord, venoc vipers x3, fen hydra x2, ice troll beserker
* cyprien, sonya, zombies of moridan x6 (sit 2)
The hivelord (2-1) v. el diabolo (2-1) pool of armies is:
* DCoT x3, Stingers x2, Ogre Pulverizer, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, (sit one DCoT)
* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
el diabolo will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, hivelord decides who places their (entire) army first.* KoW x4, Raelin, Sir Denrick, Sir Gilbert, (Sit one knight)
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
The vegie's dad (2-1) v. psymanski (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Phantom Knights x5, Zelrig, Guilty
* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
psymanski will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, vegie's dad decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to vegietarian18 to schedule a game with his dad.* Knights of Weston x3, Raelin, Finn, Thorgrim, Krav
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
The bengi (2-1) v. tandros kreel (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
bengi will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, tandros kreel decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
* Phantom Knights x4, Krav Maga Agents, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Warforged soldiers x5, Major Q10, Isamu
The thesparkleinyourwater's friend (2-1) v. megasilver (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, Zetacron, Nilfheim
* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
megasilver will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, TSIYW's friend decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Venoc Warlord, Venoc Vipers x5, Zetacron, Nilfheim
* Quahon, Sujoah, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Kira Jax
The dok (2-1) v. xorlof (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
xorlof will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dok decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Na, Marcu
* Ice Troll x5, Arrow Gruts x3, Isamu, Otonashi
The filthy the clown (2-1) v. sixthflagbearer (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* 10th Regiment x4, Greater Ice Elemental x2
* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
sixthflagbearer will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, filthy the clown decides who places their (entire) army first.* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
* 10th Regiment x4, Greater Ice Elemental x2
* Stingers x5, Q9, Ice Troll Berserker
The northgate (2-1) v. foudzing (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Dwarves x3, Mogrimm, Ulfrid, KMA, Kira Jax
* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
foudzing will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, northgate decides who places their (entire) army first.* Phantom Knights x4, Syvarris, Vulcanmeth Incendiborgs
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
The dhyanam (2-1) v. shyxx (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, shyxx decides who places their (entire) army first.* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
* Taelord, Minions of Utgar x3, Marro Warriors
* Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Iskra Esenwein
The vegietarian18 (2-1) v. crixus33 (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Tagawa Samurai Archers x5, Raelin, Hatamoto Taro, Raelin, Kira Jax
* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
crixus33 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, vegietarian18 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Ornak, Cxurg'gyath, Mindflayer Mastermind x2, Blade Gruts x3
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
The toogwick_tuk (2-1) v. gtigers55 (2-1) pool of armies is:
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Ra, Marcu
* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
toogwick_tuk will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, gtigers55 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Marro Dividers x5, Su-Bak-Na, Tul-Bak-Ra, Marcu
* Aubriens x4, Acolarh, Venoc Warlord, Theracus, Isamu
The anonymous (1-2) v. awesomeunleashed (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Blue Wyrmling x8, Myrddin
* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Arrow Gruts x1, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Havech Eradicators x3
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
anonymous will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, awesomeunleashed decides who places their (entire) army first.* Evar Scarcarver, Racheim, Frost Giant of Morh x2, Marcu Esenwein, Isamu
* Arrow Gruts x1, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Havech Eradicators x3
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x4, Morgoloth, Wolves of Badru x2
The smithy winfred (1-2) v. typhon2222 (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Nakita, Agent Skahen, Krav Maga, Q9, Isamu, Black Wyrmling
* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
smithy winfred will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, typhon2222 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Mok, Axgrinders Of the Burning Forge x3, Migol IronWill, Marcu
* Nilfheim; White Wyrmlings x12
* Braxas; Black Wyrmlings x11
The betawolf36 (1-2) v. heroscaper2010 (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Zombies of Morindan x4, Zombie Hulk x2, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
heroscaper2010 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, betawolf36 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Skeletons of Annelintia x2, Phantom Knights, x2, Cyprien Esenwein, Sonya Esenwein, Otonashi, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x3, Venoc Warlord, Armoc Vipers x2
* Nicholas Esenwien, Skeletons of Annellintia x3, Deathstrike Thrall x2, Preyblood Thrall, Marcu
The eraguy816 (1-2) v. drummerscaper97 (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Isamu, Knights x3, Guilty, Sir Denrick, Kaemon Awa, Thorgrim
* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
eraguy816 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, drummerscaper97 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Death Chasers x3, Me-Burq-Sa, Sonya, Cyprien, Ogre Warhulk
* Sacred Band x3, Parmenio, Arashara Goshiri, Raelin (RotV), Ashigaru Yari x1
* Mok, Axegrinders of the Burning Forge x4, Darrak Ambershard
The infectedsloth (1-2) v. marrowick (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Haduc, Ulginesh, Morsbane, Jorhdawn, Emirroon, Kyntela Gwyn, Isamu
* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
infectedsloth will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, marrowick decides who places their (entire) army first.* Quahon, Fyorlag Spiders x4, Krav, Estivara, Kiara Jax
* Isamu, Werewolf Lord x2, Black Wyrmling x2, Ogre Warhulk, Red Wyrmling x2
* Air Elemental x3, Earth Elemental x4, Fire Elemental x3, Water Elemental x3, Marcu, Kurrok
The keepcalmanddrafthulk (1-2) v. infectedsloth's brother (1-1) pool of armies is:
* 4th Mass x4,Sgt. Drake (SOTM), Sir Gilbert
* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
infectedsloth's brother will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, keepcalmanddrafthulk decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to infectedsloth to schedule a game with his brother.* Hatamoto Taro, Kaemon Awa, Tagawa Archers x3, Raelin (ROTV), Deathreavers
* Nilfhiem, Greenscale Warriors x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Martial La Hire
* Phantom Knights x5, Cyprien, Sonya, Marcu
The =ace= (1-2) v. utahscott (1-2) pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x2, Krug, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Ogre Warhulk, Ornak
* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
utahscott will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, =ace= decides who places their (entire) army first.* Isamu, Izumi Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Major Q9, Microcorp Agents x1
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Grok Riders x2, Dund, Marro Warriors
* Quahon, Spiders x4, Wyvern x2, Otonashi
The zahza1234 (1-2) v. blackwulf23 (0-3) pool of armies is:
* Kato Katsuro,Kozuke Samurai,Tagawa Samurai,Tagawa Samurai Archers x2.
* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
zahza1234 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, blackwulf23 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Protectors of Ullar x3,Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior,Raelin the Kyrie Warrior (RoTV), Zetacron.
* Wo-Sa-Ga, Su-Bak-Na, Marrden Nagrubs x4, Marrden Hounds, Me-Burq-Sa
* Fyorlag Spiders x3, Quahon, Venoc Warlord, Elite Onyx Vipers, Eldgrim
The ashus (0-3) v. dherculesr (0-3) pool of armies is:
* Nilfheim, White Wyrmling X11, Arkmer
* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
ashus will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dherculesr decides who places their (entire) army first.* Nicholas Esenwein, Preyblood Thrall x7, Deathstrike Thrall x7
* Skull Demon x2, Death Knights x2, Mezzodemons x2, Morgoloth, Marcu, Isamu
* Deathwalker 8000, Warden 816, Deathreavers x3, Deathcommander Mark 3, Sir Hawthorne
The theshade12 (0-2) v. n00b (0-2) pool of armies is:
* Marro Warriors, Zettian Guards, Dumutef Guard, Krav, Nakitas, Deadeye Dan, DW8k
* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
n00b will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, theshade12 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Aubrien Archers x1, Izumi Samurai, Warriors Of Ashra x1, Theracus, Dzu-Teh x1, Airborne Elite, Syvarris
* Stingers x4, Su-Bak-Na, Marro Hive
* Gorillinators x3, Nakita Agents, Laglor, Johnny Shotgun
The simval (0-2) v. affhw2 (0-2) pool of armies is:
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Fire Elemental x7, Vulcamech Incediborgs, Marcu Esenwein
* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
simval will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, affhw2 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Zettian Infantry x3, DeathWalker 9000, Kozuke Samurai, Krav Maga Agents, Kira Jax
* Warden 816, Zettian Guards, Cyprien, Iskra, Rechets, Krug, Dumutef Guard, Isamu
* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnaires, Grimnak, Sir Denrick, Raelin (RotV), Airborne Elite
The onibaku06 (0-2) v. this (0-3) pool of armies is:
* Q9, Kelda, Deathreavers x3, Greater Ice Elemental, Isamu
* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
onibaku06 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, this decides who places their (entire) army first.* Greenscale Warriors x4, Quahon, Raelin (RotV), Marcu
* Nilfheim, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Dzu-Teh x4
* Grimnak, Nerak, Heavy Gruts 2x, Arrow Gruts 2x, Ice Troll Berserker 2x
Play-in Game:
Spoiler Alert!
The El Diabolo v. Psymanski pool of armies is:
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
Psymanski will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, El Diabolo decides who places their (entire) army first.* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
* Ne-Gok-Sa, Me-Burq-Sa, Raelin (RotV), Marcu, Isamu, Grok Riders x2, Marro Warriors
* Major Q9, Saylind, Thorgrim, 10th Regiment x3
Sweet 16 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
The thesparkleinyourwater v. El Diabolo pool of armies is:
The Rosencrantz v. Bengi pool of armies is:
The The Legendary Irish Sword v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
The Foudzing v. Crixus33 pool of armies is:
The dalu v. dok pool of armies is:
The Toogwick_tuk v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
The Deroche v. Filthy the Clown pool of armies is:
The Kinseth v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
El Diabolo will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, thesparkleinyourwater decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Quahon, GS Warriors x2, Black wyrmling x3, red wyrmling x3, blue wyrmling x2
* Dzu x5, Ice Troll Berserker x2, isamu
The Rosencrantz v. Bengi pool of armies is:
* Cyprien,Sonya, Marcu, Phantom Knights x2, Skeletons of Annellintia x2
* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
Bengi will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Rosencrantz decides who places their (entire) army first.* Nilfheim, Greater Ice Elemental, Ice Troll Berserker, Dzu-Teh x2, Isamu
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
The The Legendary Irish Sword v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
* Sgt. Drake Alexander (170), Atlaga , Marro Stingers x5
* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
Soundwarp SG-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, The Legendary Irish Sword decides who places their (entire) army first.* Eltahale, Kaemon Awa, Isamu, Otonashi, Phantom Knights x4
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
The Foudzing v. Crixus33 pool of armies is:
* 4x Anubians Wolves, Major Q9, Khosumet, Isamu
* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
Foudzing will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Crixus33 decides who places their (entire) army first.* 4x10th, Marcus, Theracus, Kaemon Awa
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
The dalu v. dok pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Tornak, Nerak, Raelin RotV
* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
dok will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dalu decides who places their (entire) army first.* Varkaanan Blade Dancers x4, Krav Maga Agents, Racheim
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
The Toogwick_tuk v. TSIYW's friend pool of armies is:
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfhiem, Quahon, otonashi
* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
Toogwick_tuk will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, TSIYW's friend decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Omegacron, omnicron repulsors x3, omnicron snipers x2, zetacron
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
The Deroche v. Filthy the Clown pool of armies is:
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
Filthy the Clown will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Deroche decides who places their (entire) army first.* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
* Mezzodemon Warmongers x5, Morsbane, Raelin ROTV, Deadeye Dan
* Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Khosumet, Wolves of Badru x2, Morgoloth, Isamu
The Kinseth v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
* Krav Maga, Warforged Soldiers x3, Braxas, Otanashi
* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Kinseth decides who places their (entire) army first.* Blue Wyrmling x5, Black Wyrmlings x7, Major Q9
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Elite 8 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
The thesparkleinyourwater v. Deroche pool of armies is:
The Crixus33 v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
The TSIYW's friend v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
The dok v. Bengi pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
thesparkleinyourwater will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Deroche decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Arrow Gruts x3, Swog Riders x2, Ice Troll Berserker x3, Krug, Marcu
* Greenscale Warriors x3, Nilfheim, Marro Stingers x2, Raelin 1.0
The Crixus33 v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
* Quahon, Isamu, Drow chainfighter, Fyorlag Spidersx3, Protectors of Ullarx2
* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
Soundwarp SG-1 will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Crixus33 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Major Q9, Major Q10, Raelin, Dzu-Tehx2
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
The TSIYW's friend v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
* Heavy Gruts x3, Grimnak, Nerak, Nilfihiem
* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, TSIYW's friend decides who places their (entire) army first. Send PMs to thesparkleinyourwater to schedule a game with his friend.* Braxas, Kameon Awa, Q10, Ice Troll Berserker
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
The dok v. Bengi pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
dok will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Bengi decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Mok, Dwarves x4, Darrak Ambershard
* Quahon, Greenscales x2, Iron Golem x2, Marro Warriors
Final 4 Games:
Spoiler Alert!
The dok v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
The thesparkleinyourwater v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
* Zombies x4, Zombie Hulk, Raelin (RotV), Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, dok decides who places their (entire) army first.* Axegrinders x4, Darrak, Mok
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
The thesparkleinyourwater v. Soundwarp SG-1 pool of armies is:
* Mohican River Tribe x5, Brave Arrow, Theracus, Venoc Warlord
* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
thesparkleinyourwater will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Soundwarp SG-1 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Fyorlag Spiders x4, Sujoah, Quahon, Guilty McGreech
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
Spoiler Alert!
The Soundwarp SG-1 v. Dhyanam pool of armies is:
* Dzu-Teh X4, Raelin, Krav Maga Agents, Kumiko
* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Dhyanam will decide who chooses their army first. After armies are picked, Soundwarp SG-1 decides who places their (entire) army first.* Sudema, Myrddin, Dund, Elaria the Pale, Nakita Agents, Theracus
* Raelin (RoTV), Skahen, Carr, Krav, Deathreavers x 2, Phantom Knights, Otonashi
* Atlaga, Tyrian, Minions x 2, Stingers x 2, Isamu
Here are the results of season 1, season 2, and season 3.
Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
Spoiler Alert!
Full Screen Mode is recommended for watching these videos!
Description of the interface:
Demonstration of live play:
Description of the interface:
Demonstration of live play:
The format for this event is:
- Choose two 565 point armies with no more than 18 figures*. The two armies cannot share any figures. These will be the two armies you bring to every game. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel.)
- Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
- Whoever has first army choice may choose any of the four armies (either of their two or either of their opponent's two). The other player may then choose from any of the other three armies.
The event will last four weeks, with one round being played each week (i.e. each player will have one game each week). After those four rounds, there will be a single elimination playoff for the top finishers.
One map will be used for each week/round of the event. All maps have a wintery theme. The maps for this event will be:
Spoiler Alert!
Normal Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Heroic Rune (Attack +1) and Brooch of Shielding (Disengage)
Trap: Ensnaring Trap (Your figure is trapped. The trapped figure cannot move from this space. The figure can move only if a friendly figure occupies an adjacent space. This does not take affect if it is your last figure.)
Separation Anxiety
Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Wannok (Wound) and Valda (Move +2)
Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Crevcor (Common Attack +1) and Gerda (Defense +1)
Frozen Fossil
Normal Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Holdir (Heroic Attack +1) and Lodin (lucky 20-sider)

Normal Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Heroic Rune (Attack +1) and Brooch of Shielding (Disengage)
Trap: Ensnaring Trap (Your figure is trapped. The trapped figure cannot move from this space. The figure can move only if a friendly figure occupies an adjacent space. This does not take affect if it is your last figure.)
Separation Anxiety

Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Wannok (Wound) and Valda (Move +2)

Heavy Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Crevcor (Common Attack +1) and Gerda (Defense +1)
Frozen Fossil

Normal Snow/Normal Ice.
Glyphs: Holdir (Heroic Attack +1) and Lodin (lucky 20-sider)
Elimination round games will use the same maps.
League Details:
Spoiler Alert!
Specifics on game setup and gameplay:
Power glyphs will be placed, power side up, on maps before the game begins.
There will be a roll-off before each game by the tournament organizers to determine who has choice of first or second pick. The sequence is as follows:
SchedulingThere will be a roll-off before each game by the tournament organizers to determine who has choice of first or second pick. The sequence is as follows:
- Player who wins the predetermined roll-off decides whether they want to pick armies first or second, and PMs their opponent with their choice.
- Player who picks first PMs their opponent with their army pick.
- Player who picks second PMs their opponent with their army pick.
- The player who lost the roll-off decides who places their (entire) army first. Whoever places first has the choice of either startzone.
Once a round is announced, you will have one week to complete your game. Please attempt to schedule a time to play your game with your opponent.
If after 72 hours (3 days) you have not been able to reach your opponent via PM, please fill out the missing opponent report to notify the organizers of the situation.
If you cannot come to an agreement with your opponent on a time to schedule the game during that week, then please fill out the scheduling conflict report.
If a game is not completed on time and the tournament organizers are not notified of an issue, both players will be given a loss.
Reporting Game Results (and dropping out)If after 72 hours (3 days) you have not been able to reach your opponent via PM, please fill out the missing opponent report to notify the organizers of the situation.
If you cannot come to an agreement with your opponent on a time to schedule the game during that week, then please fill out the scheduling conflict report.
If a game is not completed on time and the tournament organizers are not notified of an issue, both players will be given a loss.
The winner of the game must use the game result form to report results.
If you do not want to continue in the tournament into the next round, please PM an organizer to let them know.
DisputesIf you do not want to continue in the tournament into the next round, please PM an organizer to let them know.
The tournament referees are Awesomeunleashed, Bengi, dok, Filthy the Clown, Kinseth, Typhon2222, and Xorlof. These players may make rulings on in-game disputes (line of sight, figures fitting on a space, dice rolled too soon/too late, etc) in games where they are not playing. If there is a dispute and one of these players is online, they may issue an on-the-spot ruling. If you have a dispute you cannot resolve, and none of the referees are present, you may stop the game and PM the tournament referees for a ruling.
NOTE: if a ruling is made late in the week and there is not enough time to schedule completion of the game, the tournament referees may issue a forfeit loss to the player who was ruled against.
PRIZES: The winner this season receives a set of very cool custom Heroscape dice and also chooses between an unopened Agent Skaken or $30 of Auggie's Games credit as his/her prizes. Second place gets the unchosen prize. And, three players (chosen randomly from those who finish all of their games) will each win $20 of Auggie's Games credit.NOTE: if a ruling is made late in the week and there is not enough time to schedule completion of the game, the tournament referees may issue a forfeit loss to the player who was ruled against.
Sign-ups were completed Tuesday, November 27th.
Players in the event:
Spoiler Alert!
- Awesomeunleashed
- Bengi
- dok
- Filthy the Clown
- Kinseth
- Typhon2222
- Xorlof
- =Ace=
- affhw2
- Anonymous
- Ashus
- betawolf36
- blackwulf23
- Boromir96
- Cold Blooded
- Crixus33
- dalu
- Deroche
- Dherculesr
- Dhyanam
- DrummerScaper97
- El Diabolo
- Eraguy816
- Foudzing
- GTigers55
- heroscaper2010
- Hivelord
- infectedsloth
- infectedsloth's brother
- KeepCalmAndDraftHulk
- marrowick
- MegaSilver
- n00b
- Northgate
- oMichaelo
- onibaku06
- Psymanski
- Rosencrantz
- Schulzy
- Shafizele
- Shyxx
- simval
- Sixthflagbearer
- Smithy Winfred
- Soundwarp SG-1
- Tandros Kreel
- The Legendary Irish Sword
- thesparkleinyourwater
- thesparkleinyourwater's friend
- This
- Toogwick_tuk
- utahscott
- vegie's dad
- vegietarian18
- Zahza1234
- itsbuzzi