• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online Heroscape S4 - Congrats to SOUNDWARP SG-1!


GenCon Main Event Champion - 2010, 2011, & 2017
Site Supporter
Season 4: Winter is Coming

Many thanks to our sponsor, Auggie's Games.

If you win your game, report the game result here.

(As reported by the players - may contain errors)

                    1  --------------------+       
    El Diabolo                             ¦  thesparkleinyourwater
16 -------------------+ El Diabolo         +---------------------+   
    Psymanski         +--------------------+                     ¦ thesparkleinyourwater              
17 -------------------+                                          +--------------------+
                        Deroche                                  ¦                    ¦
                    8  --------------------+  Deroche            ¦                    ¦
                        Filthy the Clown   +---------------------+                    ¦
                    9  --------------------+                                          ¦  Soundwarp SG-1
                         Foudzing                                                     +--------------------+
                    5  --------------------+  Crixus33                                ¦                    ¦
                        Crixus33           +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
                    12 --------------------+                     ¦ Soundwarp SG-1     ¦                    ¦
                        Soundwarp SG-1                           +--------------------+                    ¦
                    13 --------------------+  Soundwarp SG-1     ¦                                         ¦
                        LgndryIrishSword   +---------------------+                                         ¦
                    4  --------------------+                                                               ¦ SOUNDWARP SG-1
                        Rosencrantz                                                                        +--------------------
                    3  --------------------+  Bengi                                                        ¦
                        Bengi              +---------------------+                                         ¦
                    14 --------------------+                     ¦  dok                                    ¦
                        dok                                      +--------------------+                    ¦
                    11 --------------------+  dok                ¦                    ¦                    ¦
                        dalu               +---------------------+                    ¦                    ¦
                    6  --------------------+                                          ¦                    ¦
                        Toogwick_Tuk                                                  ¦  Dhyanam           ¦
                    7  --------------------+  TSIYW's friend                          +--------------------+
                        TSIYW's friend     +---------------------+                    ¦
                    10 --------------------+                     ¦                    ¦
    Shyxx                                                        ¦  Dhyanam           ¦
15 -------------------+ Dhyanam                                  +--------------------+
    Dhyanam           +--------------------+  Dhyanam            ¦
18 -------------------+                    +---------------------+        
                        Kinseth            ¦
                    2  --------------------+[/SIZE]
Round 1 Games:
Spoiler Alert!

Round 2 Games:
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Round 3 Games:
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Round 4 Games:
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Play-in Game:
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Sweet 16 Games:
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Elite 8 Games:
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Final 4 Games:
Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Here are the results of season 1, season 2, and season 3.

Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. An explanatory video is below:
Spoiler Alert!
Using an online voice chat utility, such as Skype or Google Hangouts, improves the playing experience considerably.

The format for this event is:
  • Choose two 565 point armies with no more than 18 figures*. The two armies cannot share any figures. These will be the two armies you bring to every game. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel.)
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice.
  • Whoever has first army choice may choose any of the four armies (either of their two or either of their opponent's two). The other player may then choose from any of the other three armies.
*An army can contain more than 18 figures, however only 18 figures may be placed on the battlefield each game. Airborne Elite and Rechets of Bogdan count toward these limits, as usual. Double-spaced figures only count as a single figure. Standard 24-space startzone restrictions still apply.

The event will last four weeks, with one round being played each week (i.e. each player will have one game each week). After those four rounds, there will be a single elimination playoff for the top finishers.

One map will be used for each week/round of the event. All maps have a wintery theme. The maps for this event will be:
Spoiler Alert!

Elimination round games will use the same maps.

League Details:
Spoiler Alert!

Players in the event:
Spoiler Alert!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Fire it up!
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

You say 18 figures, I guess my question is.. Are the 18 figures allowed to exceed 18 start spaces? (double spaced pieces are my main concern) This may seem obvious to some but I'd just like to clarify before I start creating an army.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

You say 18 figures, I guess my question is.. are the 18 figures allowed to exceed 18 start spaces (double spaced pieces are my main concern)

Yes. However, as dok needs to put in the OP, the entire army cannot exceed 24 hexes.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Something like Templarsx3 + Dupuis + Marro Warriors is legal. It's 24 spaces, filling the startzone, but it's only 14 figures, under the 18 figure limit.

I updated the OP to fully explain this point.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Dagnabit, Vipers will be hard to fit in that point total. Which is entirely your intent to limit squad figures, of course. ;)

MegaSilver, who will find a way. :p
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Dagnabit, Vipers will be hard to fit in that point total. Which is entirely your intent to limit squad figures, of course. ;)

MegaSilver, who will find a way. :p
Ah, it's not that hard. 245 points and 2 figures presents some obvious possibilities, I think.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Dagnabit, Vipers will be hard to fit in that point total. Which is entirely your intent to limit squad figures, of course. ;)

MegaSilver, who will find a way. :p
Ah, it's not that hard. 245 points and 2 figures presents some obvious possibilities, I think.

True. Just not enough Vipers. :p


Weell, maybe. :ponder:


Thanky dok. :)
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Stop the presses! My armies have been submitted.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

My armies are in. I just went with some figures that I've wanted to play in a tournament for a while. I'm not sure that either of them are very competitive or if they are balanced, because I've done absolutely no playtesting, but I'll figure that out when the event starts! Here's to hoping we get as many players as last time.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

My armies are in. I just went with some figures that I've wanted to play in a tournament for a while. I'm not sure that either of them are very competitive or if they are balanced, because I've done absolutely no playtesting, but I'll figure that out when the event starts! Here's to hoping we get as many players as last time.

I never playtest, I only play online.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Done and ready I'm really looking forward to this :excited:.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

I have a question before I design my armies:
Is snow and ice going to be treated as heavy snow and slippery ice?
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

I have a question before I design my armies:
Is snow and ice going to be treated as heavy snow and slippery ice?

We are using the standard build rules for each map. That means:

Draugur and Frozen Fossil are using normal snow and normal ice (i.e. no special movement rules).

Separation Anxiety and Violation are using heavy snow and normal ice (i.e. snow, but not ice, costs 1 extra move).

Sorry, I should have mentioned this. I'll add this information to the OP.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Thanks for the answer. Now to think of some fun armies(probably using some of the new C3V figures).
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

I'd like to do it, but can't. One, we have slow internet so I can't watch the instruction videos. Two, I don't think I have the time. I'm sorry I'll miss out on the fun, but have a great tournament without me. Maybe next season I can.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Submitted. Hopefully my armies will improve my 3-2 online record.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

I just signed up and can't way for this season to start. Last season was a blast.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Oh man! I wanted so much to make one of my army's mostly Fen Hydras. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that it would have been devastating if I didn't win the dice off.
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Oh man! I wanted so much to make one of my army's mostly Fen Hydras. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that it would have been devastating if I didn't win the dice off.

:lol: Well that's what happens, I guess.

Armies submitted. :twisted:
Re: Online Heroscape Season 4 - Winter is Coming

Oh man! I wanted so much to make one of my army's mostly Fen Hydras. The only thing that stopped me was the fact that it would have been devastating if I didn't win the dice off.

:lol: Well that's what happens, I guess.

Armies submitted. :twisted:

Yeah I wonder how long it would take for someone to wipe the floor with something like that :lol:.