• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Online End of Year Championship 2013 - CONGRATS VEGIE'S DAD


3-Time Online HS Champion & Diplomacy Winner of La
Fantasy Challenge Added -> Go Here



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Heroscape Online will have an end of year Championship Tournament. This is an invitational only tournament.


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  • All past winners of events will be invited to play in the event.
  • The remaining invitations will be given to the highest-ranked players, based on their player ranking at the end of Season 10.
  • The tournament will have up to 16 players. We will continue inviting players to play until we have 16 players, up to the 25th position on our rankings board. If we do not have 16 spots filled by then we will assign first-round byes to the top seeded players.

Event Format:
  • Double Elimination Bracket until four players remain. At that point we will go to single elimination for those four players.
  • This is a "bring 2" format with alternating rounds of Army Draft ("regular" Bring 2) and Pick your Poison rounds.
  • Opening round will feature highest seed versus lowest seed and so on.
  • A full bracket will be posted, but some games may be re-paired to avoid rematches.
  • Maps and points will be announced as we get closer to the event.

For this event, each player will submit two 600 point armies. VC allowed, no Marvel. You may not use the same army card in both armies.Standard 24-space startzone rules apply. Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off chooses first army choice or second army choice(or in Pick your Poison rounds, you may pick the army your opponent will play first.) out of the players' four armies, and the loser of the dice-off chooses to place first or second.

New Rule added, please read
Dice off Equalizer - A new rule that will be implemented. A check before each game to see the dice off win % for the tournament for each player will be made. If a player has a lower Dice off win % than his opponent, he will automatically win the dice off. Should the win % be tied, a dice off will be performed.

The map pool for this event is:
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TG Trap:
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League Details:
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PRIZES: The winner this season receives a set of 12 of our very cool custom Heroscape dice.

  1. thesparkleinyourwater
  2. wanderer999
  3. kevindola
  4. bengi
  5. kinseth
  6. vegietarian18
  7. toogwick_tuk
  8. vegies dad
  9. thelegendaryirishsword
  10. deroche
  11. rosencrantz
  12. soundwarp sg-1
  13. awesomeunleashed
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

My Black Wyrmling trainwreck is going to make qualifying for this tougher than I thought... I figured I was in with my run to the finals a few seasons back. :lol:
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

um do C3G tourys count? I almost made finals there.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Have a question just in case I get in (probably a 0.00005% chance of winning this season), what is a double elimination bracket?
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

are finalists included? or just the season winners?
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Have a question just in case I get in (probably a 0.00005% chance of winning this season), what is a double elimination bracket?
It means you're out once you've lost twice.
are finalists included? or just the season winners?
Outside of the top 16, just season winners are invited (although, most other finalists are in the top 16, so they probably would get in).
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Only events that count towards your rankings are Officially run Online Heroscape Events designated with a season, or a side event we have officially endorsed(Team Tournament).

To know if an Event is considered official, you can check out our Champions of Valhalla thread that will list all official winners of events.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Team Tournament is not a "side event", it just didn't count as a regular season. Just like this end-of-year championship won't either.

Basically, if it's an event that was run by the regular group of (non-Superscape) event organizers, then it counts towards both the rankings and towards qualifying by winning the event. The only other event that counts is the very first online event (I don't remember who organized that one).
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

This is more of a question for next year, but I'll ask it now:

Is the online leaderboard going to get reset after this championship? There are some players that have gotten a lot better since they started playing online, but probably do not have a chance at making the top 16 for next year's championship just because when they started playing, they weren't as good of a player, and they picked up some a lot of losses early that make it tough for them to climb the leaderboard.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

This is more of a question for next year, but I'll ask it now:

Is the online leaderboard going to get reset after this championship? There are some players that have gotten a lot better since they started playing online, but probably do not have a chance at making the top 16 for next year's championship just because when they started playing, they weren't as good of a player, and they picked up some a lot of losses early that make it tough for them to climb the leaderboard.

The main leaderboard that is used for pairing will not be reset; however, it is possible that the leaderboard used for 2014 championship purposes will only use 2014 games (we're still discussing it). Also, of course, everyone who wins a 2014 season will get in regardless of ranking.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

That seems good.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Here's a look at the brackets, to give people an idea of how it will work:
 1 ────────┐
         a ├──────────┐
16 ────────┘          │
                    i ├----------──────────┐
 9 ────────┐          │                    │
         b ├──────────┘                    │
 8 ────────┘                               │
                                         m ├----------─────────┐
 5 ────────┐                               │                   │
         c ├──────────┐                    │                   │
12 ────────┘          │                    │                   │
                    j ├----------──────────┘                   │
13 ────────┐          │                                        ├─────────┐
         d ├──────────┘                                        │         │
 4 ────────┘                                                   │         │
                      Lj ────────┐       Ln ─────────┐         │         │
                                 │                   │         │         │
           Le ────────┐          ├─────────┐         ├─────────┘         │
                      ├──────────┘         │         │                   │
           Lf ────────┘                    ├─────────┘                   │
                      Li ────────┐         │                             │
                                 ├─────────┘                             │
           Lg ────────┐          │                                       │
                      ├──────────┘                                       │
           Lh ────────┘                                                  │
           La ────────┐                                                  │
                      ├──────────┐                                       │
           Lb ────────┘          ├─────────┐                             │
                                 │         │                             │
                      Ll ────────┘         │                             │
           Lc ────────┐                    ├─────────┐                   │
                      ├──────────┐         │         │                   │
           Ld ────────┘          │         │         │                   │
                                 ├─────────┘         ├─────────┐         │
                      Lk ────────┘                   │         │         │
                                         Lm ─────────┘         │         │
 3 ────────┐                                                   │         │
         e ├──────────┐                                        │         │
14 ────────┘          │                                        ├─────────┘
                    k ├----------──────────┐                   │
11 ────────┐          │                    │                   │
         f ├──────────┘                    │                   │
 6 ────────┘                               │                   │
                                         n ├----------─────────┘
 7 ────────┐                               │
         g ├──────────┐                    │
10 ────────┘          │                    │
                    l ├----------──────────┘
15 ────────┐          │
         h ├──────────┘
 2 ────────┘
Note, as we said earlier, that how players feed into the "backdoor" brackets could get switched in order to prevent a rematch from earlier in the event. (Rematches are inherently unlikely due to the way the bracket is structured, but they are possible.)

The eagle-eyed among you may notice that it's impossible for every player to alternate between Army Draft and Pick your Poison every round, since some players will play more games than others to get to certain spots in the bracket. There will be a very slight bias towards more Army Draft and less Pick your Poison, but it will be close to a 50/50 split.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Will the champs be accelerated to the top of the rankings, or will it be just by pure rankings?
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Rankings, if a champ is #15 in rankings that is where he will be for seeding
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

What about the champs who are not in the Top 16? Do they just get filled in the lowest spots?

~vegie, just making sure he isn't slated to play TSYIW first round
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

What about the champs who are not in the Top 16? Do they just get filled in the lowest spots?

~vegie, just making sure he isn't slated to play TSYIW first round

I think that's implied.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

What about the champs who are not in the Top 16? Do they just get filled in the lowest spots?

~vegie, just making sure he isn't slated to play TSYIW first round

I think that's implied.
Correct. The seeding will be the players in the event in order of their rankings.

Hey, it could be worse - you could end up seeded #15. :twisted:
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

As I have two seeds can I give my seed to who I want? :D

(I can bring you great great players from France).
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

As I have two seeds can I give my seed to who I want? :D

(I can bring you great great players from France).

You have two championship wins, but a claim on only the #4 seed. :p

If you want to give away one of your titles, then maybe... ;)
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Well in Round 1 of season 9 I was third seed (behind TSIYW and dok).
Please don't tell Kinseth is before me now, I would be very sad.

And as I've two championships, can I participate twice? :lol:

EDIT: Oh I saw, InfectedSloth is third because of last Championship, that's ok so, I'm not sad. :) I could retake this place, cause he's not participating to season 9.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

This is more of a question for next year, but I'll ask it now:

Is the online leaderboard going to get reset after this championship? There are some players that have gotten a lot better since they started playing online, but probably do not have a chance at making the top 16 for next year's championship just because when they started playing, they weren't as good of a player, and they picked up some a lot of losses early that make it tough for them to climb the leaderboard.

The main leaderboard that is used for pairing will not be reset; however, it is possible that the leaderboard used for 2014 championship purposes will only use 2014 games (we're still discussing it). Also, of course, everyone who wins a 2014 season will get in regardless of ranking.

Did this get decided?

If the main leaderboard is used, Sparkle, for instance, could not play in a single season next year and still make the End of Year Championship simply by inertia.

For my part, an EoYC should reflect a player's performance over THAT year. Maybe this is just semantics? Instead of EoYC should I think of it as “The Annual Top Players Tournament?"

Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Did this get decided?

If the main leaderboard is used, Sparkle, for instance, could not play in a single season next year and still make the End of Year Championship simply by inertia.

For my part, an EoYC should reflect a player's performance over THAT year. Maybe this is just semantics? Instead of EoYC should I think of it as “The Annual Top Players Tournament?"


We will have the official 2014 championship qualification format posted either before or during the first 2014 season. We're still figuring out exactly how to do it, but we are planning on using a format that does require you to play (and play well) during 2014 to get in.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Main Post updated with Format.
Re: Online Heroscape - End of Year Championship 2013

Fulcrum? Really?

Why not make the selection between all the map we had this season?

I'm not really happy with the map pool as there is only 2 maps I really like to play on (Flash Fire and Invasion).