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OHS Season 54: Bring 2 Strike 1 - Congrats Chris Perkins!

Re: OHS Season 54: Championship Round

I got the win in finals for my 5th OHS title tonight behind some absurd dice that really didn't give Grey Waves much of a fighting chance in this one.

I had debated with myself for a long time on how to open in this game, with a few options / considerations.
  • Option 1 was sending the Wyvern to Valda on OM1, with then moving Estivara on OM2. The issue was there wasn't a great Estivara spot 7 moves away, as I wanted shadow/jungle to cover her for a possible stinger opening. I also didn't like this play if I won init, because it would give a ton of attacks down on Wyvern in Rd 1.
  • Option 2 was sending the Wyvern to Valda on OM1 and then taking 2 more turns with spiders where Quahon moves 14 spaces across the board to bash the SZ while (hopefully) taking the init glyph. This option is great if I lose Rd 1 init and not so great if I win it.
  • Option 3 (which I ended up going with) was slow-rolling out of my SZ quite a bit. This included Estivara OM1 to get forward a bit, then advancing Wyvern & Quahon 1 OM each while spider spread out. This is less good if Grey Waves open Stingers & wins init, because he might get some heighted shots on Quahon that way if they just rush forward (with Valda on OM2). But, having played into this army in Rd 4 (and watching a few other elimination games) I kinda thought Grey Waves would open Mantises, so I decided to go this route as I thought it was better/smoother into the Mantises opening regardless of whether I won init or not.
Rd 1 I go Estivara/Spider/Spider(Spider) & GWs goes all Mantises. I win init and move up Estivara. GW ends up developing the bulk of his Mantises over the round, rather than charging in with just a few. I advance some spiders and send Wyvern to height in a spot where he blocks the norther approach to my SZ and then send Quahon into the middle where she can threaten more of the board.

Rd 2 I go all Spiders & GWs goes all Mantises. I win init. Quahon advances and hits 3 Mantises with a 1/4 that still manages to kill 1. Spiders advance and take 1 attack from height, which misses. GWs misses the attack into Quahon (who had height) & an adjacent spider but kills the forward most spider. That was the only time GW got multiple attacks off from the same Mantis, as I was able to spread out more effectively to deny it after that. Quahon takes an LEA (miss) to bomb the SZ, killing 2 Stingers, while spiders spread out and engage some more Mantises. Mantises double-engage Quahon and do a few wounds. Quahon then sends a chain through one of those Mantises that goes 2/4 and ends up killing all 3 Mantises (2 with 5 defense) for a massive swing in my favor. GWs ends the round by double-engaging Quahon again and killing 1 spider. I took Dagmar on OM2 & Valda on OM3.

Rd 3 I go all Spiders & GWs switches to all Stingers. I win init, Quahon takes 2 LEAs, and kills 3 of the 4 Stingers in the middle SZ pod while a spider blocks in the 3 Stingers left in the top pod. GWs advances around and into water to get more shots off on Quahon, but fails the drain with a 3 to kill a Stinger and really sink the nail into the coffin. Quahon takes 1 more LEA (a stinger that had engaged her) (miss) to hit 2 Stingers + 1 Mantis in the top SZ pod, but rolls a 1/4 that all 3 block. Spiders come in to tie up the Stingers. 1 Stinger takes an LEA (hits), another attacks a spider, and the last one attacks up into Quahon (drain successful) but she blocks the 4v4. Quahon rolls another poor attack but kills 1 figure and spiders kill another Stinger.

The rest of the game was mostly just mop-up duty, with just 3 Mantises floating around the board. I won init again in Rd 4 and Quahon started single-engaging them to take 6v4s while spiders tied up the others (they were out of range for LBSA). End game was slightly protracted as I was still avoiding giving a Mantis 2 attacks in 1 turn, but Quahon & the spiders clean them up without too much trouble.

I win with Quahon (4 life), Wyvern + Estivara (full health), half my spiders, and an un-used Kira Jax for a final game state that accurately depicts GWs dice tonight. GWs ends up going 0/8 on Stealth Armor rolls, which is brutal and nearly impossible to recover from.

GGs Grey Waves, tough one given how it played out.
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