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OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - congrats vegie!

Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

KnightofLight and I playing tomorrow night (9th) @8:30CDT
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Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

My match is tonight around 9-9:30 PM CT.

EDIT: Has been moved to Saturday around 8 PM CT.
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Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

Managed to stamp a second Romans ticket to the playoffs at the expense of Grey Waves' well-constructed and well-played Brigands/Cutters army. We had a very tense opening game as I bum rushed Azurite Warlord and then MBS while plodding my slow little Romans along to try to track down all his Brigands. That cost me about 4 Romans, 2 wounds on MBS, and 5 on Azurite Warlord.

Then it switched to cutters, who finished off Azzy, struggled to kill MBS (who struggled to kill cutters), but traded well with Romans. We took a break with the balance being 10 Cutters and Breach against 6 Romans, 1-life MBS, and NGS.

3 hours later, he won a Dagmar-backed initiative and got a sole cutter with a 3v3 on MBS (whiff), but MBS was still tied down and couldn't run away, getting re-engaged the next turn and dying. I whiffed on 1 and 2 dice against mob swarm attacks about 7 times in a row before the real endgame of 6ish cutters and Breach vs. NGS.

NGS took a lava wound but then tanked a bunch of attacks (mostly 2v4s, but some 2v5s and one attack each turn of 3v4), taking only one more wound (this may also have been a lava wound, can't remember). He got a kill in every attack he took against the goblins, dodging 2 lava rolls while bringing the cutters down below 3 and then eliminating them.

Breach ran up, NGS ran down to engage. First roll 20. Game.

I've now had 2 mind shackle rolls this event, both natural 20s against full-health heroes.

gg GW, hope your luck comes back for next round.
Re: Tres Time

Round 3 is on July.

The dok (1-1) {8} v. caps (1-1) armies are:
Terrorize, Devour, and... Maraud?
* Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors, Racheim, Specters of Aldornx4
* Eltahale, Josie Whistlestop, Major J15, Red Ants of Aunstromx5

caps chooses who places first.
dok and I played today at my house. Specters sat comfortably on the lava. Red Ants quite predictably traded badly into them.

I probably could have played Eltahale better, but I ended up losing 2 OMs due to her wiffing vs a 3/3 attack. Dok killed my other two heroes before that round ended.

GG dok.

In hindsight I should have taken Q10 instead of J15 and Josie. He would have been just as good or better in my one win and would have been a better matchup for both of my losses.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

Finished with Sir H tonight, we both played it super slow at the start. I was hoping to lose an initiative so I could play for dagmar+cutting mandibles as I had much better movement. I won the first initiative, and started setting up a wall of ants. Sir H slow rolled and developed towards dagmar as well. Round 2 I won initiative and moved up Moltenclaw greenscales in an attempt to shoot from behind my ants screen in the following round. Sir H responded by sending negoksa and a squad of Romans to try to maneuver around my wall of ants. We collided on the seven hex lava on the north side. I took 2 ants to engage negoksa and another to block him from grabbing dagmar in the south. I did manage a wound on negoksa with a 3v6. Sir H’s attack dice went cold and only killed one ant I think. We both dodged lava this round. I won initiative and started the assault of greenscales/Moltenclaw. I used Moltenclaw to hit negoksa and 2 romans. My 1/4 skulls managed to kill 2 Romans which was nice and then I used greenscales to engage and force 3 LEAs to get to Moltenclaw. He took 2 more wounds from the LEAs, missed the mind shackle, but hit a 3/3 into 1/4 dealing 2 wounds. I then took an LEA from negoksa (miss) to try and max out attacks on his Roman’s. There were 3 lined up, and if I killed a single one of them I could reposition greenscales to block Roman’s from getting to Moltenclaw. Unfortunately I hit a 1/4 and didn’t kill any Roman’s. This led to Moltenclaw taking 4 wounds in 2 attacks and dying. That was pretty much the game as mogrimm was going to be a tough nut to crack when the rest of my army effectively had 2 attack. That was the case, I got a couple lucky hits and got him down to 2 Roman’s, 1/3 Mebuqsa, 3/6 mogrimm, bol, and isamu.
GG Sir Heroscape, Well played! I should have been more careful with Moltenclaw, just was hoping to get a Roman kill with Moltenclaw.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

To whomever I get paired with for this week's game, I will be out of service until Friday night.
Round 4 is on Viney Pines.

The vegietarian18 (3-0) {4} v. ryguy266 (3-0) {5} armies are:
Roman Diplomacy
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
Shurrak Around the Clock
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Shurrak, Tarn Viking Warriors, Ashigaru Harquebusx3

vegietarian18 chooses who places first.

The kevindola (3-0) {2} v. superfrog (3-0) armies are:

* Bol, Kha, Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Nottingham Brigandx6, Red Ants of Aunstromx4 (drop 1)
Battle Masters
* Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

superfrog chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (2-1) {1} v. og-blaha (2-1) armies are:
Teeth of the Snake
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Zetacron, Teeth of the Makwax2, Venoc Vipersx5
Warden's Undead Honor Guard
* Warden 816, Crypt Guardianx3, Drow Chainfighterx3, Tomb Skeletonsx6 (drop 1)

og-blaha chooses who places first.

The dok (2-1) {8} v. shiftrex (2-1) armies are:
Terrorize, Devour, and... Maraud?
* Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors, Racheim, Specters of Aldornx4

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Moltenclaw, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Greenscale Warriorsx3

dok chooses who places first.

The grey waves (2-1) v. viideosayg (2-1) armies are:
Cut to the Chase
* Breach, Otonashi, Goblin Cuttersx4, Nottingham Brigandx7 (drop 2)

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Major Q10, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Deathreaversx3

viideosayg chooses who places first.

The arrow grut (2-1) v. sir heroscape (2-1) {9} armies are:
District IX
* Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
* Bol, Isamu, Me-Burq-Sa, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

sir heroscape chooses who places first.

The megasilver (2-1) {6} v. vegie dad (2-1) armies are:
Honor Guard of the Last of the Mohicans with Krav Maga Gunslingers
* Krav Maga Agents, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4, Mohican River Tribex2, Tombstone Gunslinger
Friends, Romans, Countrymen
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

vegie dad chooses who places first.

The dysole (1-2) {3} v. foudzing (0-3) armies are:
Diplomacy - The Art of Letting Somebody Else Have Your Way.
* Izumi Samurai, Josie Whistlestop, Racheim, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Ranjit Singh, Tarn Viking Warriors
Chains and cocoons
* Bol, Motley Max, Bugbear Basher, Eilan Sidhex4, Goblin Slashersx3, Sahuagin Raider

dysole chooses who places first.

The dachshund (1-2) v. knightoflight (1-2) {10} armies are:
Is Kevin my real dad??
* Bol, Marro Warriors, Me-Burq-Sa, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Roman Legionnairesx3
3 Ants in a Trenchcoat
* Gen. Simon Fraser, Moltenclaw, Greenscale Warriorsx3, Red Ants of Aunstromx3

knightoflight chooses who places first.

The captain stupendous (1-2) v. earthling (1-2) armies are:
* Cyprien Esenwein, Major Q10, Sonya Esenwein, Aubrien Archersx2
Erevan's the new Appa
* Erevan Sunshadow, Kurrok the Elementalist, Air Elementalx3, Fire Elementalx4, Water Elementalx4

earthling chooses who places first.

The quozl (0-3) v. caps (1-2) armies are:
Elemental, My Dear Kurrok
* Kurrok the Elementalist, Air Elementalx5, Earth Elemental, Fire Elementalx3, Water Elementalx4
* Eltahale, Josie Whistlestop, Major J15, Red Ants of Aunstromx5

caps chooses who places first.

The thrasherdarkrai (0-3) v. houndsrule (1-2) armies are:
Venoc Warlord's Tri-General Super Synergy!
* Venoc Warlord, Mohican River Tribex2, Roman Archers, Roman Legionnairesx2, Venoc Vipersx2

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Kyntela Gwyn, Otonashi, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], 10th Regiment of Footx2, Warriors of Ashrax2

thrasherdarkrai chooses who places first.

The xiegfried (1-2) v. shurrig (0-3) armies are:
Sahuagin Carry
* Marcu Esenwein, Marro Warriors, Zelrig, Greenscale Warriorsx3, Sahuagin Raider
Dragons in a Major Way
* Major Q10, Moltenclaw, Greenscale Warriorsx3

shurrig chooses who places first.

The backcountrygamer (1-2) v. bert (1-2) armies are:
Hot Ones
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Ulfrid Hornwrangler, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2

* Bahadur, Brute Gruts, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Horned Skull Brutesx2, Marro Gnidsx2

bert chooses who places first.

If by chance you got two emails, the second one is the relevant one.
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Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 3 until 9/1

The chris perkins (2-1) {1} v. og-blaha (2-1) armies are:
Teeth of the Snake
* Concan the Kyrie Warrior, Zetacron, Teeth of the Makwax2, Venoc Vipersx5
Warden's Undead Honor Guard
* Warden 816, Crypt Guardianx3, Drow Chainfighterx3, Tomb Skeletonsx6 (drop 1)

og-blaha chooses who places first.

Fast start here.

Planning to start in an hour or so.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

Lost a very fun game to kevindola to clinch not getting the top seed :(.

Lots of swings in the game, both fast and slow.

My MVP was a Roman who survived a 2v3, a 5v2, an LEA, 2 4v2s, and 2 4v3s before dying to an LEA. 6 of those blocks were while he was the last roman standing (with OMs still on him).

kevin's MVP was Taelord, who boosted almost every attack he took.

He won with a 3-life Taelord and a single ant.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

Very fun final game with Xiegfried tonight. While I unfortunately go 0-4 in my first OHS season, I learned a ton about competitive play and had a great time these past four weeks. GG's Xiegfried, Bert, Sir Heroscape, and O.G. Blaha!

Looking forward to playing again next season!
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

I defeated Ryguy's Ashigaru/Raelin/Shurrak/Tarn to bring my Romans to 4-0 in the regular season. Really tight game. The Romans got second round initiative switch to lay into the Harquebus and put me in the lead, but it was a narrow lead because it cost me a lot of Romans and the Azurite. Ryguy's Tarn came out next, and killed three Romans very quickly, setting up a solid cleanup situation for his Shurrak. I used the Yngvild glyph to flee his Raelin's aura with my final three Romans and MBS. Landed some crazy Paralyzing Stares to kill Raelin once she advanced, as well as two Tarn, and then hit initiative switch to lay into Shurrak from height and blow him up with a big four skull roll from the last two Romans. Good game.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

My game vs Grey Waves is starting now
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

Round 4 is on Viney Pines.
The grey waves (2-1) v. viideosayg (2-1) armies are:
Cut to the Chase
* Breach, Otonashi, Goblin Cuttersx4, Nottingham Brigandx7 (drop 2)

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Major Q10, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Deathreaversx3

I defeated Viideosayg in one of the most one-sided games I've ever been involved in. My attack and defence rolls were both on fire (57% and 50% respectively), while his were both very subpar (29% and 23%). I won initiative and opened Brigands, who were able to kill Raelin in just 3 hits. From there, I retreated the Brigands while sniping the developing rats. Q10 moved up on Viideosayg's OM3, who killed nothing, and I was able to leave engagement with the rats on my corresponding OM3 and put a wound on the Soulborg. Disengage made it difficult for Viideosayg to adequately screen off Q10 the following round, and I was able to kill the Major on my OM3, at which point Viideosayg conceded. gg man, there's not much you can do when the dice are that atrocious.

Before this game, I was wondering whether I would have been better off running Aubrien Archers x2 this season instead of Nottingham Brigands x7. After this game however, I can definitely say that Nottingham Brigands were not a wrong choice. Disengage on a ranged figure is useful, and the base 3 attack makes them noticeably better at wounding opposing heroes than Aubriens. Frenzy means that the Aubriens do have higher potential to run away with a game, but I'm satisfied that they weren't a clear better choice than Brigands for this event.

It feels good to make playoffs for the first time since January. Fingers crossed this doesn't end in the quarterfinals.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Round 4 until 9/2

The Play-in is on Canary.

The grey waves (3-1) v. vegie dad (3-1) armies are:
Cut to the Chase
* Breach, Otonashi, Goblin Cuttersx4, Nottingham Brigandx7 (drop 2)
Friends, Romans, Countrymen
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

grey waves chooses who places first.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Play-In until 9/2

The Quarterfinals are on Apocalypse Now.

vegietarian18 (4-0) {3} will play the winner of the Play-In Game

The kevindola (4-0) {1} v. og-blaha (3-1) armies are:

* Bol, Kha, Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Nottingham Brigandx6, Red Ants of Aunstromx4 (drop 1)
Warden's Undead Honor Guard
* Warden 816, Crypt Guardianx3, Drow Chainfighterx3, Tomb Skeletonsx6 (drop 1)

og-blaha chooses who places first.

The superfrog (3-1) v. arrow grut (3-1) armies are:
Battle Masters
* Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
District IX
* Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

superfrog chooses who places first.

The shiftrex (3-1) {9} v. ryguy266 (3-1) {5} armies are:

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Moltenclaw, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Greenscale Warriorsx3
Shurrak Around the Clock
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Shurrak, Tarn Viking Warriors, Ashigaru Harquebusx3

shiftrex chooses who places first.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Play-In until 9/2

lol SF and AG's game...a game where Mindshackle is completely useless :p
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Play-In until 9/2

Congrats to og-bla.

I rolled twice the attack dice he did (199 vs. 105) including several attacks of 5 and even 6, but my skull distribution was not good enough to take down the Crypt Guardians/Drow fast enough to prevent them from getting significant damage done.

I did have an alternate win condition late if I had popped Warden and removed the +1 move to be in a very strong kite position, I got the attack chances from height needed, but his defense held.

2nd time I've run a Taelord based range/melee spam in Delta, and both times it's performed strong in regular season (7-1) only to get taken down first round of playoffs by a unit core that was prone to special attacking I didn't have (Crypts, Mantii...also regular season loss to Cutters) So probably time to rethink the build! Good Luck og!
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Play-In until 9/2

Vegie's Dad and I are having our Round 2 rematch at 8pm EST on Wednesday.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Play-In until 9/2

I got the win over Vegie's Dad. Canary proved to be a lot kinder map for him than Twisted Cistern did in our Round 2 game, with the Brigands only managing to kill 4-5 Romans compared to like 8 or 9 previously. The cutters were still able to clean up the remaining Romans and kill the Azurite Warlord - I had to make sure to block off the path towards Breach in the back of my SZ so VD's wouldn't disengage with the Warlord to after him with Furious Wrath. There were a couple of nervous moments for me late in the game when I only had 1 brigand and Breach vs a full-life MBS and Akumaken (if MBS can get some height attacks down on Breach, he may be able to wound Breach enough that Akumaken could potentially finish him off if Akumaken gets lucky), but fortunately my remaining Brigand managed to one-shot MBS and Breach was able to take down Akumaken (only taking 2 wounds from Counter Strike in the process). gg Vegie's Dad! It was pretty unlucky to run into this matchup twice.

The Quarterfinals are on Apocalypse Now.

The vegietarian18 (4-0) {3} v. grey waves (4-1) armies are:
Roman Diplomacy
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
Cut to the Chase
* Breach, Otonashi, Goblin Cuttersx4, Nottingham Brigandx7 (drop 2)

vegietarian18 chooses who places first.

~Dysole, with the last quarterfinal game and once this is done we can roll out semis
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Quarters until 10

Vegie and I will be playing our quarterfinal game at 7am EST Friday (so in just under 12 hours’ time).
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Quarters until 10

The vegietarian18 (4-0) {3} v. grey waves (4-1) armies are:
Roman Diplomacy
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
Cut to the Chase
* Breach, Otonashi, Goblin Cuttersx4, Nottingham Brigandx7 (drop 2)

I beat Grey Waves this morning. This was his third time playing this matchup, the first two against my dad. He opened with Brigands, to kite the slow moving Romans, and killed five of them before the Azurite and the Romans seized control of the board with Valda. When the Cutters came out, I tactically retreated with Valda, then conceded Valda to the Cutters and huddled my last 6 Romans in a circle. The way the Romans were positioned only two of them could be mobbed, and mob would have to concede height on 2/3 attacks for both. Grey Waves had no choice but to run into that formation, and had pretty poor skulls when he did. The Cutters finally broke through the shield wall after a few turns of futile attacks, but those turns really cost them as they were bleeding two members every time. Breach came out with two Romans remaining, and killed them. But he died to the Azurite Warlord's final life spent on a Furious Wrath, with Akumaken and MBS watching him sacrifice himself. Good game.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Quarters until 10

^I don't have much to add to what Vegie wrote here. The cutters were 1/16 on attack dice at one point during the mid game, and Vegie won a couple key initiatives that could've really swung the momentum back in my favour had I won them instead. Still really proud of my run this tournament - 4 wins, 2 losses is pretty damn good. Slightly disappointed I couldn't take my army further considering it's one of my favourite builds I've ever brought to an event, but eh, that's life I guess.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Quarters until 10

The Semifinals are on Battlefield 23.

The vegietarian18 (5-0) {3} v. arrow grut (4-1) armies are:
Roman Diplomacy
* Akumaken, Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3
District IX
* Azurite Warlord, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx3

vegietarian18 chooses who places first.

The og-blaha (4-1) v. ryguy266 (4-1) {5} armies are:
Warden's Undead Honor Guard
* Warden 816, Crypt Guardianx3, Drow Chainfighterx3, Tomb Skeletonsx6 (drop 1)
Shurrak Around the Clock
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Shurrak, Tarn Viking Warriors, Ashigaru Harquebusx3

og-blaha chooses who places first.
Re: OHS Season 53 - Delta Coalition Wars - Semis until 10/8

I lost to ryguy this morning. I don't generally like blaming dice for a loss of a game but this game they were terrible. I had a spot in the mid game where I blanked just about an entire round and only got one kill out of three with 4v1 chain fighters. But other than that it was a fun game and it I had to pick some one to lose to it would be ryguy. I wasn't super sure about all the guards going into the event but ryguy convinced me to play the CGs and tomb skeletons. I think in this format the CGs and tomb skeletons backed by Warden were really solid and was nice having bodies on the field. GG Ryan and good luck in the finals.