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PuppetMaster & #2 Ranked CoNner
Site Supporter
Online Heroscape Season 58:

Multi-Format Draft


Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Check the spoiler for a how-to-play video.

Spoiler Alert!

Multi Format Draft

  • For this event, each player will bring a pool of 900-1000 points and 25 figures. VC allowed, no Marvel.
  • Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers.
  • The two players' draft pools are combined into a single pool. One copy of each duplicate unique will be discarded if necessary.
  • The winner of the dice-off chooses whether to pick and place first or second.
  • The person who picks first chooses one card's worth of figures and places it. Players then alternate picking and placing two cards per turn from the drafting pool.
  • For each pick, you choose a single card's worth of figures and place it in your start zone (except if you draft Airborne/Rechets/Bound Heroes).
  • Players continue drafting until they pass or until they have no options within the 550 point, 14 figure limits. Once a player passes or has no placeable options, their draft ends, and the other player may continue drafting until they have no options remaining.

    *Airborne Elite, Rechets of Bogdan, and Bound Heroes of the Acolytes of Vorganund count towards the figure limit.

Placement rules for rounds other than Hot Draft:

  • You do not need to place as you draft.
  • You may draft as long as you are under the points limit.
  • All decisions to meet figure/space limits are made at the time of placing the army.

Placement rules for Hot Draft rounds:

  • Place figures as you draft, as the rules of the format specify.
  • Once you reach the figure limit you cannot draft any additional units.
  • You must place at least one figure from any card you draft.

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers. Each round will be one of the following four formats, in a random order:

Treasure Quest:

  • There will be five Treasure Glyphs on the map. The game ends immediately when the last glyph is revealed. Whoever is in possession of the most glyphs at that point wins. If it is tied, the game ends as soon as the tie is broken. Alternately, you can win by destroying all of your opponent's figures.

    Maps for this format: Turmoil, Mount Tenebris

Hot Draft:

  • Instead of placing figures in your starting zone, place them anywhere on the battlefield (unless you draft Airborne/Rechets/Bound Heroes). All squad figures placed that turn must be within 3 clear sight spaces of each other and figures may not be placed on glyphs or adjacent to opponent's figures.
  • Players continue drafting until they pass or until they have no options within the 550 point, 14 figure limits. There is no 24-space limit for this round. Once a player passes or has no placeable options, their draft ends, and the other player may continue drafting until they have no options remaining.
  • The player who lost the dice-off decides which player automatically wins opening initiative. This decision is made after armies are placed and before Order Markers are placed.

    Maps for this format: Guts (Dagmar, Yngvild), Nightblood (Valda, Yngvild)

Control Spaces:

  • 2 spaces on the board will be designated as Control Spaces.
  • At the end of each round, you get one Victory Point (VP) for each unengaged figure you have on a Control Space. You can only gain one victory point each round from figures that come from the same (named) common card.
  • The first player to have 5 VPs (and more VPs than their opponent) wins. Alternatively, you can win by destroying all of your opponent's figures.

    Maps for this format: Jungle Maze (Holdir, Dagmar), Arboretum (Lorja Ivor, Zawit)

Fog of War:

  • All attacks and special powers that require line of sight or clear sight have their range cut in half, rounded up.

    Maps for this format: Dry Season (Valda, Wannok), Aeon (Wannok, Ulaniva)

TG Pool:

Spoiler Alert!

Power glyphs will be placed, power side up, on maps before the game begins.

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

Event Details and Rules:
Spoiler Alert!
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Hot Draft says 500/18 while the overall section says 550/14 - is this an intentional change only for Hot Draft, or a typo?
Hopefully these are somewhat obvious, but here's the t-glyph and control space locations:


Spoiler Alert!

Control Spaces:

Spoiler Alert!
Round 1 is on Mount Tenebris. The format is Treasure Quest.

The ryguy266 {2} v. grey waves {3} armies are:
Hope Everyone’s Cool with Playing My Pool
* Guilty McCreech, Heracles, Krav Maga Agents, Major Q9, Nilfheim, Deathreaversx2, Greenscale Warriorsx3
The least interesting draft pool you will ever see
* Kato Katsuro, Havech Eradicatorsx8

grey waves chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. ryguy266 chooses to place first or second.

The xiegfried v. maklar the silver prince armies are:
This Is Not the Sheriff You're Looking For
* Arthur of Sherwood, Clayton Pierce, Guilty McCreech, James Murphy, Kate Crawford, Locksley, Louis ""Mad Dog"" Malone, Millerson, Dreadgul Raidersx4, Nottingham Brigandx4

* Marutuk, Quorik Warwitch, Swaysil, Beakface Sneaksx5, Minions of Utgarx4

maklar the silver prince chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. xiegfried chooses to place first or second.

The swarm v. foudzing armies are:
Hail to the King
* Cyprien Esenwein, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Sir Gilbert, Sonya Esenwein, Knights of Westonx2, Master of the Hunt, Skeletons of Annellintiax2
* Admiral EJ-1M, Eltahale, Kate Crawford, Sentinels of Grax, Horned Skull Brutesx4, Microcorp Troopersx2

foudzing chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. swarm chooses to place first or second.

The dysole v. sir heroscape {9} armies are:
Without Meaning To I Built A Draft Pool That Could Show Up In A Fallout Game
* Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior, M.A.R.S., Me-Burq-Sa, Olog, Pel the Hill Giant, Viceron the Blood Knight, Wastewalker Gage, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Dreadgul Raidersx3
Beast Mode
* Krug, Mimring, Onshu the Welkineye, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Arrow Grutsx5, Ice Troll Berserkerx3, Swog Riderx3

dysole chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. sir heroscape chooses to place first or second.

The srd717 v. meowgi armies are:

* Arkmer, B-11 Resistance Corps, Kaemon Awa, Krav Maga Agents, Zetacron, Fen Hydra, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx2, Red Mantis Blade Dancersx2

* Cyprien Esenwein, Koggo, Patrick Ferguson, Tor-Kul-Na, Buccaneers of Tortugax2, Frost Giant of Morh, Marrden Nagrubsx2, Microcorp Agentsx2

meowgi chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. srd717 chooses to place first or second.

The chris perkins {1} v. youngoween armies are:
The Dogs of War Have Turned the Tide on Their Master
* Arkmer, Arktos, Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Kozuke Samurai, Marcu Esenwein, Nakita Agents, Onshu the Welkineye, Otar, Theracus, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Master of the Hunt
* Admiral EJ-1M, Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Kalagrith, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Hoplitronx5, Phantom Knightsx3

youngoween chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. chris perkins chooses to place first or second.

The kevindola {8} v. thesparkleinyourwater armies are:

* Bok-Bur-Na, Erevan Sunshadow, Fia Bonny the Void Siren, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Iskra Esenwein, Killian Vane III, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Rechets of Bogdan, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Feral Troll, Knights of Weston, Water Elemental

* Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Patrick Ferguson, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tagawa Samurai, Minions of Utgarx2, Protectors of Ullarx2

thesparkleinyourwater chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. kevindola chooses to place first or second.

The earthling {5} v. iha armies are:
Sorry, it's not all random Antoine
* Admiral EJ-1M, Cyprien Esenwein, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Sgt. Drake Alexander [AoA], Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2, Phantom Knightsx3
Stuff I Like
* Eltahale, Siiv, Tagawa Samurai, Anubian Wolvesx3, Master of the Hunt, Minions of Utgarx3

earthling chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. iha chooses to place first or second.

The dok {4} v. cor7770 armies are:
To rock a rhyme that's right on time
* Agent Nora, Agent Skahen, Cormin the Dark, Heirloom, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Nakita Agents, Otonashi, Rygarn, Buccaneers of Tortugax3

* Ashi-Dhulu, B-11 Resistance Corps, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Heirloom, Kaemon Awa, Kira Jax, Krug, Tagawa Samurai, M-43 Resistance Fightersx2, Warriors of Ashrax2

cor7770 chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. dok chooses to place first or second.

The superfrog v. og-blaha armies are:

* Kon-Tar-Na, Su-Bak-Na, Tor-Kul-Na, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx3, Marro Dividersx4
Officially sponsored by Skywhale
* Mika Connour, Suskra, Van Nessing, Werewolf Lordx2, Wolves of Badrux5

superfrog chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. og-blaha chooses to place first or second.

knightoflight has a bye.

~Dysole, launching us off
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Don't forget the pool limits are 550/14.

~Dysole, double checking things
Doesn't move you over the limit and OHS Organizers agreed to swap them out.

~Dysole, informationally
Had some questions asked on the Discord and I'll repeat them here.

For ever format except Hot Draft, you will draft first and then place.

If at ANY POINT during the draft you hit the figure limit you are done drafting. You are allowed to announce you're sitting figures prior to this point to allow you to continue drafting. Thanks.

EDIT: There's some internal discussion. This might change.

~Dysole, informationally
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Sir Heroscape and I did battle last night. Draft went as follows.

Dysole    Sir Heroscape

Game started off with me rushing and then bringing up Raelin. Mimsy and the AGs managed to knock off a whole squad in the opening round, but bringing up Pel and MBS I was able to start picking off AGs (I think Pel's 1/6 on one was the only one that didn't go through). Mimsy ended up taking two wounds from disengages, and two more from MBS shots. Mimring also put two wounds on MBS. A very key exchange happened though when I charged down into the start zone and dropped Sir Heroscape down to a single AG. After that, he started spreading out OMs on his heroes. Onshu attempted multiple kills on Chasers with his SA and failed to connect but did succeed on killing one with a normal attack. Pel proceeded to do work though. He finished off Onshu and Mimring allowing the last Chaser to get height and deal 2 wounds to Krug and dealt 3 himself. The big one was holding out against Krug attacks so by the time Krug moved to the center and went for a Treasure glyph, he had 6 wounds (one from a disengage from the last Chaser). He killed MBS but Calibrax moved into a position where Krug couldn't engage and finished him off. Cal did decent into the Ice Troll and nearly killed him but took two wounds in the process and I had moved my OMs elsewhere allowing the Troll to heal twice more so I moved up M.A.R.S. and a 3/4 up with an 0/3 on a 3 life Troll and Sir H conceded with an AG and a Swog in his start zone while I had a developed into the center of the board with a 2 life Calibrax, and full life M.A.R.S. and Raelin.

~Dysole, back in draft mode
Great game to kick this season off with Earthling.


Earthling       IHA


                   Master of the Hunt

                   Exiles of the Sundered Sea


Phantoms x1

                   Sgt. Drake [AoA]


Axegrinders x2

                   Anubians x2

I was ready to concede after seeing the dice-off - Cyprien is scary in treasure quest, and I didn't feel there were any great options to stop him.

I led MotH, because leading anyone else could mean Cyp grabs 3x treasures round 1, the rest by OM2R2, and that'd be that. Earthling made what was probably a good call and led axegrinders instead, hoping to tie up MotH and make the Cyprien play even safer. I grabbed one treasure with MotH, and traded a wound or two for a couple dwarves.

Round 2 the dwarves had run over a good chunk of my start zone, and with Cyprien lurking I figured my only chance was to run for the glyphs. AoA Drake made a break for it on my OM3R2, and thankfully I got the init switch to allow him to grab the bottom 2 glyphs unbothered. I used the Ring of Protection to survive a blow from the lone dwarf left behind. Earthling used that time to decimate my squads, which gave me a shot. If MotH had gotten tied up/killed, Cyprien could have easily grabbed the two remaining glyphs and/or killed Drake for the win.

OM3 I sent MotH towards the remaining glyphs, and Earthling started to block them/ tie up MotH with his PKs. I was able to grab one more glyph, but lost the crucial next initiative, allowing Cyprien to kill MotH with a couple nice Touches. At the beginning of round 4? 5?, Cyprien was sitting on the last unrevealed glyph, Drake was holding one, and one was sitting on MotH's corpse. I won init, and went for a grabble grab to pull Cyprien off the glyph. Had I got it, Siiv would have been able to claim the last glyph and the win (barring a dwarf attack or two and the trap).

Unfortunately, I missed my third straight grapple grab, and the dwarves and PKs finished off Drake and Siiv while Cyprien sat on the glyph.

Fun game, and super close. I was glad for the chance to try out AoA Drake, and I think he's solid - grapple grab can be huge, assuming you can hit the 8.

I felt I played well, but Cyprien ultimately couldn't be stopped. I think had Earthling focused MotH a little earlier with the dwarves, and then pulled Cyp out, it wouldn't have been close. Solidifies my opinion that I prefer draft formats that include a strike - this felt like a dice-off loss, a little.

Congrats to Earthling and looking forward to the next round!
Just finished with cor7770. I drafted a hero pile of Skahen, Laglor, Heirloom, Rygarn, Agent Nora, Eldgrim, and Kira. cor got Krav, Nakitas, Krug, Kaemon Awa, Cormin, and Otonashi.

The key sequence of the game was when I got a wound on Krug with Skahen to allow me to slide Laglor in front of her as a blocker. Krug was stuck smashing the Primadon, and then Skahen was able to flee with two treasures to the other end of the map. (And Laglor somehow tanked 2 attacks of 7 while only taking 2 wounds.)

In a normal kill 'em all it would have been still in doubt, but I won 4-1. Only Eldgrim and a few of the squad figures died.
Quick summary of the Foudzing vs Swarm game:

Cyprien quickly grabbed the first 2 treasure glyphs, then we danced around for about one and half hours where Cyprien circled around the map, eventually slowly killing knights/Bears and his own skeletons so he would stay full life/only have a few wounds. A key moment was when Cyprien blocked a lot of attacks from the bears and then was able to kill two of them, rendering foudzing's OM less valuable. In the endgame, Cyprien took the fourth glyph, blocked a 5-skull attack from eltahale (only taking one wound) then flew away to grab the last glyph and win in an Exodia finish.

Ggs Foudz!
Round 2 is on Nightblood. The format is Hot Draft.

The swarm (1-0) {10} v. xiegfried (1-0) armies are:
Hail to the King

* Cyprien Esenwein, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Sir Gilbert, Sonya Esenwein, Knights of Westonx2, Master of the Hunt, Skeletons of Annellintiax2

This Is Not the Sheriff You're Looking For

* Arthur of Sherwood, Clayton Pierce, Guilty McCreech, James Murphy, Kate Crawford, Locksley, Louis ""Mad Dog"" Malone, Millerson, Dreadgul Raidersx4, Nottingham Brigandx4

xiegfried chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The superfrog (1-0) v. srd717 (1-0) armies are:

* Kon-Tar-Na, Su-Bak-Na, Tor-Kul-Na, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx3, Marro Dividersx4

* Arkmer, B-11 Resistance Corps, Kaemon Awa, Krav Maga Agents, Zetacron, Fen Hydra, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx2, Red Mantis Blade Dancersx2

srd717 chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The ryguy266 (1-0) {2} v. knightoflight (1-0) armies are:
Hope Everyone’s Cool with Playing My Pool

* Guilty McCreech, Heracles, Krav Maga Agents, Major Q9, Nilfheim, Deathreaversx2, Greenscale Warriorsx3

I sure hope I don't have to play Chris...

* Arktos, Bahadur, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Manauvi, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs

knightoflight chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The dysole (1-0) v. dok (1-0) {3} armies are:
Without Meaning To I Built A Draft Pool That Could Show Up In A Fallout Game

* Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior, M.A.R.S., Me-Burq-Sa, Olog, Pel the Hill Giant, Viceron the Blood Knight, Wastewalker Gage, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Dreadgul Raidersx3

To rock a rhyme that's right on time

* Agent Nora, Agent Skahen, Cormin the Dark, Heirloom, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Nakita Agents, Otonashi, Rygarn, Buccaneers of Tortugax3

dok chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The chris perkins (1-0) {1} v. earthling (1-0) {4} armies are:
The Dogs of War Have Turned the Tide on Their Master

* Arkmer, Arktos, Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Kozuke Samurai, Marcu Esenwein, Nakita Agents, Onshu the Welkineye, Otar, Theracus, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Master of the Hunt

Sorry, it's not all random Antoine

* Admiral EJ-1M, Cyprien Esenwein, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Sgt. Drake Alexander [AoA], Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2, Phantom Knightsx3

earthling chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The thesparkleinyourwater (1-0) v. maklar the silver prince (0-1) armies are:

* Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Patrick Ferguson, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tagawa Samurai, Minions of Utgarx2, Protectors of Ullarx2

* Marutuk, Quorik Warwitch, Swaysil, Beakface Sneaksx5, Minions of Utgarx4

maklar the silver prince chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The kevindola (0-1) {8} v. meowgi (0-1) armies are:

* Bok-Bur-Na, Erevan Sunshadow, Fia Bonny the Void Siren, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Iskra Esenwein, Killian Vane III, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Rechets of Bogdan, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Feral Troll, Knights of Weston, Water Elemental

* Cyprien Esenwein, Koggo, Patrick Ferguson, Tor-Kul-Na, Buccaneers of Tortugax2, Frost Giant of Morh, Marrden Nagrubsx2, Microcorp Agentsx2

meowgi chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The cor7770 (0-1) v. iha (0-1) armies are:

* Ashi-Dhulu, B-11 Resistance Corps, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Heirloom, Kaemon Awa, Kira Jax, Krug, Tagawa Samurai, M-43 Resistance Fightersx2, Warriors of Ashrax2

Stuff I Like

* Eltahale, Siiv, Tagawa Samurai, Anubian Wolvesx3, Master of the Hunt, Minions of Utgarx3

iha chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The youngoween (0-1) v. sir heroscape (0-1) {9} armies are:

* Admiral EJ-1M, Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Kalagrith, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Hoplitronx5, Phantom Knightsx3

Beast Mode

* Krug, Mimring, Onshu the Welkineye, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Arrow Grutsx5, Ice Troll Berserkerx3, Swog Riderx3

youngoween chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

The grey waves (0-1) {5} v. foudzing (0-1) armies are:
The least interesting draft pool you will ever see

* Kato Katsuro, Havech Eradicatorsx8


* Admiral EJ-1M, Eltahale, Kate Crawford, Sentinels of Grax, Horned Skull Brutesx4, Microcorp Troopersx2

grey waves chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool.

og-blaha has a bye.

~Dysole, launching us into the next round

Dysole    dok













Chasers (drop 1)


I didn't think I could get Chasers x3 and Nakitas and so was aiming for Calibrax until I realized I could. I would've probably drafted Nakitas and Nora and I think I'm in a better place there. Oh well, like a lot of things in this game I kept forgetting about abilities.

We traded Chasers and Raiders for a while with us having varying levels of success. He managed to drop my Chasers down just a bit faster and he got a good hit in on MBS and a Nakita that I allowed him to have. Viceron was a champ taking basically 7 wounds over the course of the game and killing several Raiders and Rygarn while nearly killing Nora. Unfortch he died to a 5 skull attack from Pel and then Nora 3/3ed the last Nakita.

Good game dok.

~Dysole, who forgot about Yngvild, the Chainsaw, and the ladders at several points in this game and those mistakes likely cost her as much as losing two key initiatives
Foudzing and I will be having our EPIC GRUDGE MATCH tomorrow at 4pm AWST. Draft tbc.

Spoiler Alert!
Foudzing and I will be having our EPIC GRUDGE MATCH tomorrow at 4pm AWST. Draft tbc.

Spoiler Alert!

ThoI think the diec-off 100% decided this game. I think this time we agree.
Foudzing and I will be having our EPIC GRUDGE MATCH tomorrow at 4pm AWST. Draft tbc.

Spoiler Alert!

Tho I think the diec-off 100% decided this game. I think this time we agree.

Well guess this doesn't matter when I go 6 kills vs 1 kill on havechs vs havechs action in the first round. I'm obviously much better at this game. :mrgreen:

Eltahale still had a chance at the end facing 6havechs sentinsl and Kate, but she also did kinda poorly.

Well feeling sorry for this game Grey Waves you really got no break.see you tonight!
Round 3 is on Arboretum. The format is Control Points.

The earthling (2-0) {3} v. xiegfried (2-0) armies are:
Sorry, it's not all random Antoine

* Admiral EJ-1M, Cyprien Esenwein, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Sgt. Drake Alexander [AoA], Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2, Phantom Knightsx3

This Is Not the Sheriff You're Looking For

* Arthur of Sherwood, Clayton Pierce, Guilty McCreech, James Murphy, Kate Crawford, Locksley, Louis "Mad Dog" Malone, Millerson, Dreadgul Raidersx4, Nottingham Brigandx4

xiegfried chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. earthling chooses to place first or second.

The thesparkleinyourwater (2-0) v. srd717 (2-0) armies are:

* Atlaga the Kyrie Warrior, Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Ninjas of the Northern Wind, Patrick Ferguson, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Tagawa Samurai, Minions of Utgarx2, Protectors of Ullarx2

* Arkmer, B-11 Resistance Corps, Kaemon Awa, Krav Maga Agents, Zetacron, Fen Hydra, Mezzodemon Warmongersx2, Phantom Knightsx2, Red Mantis Blade Dancersx2

thesparkleinyourwater chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. srd717 chooses to place first or second.

The dok (2-0) {2} v. knightoflight (2-0) {9} armies are:
To rock a rhyme that's right on time

* Agent Nora, Agent Skahen, Cormin the Dark, Heirloom, Krav Maga Agents, Laglor, Nakita Agents, Otonashi, Rygarn, Buccaneers of Tortugax3

I sure hope I don't have to play Chris...

* Arktos, Bahadur, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Isamu, Manauvi, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Quickblades, Varkaanan Swiftfangs

dok chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. knightoflight chooses to place first or second.

The dysole (1-1) v. iha (1-1) armies are:
Without Meaning To I Built A Draft Pool That Could Show Up In A Fallout Game

* Calibrax the Kyrie Warrior, M.A.R.S., Me-Burq-Sa, Olog, Pel the Hill Giant, Viceron the Blood Knight, Wastewalker Gage, Death Chasers of Theskx3, Dreadgul Raidersx3

Stuff I Like

* Eltahale, Siiv, Tagawa Samurai, Anubian Wolvesx3, Master of the Hunt, Minions of Utgarx3

dysole chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. iha chooses to place first or second.

The foudzing (1-1) v. youngoween (1-1) armies are:

* Admiral EJ-1M, Eltahale, Kate Crawford, Sentinels of Grax, Horned Skull Brutesx4, Microcorp Troopersx2


* Admiral EJ-1M, Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Exiles of the Sundered Sea, Kalagrith, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Hoplitronx5, Phantom Knightsx3

foudzing chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. youngoween chooses to place first or second.

The kevindola (1-1) {6} v. swarm (1-1) armies are:

* Bok-Bur-Na, Erevan Sunshadow, Fia Bonny the Void Siren, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Iskra Esenwein, Killian Vane III, Knaves of the Silver Scimitar, Rechets of Bogdan, Thorgrim the Viking Champion, Feral Troll, Knights of Weston, Water Elemental

Hail to the King

* Cyprien Esenwein, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Sir Gilbert, Sonya Esenwein, Knights of Westonx2, Master of the Hunt, Skeletons of Annellintiax2

swarm chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. kevindola chooses to place first or second.

The ryguy266 (1-1) {4} v. og-blaha (1-1) armies are:
Hope Everyone’s Cool with Playing My Pool

* Guilty McCreech, Heracles, Krav Maga Agents, Major Q9, Nilfheim, Deathreaversx2, Greenscale Warriorsx3

Officially sponsored by Skywhale

* Mika Connour, Suskra, Van Nessing, Werewolf Lordx2, Wolves of Badrux5

og-blaha chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. ryguy266 chooses to place first or second.

The superfrog (1-1) v. chris perkins (1-1) {1} armies are:

* Kon-Tar-Na, Su-Bak-Na, Tor-Kul-Na, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx3, Marro Dividersx4

The Dogs of War Have Turned the Tide on Their Master

* Arkmer, Arktos, Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Kozuke Samurai, Marcu Esenwein, Nakita Agents, Onshu the Welkineye, Otar, Theracus, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Master of the Hunt

chris perkins chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. superfrog chooses to place first or second.

The sir heroscape (0-2) {10} v. grey waves (0-2) {7} armies are:
Beast Mode

* Krug, Mimring, Onshu the Welkineye, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Arrow Grutsx5, Ice Troll Berserkerx3, Swog Riderx3

The least interesting draft pool you will ever see

* Kato Katsuro, Havech Eradicatorsx8

chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. sir heroscape chooses to place first or second.

The meowgi (0-2) v. maklar the silver prince (0-2) armies are:

* Cyprien Esenwein, Koggo, Patrick Ferguson, Tor-Kul-Na, Buccaneers of Tortugax2, Frost Giant of Morh, Marrden Nagrubsx2, Microcorp Agentsx2

* Marutuk, Quorik Warwitch, Swaysil, Beakface Sneaksx5, Minions of Utgarx4

meowgi chooses to pick first or second from the combined pool. maklar the silver prince chooses to place first or second.

cor770 has a bye.

~Dysole, moving us forward
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IHA and Dysole draft

IHA       Dysole

I deferred which may have been a mistake and then drafted Raiders after he took Pel figuring my best play was to grab 2x of one of his squads and I liked Raiders as a 2x more than I liked Chasers. He surprised me with Gage and MotH and I figured his last bunch of picks were going to be Chasers and MBS so I drafted the army I felt most likely to take that out.

We started off with me using Anubians and him going Chasers. He managed to hit an early Paralyzing Stare and got some good kills into my Anubians. I killed a few Chasers and got 3 wounds onto Pel but the wolves did not hold up as much as I had hoped. I was able to slot one next to MBS (only had 2 attack at the time so I opted to attack down) and then moved up Viceron because I needed to play risky since he was already leaping out ahead with Control Points (I think he had 2 or 3 to my 0). Viceron managed to Bloodstorm about 4-5 of the remaining Chasers and put two wounds on MBS. I then switched over to Raiders and got some very clutch charges and a very clutch 3/3 defense against a 3/4 attack from a Chaser. This allowed me to steal an Order Marker of his and then on the next round I dropped Master of the Hunt down to 1 life. He danced around with him for a bit and Gage even killed a Raider but they both died to Raider attacks right before I switched to Eltahale. I won with 2 Raiders, 1 life Viceron, and full life Eltahale down 3 VPs to 1.

~Dysole, glad IHA was able to get this in before her family got here
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Draft vs Dysole:

Dysole defers first pick

IHA                        Dysole




Wastewalker Gage

Master of the Hunt




Death chasers



Death chasers

Death chasers

I felt great coming out of this draft - I took Pel to give me flexibility with either Dreadguls or Chasers, and Dysole handed me chasers, which I felt were super strong on this map. I opted to deny Gage and take MotH, as I was scared of MotH vs my low def heroes.

I led Deathchasers, and grabbed the middle ground early. Dysole led Anubians, who struggled to make it to the centre vs. my entrenched chasers + MBS pinging from height. I jumped out to a 3-0 VP lead and wiped most of the Anubians without allowing many attacks, but made a crucial error (forgot the unengaged requirement for scoring) that allowed one of the last Anubians to deal 3 wounds to Pel unnecessarily.

Viceron advanced and did a ton of damage to my chasers and MBS, seemingly tanking everything. The turning point was round 3, when Dysole won initiative, had a great bloodstrom, survived everything with Viceron, and then rolled a berserker charge to get the raiders into the fray before I could pick them off. Another berserker charge later that round sniped my last chaser and stole an OM, which combined with another initiative loss allowed the raiders to nearly finish off all my heroes. Dysole won with a full life Eltahale, single raider, and 1-life Viceron, with VPs remaining at 3-0.

Felt like my approach was solid, but losing every initiative after round 1, the 2/2 on clutch berserker charges, and 17% defense dice proved insurmountable. GG to Dysole and good luck!