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OHS S57 - Delta with AoA - Congrats Chris Perkins!

Good game vs Skywhale. He had Braxas and Greenies turtled up on height, and the early PKs that survived acid breath weren't doing a whole lot of anything, so Eltahale had to hop in quickly and see what she could do. Got Braxas down to 4 lives and then we had a big swing where in the span of a turn and a half, Braxas whiffed on a 2 PKs and Elthale acid breath, Eltahale thunder stepped and 1-shot Braxas, and then on an initiative switch killed 3 Greenies with a thunder ram. Skywhale had some valiant defense and did get me down to 1 squad of PKs, 1 life Eltahale, and Bol, but that swing in the middle was just too much to overcome. GG
The Cowboys/Ranjit experiment has not been going well. It's very much had opportunities in both games to put me in a winning spot fairly early. Unfortunately for me, both games I've actually played (Backcountry Gamer had to take a forfeit loss last week) right before I could get that moment, variance took it from me. Both Earthling and vegie played well both killing a key figure right before the big shootout (Earthling killing Malone and vegie killing Clayton). It's certainly a build that could work, but so far hasn't.

~Dysole, who will try again next week.
Just wrapped my game up with baron_scapius! Man, Death Knights would just not die early on. I was rolling near 60% on defense in the early rounds which let me develop most of my army into a good place. He brought out an Ulaniva-charged Guilty early on to take shots from height that just could not break through, allowing me to engage with Loviatak and dispatch him early. For most of the early to mid game, I was really only getting about two attacks while I developed up DKs. Those two attacks per turn were more than enough though, as baron's dreadguls were consistently rolling 0-1 defense dice while the DKs were double aura'd up. Valguard came into the mix late game, but he only managed to put one wound on Loviatak and kill a couple of DKs before dying to a Twisting Blade. Rae cleaned up the rest of baron's army, a lone Johnny who got one parting shot before dying.

GG's baron_scapius!
Round 4 is on Tabasco.

The ryguy266 (3-0) {2} v. swarm (3-0) armies are:
Built Fallinel Tough
* Syvarris, Warforged Soldiersx4
Splish splash this army is trash
* Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Microcorp Agentsx3

swarm chooses who places first.

The sir heroscape (3-0) {8} v. cleon (3-0) armies are:
Just a Delta Army
* Syvarris, Templar Cavalryx4

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Krav Maga Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors

cleon chooses who places first.

The sheep (2-1) v. shurrig (2-1) armies are:
kevindola once beat me with something like this so it must be good
* Krav Maga Agents, Zogross Hardscale, Armoc Vipersx3
no one saw this coming
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4

shurrig chooses who places first.

The megasilver (2-1) {6} v. dunedain (2-1) armies are:
Teeth of Za Cron
* Marcu Esenwein, Zetacron, Teeth of the Makwax4 (drop 1)
Some Knights, a Goliath, and a Goblin Walk Into a Bar…
* Bol, Eltahale, Phantom Knightsx3

megasilver chooses who places first.

The foudzing (2-1) v. thrasherdarkrai (2-1) armies are:
Not the worst Raelin anymore!!
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3
The Pirates, dressed suspiciously like Dwarves, are invading!
* Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Sonya Esenwein, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex3 (drop 1)

thrasherdarkrai chooses who places first.

The earthling (2-1) {4} v. cuzmo_of_gilead (2-1) armies are:
If you can't beat them...
* Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Microcorp Agentsx3

* Dorim the Bulkhead Brawler, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex3

cuzmo_of_gilead chooses who places first.

The kevindola (2-1) {9} v. tiamat (2-1) armies are:
Named for Me
* Deltacron, Cathar Spearmenx3
Xeny and the Brutes
* Brute Gruts, Xenithrax the Vineweaver, Greenscale Warriorsx2

kevindola chooses who places first.

The grey waves (2-1) {3} v. shiftrex (2-1) {10} armies are:
Master of the Stingers
* Marro Stingersx4, Master of the Hunt

* Master of the Hunt, Templar Cavalryx4

grey waves chooses who places first.

The dok (2-1) v. vegietarian18 (2-1) armies are:
Oh crap, gotta think of an army quick
* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3
doing it for the vines
* Isamu, Xenithrax the Vineweaver, Greenscale Warriorsx3

vegietarian18 chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (2-1) {1} v. dysole (1-2) armies are:
What's AoA?
* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Zettian Guards
A Fistful of Generals
* Clayton Pierce, Guilty McCreech, Kate Crawford, Louis ""Mad Dog"" Malone, Ranjit Singh, Zettian Guards

dysole chooses who places first.

The vegie dad (1-2) v. superfrog (1-2) armies are:
No defense dice
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4

* Asterios, Havech Eradicatorsx3

vegie dad chooses who places first.

The knightoflight (1-2) v. og-blaha (1-2) {7} armies are:
Hope you don’t like rolling defense…
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4
Swifties Gone Wild
* Ana Karithon, Ewashia Master of the Tides, Nakita Agents, Onshu the Welkineye, Otar

knightoflight chooses who places first.

The dachshund (1-2) v. arrow grut (1-2) armies are:
This doesn't feel very valiant
* Sir Dupuis, 4th Massachusetts Linex3
Back in Black(gaard)
* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Knights of Blackgaardx3

dachshund chooses who places first.

The quozl (0-3) v. srd717 (1-2) armies are:

* Venoc Warlord, Aubrien Archersx4

* Isamu, Kaemon Awa, Nhah Scirh Cultistsx3 (drop 1)

quozl chooses who places first.

The skywhale (1-2) v. backcountry gamer (0-3) armies are:
X is for braXas
* Braxas, Greenscale Warriorsx3
Cowboys and Dragons and Bears, Oh My!
* Deadeye Dan, Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Zelrig

backcountry gamer chooses who places first.

The xiegfried (1-2) v. bert25 (0-3) armies are:
Xenithrax: Use Once Daily or As Directed
* Isamu, Xenithrax the Vineweaver, Greenscale Warriorsx3

* Fen Hydra, Honor Guard of the Blasted Landsx4

bert25 chooses who places first.

The baron_scapius (1-2) v. cor7770 (1-2) armies are:
Dread da Guls!
* Guilty McCreech, Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx3

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx5, Nottingham Brigand

cor7770 chooses who places first.

The drumtooth (1-2) v. youngoween (1-2) armies are:
Ranged Elves
* Arkmer, Syvarris, Theracus, Aubrien Archersx3
Saving Private Pathfinder
* Capt. John Varan, Nakita Agents, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx6

youngoween chooses who places first.

drakeepooh has a bye.

~Dysole, kicking off the final round for everyone
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Got the win against @Sheep this evening.

I started out by rushing Raelin up to potentially chase down a Krav and give my DKs some time to develop, which ended up working in my favor. Sheep was not prepared for a 7 move Raelin and left a Krav up where I could get it and managed to get the kill, though Raelin died shortly after. Rest of the game was just slowly but consistently getting 2ish kills per turn and rolling 5 defense dice. Sheep also missed some pretty important attacks on Loviatak which ended up being crucial for me. The last round I stole Sheep’s OM 3 by killing Zogross and an Armoc turn 1, which allowed me to chase down the remaining Krav for the W. Definitely had some lucky dice there near the end, but I’ve really been enjoying how consistent The AoA Utgar make the DKs. GGs Sheep!
A fun game against @Cor7770. After developing evil Raelin and getting his deathknights up onto the road, it felt like I would be an uphill battle for my dreadguls. The first wave of 'guls went down with hardly a whimper - the DKs were rolling well and the 'guls didn't get to roll any defense dice in the aura. They did manage to put a wound on Rae. Guilty did Guilty things, getting Rae down to 1 life. Rae came forward to remove a gul that was blocking the path to Guilty and the gul pulled out a vital block. Rae went down next turn and Valguard engaged the most forward DK. The next turn the DK went for the disengage to get rid of Guilty, but died on disengage. The most forward DKs rushed forward (thanks to the road) and eliminated all the 'guls except 1. I hid that one in the start zone (to not lose OMs and to keep Johnny company) and switched back and forth between Valguard and Guilty depending on which was a better play that turn. Cor7770 caught me off guard by bringing up his Nottingham brigand on a turn 3 and took a shot at Guilty, wounding, but not killing him. Guilty removed the brigand threat next turn. Once Valguard got tied down, Guilty rained lead on the deathknights from height - stepping onto Dagmar at a critical moment to keep initiative. Once Valguard was gone, Guilty just needed to stay far enough away from the last 2 DKs to finish the job, which he did. MVP was Guilty, hands down. Thanks for the game @Cor7770!
The Prequarterfinals are on Deja Vu.

The ryguy266 (3-1) {2} v. shurrig (3-1) armies are:
Built Fallinel Tough

* Syvarris, Warforged Soldiersx4

no one saw this coming

* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4

shurrig chooses who places first.

The earthling (3-1) {3} v. grey waves (3-1) {4} armies are:
If you can't beat them...

* Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Microcorp Agentsx3

Master of the Stingers

* Marro Stingersx4, Master of the Hunt

grey waves chooses who places first.

The dunedain (3-1) v. cleon (3-1) armies are:
Some Knights, a Goliath, and a Goblin Walk Into a Bar…

* Bol, Eltahale, Phantom Knightsx3

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Krav Maga Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors

cleon chooses who places first.

The foudzing (3-1) v. dok (3-1) {9} armies are:
Not the worst Raelin anymore!!

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3

Oh crap, gotta think of an army quick

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3

foudzing chooses who places first.

~Dysole, shooting us forward
I beat Earthling yesterday in a highly technical game that lasted almost one and a half hours. I made Earthling place first, and he decided to take the north SZ, placing 5 micros on the right side and the other 4 micros, plus Ewashia and Kita, on the left. For my part, I stacked all my stingers on the left side of my SZ.

Now, Deja Vu has 2 features that were key in how this matchup played out. 1, there's a huge expanse of level 3 that runs from one side of the map to the other, and 2, the opposing level 4 spaces are really far away from each other. Because of this, my strategy was to develop my stingers up to the level 3 on the very far left side and more or less ignore the microcorp that Earthling had developed on the rightmost third of the map. This way, any microcorp that Earthling did develop there would have to give up the level 4 height in order get height attacks on my developing stingers, which would in turn expose the microcorp to a counterattack from the stingers on the level 4 on my side. For the most part, this strategy worked out, and I was able to kill the micros that Earthling moved onto the level 3 road in the centre of the map while simultaneously targeting the agents that he'd left on the left side of his SZ. There were a few nervous moments - Ewashia came out and could have wiped out 2/4 of my remaining stingers from the low ground while Earthling still had 3 micros left in play, and on Earthling's very next turn the micros managed to get 3 height attacks down on the stingers, but the stingers were able to weather the storm. I ended up winning with 3 stingers and a full-life Master of the Hunt remaining. gg Earthling! It was a fun one.
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Not valid QF matchups

Spoiler Alert!
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The Quarterfinals are on Framework.

The sir heroscape (4-0) {6} v. dok (4-1) {7} armies are:
Just a Delta Army

* Syvarris, Templar Cavalryx4

Oh crap, gotta think of an army quick

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3

sir heroscape chooses who places first.

The swarm (4-0) v. cleon (4-1) armies are:
Splish splash this army is trash

* Ewashia Master of the Tides, Kita the Springrunner, Microcorp Agentsx3

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Krav Maga Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors

swarm chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (3-1) {1} v. shurrig (4-1) armies are:
What's AoA?

* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Zettian Guards

no one saw this coming

* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4

chris perkins chooses who places first.

The kevindola (3-1) {9} v. grey waves (4-1) {2} armies are:
Named for Me

* Deltacron, Cathar Spearmenx3

Master of the Stingers

* Marro Stingersx4, Master of the Hunt

kevindola chooses who places first.

Late night and missed something. Here's the correct matchups.

~Dysole, apologetically
The chris perkins (3-1) {1} v. shurrig (4-1) armies are:
What's AoA?

* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Zettian Guards

no one saw this coming

* Loviatäk the Kyrie Warrior, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [AoA], Death Knights of Valkrillx4

chris perkins chooses who places first.

Playing Thursday @ 10 am EST
I played the last AoA showdown of this season against Cleon yesterday!

Before the game, I had a quick practice game to test this matchup. Framework is kind of hard to get micros to height and keep it, and the whole bunch of same level 3 hexes makes it hard for them to get heightened shots. I also wasn't sure if Cleon would open krav (Unlikely, but possible) or bears (likely). Bears having quite a longetivity would mean that agents would simply get mowed down in the middle of the map.

Knowing this, I opened with Ewashia. My hope here was to kill at least 2 bears and maybe one krav, which would heavily hinder cleon on his ability to direct where the fight is. I figured if I do enough damage he would have no other choice than going inside my sz, where my unengaged agents could go up and use Sighting on them. Ewashia took cleon by surprise, giving him a bit of a headache for the developement of his figures. I was able to get a few ranged splashes on bears while laying down water tiles on height spaces, wounding but not killing the frostclaws. Who could've guessed polar bears liked water? On the left side, Kita got swooped by eldgrim on the fight for the Valda glyph, and at the start of the second round I placed Ewashia in the middle in a own-made puddle, hoping he would slow down and tank my opponent while I activate my agents.

At the same time, the krav got to the highest points and heavily wound ewashia which did not held long. Then, cleon managed to quickly clear 5 of my agents as I couldn't get any suit saves. At that point, I did made a mistake of not going into level 0 water for the bonus defense of my agents. I realized this a bit later and put all my remaining agents in water, trying to get a krav to blank. Microcorp held for a while, but could only kill bears. I did get 3 saves (out of 10), which only kept my head out of the water ( :) ) for a little while but ultimately it was too late.

Good game cleon, you played it well and I truly enjoyed this game. Looking forward to the next one.
The Semifinals are on Stigmata.

The kevindola (4-1) {6} v. dok (5-1) {5} armies are:
Named for Me

* Deltacron, Cathar Spearmenx3

Oh crap, gotta think of an army quick

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], 10th Regiment of Footx3

kevindola chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (4-1) {1} v. cleon (5-1) armies are:
What's AoA?

* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Zettian Guards

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Krav Maga Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors

chris perkins chooses who places first.

~Dysole, very unsurprised at this top 4
The chris perkins (4-1) {1} v. cleon (5-1) armies are:
What's AoA?
* Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears, Varkaanan Swiftfangs, Zettian Guards

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Finn the Viking Champion, Frostclaw Paladins, Krav Maga Agents, Tarn Viking Warriors

chris perkins chooses who places first.

The battle for Ulaniva is taking place Tuesday (5/14) @ 8 pm EST.