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OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft - CONGRATS CHRIS PERKINS


quozl chose to pick first.

I struck nothing.
He led Kal
I picked Wyrms
He struck nothing.
I took M-43
He took Eilan and Brute Gruts

Playing Wednesday 6 PM Pacific

~Dysole, looking forward to it

EDIT: Tight game with quozl. My early plan to eliminate Brute Gruts and put wounds on Kal with M-43 was thwarted by clutch Berserker rolls from the Tarn. I was fortunate they didn't kill too many M-43 but they did keep me from sneaking more than the one kill on Brute Gruts I managed. Thankfully for me quozl, went to Sidhe next and I was able to use a combination of Wyrms and M-43 to kill them and pull them away from trees. Kal came up and I put a few wounds on her between peppering with M-43 and Wyrms. I grabbed Holdir only for her to kill the Wyrm on it and then she moved away getting double engaged by an M-43 and a Wyrm.

I then won a very clutch initiative after that where he had all 3 OMs on Brute Gruts ready to jump into the fray and I killed one with the init win and then they did no wounds on any of my dudes even after burning a marker. I killed another and the last one one shot Soontir and then engaged two Wyrms (one of which was next to Kal and the other which was heading for Holdir).

I won another clutch initiative and killed the Brute Grut (unfortch needing two shots to do it so it took me an extra turn to grab Holdir) which cost him an OM but she disengaged (taking one wound from the two figures) and burninated some towns on her way. Then I began throwing everything at Kal doing only one wound before a key 3/3 from a White Wyrm and a whiff dropping Kal down to one life.

I won initiative and then it was Wyrms doing cleanup with Kira shooting on occasion. Chen fell pretty quickly and soon it was just a Sidhe and Eldgrim. I had a brief scare where Eldgrim kept not taking wounds but Kira managed to snipe him eventually. (2 Exploit Weakness on the Sidhe earlier)

Good game quozl.
Last edited:
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/18/24 Round 2

It came down to Kira and a black wyrmling against Eldgrim.

Eldgrim's spirit has moved on.

Congrats, Dysole!
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/11/24 Round 1


Buggin’ Owt (BANNED)
* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3
Grubs not Drugs (BANNED)
* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4
One of These Bows is Not like the Others
* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2


Shiftrex -> Ban Grubs not Drugs
Shurrig -> Jumpscare
Shiftrex -> Alien Empire
Shurrig -> Strike Buggin’ Owt
Shiftrex -> Easy Company
Shurrig -> One of These Bows is Not like the Others​
Shurrig -> Takes south startzone (Shiftrex picked for Shurrig to place first)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Map Thoughts:
Spoiler Alert!
Third Times a Charm But Early

Round 3 is on Compact.

The srd717 (2-0) {7} v. shiftrex (2-0) pool of armies is:

* Kaemon Awa, Goblin Cuttersx3

* Kalagrith, Deathreaversx2

* Asterios, Marro Dividersx3

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

shiftrex chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, srd717 chooses who places first.

The earthling (2-0) {6} v. og-blaha (2-0) {2} pool of armies is:
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

General Marcu
* Gen. Simon Fraser, Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
where is Captain Jack?
* Me-Burq-Sa, 10th Regiment of Footx3
Jumping Jax
* Kira Jax, Warforged Soldiersx3

og-blaha chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, earthling chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (2-0) {1} v. dysole (1-1) pool of armies is:
I Hear 8 Move is Good
* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues
* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2
The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling

I Got Your Proldiers License Right Here
* Kira Jax, Soontir Van, M-43 Resistance Fightersx3
The Green Hunters
* Brute Gruts, Chen Tang, Eilan Sidhex3
Burn Towns Get Money
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Kalagrith, Tarn Viking Warriors

dysole chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, chris perkins chooses who places first.

The megasilver (1-1) {4} v. shurrig (1-1) pool of armies is:
Divide & Devour
* Ashi-Dhulu, Marro Dividersx3
Soul Searching
* Major J15, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
Spirit Hunting
* Teeth of the Makwax3

Buggin’ Owt
* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3
Grubs not Drugs
* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4
One of These Bows is Not like the Others
* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

megasilver chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, shurrig chooses who places first.

The kevindola (1-1) v. tiamat (1-1) pool of armies is:
* Otar, Suskra, Van Nessing, Arrow Gruts
Gallop DMC
* Arthur of Sherwood, Deltacron, Mika Connour
* Estivara, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx2

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

* Brute Gruts, Krav Maga Agents, Marcu Esenwein, Rygarn

tiamat chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, kevindola chooses who places first.

The dunedain (1-1) v. ryguy266 (1-1) {8} pool of armies is:
Rome Is The Light
* James Murphy, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
For His Majesty
* Guilty McCreech, Heirloom, 10th Regiment of Footx2
Meat's Back On The Menu
* Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx3

Knock Knock
* Heracles
Who's There?
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears
* Marro Stingersx4

ryguy266 chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dunedain chooses who places first.

The dok (1-1) {10} v. foudzing (1-1) pool of armies is:

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Ornak, Blade Grutsx2

* Otar, Arrow Grutsx3, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Rider

* Kyntela Gwyn, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx2

I think I've
* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2
already seen
* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2
that somewhere
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2

dok chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, foudzing chooses who places first.

The superfrog (1-1) v. kinseth (0-2) pool of armies is:
Death from Below
* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2
Death from Above
* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2
Death from … Far Away?
* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

Titan and Vikings
* Eltahale, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Samurai and Bugbears
* Kaemon Awa, Horned Skull Brutesx2
Tank and Wraiths
* Siege, Phantom Knightsx2

kinseth chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The xiegfried (0-2) v. arrow grut (0-2) pool of armies is:
Wild Guilty Bois
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Galaxy Battles
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Kira Jax, M-43 Resistance Fightersx2
Aren't you a bit tall for a dwarf?
* Isamu, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2

* Major Q10, Goblin Cuttersx2

* Beorn Boltcutter, Warden 816, Zettian Infantryx2

* Azurite Warlord, Marcu Esenwein, Roman Legionnairesx2

xiegfried chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, arrow grut chooses who places first.

The swarm (0-2) v. quozl (0-2) pool of armies is:

* Alastair MacDirk, MacDirk Warriorsx2

* Marrden Houndsx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

Turn of the Wyrm
* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
Walking Death
* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

quozl chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, swarm chooses who places first.
Game Over

I chose to pick first.

Chris banned Kal.

I picked Wyrmlings
He picked M-43s

I banned Nakitas

He picked Varks
I picked Sidhe and Brute Gruts

I didn't love it but I felt the Wyrmling and Nakita pods were the strongest on this map and if I let him have Nakitas into Varks he just leads Cathar and M-43s to kill as many Wyrmling as possible and then Nakitas just tear up on this map.

I led Wyrmlings and he led Varks. I lost a White and a Red but managed to take out all the Varks (except Arktos) and a Kozuke in the first round. I was in a good spot but managed much less success against M-43s. Once I got down to 3 Blacks he had about 5 M-43s and full life Soontir and Kira. I pivoted to Brute Gruts and lost one in the push. I had a prime opportunity to kill Kira and drop him down to 2 M-43s across an init switch and only manged to kill Kira. Chen moved forward and took 4 wounds in one hit from Arktos. After that, Chris cleaned up pretty handily. He won with 2 Kozuke, 2 M-43s, Soontir, and Arktos.

~Dysole, a bit disappointed but that's how this game goes sometimes
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/25/24 Round 3


I felt good about the draft going in, but after the opening failure of the Varks I was left in a much worse spot.

I also kept forgetting that M-43 get to move others after their attacks, and Dysole was kind enough to remind me twice (which she definitely didn't have to do).

But I played a fairly sloppy game overall and got quite lucky when the dice kept failing to cooperate for high percentage attacks that Dysole was getting off but not landing (at one point, 1 Brute Grut got 4 attacks in a row into an M-43 and failed to land any of the 4 kills, which was indicative of like 3-4 spots like that where Dysole probably could have won the game but the dice didn't let it happen).

Overall just got very lucky in this one.


* Kaemon Awa, Goblin Cuttersx3

* Kalagrith, Deathreaversx2

* Asterios, Marro Dividersx3

Easy Company

* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5


* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3

Alien Empire

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2


Shiftrex -> Strike Kaemon pod

Srd -> Kalagrath pod

Shiftrex -> Easy Company

Srd -> No Strike

Shiftrex -> Alien Empire

Srd -> Jumpscare​

Shiftrex -> Takes north startzone (Srd picked for Shiftrex to place first)


Spoiler Alert!


Spoiler Alert!

Map Thoughts:

Spoiler Alert!
Round 4 is on Bad Moon Rising.

The earthling (3-0) {2} v. shiftrex (3-0) pool of armies is:

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na


* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2


* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

Easy Company

* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5


* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3

Alien Empire

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

earthling chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, shiftrex chooses who places first.

The chris perkins (3-0) {1} v. og-blaha (2-1) {6} pool of armies is:
I Hear 8 Move is Good

* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs

Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues

* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2

The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out

* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling

General Marcu

* Gen. Simon Fraser, Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2

where is Captain Jack?

* Me-Burq-Sa, 10th Regiment of Footx3

Jumping Jax

* Kira Jax, Warforged Soldiersx3

og-blaha chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, chris perkins chooses who places first.

The foudzing (2-1) v. srd717 (2-1) {9} pool of armies is:
I think I've

* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2

already seen

* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2

that somewhere

* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2

* Kaemon Awa, Goblin Cuttersx3

* Kalagrith, Deathreaversx2

* Asterios, Marro Dividersx3

srd717 chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, foudzing chooses who places first.

The tiamat (2-1) v. ryguy266 (2-1) {7} pool of armies is:

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

* Brute Gruts, Krav Maga Agents, Marcu Esenwein, Rygarn

Knock Knock

* Heracles

Who's There?

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears


* Marro Stingersx4

tiamat chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, ryguy266 chooses who places first.

The megasilver (2-1) {4} v. superfrog (2-1) pool of armies is:
Divide & Devour

* Ashi-Dhulu, Marro Dividersx3

Soul Searching

* Major J15, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs

Spirit Hunting

* Teeth of the Makwax3

Death from Below

* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2

Death from Above

* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2

Death from … Far Away?

* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

superfrog chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, megasilver chooses who places first.

The shurrig (1-2) v. dunedain (1-2) pool of armies is:
Buggin’ Owt

* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3

Grubs not Drugs

* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4

One of These Bows is Not like the Others

* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

Rome Is The Light

* James Murphy, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2

For His Majesty

* Guilty McCreech, Heirloom, 10th Regiment of Footx2

Meat's Back On The Menu

* Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx3

shurrig chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dunedain chooses who places first.

The dysole (1-2) v. swarm (1-2) pool of armies is:
I Got Your Proldiers License Right Here

* Kira Jax, Soontir Van, M-43 Resistance Fightersx3

The Green Hunters

* Brute Gruts, Chen Tang, Eilan Sidhex3

Burn Towns Get Money

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Kalagrith, Tarn Viking Warriors

* Alastair MacDirk, MacDirk Warriorsx2

* Marrden Houndsx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

swarm chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dysole chooses who places first.

The dok (1-2) {10} v. quozl (0-3) pool of armies is:

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Ornak, Blade Grutsx2

* Otar, Arrow Grutsx3, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Rider

* Kyntela Gwyn, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx2

Turn of the Wyrm

* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2

Walking Death

* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2


* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

quozl chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dok chooses who places first.

kevindola has the bye

~Dysole, kicking us forward
@dok @kevindola @Shurrig @quozl @Dunedain @Xiegfried

We've repaired due to an error.

The dok (1-2) {10} v. kevindola (1-2) pool of armies is:

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Ornak, Blade Grutsx2

* Otar, Arrow Grutsx3, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Rider

* Kyntela Gwyn, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx2

* Otar, Suskra, Van Nessing, Arrow Gruts
Gallop DMC
* Arthur of Sherwood, Deltacron, Mika Connour
* Estivara, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx2

kevindola chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dok chooses who places first.

The shurrig (1-2) v. quozl (0-3) pool of armies is:
Buggin’ Owt
* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3
Grubs not Drugs
* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4
One of These Bows is Not like the Others
* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

Turn of the Wyrm
* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
Walking Death
* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

shurrig chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, quozl chooses who places first.

The dunedain (1-2) v. xiegfried (0-3) pool of armies is:
Rome Is The Light
* James Murphy, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
For His Majesty
* Guilty McCreech, Heirloom, 10th Regiment of Footx2
Meat's Back On The Menu
* Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

* Brute Gruts, Krav Maga Agents, Marcu Esenwein, Rygarn

dunedain chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, xiegfried chooses who places first.

arrow grut has a bye.

~Dysole, apologetically
Tomorrow morning at 9 Pacific

Swarm chose to be player 1.

I struck Havechs.

He took Hounds.

I took Kal.

He struck nothing.

I took MacDirks

He took M-43s

~Dysole, curious to see how this plays out.

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na

* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2

Goose (BANNED)
* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5

Jumpscare (BANNED)
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2


Earthling -> Strike Goose
Shiftrex -> Easy Company
Earthling -> Alien Empire
Shiftrex -> Strike Jumpscare
Earthling -> Duck
Shiftrex -> Dok​
Earthling -> Takes north startzone (Shiftrex picked for Earthling to place first)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Map Thoughts:
Spoiler Alert!
Sorry this was a bit late.

The Quarterfinals are on Black Ice.

The foudzing (3-1) v. earthling (3-1) {5} pool of armies is:
I think I've

* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2

already seen

* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2

that somewhere

* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2


* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na


* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2


* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

earthling chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, foudzing chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (3-1) {3} v. superfrog (3-1) pool of armies is:
Knock Knock

* Heracles

Who's There?

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears


* Marro Stingersx4

Death from Below

* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2

Death from Above

* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2

Death from … Far Away?

* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

superfrog chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, ryguy266 chooses who places first.

Chris Perkins and Shiftrex have a bye to the semifinals. (Rematches could affect which winner they play at this point)

~Dysole, informationally
It was pointed out we had the wrong map. Use these links.

The Quarterfinals are on Black Ice.

The foudzing (3-1) v. earthling (3-1) {5} pool of armies is:
I think I've

* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2

already seen

* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2

that somewhere

* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2


* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na


* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2


* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

earthling chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, foudzing chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (3-1) {3} v. superfrog (3-1) pool of armies is:
Knock Knock

* Heracles

Who's There?

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears


* Marro Stingersx4

Death from Below

* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2

Death from Above

* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2

Death from … Far Away?

* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

superfrog chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, ryguy266 chooses who places first.

~Dysole, updatingly
The Semifinals are on Water Treatment Facility.

The chris perkins (4-0) {1} v. earthling (4-1) {3} pool of armies is:
I Hear 8 Move is Good

* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs

Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues

* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2

The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out

* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling


* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na


* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2


* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

chris perkins chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, earthling chooses who places first.

The shiftrex (4-0) {9} v. ryguy266 (4-1) {4} pool of armies is:
Easy Company

* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5


* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3

Alien Empire

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

Knock Knock

* Heracles

Who's There?

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears


* Marro Stingersx4

ryguy266 chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, shiftrex chooses who places first.

~Dysole, shoving us forward

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3

Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

Knock Knock
* Heracles
Who's There? (BANNED)
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears
* Marro Stingersx4


Ry -> Strike Varks
Shiftrex -> Easy Company
Ry -> Stingers
Shiftrex -> No Strike
Earthling -> Alien Empire
Shiftrex -> Easy Company​
Ry -> Takes north startzone (Shiftrex picked for Ry to place first)

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Map Thoughts:
Spoiler Alert!
Last edited by a moderator:
The Finals are on Dance of the Dryads.

The chris perkins (5-0) {1} v. ryguy266 (5-1) {2} pool of armies is:
I Hear 8 Move is Good

* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs

Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues

* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2

The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out

* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling

Knock Knock

* Heracles

Who's There?

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears


* Marro Stingersx4

chris perkins chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, ryguy266 chooses who places first.

~Dysole, wrapping up this season
Finals going down tonight @ 8 pm Eastern.

I imagine Ryguy will be streaming it.

We will be drafting live right at the start.