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OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft - CONGRATS CHRIS PERKINS


PuppetMaster & #2 Ranked CoNner
Site Supporter
Online Heroscape Season 56:
Double Strike Pod Draft


Games are played using the online Heroscape interface. Check the spoiler for a how-to-play video.
Spoiler Alert!

For this event, each player will bring three army pods, each with a maximum of 275 points and 12 figures*. (C3V/SoV eligible, no Marvel.) Use Standard Points. You may not repeat figures in more than one pod.

*Airborne Elite, Rechets of Bogdan, and Bound Heroes count towards the figure limit.

If the placed figures in the army require more than 24 start zone spaces, place the minimum number of additional start zone tiles needed adjacent to the back of the start zone. All additional start zone tiles placed must be adjacent to standard start zone spaces, must be the same level as an adjacent standard start zone space (use grass or ice), and cannot be placed adjacent to a space that is not in the start zone. If there is a dispute in adding tiles, contact an organizer.

The format is Double Strike Pod Draft.
Before each game, there will be a dice-off, done by the tournament organizers. The winner of the dice-off decides whether to be "Player A" or "Player B" in the draft.

The progression of the draft is as follows:
  1. Player B has the option of striking one of the six pods (a pod that is struck cannot be chosen by either player).
  2. Player A chooses one of the remaining (5 or 6) pods to play.
  3. Player B chooses one of the remaining (4 or 5) pods to play.
  4. Player A has the option of striking one of the remaining pods.
  5. Player B chooses one of the remaining pods to play.
  6. Player A chooses one of the remaining pods to play.

Spoiler Alert!

The regular season will last four weeks, with one game each week. After the regular season ends there will be a single elimination bracket for the top finishers.

Event Details and Rules:
Spoiler Alert!

~Dysole, kicking us off
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Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Pretty sure there's something wrong with the draft progression order in the OP - either 5 or 6 should be Player A chooses one of the remaining pods to play (probably 6?). Fyi

But as-written Player B gets 3 pods to Player A's 1.
Late Night

Pretty sure there's something wrong with the draft progression order in the OP - either 5 or 6 should be Player A chooses one of the remaining pods to play (probably 6?). Fyi

But as-written Player B gets 3 pods to Player A's 1.

This has been corrected.

~Dysole, informationally
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Can pods share figures? I think every other pod draft event I’ve played in hasn’t allowed that, but I don’t see it here.
Good Catch

Can pods share figures? I think every other pod draft event I’ve played in hasn’t allowed that, but I don’t see it here.

That's still the case. Added to the OP.

~Dysole, informationally
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Signed up.

Really like my pods for this one (they will shock no one); we'll see how it goes.
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Signed up and excited to try out pod draft for the first time! I had a lot of fun putting pods together for this, so I'm looking forward to playing what I came up with.
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Signed up, same as Chris I'll play my usual stuff hehehe.
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

I made 3 unusual pods.
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

Can we get hyperlinks on the maps? I always struggle trying to find them in the folders.
Re: Online Heroscape S56: Double Strike Pod Draft

This sounds like a fun event, think I will dust off my digital order markers and dice and lace up the boots for this one.
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/04/24 SIGNUPS CLOSE

Got my armies in just under the wire, should be a fun one.
Let's Begin

Round 1 is on Alien Underbrush (OEAO) .

The dysole v. shurrig pool of armies is:
I Got Your Proldiers License Right Here
* Kira Jax, Soontir Van, M-43 Resistance Fightersx3
The Green Hunters
* Brute Gruts, Chen Tang, Eilan Sidhex3
Burn Towns Get Money
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Kalagrith, Tarn Viking Warriors

Buggin’ Owt
* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3
Grubs not Drugs
* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4
One of These Bows is Not like the Others
* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

dysole chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, shurrig chooses who places first.

The kinseth v. dunedain pool of armies is:
Titan and Vikings
* Eltahale, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Samurai and Bugbears
* Kaemon Awa, Horned Skull Brutesx2
Tank and Wraiths
* Siege, Phantom Knightsx2

Rome Is The Light
* James Murphy, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
For His Majesty
* Guilty McCreech, Heirloom, 10th Regiment of Footx2
Meat's Back On The Menu
* Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx3

dunedain chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, kinseth chooses who places first.

The quozl v. shiftrex pool of armies is:
Turn of the Wyrm
* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
Walking Death
* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

shiftrex chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, quozl chooses who places first.

The arrow grut v. og-blaha pool of armies is:

* Major Q10, Goblin Cuttersx2

* Beorn Boltcutter, Warden 816, Zettian Infantryx2

* Azurite Warlord, Marcu Esenwein, Roman Legionnairesx2

General Marcu
* Gen. Simon Fraser, Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
where is Captain Jack?
* Me-Burq-Sa, 10th Regiment of Footx3
Jumping Jax
* Kira Jax, Warforged Soldiersx3

arrow grut chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, og-blaha chooses who places first.

The srd717 v. kevindola pool of armies is:

* Kaemon Awa, Goblin Cuttersx3

* Kalagrith, Deathreaversx2

* Asterios, Marro Dividersx3

* Otar, Suskra, Van Nessing, Arrow Gruts
Gallop DMC
* Arthur of Sherwood, Deltacron, Mika Connour
* Estivara, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx2

srd717 chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, kevindola chooses who places first.

The earthling v. swarm pool of armies is:
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

* Alastair MacDirk, MacDirk Warriorsx2

* Marrden Houndsx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

swarm chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, earthling chooses who places first.

The chris perkins v. xiegfried pool of armies is:
I Hear 8 Move is Good
* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues
* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2
The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling

Wild Guilty Bois
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Galaxy Battles
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Kira Jax, M-43 Resistance Fightersx2
Aren't you a bit tall for a dwarf?
* Isamu, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2

chris perkins chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, xiegfried chooses who places first.

The dok v. ryguy266 pool of armies is:

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Ornak, Blade Grutsx2

* Otar, Arrow Grutsx3, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Rider

* Kyntela Gwyn, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx2

Knock Knock
* Heracles
Who's There?
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears
* Marro Stingersx4

dok chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, ryguy266 chooses who places first.

The superfrog v. tiamat pool of armies is:
Death from Below
* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2
Death from Above
* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2
Death from … Far Away?
* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

* Brute Gruts, Krav Maga Agents, Marcu Esenwein, Rygarn

tiamat chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, superfrog chooses who places first.

The foudzing v. megasilver pool of armies is:
I think I've
* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2
already seen
* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2
that somewhere
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2

Divide & Devour
* Ashi-Dhulu, Marro Dividersx3
Soul Searching
* Major J15, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
Spirit Hunting
* Teeth of the Makwax3

foudzing chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, megasilver chooses who places first.
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Shurrig and I playing over the weekend.

Dysole chooses to pick first.
Shurrig strikes nothing.
Dysole chooses Eilan Sidhe, Brute Gruts, Chen Tang
Shurrig chooses Kozil, Fyorlag Spiders x3
Dysole strikes M-43 x3, Kira, Soontir
Shurrig chooses Eldgrim, Kalagrith, Tarn
Dysole chooses Aubriens x3, Shotgun

Looking forward to the match.

~Dysole, quickdrafting

EDIT: This game didn't go my way. I grabbed glyphs with Eilan and then did not manage to snipe enough wounds on Kozil before he was in my start zone killing my Brutes. My Aubriens also died to some key kills from Eldgrim and Shotgun got one shot by Kozil (3 wounds and Crushing Grasp) next thing I knew I had to face down a full life Kalagrith and a bunch of Tarn with only Chen Tang and a few Sidhe. I did not pull that off.
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Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/04/24 SIGNUPS CLOSE

Kinseth vs dunedain will take place tomorrow at 9:30 est.

I won the dice off and took first pick, Kinseth struck Meat’s Back on The Menu

I took For His Majesty

Kinseth took Rome is The Light

I struck Tank and Wraiths

Kinseth took Titan and Vikings

I took Samurai and Bugbears
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/04/24 SIGNUPS CLOSE

Draft with Tiamat:

Tiamat chose to pick first.
I struck Rygarn.
He chose Heavies.
I chose Havechs.
He struck Romans.
I chose Shieldsmiths.
He chose/(was left with) Banshees.

I led Havechs to get out and get shots on Grimnak. But Tiamat led Banshees (a great move) to try to scream some Havechs. After winning initiative and placing his first two Banshees out of range, I ran three Havechs up, knowing at least one could get screamed. He did indeed get a scream and two attacks, but the attacks were blocked. I got two kills on my 3 attacks (one from range, two from melee), leaving the door open for another scream (but the Banshee attack was blocked). I got 3 kills on my OM3, blowing up one Havech in the process, but neutering the Banshees as only one was remaining.

Round two saw me follow up with Havechs and Tiamat switch to Heavies. I lost initiative again but got the first attacks of the round. A ranged 5v3 to free up a frontline Havech for a Grimnak attack got blocked, as did that Havech's melee attack against a heavy. The last Havech got 2 wounds on Grimnak with a 5v4 but blew himself up in the process. Tiamat got 3 heavy attacks but only 1 went through. That set me up for the big turn of the game:

I triple engaged a heavy (two on high ground, one on even ground). The even ground one got one skull but it went through for a kill. The first high ground one rolled 3 skulls on Grimnak (blocked, but rolled a 19), and then 2 skulls (blocked, rolled another 19) and then 4 skulls (1 shield, dead Grimnak, rolled an 18), and 2 skulls (blocked by a heavy, rolled a 4 to self-destruct). My last Havech got 3 attacks of his own, each of which killed a heavy.

After that it was just cleanup, first by my last Havechs and then by my shieldsmiths. I ended up winning with 6 shieldsmiths, 1 Havech, and Ashi against 1 Heavy and 1 Banshee.
Re: OHS S56: Double Strike Pod Draft 02/11/24 Round 1


Turn of the Wyrm
* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
Walking Death
* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2

EnThralled (BANNED)
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
Jumpscare (BANNED)
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2


Quozl -> StrikeJumpscare
Shiftrex -> Easy Company
Quozl ->Turn of the Wyrm
Shiftrex -> Strike EnThralled
Quozl ->Walking Death
Shiftrex -> Alien Empire​
Quozl -> Takes west startzone

Spoiler Alert!

Spoiler Alert!

Map Thoughts:
Spoiler Alert!

Round 2 is on Olympus.

The srd717 (1-0) {10} v. dunedain (1-0) pool of armies is:

* Kaemon Awa, Goblin Cuttersx3

* Kalagrith, Deathreaversx2

* Asterios, Marro Dividersx3

Rome Is The Light
* James Murphy, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
For His Majesty
* Guilty McCreech, Heirloom, 10th Regiment of Footx2
Meat's Back On The Menu
* Me-Burq-Sa, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Death Chasers of Theskx3

dunedain chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, srd717 chooses who places first.

The shurrig (1-0) v. shiftrex (1-0) pool of armies is:
Buggin’ Owt
* Kozil, Fyorlag Spidersx3
Grubs not Drugs
* Kon-Tar-Na, Marrden Nagrubsx4
One of These Bows is Not like the Others
* Johnny ""Shotgun"" Sullivan, Aubrien Archersx3

Easy Company
* Capt. John Varan, Marcu Esenwein, 8th Infantry Pathfinderx5
* Isamu, Swaysil, Phantom Knightsx3
Alien Empire
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Me-Burq-Sa, Ne-Gok-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

shurrig chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, shiftrex chooses who places first.

The dok (1-0) {6} v. earthling (1-0) {7} pool of armies is:

* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Me-Burq-Sa, Ornak, Blade Grutsx2

* Otar, Arrow Grutsx3, Ice Troll Berserker, Swog Rider

* Kyntela Gwyn, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Pel the Hill Giant, Death Chasers of Theskx2

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Marcu Esenwein, Tor-Kul-Na
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
* Kha, Beakface Rogue, Nottingham Brigandx5

earthling chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dok chooses who places first.

The megasilver (1-0) {2} v. chris perkins (1-0) {1} pool of armies is:
Divide & Devour
* Ashi-Dhulu, Marro Dividersx3
Soul Searching
* Major J15, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs
Spirit Hunting
* Teeth of the Makwax3

I Hear 8 Move is Good
* Arktos, Kozuke Samurai, Varkaanan Swiftfangs
Don't Get Too Close, We Have Commitment Issues
* Nakita Agents, Cathar Spearmenx2
The (Hypothetical) Green Wyrmling Feels Left Out
* Black Wyrmlingx4, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmling

megasilver chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, chris perkins chooses who places first.

The superfrog (1-0) v. og-blaha (1-0) {5} pool of armies is:
Death from Below
* Ashi-Dhulu, Shieldsmiths of Granite Keepx2
Death from Above
* Grimnak, Heavy Grutsx2
Death from … Far Away?
* Morgan's Riflemen, Banshees of Durgeth Swampx3

General Marcu
* Gen. Simon Fraser, Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Roman Legionnairesx2
where is Captain Jack?
* Me-Burq-Sa, 10th Regiment of Footx3
Jumping Jax
* Kira Jax, Warforged Soldiersx3

superfrog chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, og-blaha chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (0-1) {9} v. swarm (0-1) pool of armies is:
Knock Knock
* Heracles
Who's There?
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Varkaanan Darkclaws, Varkaanan Greyspears
* Marro Stingersx4

* Alastair MacDirk, MacDirk Warriorsx2

* Marrden Houndsx3

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

ryguy266 chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, swarm chooses who places first.

The xiegfried (0-1) v. tiamat (0-1) pool of armies is:
Wild Guilty Bois
* Guilty McCreech, Valguard, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Galaxy Battles
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Kira Jax, M-43 Resistance Fightersx2
Aren't you a bit tall for a dwarf?
* Isamu, Mogrimm Forgehammer, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex2

* Havech Eradicatorsx3

* Marcus Decimus Gallus, Me-Burq-Sa, Roman Legionnairesx2

* Brute Gruts, Krav Maga Agents, Marcu Esenwein, Rygarn

xiegfried chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, tiamat chooses who places first.

The foudzing (0-1) v. arrow grut (0-1) pool of armies is:
I think I've
* Marro Warriors, Microcorp Agentsx2
already seen
* Krav Maga Agents, Horned Skull Brutesx2
that somewhere
* B-11 Resistance Corps, Phantom Knightsx2

* Major Q10, Goblin Cuttersx2

* Beorn Boltcutter, Warden 816, Zettian Infantryx2

* Azurite Warlord, Marcu Esenwein, Roman Legionnairesx2

foudzing chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, arrow grut chooses who places first.

The kevindola (0-1) v. kinseth (0-1) pool of armies is:
* Otar, Suskra, Van Nessing, Arrow Gruts
Gallop DMC
* Arthur of Sherwood, Deltacron, Mika Connour
* Estivara, Wo-Sa-Ga, Marrden Nagrubsx2

Titan and Vikings
* Eltahale, Dreadgul Raidersx2
Samurai and Bugbears
* Kaemon Awa, Horned Skull Brutesx2
Tank and Wraiths
* Siege, Phantom Knightsx2

kevindola chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, kinseth chooses who places first.

The quozl (0-1) v. dysole (0-1) pool of armies is:
Turn of the Wyrm
* Black Wyrmlingx3, Blue Wyrmling, Red Wyrmlingx3, White Wyrmlingx2
Walking Death
* Deathwalker 9000, Zettian Infantryx2
* Nicholas Esenwein, Bloodburst Thrall, Darkprowl Thrall, Deathstrike Thrall, Preyblood Thrall

I Got Your Proldiers License Right Here
* Kira Jax, Soontir Van, M-43 Resistance Fightersx3
The Green Hunters
* Brute Gruts, Chen Tang, Eilan Sidhex3
Burn Towns Get Money
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Kalagrith, Tarn Viking Warriors

quozl chooses to be Player A (pick first) or Player B (strike first and pick second). After armies are picked, dysole chooses who places first.

~Dysole, kicking things forward