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OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - CONGRATS OG-BLAHA

Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 2 Until 12/17

Foudzing and I played a close one in our Raelin v Raelin battle.

I got a Round 1-2 initiative switch which had a massive impact on how this would play out. I caught all 3 Kravs (2 of them outside of Raelin's aura) and killed 2 of them. I lost 6 ants in this charge but judged it a good trade for the 2 Krav (+1 Harq).

I switched my next round or so over to Syvarris and Myrddin while Foudzing moved up Raelin to the center of the map and then started moving up the Harqs.

Syvarris/Myrddin killed several more Harqs, but I got nervous about how many Ashigaru with Raelin/height/jungle were incoming so I moved Raelin forward and went all ants to get an efficient use of the bugs. I made a pretty bad misplay on the Raelin move though not thoroughly planning that move in conjunction with my Syvarris location and left him outside of the Aura which allowed Foudzing to jump on him (but only for 3 wounds)

The ants and Harqs dwindled to about the same rate and got us to an endgame of

4 ants, Syv (1), Myrddin, Raelin vs. 4 Harqs, Raelin, 1 Krav.

A pretty back and forth endgame. The single life Syvarris managed to kill 1 Harq before getting dropped and the ants survived incoming fire enough to neutralize the Harqs.

We then had 3 rounds of single attacking figures battling it out on lava before I finally got the win with Myrddin doing most of the work.

I got the win with Raelin (1 life), Myrddin (5 life), and a single ant remaining.
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 2 Until 12/17

I just finished a really close game with dachsund. Came down to a squad of 4th & Eldgrim vs a squad of Dreadguls with Guilty and Eldgrim. I grabbed Dagmar and got a big initiative roll and took out all the Dreadguls on OM1. That sealed it. Good game, dachsund!

Round 3 is on Desolation.

The earthling (2-0) v. srd717 (2-0) {9} armies are:
Op-Van-Nes Prime
* Van Nessing, Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3

* Microcorp Troopersx3, Phantom Knightsx3

srd717 chooses who places first.

The sir heroscape (2-0) v. megasilver (2-0) {3} armies are:
Paper Cheese
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx5
Monks: Way of Shadow
* Master Lao Xin, Master Win Chiu Woo, Pelloth, Shaolin Monksx3

sir heroscape chooses who places first.

The knightoflight (2-0) {10} v. swarm (1-1) armies are:
“Eat your problems” ~Grimnak, probably
* Grimnak, Marcu Esenwein, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Blade Grutsx5
Isagol Brown of Burning Forge
* Isamu, Migol Ironwill, Samuel Brown, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

swarm chooses who places first.

The shurrig (1-1) v. xiegfried (1-1) armies are:
Suits of the 'Loom
* Heirloom, Microcorp Agentsx5
† is for †emplar
* Isamu, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Templar Cavalryx4

shurrig chooses who places first.

The vegie dad (1-1) v. og-blaha (1-1) armies are:
Back from the dead
* Nicholas Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax4
Simon Says
* Airborne Elite, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Sacred Bandx4

og-blaha chooses who places first.

The kevindola (1-1) {4} v. quozl (1-1) armies are:
You Shall Not Ants!
* Myrddin, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Syvarris, Red Ants of Aunstromx5
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Samuel Brown, 4th Massachusetts Linex4

quozl chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (1-1) {6} v. grey waves (1-1) {5} armies are:
I Wanted to Play Mousetrap
* Kursus, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx5

* Kira Jax, Sir Gilbert, Knights of Westonx4

grey waves chooses who places first.

The superfrog (1-1) v. chris perkins (1-1) {1} armies are:
Drone Strike
* Marro Hive, Marro Dronesx7
Secret Agent Ants
* Nakita Agents, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Xualtica Fire Antsx5

chris perkins chooses who places first.

The dok (1-1) {8} v. dysole (0-2) {7} armies are:

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3
* Bol, Koggo, Urk, Bugbear Basherx2, Goblin Slashersx5 (drop 1)

dysole chooses who places first.

The foudzing (0-2) v. thrasherdarkrai (0-2) armies are:
better than 4th
* Krav Maga Agents, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx4
* Heirloom, Mellifera, Sujoah, Amberhive Protectorsx4

foudzing chooses who places first.

~Dysole, who notes that due to the holidays we're gonna be flexible with the deadline
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 3 Until 12/26

A case of very uneven dice defeated kevindola in our game this morning. I take no credit.
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 3 Until 12/26

Haha, well take some credit. The Eldgrim move to Range+1 was really big and I thought your threat prioritization was spot on.

There were a couple things I could/should have done differently, but dice as they fell would have made things pretty difficult in any scenario.
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 3 Until 12/26

will there be extensions for this week? i don’t have access to my computer until the 27th. Also, xiegfried and I want to set up a date to play in person

will there be extensions for this week? i don’t have access to my computer until the 27th. Also, xiegfried and I want to set up a date to play in person

We're definitely willing to be flexible given the holidays.

~Dysole, informationally

We have two games left that matter for playoff purposes.
One happening on Saturday and the other that is hopefully happening tonight, tomorrow, or Saturday.

~Dysole, informationally
Shoving Off

Round 4 is on Alta.

The earthling (3-0) v. knightoflight (3-0) armies are:
Op-Van-Nes Prime
* Van Nessing, Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3
“Eat your problems” ~Grimnak, probably
* Grimnak, Marcu Esenwein, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Blade Grutsx5

earthling chooses who places first.

The sir heroscape (3-0) {9} v. srd717 (2-1) armies are:
Paper Cheese
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx5

* Microcorp Troopersx3, Phantom Knightsx3

srd717 chooses who places first.

The quozl (2-1) {10} v. shurrig (2-1) armies are:
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Samuel Brown, 4th Massachusetts Linex4
Suits of the 'Loom
* Heirloom, Microcorp Agentsx5

quozl chooses who places first.

The dok (2-1) {6} v. og-blaha (2-1) armies are:

* Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [SotM], Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3
Simon Says
* Airborne Elite, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Sacred Bandx4

dok chooses who places first.

The superfrog (2-1) v. grey waves (2-1) {3} armies are:
Drone Strike
* Marro Hive, Marro Dronesx7

* Kira Jax, Sir Gilbert, Knights of Westonx4

superfrog chooses who places first.

The megasilver (2-1) {4} v. kevindola (1-2) {5} armies are:
Monks: Way of Shadow
* Master Lao Xin, Master Win Chiu Woo, Pelloth, Shaolin Monksx3
You Shall Not Ants!
* Myrddin, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Syvarris, Red Ants of Aunstromx5

megasilver chooses who places first.

The vegie dad (1-2) v. dachshund (1-2) armies are:
Back from the dead
* Nicholas Esenwein, Skeletons of Annellintiax4

* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Guilty McCreech, Pel the Hill Giant, Dreadgul Raidersx5

vegie dad chooses who places first.

The xiegfried (1-2) v. swarm (1-2) armies are:
† is for †emplar
* Isamu, Vulcanmech Incendiborgs, Templar Cavalryx4
Isagol Brown of Burning Forge
* Isamu, Migol Ironwill, Samuel Brown, Axegrinders of Burning Forgex4

xiegfried chooses who places first.

The ryguy266 (1-2) {7} v. dysole (0-3) {8} armies are:
I Wanted to Play Mousetrap
* Kursus, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx5
* Bol, Koggo, Urk, Bugbear Basherx2, Goblin Slashersx5 (drop 1)

ryguy266 chooses who places first.

foudzing and thrasherdarkrai are encouraged to complete their game from last week (no joke the system paired you two up again)

Chris Perkins has the bye.

~Dysole, informationally
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 4 Until 1/7

Stealth Armor only worked 2 out of 17 times for Shurrig. Sorry!
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 4 Until 1/7

I defeated Superfrog in a very grindy game that lasted almost 2 hours. Despite both our armies averaging around 5 attacks of 3 per turn, both SF and I had multiple terrible attacking turns during the early- and mid-game where we each struggled to kill more than 1 of the opponent's figures. (Highlights were one turn where SF went 0/6 on 3v3s and another turn where I went 0/5 with 3x 3v3s and 2x 4v3s). For my own part, I tried to limit the potential targets that SF could hit if he had a good swarm roll, and I was successful in tying up 3 of his drones on the level 2 concrete for most of the game. I finally had a successful attacking turn at the start of Round 5, where I won initiative and managed to kill 4 squaddies, knocking SF under 9 drones for the first time in the game. This, combined with a poor d20 roll on SF's OM1, really swung the momentum back in my favour. I was able to knock the drones down to under a squad by the end of the round, and ended up closing the game out with 5 knights and Kira Jax remaining.
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Round 4 Until 1/7

Finally the best army in the format got a win. :lol:

It started grimm when I got init and failed my first 6 kravs attacks vs bees (3x 3v3 and 3x 3v2) preventing me to attack the bee on Valda and basically securing Valda for Thrasher the whole game.

Then Thrasher got the R2 init switch and I was like "oh god I gonna get destroyed" but Raelin went on "one of those games" and survived from Sujoah and 2 bees trying to sacrifice on her for waaaaay too long. Meanwhile Garus just wait then fire. It was a weird game where attacks you would expect to go through didn't and those you wouldn'texpect to go through did. Also I was alternating 0 casualties turns and 3~4 casualties turns weirdly.
I focused bees with Garus and when Raelin finally died there were about ~4ish bees left which I focused down. I had about 8 to Garus and all the kravs (which honestly was also a miracle I think a Kravs resisted to 2 sacricficial sting, under Raelin). At this point I was very confident as Thrasher only got 1 attack per turn left.

Then I got the init switch and Mellifera got blasted very fast with very good WTF shots and Sujoah suffered the same fate, at this point I was able to secure Valda, Heirloom had just too much to do alone, he killed a krav but went down slowly but surely.

If someone wants to play another game so I get my fourth game hit me up!
Quarter After One

The Quarterfinals are on Bayou Blitz.

The knightoflight (4-0) {8} v. srd717 (3-1) armies are:
“Eat your problems” ~Grimnak, probably
* Grimnak, Marcu Esenwein, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Blade Grutsx5

* Microcorp Troopersx3, Phantom Knightsx3

srd717 chooses who places first.

The megasilver (3-1) {3} v. quozl (3-1) {9} armies are:
Monks: Way of Shadow
* Master Lao Xin, Master Win Chiu Woo, Pelloth, Shaolin Monksx3
* Eldgrim the Viking Champion, Samuel Brown, 4th Massachusetts Linex4

quozl chooses who places first.

The sir heroscape (3-1) v. og-blaha (3-1) armies are:
Paper Cheese
* Isamu, Marcu Esenwein, Raelin the Kyrie Warrior [RotV], Ashigaru Harquebusx5
Simon Says
* Airborne Elite, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Sacred Bandx4

sir heroscape chooses who places first.

The earthling (3-1) v. grey waves (3-1) {4} armies are:
Op-Van-Nes Prime
* Van Nessing, Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3

* Kira Jax, Sir Gilbert, Knights of Westonx4

earthling chooses who places first.

~Dysole, looking forward to seeing how this goes down

I launched these and forgot to post them.

The Semifinals are on Burial Marsh (OEAO Edition).

The knightoflight (5-0) {7} v. og-blaha (4-1) armies are:
“Eat your problems” ~Grimnak, probably
* Grimnak, Marcu Esenwein, Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider, Blade Grutsx5
Simon Says
* Airborne Elite, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Sacred Bandx4

knightoflight chooses who places first.

The megasilver (4-1) {3} v. earthling (4-1) {9} armies are:
Monks: Way of Shadow
* Master Lao Xin, Master Win Chiu Woo, Pelloth, Shaolin Monksx3
Op-Van-Nes Prime
* Van Nessing, Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3

megasilver chooses who places first.

~Dysole, informationally
Final Moments

The Finals are on Frostclaw Citadel.

The og-blaha (5-1) {10} v. earthling (5-1) {8} armies are:
Simon Says
* Airborne Elite, Gen. Simon Fraser, Marcus Decimus Gallus, Sacred Bandx4
Op-Van-Nes Prime
* Van Nessing, Blastatronsx2, Gladiatronsx3

earthling chooses who places first.

~Dysole, finishing us off
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Semifinals Until 1/21

A new champion will be crowned!
Re: OHS S55 - Delta Control Points - Finals

We have scheduled our finals game for next Tuesday at 9:30 PM EST
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