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Official Maps & Scenarios

An Excellent Resource!!!

I just finished printing a full binder of the official maps using the Map of Valhalla as the cover. Very Pimp.

Thanks for your organizational prowess.

Figured since Heroscape.com (hasbro site) is down, there are not many ways to get the official online scenarios. You can use this compilation for them, or if someone wants to individually upload them to the Downloads section they can.
You can also use the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. I just searched heroscape.com into it, and I found the official Hasbro site. Everything's there.
Figured since Heroscape.com (hasbro site) is down, there are not many ways to get the official online scenarios. You can use this compilation for them, or if someone wants to individually upload them to the Downloads section they can.

Yeah, just downloaded these, from when you showed me after I'd found out Heroscape.com was dead..... thanks for showing me where this was!
I could not find a better place to post this question, so here goes.

Recently I purchased a fellow Heroscaper's small collection. With this collection he gave me a bunch of printed scenarios. I finally looked through all of them and found that, as I thought, I had most of them already. However in the stack I ran across one I had never seen titled "Battle for Mimring at Migol's Tomb". I had never seen this scenario before and it is quite interesting (you have to free Mimring from his prison in a glyph of Brandar after the events in the Migol's Tomb scenarios in the RotV rule book). I came here instantly to search for it and any other scenario's I may have missed and found nothing about it (did find this awesome compilation however). Anyhow I started to think maybe this was fan made, but wait.... upon reading through the Heroscape compendium found here


I read mention of this scenario in several of the topics covered (i.e. under the glyph of Brandar section).

Basically I am curious if anyone here knows of this "lost" scenario (and maybe any others like it) and if so do you have a PDF file you can share with us?


Update: Found it here http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?t=139
It is in the 1st download. Thanks GaryLASQ!
Updated to hopefully final version - 3.0.
Download in Google Docs.

Tried uploading to Heroscapers download, but doing from parents computer which has slow upload DSL - will try from library later.

I added not only Dungeon Adventure 3: Shadow Cavern, but also a couple of old really lost scenarios.

I also updated the table of contents to link to the original source PDF downloads (some of which are on the internet archive and others I had to upload here). One of these days I will change the OP of this thread and link to all the official map and scenario downloads so you don't have to download and use the compilation PDF.
Tried uploading to the downloads section, but had trouble, so just use Google Docs links.

I updated the OP and added links to all the source PDF downloads - use these links for full quality download/printing. Use compilation for easy viewing printing.
In the spoiler is a list of all sources for Official Maps and scenarios with links to all downloads.
Spoiler Alert!
I combined all the map builds and scenarios from above and combined to one file.

Download or view on Google Docs. (21.45 MB).
Also, I forgot to give props where they are due. First off, props to all people who designed the maps, and especially to truth and theGuru for making sure the Lost Scenarios are released.
Props to Shedim Kabal for sending me the Dungeon Adventure 3 images that I put on the compilation.
Props to saywhat for his comment above and odbo255 View Post that made me realize there are more official scenarios than what was posted to online.

Also, I just realized I still need Dungeon Adventure 2 pics - anyone have them?.
Also, I forgot to give props where they are due. First off, props to all people who designed the maps, and especially to truth and theGuru for making sure the Lost Scenarios are released.
Props to Shedim Kabal for sending me the Dungeon Adventure 3 images that I put on the compilation.
Props to saywhat for his comment above and odbo255 View Post that made me realize there are more official scenarios than what was posted to online.

For coming back.

For the nod.

And Thanks
For this excellent resource (which will hopefully be stickyed by someone sometime)
Excellent work, lefton4ya. At first glance, I only see two things that need fixing:

You have the "Crazy Troll" scenario in the wrong room (battlefield). It uses Dungeon Adventure 1: Room 3, not Room 2.

Also, the name of the battlefield in the Thaelenk Tundra rulebook is "The Battlefield of Frozen Souls".
Hey, can someone sticky this to the top of the section? No one would know to look all the way down here for the online scenarios.
A lot of the official site links are "dead" in that they redirect to the Heroscape hub that's non-navigable. I don't know if there's a fix for this or if the PDFs simply de-listed.
A lot of the official site links are "dead" in that they redirect to the Heroscape hub that's non-navigable. I don't know if there's a fix for this or if the PDFs simply de-listed.
Thanks. I updated links from the Wayback machine then. For instance:
D&D Battle for the Underdark : Rulebook - https://web.archive.org/web/2012071...ny/downloads/Heroscape_underdark_rules_EN.pdf
Othkurik’s Throne & Dungeon Adventure 1: Ancient Sanctum: https://web.archive.org/web/2012111...ards.com/dnd/files/DnD_Heroscape_Othkurik.pdf
Since I see you are still posting here, I wonder what your plans are, if any, for the Renegade Official stuff. Since no one in my local group has purchased anything of their Waves 1 and 2 except for the painted valkyrie box, we have no access to any maps or scenarios they have put out so far. Did they make any of it seperately available, as they did for the game cards?
So far the rulebook is available on the site, but scenarios (For Battle Box and Master Set) are not.
I don't think anyone who has the product in-hand early like @Sir Heroscape has posted any of the maps or scenarios yet.
During my unboxing videos, I thumb through the rule book/scenario book, so you should be able to screenshot things. As for doing play through a, no haven’t gotten around to that yet.

Thanks for these links. You have to give Renegade credit for making their material available. I was surprised that both booklets printed out nicely in color--only the page numbers on the bottom of the pages were cut off! This is a big deal, since it can all be proxy played now.

On a first look I have a few minor questions, but nothing that can't be figured out.
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Yes, thanks for the links!

Map 1 in the master set is titled "The Shattered Table" - a reference to the table of giants map, perhaps?

And from the description:
...But so too has Revna, the newest Valkyrie to rise, and with her comes suspicion. There are rumors she has claimed the life of one Valkyrie already.
Ah, so that's what happened to Valkrill.
:roll: One scenario has the Admiral giving orders to "his pirates." However, in that scenario, only the other side has any besides himself. Go figure!

More significantly, I'm not sure exactly how their Wall section parts are supposed to be set up from a quick first look. I guess their prototype Wall pieces will be included in the Master Sets; perhaps retooled a bit as rumored (because they don't stack).
Map 1 in the master set is titled "The Shattered Table" - a reference to the table of giants map, perhaps?
Yes, but it bugs me that the two raised 7-hex pieces aren't aligned like Table of the Giants
Ah, so that's what happened to Valkrill.
Poor guy summoned 4 squads and got his well poisoned.

@chas For some reason the wall placements are given in the Scenario section instead of the Map Building part.
Which is especially weird because the wall placements are the same in every scenario for a given map. But even then, it doesn't explicitly show where the hanging wall parts go, only the main pillars. Why a simple photograph of each map isn't in the rulebook is beyond me. Also, none appear to be aligned so that the one wide wall piece in the box can be placed.