In the spoiler is a list of all sources for Official Maps and scenarios with links to all downloads.
I combined all the map builds and scenarios from above and combined to one file.
Download or view on Google Docs. (21.45 MB).
Added Dungeon Adventure 2 and updated key to version 1.4 on 8/9/10 (Version 1.4).
Added Lost Scenarios, Updated SOTM Scans, and updated key to version 2.0 on 4/1/11 (Version 2.0).
Added Dungeon Adventure 3 and a few old scenarios, and updated links on 4/17/13 (Version 3.0).
Ultimate Battlefield Key

Spoiler Alert!
- Official Rulebooks and Scenarios on
- Official Rulebooks on
- ROTV 2nd Edition Rulebook
- Swarm of the Marro Rulebook - Master Game & Scenarios
- Marvel: The Conflict Begins Rule Book
- Dungeons and Dragons Heroscape: Battle for the Underdark
- Road to the Forgotten Forest Instruction Book
- Volcarren Wasteland rules/scenario book
- Thaelenk Tundra Rule Book
- Fortress of the Archkyrie Rule Book
- Ticalla Jungle Rule Book
- Official Rulebooks on Gary's Heroscape Site
- Heroscape Rulebook (Rise of the Valkyrie - Basic Game).pdf 2015-08-28 00:27 30M
- Heroscape Rulebook (Rise of the Valkyrie - Master Game).pdf 2015-08-28 00:29 83M
- Heroscape Rulebook (Rise of the Valkyrie - Scenarios).pdf 2015-08-28 00:29 11M
- Heroscape Rulebook (Rise of the Valkyrie).pdf 2015-08-28 00:29 24M
- Heroscape Rulebook (Swarm of the Marro).pdf 2015-08-28 00:30 25M
- Heroscape Rulebook (The Conflict Begins).pdf 2015-08-28 00:30 1.5M
- Heroscape Rulebook 1 (Battle for the Underdark).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 46M
- Heroscape Rulebook 2 (Road to the Forgotten Forest).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 1.4M
- Heroscape Rulebook 3 (Volcarren Wasteland).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 886K
- Heroscape Rulebook 4 (Thaelenk Tundra).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 1.0M
- Heroscape Rulebook 5 (Fortress of the Archkyrie).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 2.5M
- Heroscape Rulebook 6 (Ticalla Jungle).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 1.0M
- Heroscape Rulebook 7 (FAQ 13.4).pdf 2015-08-28 00:26 792K
- Heroscape Rulebook 8 (Age of Annihilation).pdf 2024-03-01 18:05 19M
- Heroscape Rulebook 8 beta (Age of Annihilation).pdf 2022-10-19 19:26 1.4M
- Hasbro Online Scenarios archived on the Internet Archive
- Hasbro Online Scenarios archived on
- Official scenarios archived on
- Official Pre-D&D Scenario
- Lost Scenarios on
I combined all the map builds and scenarios from above and combined to one file.
Download or view on Google Docs. (21.45 MB).
- Table of Contents on first 3 pages links to original source PDF downloads. Do not use this to navigate the document.
- Bookmarks in Adobe Acrobat are linked to pages in the file, and should be used to navigate the document. Bookmarks are not available in Google Docs, windows and Mac's build in preview, and in most readers besides the official Adobe Acrobat.
- Maps are reordered to put all scenarios with the same map together and sorted by what expansions are needed: RotV, RttFF, VW, TT, FotA, SotM, TJ, BftU, Marvel (for completists).
- These do not include all rulesets and instructions from the rulebooks.
- The quality was reduced to get a smaller filesize - you may want to download full rulebooks for HQ color printing.
- Maps and Scenarios from RotV were taken from the 1st edition as there were better scans.
- If you feel I should add/change something, post comments here or on the related file download.
Added Dungeon Adventure 2 and updated key to version 1.4 on 8/9/10 (Version 1.4).
Added Lost Scenarios, Updated SOTM Scans, and updated key to version 2.0 on 4/1/11 (Version 2.0).
Added Dungeon Adventure 3 and a few old scenarios, and updated links on 4/17/13 (Version 3.0).
Ultimate Battlefield Key

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