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Official Maps & Scenarios


PDFin' sweet self spammer
Site Supporter
In the spoiler is a list of all sources for Official Maps and scenarios with links to all downloads.
Spoiler Alert!

I combined all the map builds and scenarios from above and combined to one file.

Download or view on Google Docs. (21.45 MB).

  • Table of Contents on first 3 pages links to original source PDF downloads. Do not use this to navigate the document.
  • Bookmarks in Adobe Acrobat are linked to pages in the file, and should be used to navigate the document. Bookmarks are not available in Google Docs, windows and Mac's build in preview, and in most readers besides the official Adobe Acrobat.
  • Maps are reordered to put all scenarios with the same map together and sorted by what expansions are needed: RotV, RttFF, VW, TT, FotA, SotM, TJ, BftU, Marvel (for completists).
  • These do not include all rulesets and instructions from the rulebooks.
  • The quality was reduced to get a smaller filesize - you may want to download full rulebooks for HQ color printing.
  • Maps and Scenarios from RotV were taken from the 1st edition as there were better scans.
  • If you feel I should add/change something, post comments here or on the related file download.
Please see the thread Official Scenerio Discussion to see and discuss tactics, strategy, and rule/scenario clarifications.

Added Dungeon Adventure 2 and updated key to version 1.4 on 8/9/10 (Version 1.4).
Added Lost Scenarios, Updated SOTM Scans, and updated key to version 2.0 on 4/1/11 (Version 2.0).
Added Dungeon Adventure 3 and a few old scenarios, and updated links on 4/17/13 (Version 3.0).

Ultimate Battlefield Key
Last edited:
Wow! This is an amazing resource!

Very valuable and well done.

It seems like there are a few pages that could be removed to lower the filiesize even more. Pages 1, 34, 35, 64, 80, 100.

Now that I look these over, they may have been kept to keep the battlefield key present...
Wow! This is an amazing resource!

Very valuable and well done.

It seems like there are a few pages that could be removed to lower the filiesize even more. Pages 1, 34, 35, 64, 80, 100.

Now that I look these over, they may have been kept to keep the battlefield key present...
  • I wanted to keep the Map legends but I could remove (pages 1, 64, 100). I think I did not keep them all (RttFF, tundra, FotA) but those rulebooks had pages with mostly rule descriptions and a little legend as a small part of the page. Maybe one idea is just to add a combined terrain legend (somewhere on this site - can't find now) first and remove these pages.
  • I requested someone to break out VW and Jungle into separate pages as there are 2-3 pages as one PDF page so I cannot remove unneeded pages from rulebook without also removing part of map/scenario build (34,35)
  • Page 80 has all the maps together plus scenario rules so is needed - This file is not just MAP builds but also official SCENARIO rules and setup.

P.S. Fixed readded last page from SOTM rulebook. Alright, going to sleep now.
Wow! This is an amazing resource!

Very valuable and well done.

It seems like there are a few pages that could be removed to lower the filiesize even more. Pages 1, 34, 35, 64, 80, 100.

Now that I look these over, they may have been kept to keep the battlefield key present...
  • I wanted to keep the Map legends but I could remove (pages 1, 64, 100). I think I did not keep them all (RttFF, tundra, FotA) but those rulebooks had pages with mostly rule descriptions and a little legend as a small part of the page. Maybe one idea is just to add a combined terrain legend (somewhere on this site - can't find now) first and remove these pages.
  • I requested someone to break out VW and Jungle into separate pages as there are 2-3 pages as one PDF page so I cannot remove unneeded pages from rulebook without also removing part of map/scenario build (34,35)
  • Page 80 has all the maps together plus scenario rules so is needed - This file is not just MAP builds but also official SCENARIO rules and setup.
P.S. Fixed readded last page from SOTM rulebook. Alright, going to sleep now.

I think pages 34 & 35 are duplicates of what is on pages 36-39. Page 80 is the battlefield key for BftU, scenario rules start on 81.

Course I could be misreading the entire thing, have my page numbers off or whatever so take it with two large grains of salt.

I plan on printing this out and keeping it with "my kit."

:up: +1 rep
Wow! This is an amazing resource!

Very valuable and well done.

It seems like there are a few pages that could be removed to lower the filiesize even more. Pages 1, 34, 35, 64, 80, 100.

Now that I look these over, they may have been kept to keep the battlefield key present...
  • I wanted to keep the Map legends but I could remove (pages 1, 64, 100). I think I did not keep them all (RttFF, tundra, FotA) but those rulebooks had pages with mostly rule descriptions and a little legend as a small part of the page. Maybe one idea is just to add a combined terrain legend (somewhere on this site - can't find now) first and remove these pages.
  • I requested someone to break out VW and Jungle into separate pages as there are 2-3 pages as one PDF page so I cannot remove unneeded pages from rulebook without also removing part of map/scenario build (34,35)
  • Page 80 has all the maps together plus scenario rules so is needed - This file is not just MAP builds but also official SCENARIO rules and setup.
P.S. Fixed readded last page from SOTM rulebook. Alright, going to sleep now.

I think pages 34 & 35 are duplicates of what is on pages 36-39. Page 80 is the battlefield key for BftU, scenario rules start on 81.

Course I could be misreading the entire thing, have my page numbers off or whatever so take it with two large grains of salt.

I plan on printing this out and keeping it with "my kit."

:up: +1 rep

Yeah, earlier when I did some changes I accidentally deleted a page so the numbering was off so page 80 goes with the other map legends that I could remove if I ever find an ultimate map legend to put as page 1.

As far as the lava maps, I did not pay attention enough to realize the scenarios on Hasbro's site was the same as the rulebook, so I will delete the rulebook one sometime today.

And thanks for the thanks, although I just combined what everyone else did so props to the rules and playtest teams.
I made single page copies of the jungle scenario. It has some pixelation, so I'm not sure if it's usable. I'll let you be the judge.


I completely Updated it:
  • Added Table of Contents - Hyperlinked to source files, soon to be linked to pages in PDF (once proofread as I will have to redo links).
  • Add PDF Bookmarks (for half the maps, I will add more when I have time)
  • Added Ultimate Battlefield Key, which I spend hours on and will be separate thread/download. Removed keys from Master Sets.
  • Updated Ticalla Jungle with 8.5*11 pages
  • Reordered Wizards.com Scenarios that used BftU Rulebook Maps after Dungeon maps.

Let me know what you think and if there is any mistakes or improvements I can change.
  • Updated Ticalla Jungle with 8.5*11 pages

Did you use the version I cut down from full page?

Also, I just found another official scenario, it's from Gencon 2004. I don't think I saw it in the file: Soulrazor Canyon.

One more: The Meat Grinder.

Thanks for the links - I had no idea there were more additional scenarios that besides what was on official sites, especially in a freaking webcomic. I will add them soon after I finish updating the ultimate terrain guide. BTW the link to Soulrazor Canyon was off, the download it here, but let me know if theer is a thread.

Thanks for redoing the Ticalla Jungle, but I actually just re printed/distilled from the PDF to get the right dimensions. Yours is better quality, but I needed the filesize to be smaller and I would have had to turn you PNGs to PDF anyway.
Updated - Added 2 more earlier scenarios, updated Ultimate Battlefield Key, and mad full PDF Table of Contents. Let me know if I made any mistakes. If none, the next update will probably be after River of Blood comes out.
Added Dungeon Adventure 2: River of Blood, and updated Ultimate Battlefield Key to 1.4 (with D2 glyphs).
Just when you thought this project was done...

Looks like there are more maps to add thanks to Chris "theGuru"
Just when you thought this project was done...

Looks like there are more maps to add thanks to Chris "theGuru"
Yeah, making sure I update this crossed my mind as soon as I saw gurus post about it before it even made the front page. But before I do this I have to do a couple of things first:

1. Update the compiled C3G pages. i worked on it a bit but it is slow.
2. Update the ultimate terrain guide with D2/3 glyphs
3. Work on another project TBA
4. Wait till the guru posts all 4 scenarios.
5. Add SOTM rescans and uptate the TOC pages and then I can add the new maps.

My guess is in 2-4 weeks.
I wanted to update the Official Maps & Scenarios compilation to include a one page Battlefield Key, but did not find one suitable. So I made one after hours of work using Fireworks CS3 & CS5 (I have Photoshop, but I was used to Fireworks interface). I exported as flattened PNG and attached it to the Official Maps & Scenarios Download or in gallery.

Please let me know what you think and let me know if I made any mistakes or need to add anything. It should now be complete with all glyphs through D3, however I arbitrarily decided glyph abbreviations for wave D1, D2 & D3. Voice your views on these abbreviations on the glyph abbreviations thread..

Resolution at 150dpi to print 8.5x11
Click on image to enlarge.

I updated the Ultimate Glyph Key by adding all glyphs. Soon to be added to Official Maps & Scenarios compilation which I should have done tonight or tomorrow with all the new scenarios and better scans of some of the rulebooks, but I wanted to see if anyone could spot any errors or suggestions on the key first.
OK so dungeon adventure 3 was a april fools joke, but everything else was added. Once chris theGuru get the last scenario and updated dungeon adventure 1, this should be complete.