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Official Heroscape Artwork

Do you save Heroscape artwork?

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Does anyone else here collect the artwork from the expansions, besides me? Lately I've been working on cutting the figures out, and hanging them up in my "Heroscape Zone."

Yeah, I lenjoy the box artwork. I save the packaging - With the terrain expansions, I collapse the boxes and store them flat.
The only ones I don't favor too much is the art for the Omnicrons and the Dzu-teh. The Omnicrons look too retro and the Dzu-Teh look like they're short and silly.
Hex_Enduction_Hour said:
Yeah, I lenjoy the box artwork. I save the packaging - With the terrain expansions, I collapse the boxes and store them flat.
The only ones I don't favor too much is the art for the Omnicrons and the Dzu-teh. The Omnicrons look too retro and the Dzu-Teh look like they're short and silly.

But the Dzu-Teh are silly and are working out a deal for a late-night show called the Dzu-Teh Follies! :D

I tend to keep one of each expansion picture just in case we ever need a scan or something...not sure why but they don't take up that much space.

LilNewbie said:
But the Dzu-Teh are silly and are working out a deal for a late-night show called the Dzu-Teh Follies! :D
LOL! If you make me choke on my beer just one more time, I'm gonna put you one notice! :lol:
I did that with GI Joe packaging for a while, but then gave up. I just really don't have a good place to keep stuff like that. Maybe if I ever have a gameroom of some kind, I'll regret it.
I don't know, Jonny looks pretty sweet, too. Most of them look at least "pretty good." But I can't stand the Gorillinator. I think it's the armpit hair. :lol:
Thats an idea. I don't keep packaging. I am to excited to get to what is inside, so normally it gets destroyed.
I like to save the front display in the packages, instead of cutting them up... I have a nice Tuberwear "Game Tower" with all my HS, Duel Masters, Magic, Mech Warrior, VS, and *don't stone me!* Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff... All I use now are the Magic and HS tho, so don't worry!
I have at least doubles of most of the front artwork, so I still have most of the artwork untouched sitting on selves, on tables, lieing on the floor, ect.
yeah i save it in boxes flat, some boxes are still boxes.
I love the HS cards that were made from the art work.
Works of art, those were.

(can't upload an example due to size quote exceeded - for the entire site, I'd guess)
artwork eh?

I tried saving the artwork from my first eight boxes/packs or so. But I live in an eight family with five younger siblings in a three bedroom house. So I don't have much room for my stuff let alone my continual growing HeroScape items. Not to mention my little siblings destroy all my things that come to hand. Anyway I ended up throwing them out because of the lack of room and hard time keeping them in one piece.
I dont collect 'em but my gf has a problem with throwing away clutters. So she had me keep the boxes...EVEN THE FRIGGIN PLASTIC MOLDING INSIDE THAT HOLDS THE FIGURES!!! But I secretly threw the Raknar's Vision plastic molding a month ago. I hope she doesnt read this thread! :twisted: