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OEAO's Legacy Power Rankings

Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I agree with Marro Warriors up to A+: they are very good and definitely the most undercosted unit in the game

I do not agree with Blade Gruts at A- but it is the Orc rankings ;)

MBS is the best bonding hero in the game and should obviously be A. Good call
MBS is the best for his price; Grimnak is better overall. Chomp with the aura is amazing.

Blades are a weak A- FWIW. 3x Blades with Grimnak is actually super efficient though for 240 points, a bargain. Their 6 move is underrated, allowing them to be one of the best tethers in the game, and Grimnak is Grimnak. Noting this, they struggle against Q9, but can handle just about anything else. 5 attacks per turn is good.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I agree with Marro Warriors up to A+: they are very good and definitely the most undercosted unit in the game

I do not agree with Blade Gruts at A- but it is the Orc rankings ;)

MBS is the best bonding hero in the game and should obviously be A. Good call
MBS is the best for his price; Grimnak is better overall. Chomp with the aura is amazing.

Blades are a weak A- FWIW. 3x Blades with Grimnak is actually super efficient though for 240 points, a bargain. Their 6 move is underrated, allowing them to be one of the best tethers in the game, and Grimnak is Grimnak. Noting this, they struggle against Q9, but can handle just about anything else. 5 attacks per turn is good.
I'm going to raise your Grimnak and give you a Charos! :p Seriously, though, I still don't think Charos+Greenscales has been beaten at my house...
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

Charos is definitely underplayed with Greenscales but B+ is probably right. He protects his Greenscales instead of his Greenscales protecting him, which is cool and different. But it's kind of a one dimensional army because he's melee too
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I agree with Marro Warriors up to A+: they are very good and definitely the most undercosted unit in the game

I do not agree with Blade Gruts at A- but it is the Orc rankings ;)

MBS is the best bonding hero in the game and should obviously be A. Good call
MBS is the best for his price; Grimnak is better overall. Chomp with the aura is amazing.

Blades are a weak A- FWIW. 3x Blades with Grimnak is actually super efficient though for 240 points, a bargain. Their 6 move is underrated, allowing them to be one of the best tethers in the game, and Grimnak is Grimnak. Noting this, they struggle against Q9, but can handle just about anything else. 5 attacks per turn is good.
I'm going to raise your Grimnak and give you a Charos! :p Seriously, though, I still don't think Charos+Greenscales has been beaten at my house...
Wasn't thinking about Greenscales! Nilf is the best bonding hero in that case.

Charos/Greens is alright. It's worth noting that that's another matchup where dropping to Blades from Heavies is devastating. Heavies, Knights, and Romans have a fairly easy time dealing with that army, but Blades get wrecked. Heavies/Knights/Romans vs Charos/Greens is probably 65/35, but Blades vs Charos/Greens is probably 20/80, even with whatever else you're getting with the saved points.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I remember once playing a RtW 'reinforcements' tourney with my army (some of your army was left in reserve as reinforcements, can't recall the exact rules). When I played my army of Charos, Greenscales and 10th Foot, I didn't even need my Redcoat reinforcements - Charos and the Greenscales (which is a pop group, as my Mum would say...) wrecked everything.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

So what will it take to get my chainfighters to an A+?

I mean one attack per turn is basically unstoppable. I don’t understand all these noobs playing squads and getting multiple attacks per turn....rookies.
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

So what will it take to get my chainfighters to an A+?

I mean one attack per turn is basically unstoppable. I don’t understand all these noobs playing squads and getting multiple attacks per turn....rookies.
I bumped them to B, what more do you want from me? Why don't you try winning an event for once? You're more washed up than DragonRuler. ;)
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

So what will it take to get my chainfighters to an A+?

I mean one attack per turn is basically unstoppable. I don’t understand all these noobs playing squads and getting multiple attacks per turn....rookies.
I bumped them to B, what more do you want from me? Why don't you try winning an event for once? You're more washed up than DragonRuler. ;)

4 time, that’s right 4 time dragon dice WORLD champion....
Not sure you can win more than that.
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

So what will it take to get my chainfighters to an A+?

I mean one attack per turn is basically unstoppable. I don’t understand all these noobs playing squads and getting multiple attacks per turn....rookies.
I bumped them to B, what more do you want from me? Why don't you try winning an event for once? You're more washed up than DragonRuler. ;)

4 time, that’s right 4 time dragon dice WORLD champion....
Not sure you can win more than that.
Well, give me six years after you teach me this summer and you'll see a 5 time dragon dice world champion in the flesh (I might have an off-year).
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I'll just comment on the movers. Let's start debates.

Raelin the Kyrie Warrior-ROTV (80, A+) eh I guess since she makes everything better, but I don't think she's game warping enough for a separate tier

Marcu Esenwein (20, A-) Pretty much the go to option if you have 20 points left but at the same time "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal". I don't think wannok does enough for a letter grade upgrade
Marro Warriors (50, A)
Easily one of the best units in the game and in non timed games, can beat many units they shouldn't on stats alone. I would rather give them to an opponent than Q but after that, no way. Do have some bad matchups. Not quite sure they're an A+ but I'll buy it

10th Regiment of Foot (75*, A-)4th are still better. :p
Me-Burq-Sa (50, A-) Was legitimately surprised was not an A unit
Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider (50, A-)Orc Raelin is boss
Nilfheim (185, A-)

Blade Gruts (40*, B) Eh... I think they're more B+ since they have to work a lot harder to crack a sturdy defense.
Eltahale (140, B+)See MBS and Nilf
Mezzodemon Warmongers (65*, B+) Even a single special attack can wreck them, but they are brutal if you don't have one
Ogre Pulverizer (100+, B+) I don't think the Chasers do enough for bonding option 3
Roman Legionnaires (50*, B+)See the marro, dragon, and Goliath

Arrow Gruts (40*, B) Have not played with them enough but always seem to come highly recommended
Ashigaru Harquebus (60*, B-)
One of my faves. Make your own 4th. Add Raelin. Wait. Then fire.
Atlaga (90, A-)
Concan the Kyrie Warrior (80, B) I probably wouldn't bring either Kyrie to an event but I'd probably bring Atlaga before Concan because range and 7 move Raelin.
Eldgrim the Viking Champion (30, A-) This guy is an amazing early glyph grabber. Should be put back where he was.
Fire Elemental (35*, A-) Mostly because we can't all be dok and have 18 of them right? 4/4 with auto wound? I don't follow this one.
Frost Giant of Morh (140+, C+) Not a C+, but I think just a B instead of a B+. 140 is a lot of points.
MacDirk Warriors (80*, C+)2 defense is brutal and I think that keeps them in B/B- territory
Marro Dividers (50*, A-) Still love running these against zombies. Will induce frustration. A little surprised they weren't already here.
Minions of Utgar (110*, A-) I never like facing minions because they can be devastating. Conversely, they can annoyingly whiff on two dice a lot.
Nakita Agents (120, B) They're good tech, but I thought they were fine at B
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior-SOTM (120, B) I dunno. Unless I'm doing bring 2 swarm Rae tends to be hard for me to justify.
Sentinels of Jandar (110*, A-) I actually think they're worse than minions because more powers bypass defense.
Sgt. Drake Alexander-SOTM (170, A-) You are a dude. This is a man. Nuff said.
Sonya Esenwein (45, A-)
Huh. Yeah point totals do tend to make her less of an auto include.
Swog Rider (25*, B)
Tarn Viking Warriors (50, C+)
Why do I keep getting surprised by units not where I thought they were already?
Warriors of Ashra (50*, B) Range vulnerability but again already thought they were here

Capuan Gladiators (70*, B+) I always worry about how few of these guys I have to play. This feels right.
Crixus (90, B+) I feel like he's a very cheap very hard to kill beat stick. Definitely take him over several heroes you have ahead
Drow Chainfighter (25*, B-) Agreed. Unit responsible for the most disappointing 8 of my life.
Fyorlag Spiders (40*, C+)
I don't see it with no Quahon available
Kozuke Samurai (100, B-) Did not realize how fun this unit was until last Gencon. Agreed.
Laglor (110, A) 7 range, SA, makes krav better, what am I missing?
Ornak (100, B-) So many units in places I thought they were
Othkurik the Black Dragon (140, B+) Yeah, nice tech but nothing special
Otonashi (10, C+) Really hard to compare to Isamu. Like a lot more for RtW
Sgt. Drake Alexander-ROTV (110, B+) Brutal against some armies but I agree with this
Sir Denrick (100, B-) Eh feels fairly mediocre to me.
Sir Hawthorne (90, B+) Dude is cheap and has a special attack. Feel like this is better than Denrick
Sonlen (160, B-)
Spartacus (200, B+)
Thorgrim the Viking Champion (80, B-)
Tornak (100, C+)
Screw it. Clearly my life and the rankings are a lie.
Valguard (110, C+) Personally, I feel like this is one of the most underrated units
Warforged Soldiers (80*, B+) They have always performed well for me and can be brutal in some matchups
Wyvern (100+, B-) I don't see it. Bond with an okay squad and their positioning power is okay and they don't have high survivability.

James Murphy (75, B)
 I guess although he's better than shotgun
Shurrak (160, B)
Siege (120, B)
I love the fire giant and enjoy the warforged but yeah
Wolves of Badru (80*, C+) 3 defense and points make it hard for me to agree

Mind Flayer Mastermind (100+, C) Agree. Still mad at the fire isles game I got no enslaves.

Templar Cavalry (120*, C-) They're really vulnerable to range. I don't see it.
Warden 816 (90, C-) I guess. I actually feel he's at least C+

Sudema (140, C) NOOOO my favorite unit. I do agree though (also she's not deleted from the C's)

Roman Archers (55*, C-) I actually think Roman archers and Raelin is better than you give it credit for. They're not good against squads but 6 range attack of 6 will end heroes. Biggest weakness is the engagement clause.

~Dysole, who didn't check to see if she'd change anyone you didn't move
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I was actually going to share my own rankings pretty soon haha, you beat me to it, i think it's a good idea to share personal rankings. :). I'll post them soon, im almost done ranking and tinkering everything.

One thing that perplexes me about yours is Laglor. What's the reasoning for him so low? I think he's damn good, I put him at an A (maybe A- if the map pool really sucks for him).

I like how you bump MW to A+ :up: I agree
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I was actually going to share my own rankings pretty soon haha, you beat me to it, i think it's a good idea to share personal rankings. :). I'll post them soon, im almost done ranking and tinkering everything.

One thing that perplexes me about yours is Laglor. What's the reasoning for him so low? I think he's damn good, I put him at an A (maybe A- if the map pool really sucks for him).

I like how you bump MW to A+ :up: I agree
Laglor is... cute. His aura is good, but he's a single attack per turn hero with a bad special at 110 points. That's expensive.

The reason Atlaga and Concan are higher than him is that they fill in a nice point slot where there aren't a whole to of other options, especially if you only have room for one or two more figures. Once you hit 100, the options really start to open up.

He's also a "win more" figure, so to speak. He doesn't help a Vydar range army's bad matchups; instead, he makes their good matchups (marginally) better, as well as the mirror.

Finally, he hasn't won anything noteworthy in years (Team Tourney doesn't count). If he's an A, why does nobody play him? Win a few events with him at GC and I'll bump him up ;). I value results over everything.

Laglor is, at best, a weak B+. I see him more as a middling-B.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

(Team Tourney doesn't count).
For good reason! But excluding Team Tourney considerations for Laglor does mean you aren't considering the one format in which he outshines all: his aura (for those of you who don't know already) affects friendly figures, and not just figures you control. So it boosts your allies. Off the top of my head I think it's the only aura like that in the game; I am sure others will correct me if I'm wrong.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

(Team Tourney doesn't count).
For good reason! But excluding Team Tourney considerations for Laglor does mean you aren't considering the one format in which he outshines all: his aura (for those of you who don't know already) affects friendly figures, and not just figures you control. So it boosts your allies. Off the top of my head I think it's the only aura like that in the game; I am sure others will correct me if I'm wrong.
The Orc champions are the same way (but Orcs vs Vydar range is... rough).

That aside, the only real reason he's so good in Team Tourney is simply that he helps in the mirror. 110 points is a lot, and I think I'd rather add a Q9 killer like Minions; however, if they have Laglor and you don't, you might be in a bit of trouble.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

How do I get the Elves moved up? I am 7-2 at Gencon with the 600 point elf army (Ulginesh/Raelin/Jorhdawn/Chardris/Arkmer/Kyntela/Morsbane) against mostly real competitive armies. I think B+ or A- is probably right for Elves if you know what you are doing; they are definitely favored against armies made of B+ figures, especially with figure limits which don't constrain them at all. The only really bad matchup they have is Raelin-backed Krav
O Rly?

How do I get the Elves moved up? I am 7-2 at Gencon with the 600 point elf army (Ulginesh/Raelin/Jorhdawn/Chardris/Arkmer/Kyntela/Morsbane) against mostly real competitive armies. I think B+ or A- is probably right for Elves if you know what you are doing; they are definitely favored against armies made of B+ figures, especially with figure limits which don't constrain them at all. The only really bad matchup they have is Raelin-backed Krav

And yet you somehow beat that. :p Must've been the death stalkers fault. (Truthfully, I think that was the game where I made the most dumb moves with the Krav).

I could easily see the elves being B+ but I'm not so sure about A- (well Acolarh still sucks and I'm not so sure the army needs Emirroon all that much but the rest sure)

~Dysole, who thinks that elves biggest constraint is they get worse as point totals decrease
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I'm 3-2 against Raelin backed Krav with Elves I think (wins over you, The Orange Mailman, and Deroche, losses to Rÿchean and videosayg), but they were huge factors in every one and I was probably on the luckier side to win three of those five. I was probably on the unluckier side to face Raelin-backed Krav in more than half of my games with the Elves though.

I agree that Elves are pretty bad below 500. To be honest I don't think they are very good above 700 though either. I don't think there's too much value in Warriors of Ashra as a screen or Sonlen as a healer or whatever for 1000 point Elf armies; other 1000 points are better. Elves are kind of a sweet spot point army, which I guess is hard to rate because there isn't anything else like it. Other armies have small or big versions of their optimal size.

I used to be very anti-Emirroon and I still am but not as much. He is definitely not good if you are using him to rush your elf army to a set pod spot, but he's still a Wizard and he's good for soaking damage, and you can pull off some unexpected plays to protect your other Wizards with the teleportation.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

Veggie, since i played you that year, I have abandoned all Emiroon builds when I play elf wizards, subbing in Raelin. More so to get used to not trying to make him work, focusing on set up with raelin and getting the 3 elf hitters set up.

I played a 490 over the weekend with Rae, Ugly, Chardis, Jordawn, Arkmer, and Gwyn took down Concan, 3PKs, 2x Mindflayer.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I'll probably bump up the elves to B. I don't think they're that amazing even in their best build/sweet spot, but they're good. This is also the reason Capuans are B FWIW.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

Also, just got off the phone with infected sloth, and I'm now convinced that Marcu is probably a solid A, and Pulverizer is a B+.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I'll just comment on the movers. Let's start debates.

Raelin the Kyrie Warrior-ROTV (80, A+) eh I guess since she makes everything better, but I don't think she's game warping enough for a separate tier

Marcu Esenwein (20, A-) Pretty much the go to option if you have 20 points left but at the same time "curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal". I don't think wannok does enough for a letter grade upgrade
Marro Warriors (50, A)
Easily one of the best units in the game and in non timed games, can beat many units they shouldn't on stats alone. I would rather give them to an opponent than Q but after that, no way. Do have some bad matchups. Not quite sure they're an A+ but I'll buy it

10th Regiment of Foot (75*, A-)4th are still better. :p
Me-Burq-Sa (50, A-) Was legitimately surprised was not an A unit
Nerak the Glacian Swog Rider (50, A-)Orc Raelin is boss
Nilfheim (185, A-)

Blade Gruts (40*, B) Eh... I think they're more B+ since they have to work a lot harder to crack a sturdy defense.
Eltahale (140, B+)See MBS and Nilf
Mezzodemon Warmongers (65*, B+) Even a single special attack can wreck them, but they are brutal if you don't have one
Ogre Pulverizer (100+, B+) I don't think the Chasers do enough for bonding option 3
Roman Legionnaires (50*, B+)See the marro, dragon, and Goliath

Arrow Gruts (40*, B) Have not played with them enough but always seem to come highly recommended
Ashigaru Harquebus (60*, B-)
One of my faves. Make your own 4th. Add Raelin. Wait. Then fire.
Atlaga (90, A-)
Concan the Kyrie Warrior (80, B) I probably wouldn't bring either Kyrie to an event but I'd probably bring Atlaga before Concan because range and 7 move Raelin.
Eldgrim the Viking Champion (30, A-) This guy is an amazing early glyph grabber. Should be put back where he was.
Fire Elemental (35*, A-) Mostly because we can't all be dok and have 18 of them right? 4/4 with auto wound? I don't follow this one.
Frost Giant of Morh (140+, C+) Not a C+, but I think just a B instead of a B+. 140 is a lot of points.
MacDirk Warriors (80*, C+)2 defense is brutal and I think that keeps them in B/B- territory
Marro Dividers (50*, A-) Still love running these against zombies. Will induce frustration. A little surprised they weren't already here.
Minions of Utgar (110*, A-) I never like facing minions because they can be devastating. Conversely, they can annoyingly whiff on two dice a lot.
Nakita Agents (120, B) They're good tech, but I thought they were fine at B
Raelin the Kyrie Warrior-SOTM (120, B) I dunno. Unless I'm doing bring 2 swarm Rae tends to be hard for me to justify.
Sentinels of Jandar (110*, A-) I actually think they're worse than minions because more powers bypass defense.
Sgt. Drake Alexander-SOTM (170, A-) You are a dude. This is a man. Nuff said.
Sonya Esenwein (45, A-)
Huh. Yeah point totals do tend to make her less of an auto include.
Swog Rider (25*, B)
Tarn Viking Warriors (50, C+)
Why do I keep getting surprised by units not where I thought they were already?
Warriors of Ashra (50*, B) Range vulnerability but again already thought they were here

Capuan Gladiators (70*, B+) I always worry about how few of these guys I have to play. This feels right.
Crixus (90, B+) I feel like he's a very cheap very hard to kill beat stick. Definitely take him over several heroes you have ahead
Drow Chainfighter (25*, B-) Agreed. Unit responsible for the most disappointing 8 of my life.
Fyorlag Spiders (40*, C+)
I don't see it with no Quahon available
Kozuke Samurai (100, B-) Did not realize how fun this unit was until last Gencon. Agreed.
Laglor (110, A) 7 range, SA, makes krav better, what am I missing?
Ornak (100, B-) So many units in places I thought they were
Othkurik the Black Dragon (140, B+) Yeah, nice tech but nothing special
Otonashi (10, C+) Really hard to compare to Isamu. Like a lot more for RtW
Sgt. Drake Alexander-ROTV (110, B+) Brutal against some armies but I agree with this
Sir Denrick (100, B-) Eh feels fairly mediocre to me.
Sir Hawthorne (90, B+) Dude is cheap and has a special attack. Feel like this is better than Denrick
Sonlen (160, B-)
Spartacus (200, B+)
Thorgrim the Viking Champion (80, B-)
Tornak (100, C+)
Screw it. Clearly my life and the rankings are a lie.
Valguard (110, C+) Personally, I feel like this is one of the most underrated units
Warforged Soldiers (80*, B+) They have always performed well for me and can be brutal in some matchups
Wyvern (100+, B-) I don't see it. Bond with an okay squad and their positioning power is okay and they don't have high survivability.

James Murphy (75, B)
 I guess although he's better than shotgun
Shurrak (160, B)
Siege (120, B)
I love the fire giant and enjoy the warforged but yeah
Wolves of Badru (80*, C+) 3 defense and points make it hard for me to agree

Mind Flayer Mastermind (100+, C) Agree. Still mad at the fire isles game I got no enslaves.

Templar Cavalry (120*, C-) They're really vulnerable to range. I don't see it.
Warden 816 (90, C-) I guess. I actually feel he's at least C+

Sudema (140, C) NOOOO my favorite unit. I do agree though (also she's not deleted from the C's)

Roman Archers (55*, C-) I actually think Roman archers and Raelin is better than you give it credit for. They're not good against squads but 6 range attack of 6 will end heroes. Biggest weakness is the engagement clause.

~Dysole, who didn't check to see if she'd change anyone you didn't move
A lot here. Not going to have the time right now but I will get to the points of contention! Thanks for all the input, it's great!
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

I was actually going to share my own rankings pretty soon haha, you beat me to it, i think it's a good idea to share personal rankings. :). I'll post them soon, im almost done ranking and tinkering everything.

One thing that perplexes me about yours is Laglor. What's the reasoning for him so low? I think he's damn good, I put him at an A (maybe A- if the map pool really sucks for him).

I like how you bump MW to A+ :up: I agree
Laglor is... cute. His aura is good, but he's a single attack per turn hero with a bad special at 110 points. That's expensive.

The reason Atlaga and Concan are higher than him is that they fill in a nice point slot where there aren't a whole to of other options, especially if you only have room for one or two more figures. Once you hit 100, the options really start to open up.

He's also a "win more" figure, so to speak. He doesn't help a Vydar range army's bad matchups; instead, he makes their good matchups (marginally) better, as well as the mirror.

Finally, he hasn't won anything noteworthy in years (Team Tourney doesn't count). If he's an A, why does nobody play him? Win a few events with him at GC and I'll bump him up ;). I value results over everything.

Laglor is, at best, a weak B+. I see him more as a middling-B.

He makes Krav nuts. Sit in/around your start zone and force your opponent to come to you even harder. Works with Q9 and Q10 as well, and forcing your opponent to come close and componsate position to Q's is nasty. And any combination of the three of course. Works with Trons too, keeps Blasts even farther back and safer. Those are four/five of the best units in the game, and he makes them better. Agent Skahen's a great unit too.

He has a 7 range SA that can hit multiple times. He's a phenominal cleanup figure, which you're very most likely going to have him for. He also has 6 life (w/ 3 def). 110pt. is really not that expensive, it's not like he's Taelord @ 180.

He also works with Microcorp and Nakitas, which aren't bad units at all.

I don't see him being any lower than an A-. Also just because he's underplayed is a lame argument to push him down, I think Mohicans are underplayed but it doesn't make them any worse at what they are (~B+). Trons are almost always underplayed, but they're no question top tier.

I'm lost at what's 'average' about this figure, Laglor's really good haha
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

He makes Krav nuts. Sit in/around your start zone and force your opponent to come to you even harder. Works with Q9 and Q10 as well, and forcing your opponent to come close and componsate position to Q's is nasty. And any combination of the three of course.
Sure. It's good. I'm not convinced Laglor provides close to the value of 3x Rats or Hydra in a Vydar Range Build.

Works with Trons too, keeps Blasts even farther back and safer. Those are four/five of the best units in the game, and he makes them better. Agent Skahen's a great unit too.
Love Skahen, she's solid.

As for Trons, read the companion piece. They aren't close to the best in the current meta; contemplating dropping them to A-. They're not even close to Dwarves or Greenscales in the current meta.

He has a 7 range SA that can hit multiple times.
Inconsistent at best. It lacks damage output.

He's a phenominal cleanup figure, which you're very most likely going to have him for. He also has 6 life (w/ 3 def). 110pt. is really not that expensive, it's not like he's Taelord @ 180.
Agreed that he is solid stat-wise. 110 is expensive in the meta; read the companion piece.

He also works with Microcorp and Nakitas, which aren't bad units at all.
Sure...? Not sure what exactly this proves.

I don't see him being any lower than an A-.
Because you didn't read my companion piece. ;)

Also just because he's underplayed is a lame argument to push him down, I think Mohicans are underplayed but it doesn't make them any worse at what they are (~B+).
Agreed, but that's because they are a B+. If a unit is an A or A-, it will be played, and it will win events. Laglor is not played and does not win events.

Trons are almost always underplayed, but they're no question top tier.
Actually, it's very questionable in the current meta. Again, read the companion piece.

I'm lost at what's 'average' about this figure, Laglor's really good haha
Did I mention I have a companion piece? :)

It seems like you're valuing him at A in higher point, higher hex games. I don't care about those in these rankings. This is simply based on cost efficiency and consistency in the current meta.
Re: Orc's Power Rankings

For the most part I think a lot of these changes are "correct".

Raelin is for sure the best piece to ever be in this game. Creating a whole new letter grade is appropriate.

Warriors at A+ is a good spot for them. I've never seen them not kill their point value, and they are just too consistently good to not be among the best.

10th should've been A this whole time. In my opinion in a 18 figure game I see them as being better than the 4th, and in 24 hex I think the 4th are better. Regardless since the redcoats are pretty much clones with slight differences, they should be in the same grade. Marcu/MBS/Nerak should've always been A's. They are too good for their points not to be and both MBS and Nerak bond with multiple elite squads, and Marcu is amazing for soaking up the wound glyph and is perhaps the best filler in the game. Him or Isamu. I do have some thoughts about the A's in general. I think blast and glads can be dropped to A- nowadays. The meta focusing on figure limits is enough to justify this. Not being able to play 3 squads of both really hurts them. Mario stingers can be dropped down as well. They 4th/10th, knights/heavies, and kravs all really put the hurt on them and while they are good, I feel that they are a behind those. I might get flack for saying this, but I feel like the Hydra could be dropped to A- as well. The Hydra is the piece I fear the most of anything, but its a very high variance unit, and a single bad defensive role can just cripple it. I think it would be fine left as an A, but because of the consistency it feels a lot like cyprein or the airborne where when they go off they go off, but other times they let your down.

I see eltahale getting the respect she deserves with that A-. One of my favorite pieces for sure, and I think thats the right spot for her. Mezzos makes sense as A-. Romans can be hurt by the figure limit but the lowish point totals help. They probably have one of the best if not the best selection to bond with so A- is appropriate. Not sure about blades but I can see it as either A- or B+.

B+ has a lot of changes. Eldgrim and fire elemental dropping makes sense. Firestorm is good, but its rare because buy a dozen fire elementals is expensive and hard to do. Frost giant at B+ is woke. He is criminally underrated. He can go toe to toe with almost any hero and come out on top or come out even and for his points that makes a lot of difference. Trading frost giant for nilfheim or TKN is great. Marrden Hounds up to B+ is right I think. They'd be A- if they were more consistent. They can really do a number on a lot of things. Nakitas up is also a good choice. Tarns and Ashra are sleepers and are really good as tech. I don't think MacDirks should be up at B+. I can see B- or B, but B+ is an overcorrection from ranking them at C+. Dropping Drake Sotm was about right. A- was overrating him. Dividers at B+ makes sense too, they're good but they only get 3 attacks in melee per turn.

Gladiators at B makes sense. They have good stats but their total numbers are meh. 11 gladiators at 500 is just too few especially considering braxas/TKN/hounds/cyprien all exist. Drake Rotv down makes sense. Ornak is a solid B. He's amazing in one specific format, and he's decent in RTW, and underrated overall. Unpopular opinion, but after Sir Gilbert he's the next best flag bearer, which leads me to my next point. Thank you for putting Laglor at B. Laglor is the most overrated piece in the game. He helped one army win gencon once a decade ago, but maps have gotten smaller and less open since then, people have gotten better at playing the game, and melee is more powerful because of both of those things. Laglor's boost on paper looks good because its a +2 range, but unless a figure is standing 8-9 spaces away it really doesn't make much of a difference. 110 points for maybe a couple attacks at that range is not worth it. I guess its good sometimes, but laglor hasn't put in work in a loooooong time. Sonlen is kinda underrated. He has the potential to do a lot but isn't consistent enough to get his abilities to go off enough. B is appropriate. Othkurik is the 2nd worst dragon. B+ overrated him. Warfordged down is about right. Their abilities are decent, but auto wonders eat them up, and switching is occasionally decent, but a decent opponent can play around it I think.

Shurrak down to B- is fair. He's good but expensive and too situational. Siege is in the same boat. Wolves up is a good move. They are incredibly inconsistent, but a special attack of 5 that improves positioning is good. Werewolf Lord can be bumped up. He is really underrated tech. If he wounds TKN or a key bonding hero, your opponent has to fight an uphill battle. Breaking up bonding armies for 140 points is really underrated. The fact he can moon frenzy is icing on the cake. I could see him at B+, but B is probably more accurate. He's only good as tech against bonding so if your opponent isn't playing bonding he's meh, but if they are he can unleash the top 10 anime betrayals left and right.

This ranking is woke. I agree with probably 90% of the changes. I really like the direction the meta has shifted to with more formats encompassing the possibility of playing your own units, and having a figure limit. I think it makes the games more hero centric, and more oriented to skill. This+the state of the meta address were both good reads. Thanks for writing these up.
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Re: Orc's Power Rankings

Not to burst a bubble, but Lizard King Bonding is not broken by Lycanthropy. You can still Moon Frenzy with your puppet dragon however.