The August 2024 Edition is officially done. I have half a dozen other updates planned in the future, but I wanted to get everything important done pre-ScapeCon IV.
Change Log for the August 2024 Edition:
Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings
2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)
4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle
9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers
11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive
13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction
14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling
17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space
18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source
20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source
22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header
23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section
25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target
26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.
27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)
29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits
30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading
31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings
32: Reordered alphabetically
33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation