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OEAO's Comprehensive Treatise

I think you got the double spaced figure movement wrong, can't you flip them mid-attack?
And the mindshackle rule too, I'm pretty sure you can control two of the same unique hero. You need to update this with the new Renegade rules.

^^^ I'm joking and this is a great compilation of the rules.
I think you got the double spaced figure movement wrong, can't you flip them mid-attack?

And the mindshackle rule too, I'm pretty sure you can control two of the same unique hero. You need to update this with the new Renegade rules.

^^^ I'm joking and this is a great compilation of the rules.

Lol... yeahhhhh...

In all seriousness, if Renegade decides to continue down this path, I may or may not add a section at the end that briefly addresses the differences to aid community members who attend an official Renegade event. But it would certainly be my preference that Renegade walks back these changes.
I've always wondered about Gurei-Oni's hit-zone. The card shows the cape between his legs as not part of his hit-zone (gray); however, that is inconsistent with the other cape-wearing figures. Shouldn't an entire cape always be part of the hit-zone? There is also the same cape issue with one of the MacDirk Warriors.
Regarding this part:
A figure must have the exact species or class referenced by a special power to count for that special power.
I'd suggest clarifying that the plural/singular form still counts. Dwarf/Dwarves, elf/elves, etc.
Regarding this part:

A figure must have the exact species or class referenced by a special power to count for that special power.

I'd suggest clarifying that the plural/singular form still counts. Dwarf/Dwarves, elf/elves, etc.

Added to my list of changes to make
The August 2024 Edition is officially done. I have half a dozen other updates planned in the future, but I wanted to get everything important done pre-ScapeCon IV.

Change Log for the August 2024 Edition:
Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings
2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)
4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle
9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers
11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive
13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction
14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling
17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space
18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source
20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source
22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header
23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section
25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target
26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.
27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)
29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits
30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading
31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings
32: Reordered alphabetically
33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation
The August 2024 Edition is officially done. I have half a dozen other updates planned in the future, but I wanted to get everything important done pre-ScapeCon IV.

Change Log for the August 2024 Edition:

Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings

2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)

4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle

9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers

11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive

13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction

14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling

17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space

18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source

20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source

22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header

23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section

25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target

26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.

27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)

29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits

30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading

31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings

32: Reordered alphabetically

33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation

Ah man, July edition is already outdated?!? I needed to practice publishing something through KDP so I had printed a proof copy. I'll still bring it to Gencon and hand it off to @Sir Heroscape or somebody so it gets to you @OEAO to record as a time capsule of this significant moment in HS history. ;)

The August 2024 Edition is officially done. I have half a dozen other updates planned in the future, but I wanted to get everything important done pre-ScapeCon IV.

Change Log for the August 2024 Edition:
Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings
2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)
4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle
9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers
11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive
13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction
14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling
17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space
18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source
20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source
22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header
23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section
25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target
26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.
27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)
29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits
30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading
31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings
32: Reordered alphabetically
33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation

Ah man, July edition is already outdated?!? I needed to practice publishing something through KDP so I had printed a proof copy. I'll still bring it to Gencon and hand it off to @Sir Heroscape or somebody so it gets to you @OEAO to record as a time capsule of this significant moment in HS history. ;)

Wow- that looks great! I'm honored.

Sorry, this will be a constantly evolving document. I will be providing a list of changes with each update so that those who print (like me) can just print out the revised sections (and the updated Table of Contents). (This is also why I did not include page numbers.) But I'm going the more primitive printing route with a three-ring binder.
Sorry, this will be a constantly evolving document. I will be providing a list of changes with each update so that those who print (like me) can just print out the revised sections (and the updated Table of Contents). (This is also why I did not include page numbers.) But I'm going the more primitive printing route with a three-ring binder.

One is coming your way for Scapecon. Once a few more revs happen and it seems like it has settled in, we could reprint if needed/wanted.
Sorry, this will be a constantly evolving document. I will be providing a list of changes with each update so that those who print (like me) can just print out the revised sections (and the updated Table of Contents). (This is also why I did not include page numbers.) But I'm going the more primitive printing route with a three-ring binder.

One is coming your way for Scapecon. Once a few more revs happen and it seems like it has settled in, we could reprint if needed/wanted.

Thank you, and great job on the printing- that looks so good!
The December 2024 update is now live. I've added a brief legal disclaimer and Section 40: the ScapeCon Destructible Object Rulings.
Why a complete overhaul?
Short answer: I'm never satisfied.

Long answer: I've decided that a better organizational structure is to have the Treatise contain the core underlying rulings (like it currently does). But rather than have the unit rulings sprinkled throughout, I'm going to move them to a complete Index of all abilities in the game as an Appendix to the Treatise. They will be in alphabetical order and have each unit with that power listed below so you can search the document for any unit or any power name and quickly find exactly what you need. Additionally, this will be truly comprehensive, in that I am closely evaluating each power for possible rule interactions, and it will be easily updatable with each wave's release. Finally, I am including whether each relevant power works on or when/after attacking a destructible object, and whether each power is mandatory, optional, or a ScapeCon-exclusive hybrid (a mandatory trigger that both players are responsible for remembering but is optional to actually use, created for the benefit of sportsmanship, community, clean games, and, especially, the protection of newer players).

Edit: Essentially, the Treatise itself will be much shorter and easier to read. The Power Rulings will assume a familiarity with the Treatise, and be much easier to utilize in practice.
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Wow, a shorter version. I just read it entirely a few weeks ago. I was beginning to think it would get larger. Nice work and very useful. Thanks for all of your work!