HeroScape Rulings and Guidance: A Comprehensive Treatise
HeroScape is a simple game with complex interactions. Many of these interactions are covered, directly or indirectly, by Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, and their Rules Teams.
However, these rulings are not centralized: some are in the downloadable FAQ, while some are in the first posts of Book threads; and still others are buried deep in miscellaneous other threads (such as in posts from people like Grungebob and Rÿchean). Some of the rulings in the FAQ itself are entirely inaccurate in their language; while the result may be correct, the reasoning is sometimes inaccurate.
This Treatise has several main goals. First, centralizing all the Book and FAQ rulings is really important. Before this document, it was far more difficult than it needed to be to find rulings when questions come up.
Second, and perhaps just as importantly, it is helpful to understand the rationale behind these rulings. Where possible, I have added clarifying language that reflects the underlying principles. If you understand these principles, then many rulings become self-evident.
Third, I entered with three fundamental goals: to make these rulings as clear, concise, and comprehensive as possible.
Additionally, some rulings included in this document are extensions of confirmed official rulings. These have been marked as such. ScapeCon in particular will use these extensions in full.
Finally, some rulings are better ignored. Grenade and Ladder rules in particular have been revised to lead to workable results.
In creating this document, I spent well over 100 hours compiling all official rulings from Version 13.4 of the Hasbro FAQ (the “Hasbro FAQ”) and the various Books (the “Book of ____”), reordering and rewriting almost everything, researching old threads and discussions on HeroScapers, and discussing with several preeminent current community members with unparalleled experience in the rules.
Special thanks to:
Dysole for helping with the initial copy-pasting of rulings from the FAQ and Books;
Viideosayg for making this Treatise much easier to navigate with the outline and Table of Contents;
Dok, Matthias, superfrog, and especially Scytale for discussing many of these rulings and their implications; and
Matthias for discussing and finalizing the extended ScapeCon rulings.
-Mike (OEAO)
HeroScape is a simple game with complex interactions. Many of these interactions are covered, directly or indirectly, by Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, and their Rules Teams.
However, these rulings are not centralized: some are in the downloadable FAQ, while some are in the first posts of Book threads; and still others are buried deep in miscellaneous other threads (such as in posts from people like Grungebob and Rÿchean). Some of the rulings in the FAQ itself are entirely inaccurate in their language; while the result may be correct, the reasoning is sometimes inaccurate.
This Treatise has several main goals. First, centralizing all the Book and FAQ rulings is really important. Before this document, it was far more difficult than it needed to be to find rulings when questions come up.
Second, and perhaps just as importantly, it is helpful to understand the rationale behind these rulings. Where possible, I have added clarifying language that reflects the underlying principles. If you understand these principles, then many rulings become self-evident.
Third, I entered with three fundamental goals: to make these rulings as clear, concise, and comprehensive as possible.
Additionally, some rulings included in this document are extensions of confirmed official rulings. These have been marked as such. ScapeCon in particular will use these extensions in full.
Finally, some rulings are better ignored. Grenade and Ladder rules in particular have been revised to lead to workable results.
In creating this document, I spent well over 100 hours compiling all official rulings from Version 13.4 of the Hasbro FAQ (the “Hasbro FAQ”) and the various Books (the “Book of ____”), reordering and rewriting almost everything, researching old threads and discussions on HeroScapers, and discussing with several preeminent current community members with unparalleled experience in the rules.
Special thanks to:
Dysole for helping with the initial copy-pasting of rulings from the FAQ and Books;
Viideosayg for making this Treatise much easier to navigate with the outline and Table of Contents;
Dok, Matthias, superfrog, and especially Scytale for discussing many of these rulings and their implications; and
Matthias for discussing and finalizing the extended ScapeCon rulings.
-Mike (OEAO)
Spoiler Alert!
12/1/24: Release of December 2024 Edition (adding legal disclaimers and Section 40: ScapeCon Destructible Object Rulings)
7/29/24: Release of August 2024 Edition
7/28/24: Beginning of August 2024 Edition updates:
Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings
2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)
4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle
9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers
11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive
13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction
14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling
17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space
18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source
20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source
22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header
23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section
25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target
26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.
27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)
29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits
30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading
31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings
32: Reordered alphabetically
33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation
7/21/24: July 2024 Edition release (many minor updates + footnoting)
6/25/24: June 2024 Edition release
7/29/24: Release of August 2024 Edition
7/28/24: Beginning of August 2024 Edition updates:
Foreward: added source re: general origins of the Book rulings
2: Added singular = plural; added Orc Battle Rush (DCoTs)
4: Added clarification re: "in your army" and mindshackle
9: Added source for LEAs =/= Attacks for special powers
11: Grapple Gun moved to Section 14; added source re: Stealth Leap and the Hive
13: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction
14: Grapple Gun moved from Section 11 (it's not like Stealth Leap or Grapple Arm); added Grapple Gun and Heavy Snow ruling; added Gain High Ground section; clarified Grapple Gun and falling
17: Added Cyberclaw and Throw interaction; added no Throwing onto the same space
18: reordered alphabetically; added Hive Supremacy ruling and source
20: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added order of modification of dice rolls and source
22: Attack Aura 1, Mark of the Warlord, Orc Archer Enhancement moved to Section 22; added Exiles, Fia, and Granites to Attack Aura 1 section; added Reach, Black Powder, Lava Throw, and Rock Throw sections; added figure names to Wait then Fire header
23: Added Lumbering Bully section; Tactical Switch is once per turn per Warforged Soldier and source; added Hydra Heads section
25: Added sources to statement that affected figures do not need to be within the attacker's line of sight; added source to choose =/= target
26: Added additional source re: all explosions working the same.
27: Added Earth Slam Special Attack (Earth Elemental)
29: Fixed the source for the order of defense modifications; changed "4th" to "fourth" to prevent erroneous control-f hits
30: Added Heirloom and Warforged Soldiers to the Warforged Resolve subheading; updated Counter Strike and Arcane Riposte subheading
31: Added Master of Disguise; added complex Smoke Powder rulings
32: Reordered alphabetically
33: Revised Steps 1-2 of the SCRC with the new findings on Smoke Powder; added source supporting the ScapeCon "defender first" interpretation
7/21/24: July 2024 Edition release (many minor updates + footnoting)
6/25/24: June 2024 Edition release
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