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OEAO's Comprehensive Treatise


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HeroScape Rulings and Guidance: A Comprehensive Treatise

HeroScape is a simple game with complex interactions. Many of these interactions are covered, directly or indirectly, by Hasbro, Wizards of the Coast, and their Rules Teams.

However, these rulings are not centralized: some are in the downloadable FAQ, while some are in the first posts of Book threads; and still others are buried deep in miscellaneous other threads (such as in posts from people like Grungebob and Rÿchean). Some of the rulings in the FAQ itself are entirely inaccurate in their language; while the result may be correct, the reasoning is sometimes inaccurate.

This Treatise has several main goals. First, centralizing all the Book and FAQ rulings is really important. Before this document, it was far more difficult than it needed to be to find rulings when questions come up.

Second, and perhaps just as importantly, it is helpful to understand the rationale behind these rulings. Where possible, I have added clarifying language that reflects the underlying principles. If you understand these principles, then many rulings become self-evident.

Third, I entered with three fundamental goals: to make these rulings as clear, concise, and comprehensive as possible.

Additionally, some rulings included in this document are extensions of confirmed official rulings. These have been marked as such. ScapeCon in particular will use these extensions in full.

Finally, some rulings are better ignored. Grenade and Ladder rules in particular have been revised to lead to workable results.

In creating this document, I spent well over 100 hours compiling all official rulings from Version 13.4 of the Hasbro FAQ (the “Hasbro FAQ”) and the various Books (the “Book of ____”), reordering and rewriting almost everything, researching old threads and discussions on HeroScapers, and discussing with several preeminent current community members with unparalleled experience in the rules.

Special thanks to:
Dysole for helping with the initial copy-pasting of rulings from the FAQ and Books;
Viideosayg for making this Treatise much easier to navigate with the outline and Table of Contents;
Dok, Matthias, superfrog, and especially Scytale for discussing many of these rulings and their implications; and
Matthias for discussing and finalizing the extended ScapeCon rulings.

-Mike (OEAO)

Spoiler Alert!
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I can't wait to print this out and put it in a binder and then whenever someone at ScapeCon has a rules question I can pull it out from under my chair and slam it on the table and say, "Let's consult the ancient text" and thumb through it like the referee from Air Bud.

(Thank you for doing this work. This is actually extremely helpful both as a player and a TD.)
Note: I have begun footnoting sources, but I do not want to delay the initial release to finish this process. The main sources are Version 13.4 of the Hasbro FAQ (the “Hasbro FAQ”) and the various Books (the “Book of ____”).

We've been waiting for this for 14 years! Excellent work!

Are you going to do a formatting pass after you get the footnoting completed? There are a couple of page breaks that could be fixed, etc. Let us know if you want to crowdsource prettifying it.

The content is the most important thing!
I can't wait to print this out and put it in a binder and then whenever someone at ScapeCon has a rules question I can pull it out from under my chair and slam it on the table and say, "Let's consult the ancient text" and thumb through it like the referee from Air Bud.

(Thank you for doing this work. This is actually extremely helpful both as a player and a TD.)

Lol- there will be a printed copy on site. Feel free to ask a judge for a copy to slam on the table. (Fake dust not included.)
Note: I have begun footnoting sources, but I do not want to delay the initial release to finish this process. The main sources are Version 13.4 of the Hasbro FAQ (the “Hasbro FAQ”) and the various Books (the “Book of ____”).

We've been waiting for this for 14 years! Excellent work!

Are you going to do a formatting pass after you get the footnoting completed? There are a couple of page breaks that could be fixed, etc. Let us know if you want to crowdsource prettifying it.

The content is the most important thing!

Yeah I'll need to do a final formatting pass once the footnotes are completed (it should all be done by August, but I wanted to get the material itself out now).
I love it! In the vein of the first few sections I was told some cards were reprinted with corrections. I could not find a definite list of these but of my collection I found Deathreavers and Sentinels were reprinted with their corrections.
If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).
If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).

I'm wondering if something should be said about Order Marker placement. (section 6?)

I think there is an implied "gentleman's agreement" to not look at your opponent's Order Marker placement prior to the Initiative roll. I haven't been in enough competitive tournaments to know if this holds true.

I've seen things like:
-placing order markers near two cards and then pushing them onto one of the cards at the last second
-covering order markers and revealing just before the initiative roll
-doing a last-second switcher-oo of OMs after a glance at the opponent's OMs

Especially since there is an official rule around this, seems like there should be a common ruling

If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).

I'm wondering if something should be said about Order Marker placement. (section 6?)

I think there is an implied "gentleman's agreement" to not look at your opponent's Order Marker placement prior to the Initiative roll. I haven't been in enough competitive tournaments to know if this holds true.

I've seen things like:

-placing order markers near two cards and then pushing them onto one of the cards at the last second

-covering order markers and revealing just before the initiative roll

-doing a last-second switcher-oo of OMs after a glance at the opponent's OMs

Especially since there is an official rule around this, seems like there should be a common ruling


Good points. Personally I think for ultra competitive stuff perhaps using a kind of card board line of sight blocker when setting up OM's so the opponent can't see what you're doing...?
If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).

I'm wondering if something should be said about Order Marker placement. (section 6?)

I think there is an implied "gentleman's agreement" to not look at your opponent's Order Marker placement prior to the Initiative roll. I haven't been in enough competitive tournaments to know if this holds true.

I've seen things like:
-placing order markers near two cards and then pushing them onto one of the cards at the last second
-covering order markers and revealing just before the initiative roll
-doing a last-second switcher-oo of OMs after a glance at the opponent's OMs

Especially since there is an official rule around this, seems like there should be a common ruling

Good call. I will add guidance on this.

Edit: added.
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There are too many minor clarifications and footnotes to track right now. Please do not print this document until it is the July 2024 edition. Once that edition is the current edition, any further changes will be documented to facilitate ease of re-printing any edited sections.
If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).

I'm wondering if something should be said about Order Marker placement. (section 6?)

I think there is an implied "gentleman's agreement" to not look at your opponent's Order Marker placement prior to the Initiative roll. I haven't been in enough competitive tournaments to know if this holds true.

I've seen things like:

-placing order markers near two cards and then pushing them onto one of the cards at the last second

-covering order markers and revealing just before the initiative roll

-doing a last-second switcher-oo of OMs after a glance at the opponent's OMs

Especially since there is an official rule around this, seems like there should be a common ruling


Good points. Personally I think for ultra competitive stuff perhaps using a kind of card board line of sight blocker when setting up OM's so the opponent can't see what you're doing...?

whoa...I never realized there was an official ruling. Will this be enforced at ScapeCon this way? i.e. will I be allowed to for a D20 roll in order to make my opponent place their OM's first before I do?
If something seems off or if you think something's missing, please post and I will respond and/or revise that section.

As I finish footnoting it, I may make some minor tweaks to language. I will post again once it is 100% finalized (the July 2024 edition).

I'm wondering if something should be said about Order Marker placement. (section 6?)

I think there is an implied "gentleman's agreement" to not look at your opponent's Order Marker placement prior to the Initiative roll. I haven't been in enough competitive tournaments to know if this holds true.

I've seen things like:

-placing order markers near two cards and then pushing them onto one of the cards at the last second

-covering order markers and revealing just before the initiative roll

-doing a last-second switcher-oo of OMs after a glance at the opponent's OMs

Especially since there is an official rule around this, seems like there should be a common ruling


Good points. Personally I think for ultra competitive stuff perhaps using a kind of card board line of sight blocker when setting up OM's so the opponent can't see what you're doing...?

whoa...I never realized there was an official ruling. Will this be enforced at ScapeCon this way? i.e. will I be allowed to for a D20 roll in order to make my opponent place their OM's first before I do?

No, this is not allowed. Both players must place order markers simultaneously and may not look at their opponent's order markers while placing their own.
I have often wondered if anyone uses that official rule; I haven't heard order marker etiquette talked about much besides that one strategy post years ago.

Time for a quick aside; don’t look at your opponents OMs before placing your OMs. In my opinion, that is pretty poor form. (You can look after you have placed yours, just don’t make any changes to yours after the fact.)
While placing OMs, I tend to shuffle them up in my hands and randomly draw them out to place on my cards, so I'm not placing them in numbered order.
While placing OMs, I tend to shuffle them up in my hands and randomly draw them out to place on my cards, so I'm not placing them in numbered order.

This has become something I do on occasion too.

I don't think I've ever seen someone play with that listed rule and agree with everyone else that it is better to have people set order markers without any looking at each other's.

~Dysole, who notes the easy way around this is to run armies with only one obvious order marker spot. :p
I'm actually considering making/3Dprinting an "Order Marker screen" so I can preset the "positions" of my OM's and then place them all at once/at the same time as my opponent.
Seems to me that this is not a rule but an alternate way to play. The use of the word "can" suggests a choice for players if they agree, and not a mandate.
While placing OMs, I tend to shuffle them up in my hands and randomly draw them out to place on my cards, so I'm not placing them in numbered order.

I like to grab a handful of sand, sift it through my fingers, then when my opponent seems distracted, quickly toss it into their eyes and place my Order Markers while they're crying and vigorously rubbing at their eyes to stop the discomfort.

Or sometimes I just don't really pay attention to my opponent and place my Order Markers whenever I'm ready.
I'm actually considering making/3Dprinting an "Order Marker screen" so I can preset the "positions" of my OM's and then place them all at once/at the same time as my opponent.

I think this a great idea and it is what our TO is suggesting. Again, I am fully behind just not looking at each other's OMs, but it seems weird to me to be precise about a lot of other areas of the game and not this one.

I was just thinking including an accepted ruling in this doc (which I assume will eventually find community acceptance) a proactive step to avoid OP issues.
Added a section for clarity on "when moving" powers and their interaction with things like Jandar's Dispatch and Boarding Party Special Attack, as well as the footnoted source (Hasbro ruling not in a FAQ). Also added the corresponding section on BPSA.

Dzu-Teh's Glacier Traverse moved from Terrain Abilities section to Miscellaneous Movement Abilities section.

In short: if Gilbert Dispatches a Sentinel, it may fly. If Admiral moves a pirate with BPSA, it may (must?) use disengage. However, if Gilbert Dispatches a Dzu-Teh, it may not instead use Glacier Traverse because that is an "instead of moving normally" power, not a "when moving" power.

I haven't made any more progress on footnoting, in large part because I've been tied up with a ton of ScapeCon obligations. I will try to finish that this week so I can "officially release" (update it to) the July 2024 edition. I'm sure there will also be a little more minor cleaning along the way, and I need to dig into the AOA units to see if there are any other rulings I need to add proactively.
The July 2024 Edition is officially finished with 39 sections and over 300 footnoted sources.

There is one final section on Destructible Objects that I will add at a later date, as well as any other sections that I may have missed.

Additionally, I may add more footnoted commentary in the future in a few places about the "unspoken rules."