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nyys terrain *INDEX Pg1* broken links recovered 10/28/22

Building #3 Wreckage & Roof


I decided I wanted to do a slanted roof with this building, so I had to add back some slanted walls.


It's never a nice flush fit, so I use spackle to fill the gaps.


Added the floors and rails.


Beams for the roof.


A cool detail to add in industrial buildings is 'giant' fans. I used to pilfer computer fans out of PCs that were getting tossed at work.


These are actually pretty small, but they'll fit nice in the roof.


Can't tell you how many times I've found uses for these old gift cards. Used to work at a Borders, and kept all the used ones.


Just a lucky accident that one of these 40mm bases is the same size as the circle on the fan.


Superglued the fan to the giftcard and hot glued that to the roof beams.


And repeat.


Time for the roof. Box look familiar?


I cut off the ends and then peel back one layer. This is an incredibly tedious process, as the paper does not come off nice an clean. After about a 1/2 hour I finally got the desired result (next pic).


When painted this will look like one of those metal roofs you sometimes see on a warehouse.


Cut and piece onto the roof. I only hot glued the pieces to the top and bottom beam (explanation below).


I didn't quite have enough to cover the whole roof (oops) but that's the beauty of a ruined building, I can just make a bomb hole.


Since we'll need to be able to get our hands in here to move figs, I cut the top and bottom beam from the building so that the roof can be removed during game play (will rest on the two middle beams).




Wreckage time!




Next update: Building #4 Wreckage
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Building #4 Siding and Roof Part I

Been putting off building #4 for a while due to the tedium I knew I was in for since it's supposed to be a warehouse type building and I want the walls to be like the roof I put on building #3. Peeling apart that one piece of cardboard for bldg #3 and scraping off all the leftover took much more time than I have the patience for.

Then it dawned on me (and this is something I knew about but it didn't hit me until now), the fastest and cleanest way to separate corrugated cardboard is with steam.

Here's what it looks like when you just try to tear off the top layer.


Now add one of these:


...and you get this.


Still takes a little bit of time for the steam to work its magic so I just hovered the cardboard over the humidifier and started on building #6 (next post).

About 40 minutes later and...


Ready to go.

As the cardboard dries out from the steam bath it will start to bend, but that's nothing a hot glue gun can't fix.


I cut each section to about 7 inch lengths just so it would be easier to work with.


One side done.


With all the siding on I added a platform on the outside to give the building some character.

Now for the roof.


This is called a lense (I think) and it can be found at Home Depot in the area of fluorescent lighting.


Cut a couple lengths off and put them on top of the walls. Want to separate the roof from the building a little bit.


Now for the framing. This is as far as I've got so far, when it's finished it'll be removable for game play, but for now everything is hot glued for stability.
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Building #6

As mentioned in the building #4 post I had some time to kill while steaming the cardboard for separation. I want to have some industrial type pieces in this city as well so it's time to raid the junk piles.


Here's the box of 'broken' toys from the kids.


This thing is the motor section from a hot wheels gorilla track system. My son used it the night we bought it for him and never again. Just sat around to the point my wife decided to chuck it, and that's when I rescued this piece.


Time to raid a couple junk/bit drawers.


At this point all the cardboard for bldg #4 was ready so this is where I am with this for now. I plan to place this in a building that has been destroyed down to its foundation. After some more bits are added and some paint this will look like something... I hope.
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Wow, looks great. The only thing i can suggest is that you make some hills or other natural hight in the final project, the other ones you did where just a little to flat. Though the high amount of buildings might fix that.
zanter said:
Wow, looks great. The only thing i can suggest is that you make some hills or other natural hight in the final project, the other ones you did where just a little to flat. Though the high amount of buildings might fix that.

Thanks. The whole board is going to a city, but I do plan to make some giant piles of rubble that I guess you could call hills... 8)
Hooray for Orks! I'm not much of a WH or 40k player, but one of my buddies is a fanatic. Sadly, with the amount of creation and painting and assembly, I never got into it after discovering 'Scape. His parents split had him moved to Spain for some odd reason last year, so I have been throwing away my wonderfully useful junk that I don't find odd enough to keep. Anyway, I really like looking at the things you guys find the time to come up with, and I'll enjoy looking for updates here!
Thanks for this nyys, I've been looking for this type of photo-walk-through-magical-to-watch-super-special-awesome look into board building everywhere on the net, but I've come up with little.

It really amuses me to see things go from first step to last step... What can I say, I'm easily amused sometimes.

HS ~ KNT said:
Thanks for this nyys, I've been looking for this type of photo-walk-through-magical-to-watch-super-special-awesome look into board building everywhere on the net, but I've come up with little.

It really amuses me to see things go from first step to last step... What can I say, I'm easily amused sometimes.


Thanks HS ~ KNT. If you're interested in seeing more step by step stuff like this you should check out http://www.terragenesis.co.uk, tons of great stuff on that site. I discovered it about 5-6 years ago and have learned pretty much everything as far as terrain making goes, from this site.
Just wondering, how much does i take to get started with 40,000? I want to play a black templar army, can i paint the boxed set's minis to look like them?
zanter said:
Just wondering, how much does i take to get started with 40,000? I want to play a black templar army, can i paint the boxed set's minis to look like them?

Do you mean Games-Workshop models? Other than the Chaos stuff, any Marine box set can be painted to match the faction of your choice. It's expensive though, as you'll need about 1500 points worth of models for a good battle, which will run you several hundred dollars.

Try http://www.thewarstore.com, all their GW stuff is 20% off and shipping is $5 no matter the order. You have to call in the order to them as GW doesn't allow online shopping carts to their vendors. Ebay is a good place as well, just have to be patient. I have about 3500 pts worth of Marine models and have never paid full retail for any of them.
Building #4 Siding and Roof Part II

Made some more progress though there was a casualty in the process, my left hand took nine stitches last night due to breaking the cardinal model making rule. Never cut towards your body.


The finished roof skeleton.


Cut the cardboard to fit and hot glue.






As promised the roof is removable for game play.

Most of the battle damage on this piece won't be visible until the painting stage. Plenty of detailing to do but that will wait until a few more buildings are pieced together.
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Man I can't wait to see this whole thing finished. Some of those buildings are just going to look awesome! I mean all of them really!
nyys said:
Never cut towards your body.

That's why I positively magnatize all my knives, axes and other general use sharp objects and allways wear a magnet with the positive end facing out on my hands and stomach.

It does get annoying when I have to walk past electric fences, but I digress.

Jk. Good luck with your war wound. :wink:
brickman1444 said:
nyys said:
Never cut towards your body.

That's why I positively magnatize all my knives, axes and other general use sharp objects and allways wear a magnet with the positive end facing out on my hands and stomach.

It does get annoying when I have to walk past electric fences, but I digress.

Jk. Good luck with your war wound. :wink:


Now that I'm almost 48 hours removed from the 'incident' the whole thing is a lot more funny.
nyys said:
HS ~ KNT said:
Thanks for this nyys, I've been looking for this type of photo-walk-through-magical-to-watch-super-special-awesome look into board building everywhere on the net, but I've come up with little.

It really amuses me to see things go from first step to last step... What can I say, I'm easily amused sometimes.


Thanks HS ~ KNT. If you're interested in seeing more step by step stuff like this you should check out http://www.terragenesis.co.uk, tons of great stuff on that site. I discovered it about 5-6 years ago and have learned pretty much everything as far as terrain making goes, from this site.

Yeah, I've seen that site. Never seen the forums though... :duh:

Building #7 (the complex)

When I started this piece it was intended to incorporate building #6 but ended up taking on a life of it's own.

I had two pieces of similar packing foam that roughly looked like a building (pic below). Back when I first got into making terrain I used to save every piece of foam I could put my hands on, and having access to the trash room of an IT department meant more than I could handle. It got so bad that I actually rented storage space for all the foam I was taking home. Are you kidding me? That is just pathetic. I finally came to my senses and realized that even if every piece I saved was good for making into a building, there was no way I would ever use it all. Anyway to make an already too long story short, I got rid of the storage space and only kept the best pieces. A couple more years go by and now HeroScape is taking up a lot of room, so out the door goes the rest of my packing foam except for these two pieces.


So far I've turned it into the following with plenty more detailing to go. I really like how it's coming along, once it's painted I think it is going to be a great piece.






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