• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

North Carolina Scapers

Great to see this group active again! Just redirecting myself from the facebook post. I'll try to check here more often for future events. I live in Clayton now but I don't mind traveling. I used to play with Oliver and Hogg back in the day. It's been a while though. All of my scape has been collecting dust.
Great to see this group active again! Just redirecting myself from the facebook post. I'll try to check here more often for future events. I live in Clayton now but I don't mind traveling. I used to play with Oliver and Hogg back in the day. It's been a while though. All of my scape has been collecting dust.

Now is the time to get back in! We were reminiscing about the old days at SciFi Genre & All Fun & Games.

It was a great mix of "old" & "new" yesterday. It was nice to see a vibrant buzz around good maps & competitive armies with some nail-biting endings...but all with a sense of casual fun.

Thanks again to @jcuster07 for making it happen!
A good time was had by all! I'll be posting pics to the discord and to FB soon. We are in the works for out next event. We will be in touch! Thanks everyone for making that a great event! I'm excited for things to come!
It's awesome that it went well and looked to be attracting some new people!

I wish my brother and I coulda been there! Hopefully we will be at the next one!
Our next event has officially been set for Dec 3rd at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC! Mark your calendars. It will be a tournament. Format and other details are in the works.
I have Aaryglynn built and I'm planning on bringing it. Hopefully we can find time for a casual game on it, maybe for players who get knocked out of the tournament early. It is pretty impressive visually and should draw some attention.
Our next event is officially scheduled! And this time it is a tournament. The event will take place on December 3rd at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC beginning at noon. Go to this website for format information and to sign up and pay. It will be $10/person. All of the money will go back as prize support to the players. If you have format questions then you can post them here. Or you can PM me or @Major Q23. Excited to get together again!

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I registered and started looking at potential army builds. The restrictions are interesting, but I have a tentative army I'm happy with unless I can come up with something better.

I'm trying to talk a friend into coming, if he plays then he can use the army I'm thinking of and I'll figure out something else.

What maps are going to be used?
O wow, I didn't realize there are restricted cards now. Guess I cant dust off ol' reliable 2x mass, 2x rats, 1x niflhiem, 1x reelin

Why the decision to restrict cards?
O wow, I didn't realize there are restricted cards now. Guess I cant dust off ol' reliable 2x mass, 2x rats, 1x niflhiem, 1x reelin

Why the decision to restrict cards?

There aren't restricted cards normally. We just chose to restrict certain cards for this particular tournament/format. There are a few reasons for doing this, but the main reason is so that everyone can bring just 1 army...and they get to play their army for the entire tournament. In other formats, you would need to bring 2 armies and most likely you would end up playing with someone elses army for some of the games. This format also avoids keeping it from being a "bring the cheese" format. This is just the format that was chosen for this particular event. Other events in the future will likely have a completely different format.
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I registered and started looking at potential army builds. The restrictions are interesting, but I have a tentative army I'm happy with unless I can come up with something better.

I'm trying to talk a friend into coming, if he plays then he can use the army I'm thinking of and I'll figure out something else.

What maps are going to be used?

We are still working on the maps for this event. I would check out the maps from Scapecon 2 as a good example of what will likely be there. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@jcustar07 if you're looking for maps for your event...might I suggest some of my recent creations. I'm hoping to get some more tourney experience for these bad boys.


Sets: SotM, BftU, TJ

Sets: Marvel X2, BftU, TJ

Burning Man
Sets: Marvel X2, RttFF X2, VW

The End of the Line

Sets: BftU X2, RttFF, TJ, VW

Four Lakes
Sets: RotV, RttFF X2
Similarly I'd love to see some of the maps in my signature see tournament use; I think they each offer something distinct compared to most other tournament maps.
Hey everyone. We have decided to cancel out event for December 3rd. We will have to regroup and try again after the new year. Have a great holiday season!
From the Atomic Empire email:

"Hello players,
I regret to inform you that by the request of the organizers, we are cancelling the Heroscape Tournament on Saturday, December at Atomic Empire. Your registration fees will be fully refunded.

Daniel Wheeler
Events Director"
Sad to hear about the cancelation, I ended being very busy this weekend with family. On the next event, will there be open play for players not interested in tournament play? Nowadays I have a short amount of time on my hands, if I come I'll probably only be able to get a game or 2 in. But I don't want to take up a tournament slot just to drop out.
Glad to see some activity!

Hey All,
It's been a few years since I've logged in to 'scapers. Now I see that Hasboro reannounced Heroscape in August, canceled it in November, and there's been real, in person play in the Triangle in 2022! Wow!
Also, I've seen mention of a facebook group and a discord channel in this thread. Are those for NC Heroscape, or a larger audience? Following either of those is a little bit easier for me than following things on scapers.com. So, if they are local, can someone provide a link?
Anyway, I'll try to keep an eye on things and pop out to Atomic Empire next time something happens, schedule permitting.

Re: Glad to see some activity!

Hey All,
It's been a few years since I've logged in to 'scapers. Now I see that Hasboro reannounced Heroscape in August, canceled it in November, and there's been real, in person play in the Triangle in 2022! Wow!
Also, I've seen mention of a facebook group and a discord channel in this thread. Are those for NC Heroscape, or a larger audience? Following either of those is a little bit easier for me than following things on scapers.com. So, if they are local, can someone provide a link?
Anyway, I'll try to keep an eye on things and pop out to Atomic Empire next time something happens, schedule permitting.

I'm not aware of a discord server specific to North Carolina, but the Heroscapers discord server is here. I would suggest still monitoring this thread; events do get cross-posted there in #events sometimes, but not always.