• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

North Carolina Scapers

We are 1 month away from our event! The event is Saturday, Oct. 8th beginning at noon. It will be at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC. All the rest of the information should be on the event page on their website. https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/4702 Make sure you click all the way through and "check out" so that you can be registered. It is completely free. If you need more information that you cant find on their website then feel free to PM me.
We are 1 month away from our event! The event is Saturday, Oct. 8th beginning at noon. It will be at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC. All the rest of the information should be on the event page on their website. https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/4702 Make sure you click all the way through and "check out" so that you can be registered. It is completely free. If you need more information that you cant find on their website then feel free to PM me.

Any idea on what point cost totals you want to have for the armies that people bring?
We are 1 month away from our event! The event is Saturday, Oct. 8th beginning at noon. It will be at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC. All the rest of the information should be on the event page on their website. https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/4702 Make sure you click all the way through and "check out" so that you can be registered. It is completely free. If you need more information that you cant find on their website then feel free to PM me.

Any idea on what point cost totals you want to have for the armies that people bring?

I've talked to a few people and what we plan on doing is a bring 2 format. You build and bring 2 500 point armies. Then you'll do a dice off to see who picks their army 1st. The person who wins the dice off will pick 1 of the 4 armies. The other person will pick from the remaining 3.

Since it is casual. I plan to build and bring more than 2 armies. Im up for any other format ideas as well.
Is it possible to see a list of who's going? I'm still trying to make that date work on my end.

I've never heard of a bring 2 format but I'm open to whatever since it's casual. At some point I would like to play with an army that I've brought vs being relegated to playing someone else's.
I just signed up! Really looking forward to playing Scape with NC people. Thanks, @jcustar07, for setting this up!
I will be happy to bring terrain for a map.

In terms of the format, I am down with whatever for this first get-together.
A tweak to the "Bring 2" format I like a lot is called "Cut The Cake."
In Cut The Cake, you still bring two armies to the event. After pairings, you dice off, and the winner gets to choose if they want to be Person A or Person B. Person A then selects two of the four armies for the upcoming game, then Person B picks which of those two armies they will play with, leaving Person A to play the other one. In my experience, Take Two can sometimes be: let's roll to determine who gets to play the strongest of the four armies, then the person who doesn't win the initial dice roll has little counter-play.

As I said, whatever gets decided for this is cool with me. We could run the worst format ever, and I would be there regardless because MQ23 <3 Scape.
Is it possible to see a list of who's going? I'm still trying to make that date work on my end.

I've never heard of a bring 2 format but I'm open to whatever since it's casual. At some point I would like to play with an army that I've brought vs being relegated to playing someone else's.

We can definitely make that happen!
I just signed up! Really looking forward to playing Scape with NC people. Thanks, @jcustar07, for setting this up!
I will be happy to bring terrain for a map.

In terms of the format, I am down with whatever for this first get-together.
A tweak to the "Bring 2" format I like a lot is called "Cut The Cake."
In Cut The Cake, you still bring two armies to the event. After pairings, you dice off, and the winner gets to choose if they want to be Person A or Person B. Person A then selects two of the four armies for the upcoming game, then Person B picks which of those two armies they will play with, leaving Person A to play the other one. In my experience, Take Two can sometimes be: let's roll to determine who gets to play the strongest of the four armies, then the person who doesn't win the initial dice roll has little counter-play.

As I said, whatever gets decided for this is cool with me. We could run the worst format ever, and I would be there regardless because MQ23 <3 Scape.

We could do both of these formats! Everyone just brings 2 500 point armies and then they can choose which way they would like to play! Thanks for signing up! If you could bring a map that would be awesome!
Here is a list of all the people that are confirmed. I know there is more going, so if you don't see your name then something went wrong in signing up. The event is at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC on Oct. 8th at noon. Here is the link to where you can sign up!


Joey Bullington
Harrison Camp
Jeremiah Custar
Daniel Wheeler
Unfortunately I don't think I will be able to attend. My wife has something that day that I don't think I can get out of. If anything changes, I'll let you all know. Hopefully, this is the first of more events to come.
Here is a list of all the people that are confirmed. I know there is more going, so if you don't see your name then something went wrong in signing up. The event is at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC on Oct. 8th at noon. Here is the link to where you can sign up!


Joey Bullington
Harrison Camp
Jeremiah Custar
Daniel Wheeler

I just registered! I like the Cut the Cake format idea!

Sadly my son and his friends are out of town that weekend otherwise I'd be bringing 4 more.
Here is the updated list of the people confirmed for our Oct 8th event at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC beginning at noon. More information here: https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/4702

Joey Bullington
Harrison Camp
Jeremiah Custar
Daniel Wheeler
Dave Conklin
William Oliver
Jeremy Ramont
Cordelia Ramont

I posted on the Heroscape FB group to get more hype!
@Oliver Upshaw I'm pretty sure we played together back in the day... Sci Fi Genre (now Atomic Empire) or All Fun&Games in Cary/Apex maybe?
We have 11 confirmed people for the event so far. Im not going to continue posting people's names on here, but if you want to know if you are signed up you can just send me a PM. It's a casual event so let's say you don't get signed up officially then we'll still be glad to have you. We just want to know how much table space and how many maps we will need.
Here is the updated list of the people confirmed for our Oct 8th event at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC beginning at noon. More information here: https://www.atomicempire.com/Store/Event/4702

Joey Bullington
Harrison Camp
Jeremiah Custar
Daniel Wheeler
Dave Conklin
William Oliver
Jeremy Ramont
Cordelia Ramont

I posted on the Heroscape FB group to get more hype!

@Oliver Upshaw I'm pretty sure we played together back in the day... Sci Fi Genre (now Atomic Empire) or All Fun&Games in Cary/Apex maybe?

I believe you are correct. I played at both of those stores as well as the comic shop that was at Mission Valley in Raleigh. I got into Heroscape in the fall of 2008 when a guy started running demos of it at All Fun & Games on Thursday Nights. I enjoyed the game and started buying my own figures. Then I stumbled across this site which directed me to the group of players that was meeting up at the comic shop on Sundays.
Hey everyone. I just wanted to jump on here and update everyone about our event this Saturday! The event starts at noon at it is at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC! Here is a link to sign up!


We are up to 15 people! So, I may need help with a few maps. If you can bring a map then PM me please!
Hey everyone. I just wanted to jump on here and update everyone about our event this Saturday! The event starts at noon at it is at Atomic Empire in Durham, NC! Here is a link to sign up!


We are up to 15 people! So, I may need help with a few maps. If you can bring a map then PM me please!

That’s only 1hr away from where all my family live!!! I’ll let ‘em know to stop on if they can. Also, anytime I’m in town I’ll make sure to let you know so we can setup an event.
That’s only 1hr away from where all my family live!!! I’ll let ‘em know to stop on if they can. Also, anytime I’m in town I’ll make sure to let you know so we can setup an event.

Thanks for the promotion! And we'd obviously love to have you some time so just let us know!
We have 17 signed up for tomorrow! I know there are more coming and they just didnt sign up and that is fine. I'll see you all there!

I am bringing 6 maps. 5 tournament maps and 1 teaching map. Mythic is bringing 2 maps as well. I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE A COUPLE MORE MAPS, especially a 4 player map, if anyone can help out. Just PM me and I can get you all the details you need.

Here is the maps I am bringing:

Dance of the Dryads - https://www.heroscapers.com/community/downloads.php?do=file&id=3964
Remains of Clionesia - https://www.heroscapers.com/community/downloads.php?do=file&id=3219
Hieways and Dieways - https://drive.google.com/file/d/14IbcnO1KjBR0pUUw2pqlZqBbDASSB_JS/view
Draugur - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qtm8-HSY2JjwwL2yO6sjkY60ZhGCfasV/view
If you can't take the Heat - https://www.heroscapers.com/community/downloads.php?do=file&id=770
Origin - https://drive.google.com/file/d/16cnsmmWD3EXERe3NqrLeq07hpZZcZ6WO/view?pli=1
I'm going to try to stop by at some point. I don't know if I'll have enough time to play a game but I'll say hi to everyone.