I just signed up! Really looking forward to playing Scape with NC people. Thanks,
@jcustar07, for setting this up!
I will be happy to bring terrain for a map.
In terms of the format, I am down with whatever for this first get-together.
A tweak to the "Bring 2" format I like a lot is called "Cut The Cake."
In Cut The Cake, you still bring two armies to the event. After pairings, you dice off, and the winner gets to choose if they want to be Person A or Person B. Person A then selects two of the four armies for the upcoming game, then Person B picks which of those two armies they will play with, leaving Person A to play the other one. In my experience, Take Two can sometimes be: let's roll to determine who gets to play the strongest of the four armies, then the person who doesn't win the initial dice roll has little counter-play.
As I said, whatever gets decided for this is cool with me. We could run the worst format ever, and I would be there regardless because MQ23 <3 Scape.