• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

North Carolina Scapers

Priorities for a Sith Scaper.
1) Win at all cost
2) Make your opponent look really bad
3) If all else fails, constantly blame the dice for your "apparent lack of progress".

Priorities for a Jedi Scaper.
1) Have fun no matter what
2) Always be courteous to your opponent
3) If at some point you realize that you can not win, look your opponent in the eyes or breathing apparatus and inform them "I will not fight you".


I fly solo, Han Solo.
1) Never tell me the odds!
2) Watch your mouth kid, or you're gonna find yourself floating home.
3) Had a slight weapons malfunction, but everything's perfectly alright now. We're fine, we're all fine, here, now, thank you. How are you?


Priorities for a Droid Scaper.
1. You never stop talking during battle.
2. You can not understand typical human behavior.
3. Always let the Wookie win.


Priorities for a Hutt Scaper.

1) You don't like to leave your house.
2) You constantly need an interpreter for rule clarification.
3) Unsportsmanlike: You had a trap door installed...'nuff said.

-NC_Hero & JoutnFAN77

Priorities for a Wookie Scaper.

1) Even though you love to play, food always is more important.
2) When you loose, you are tempted to rip your opponents arms out of the sockets.
3) You are hairy..... yeah.


Priorities for a Skywalker Scaper.

1) Optimistically expect everything to go your way
2) Whine incessantly when things don't
3) Sometimes you feel like you can take on the entire Utgar Empire yourself.


Priorities for a Cylon Scaper.

1)You never allow your opponent to know your true intentions.
2)When you attack, you maximize your effectiveness by turning on your friends when they least expect it.
3) If you are ever accused of being a Cylon, you continue shouting at the entire Battlestar Galactica crew, "I'm trying to save humanity!"


Which one are you, Jedi or Sith? Tell Hogg in a Private message and you can have a tag on the front page of the NC community thread.
WOOT I'm like Mace Windu.
I'm half good and half bad!!!
For all how don't know this.
Mace Windu studied a little in the sith arts.
Hence his purple lightsaber.
Yeah, I don't place so well in the tournaments that I help organize. Then again, I didn't play so well in the most recent tournament so I'm guessing it is just that I'm not the competitive.

Thank goodness you are not THE competitive, because I can't figure out the physical ramifications of such an impossible feat. ;)
Yeah, I don't place so well in the tournaments that I help organize. Then again, I didn't play so well in the most recent tournament so I'm guessing it is just that I'm not the competitive.

One thing that my brother and I dislike greatly is not losing but not providing a challenge. Last tournament I lost all four battles. I must not be that competitive. Griffin didn't you play me? Did I challenge you at all?
Oh no master Yoda thats not the dark side you sense in me, thats just my slightly darkside purple crystal that I obtained by only studying the darkside. "I smoked, but I did not inhale".

For those of you who would never question Master Windoo's allegiance to the following and teaching of the lightside of the force, let me remind you of his near assassination of Palpatine.
I don't question his alliance I just said that he studied a little of the dark side to understand it better. I mean really. The jedi needed someone to kinda know what is going on in the sith's head.
No. You kept hesitating with your Minions, if you had moved in with them swiftly you could have really put some kinks in my stratedgy. They can be very frustrating because they have such high defense.
Did you know the only reason that the purple lightsaber was introduce to the StarWars franchise is because Shaf....Samuel L. Jackson told Lucas that he would not do episode 2 unless he gave him a purple lightsaber?
No I didn't know that. So the nerdy fans (like we have any room to talk being on this website) made up some backstory about the purple lightsaber?
Thank you for your honest opinon. Next time I hope to wipe some floors though :twisted:

No worries, I completely froze up against Altron Zero. I ran in one at a time with each hero and allowed him to continue to swarm and surround me with his Roman squads. I learned an important lesson from that and it was still fun. At the end of the day I would rather play HeroScape and loose than not play it at all.
Yeah. I love playing and I love meeting new people. I just dislike playing new people and not providing a challenge.
My brother and I are kinda sorta collaberating on eachother's armies for next time.
All the other lore and "truth" about the crystal(s) are from the Games, Comics and Books. Check out wikipedia some time about Starwars, that is an incredible encyclopedia.

Creating a good tournament army is a daunting task, and one I am not very well capable of, unfortunately. Yet!

Are we the only ones here? I think this is the longest ongoing conversation I have had here on HeroScapers. I bet this kinda thing goes on all the time in THURISAZ KEEP. Mainly because I share a common trait with most adolescents, I am bored with nothing to do.
Priorities for the Sith Scapers
1) Win at all cost
2) Make your opponent look really bad
3) If all else fails, constantly blame the dice for your "apparent lack of progress".

Priorities for the Jedi Scapers
1) Have fun no matter what
2) Always be courteous to your opponent
3) If at some point you realize that you can not win, look your opponent in the eyes or breathing apparatus and inform them "I will not fight you".

Which one are you, Jedi or Sith?

Ok two weeks ago myself, Darkblade, Granite, Hogg and Kain were discussing this issue. I found the answer on the new FAQ's guide.

Can I use a special power on a ranged figure when I'm engaged with a different figure?
When you are engaged with another figure, Special powers (NOT Special Attacks) can still affect figures
you are not engaged with. If you are going to use a normal/Special Attack, it must affect the figure you are
engaged with.

So this means Braxas can do it but Nilfheim can't

And you guys are cracking me up with the SW jokes.
Priorities for the Sith Scapers
1) Win at all cost
2) Make your opponent look really bad
3) If all else fails, constantly blame the dice for your "apparent lack of progress".

Priorities for the Jedi Scapers
1) Have fun no matter what
2) Always be courteous to your opponent
3) If at some point you realize that you can not win, look your opponent in the eyes or breathing apparatus and inform them "I will not fight you".

Which one are you, Jedi or Sith?


So true.
Priorities for the Sith Scapers
1) Win at all cost
2) Make your opponent look really bad
3) If all else fails, constantly blame the dice for your "apparent lack of progress".

Priorities for the Jedi Scapers
1) Have fun no matter what
2) Always be courteous to your opponent
3) If at some point you realize that you can not win, look your opponent in the eyes or breathing apparatus and inform them "I will not fight you".

Which one are you, Jedi or Sith?


So true.

Ok for the record I would put myself down as Jedi.
If all else fails, constantly blame the dice for your "apparent lack of progress".
1) Have fun no matter what
2) Always be courteous to your opponent
Jedi, which I have to concede has led me to fewer wins in the long run. Same effect in playing games like Risk. I tend to actually honor my treaties, so when I tell someone I'm not going to invade Africa on them, I'm really not going to. Then they turn around and invade my South America, the backstabbing jerks. As a terrible liar, I consequently cut myself off from an entire swath of strategy games' tactics.

Then again, I don't go to the part of Hell where they send people who betray their so-called allies, so I've got that going for me.
Yeah, I don't place so well in the tournaments that I help organize. Then again, I didn't play so well in the most recent tournament so I'm guessing it is just that I'm not the competitive.

Thank goodness you are not THE competitive, because I can't figure out the physical ramifications of such an impossible feat. ;)

Rawr! That is what I get for trying to post a quick note and not re-reading it.