madmanmuzik said:What if the enemy moves from one tile adjacent to a Nakita Agent to another tile adjacent to a Nakita Agent. So basically, if an enemy tries to dance around the Nakita, do they take hits? I thought not when I read it, but a friend of mine was insisting that they would take the hit for moving around them. It's a tad vaguely worded...
wrong. The designers have stated that moving and placing are synonymous basically.fejkl said:A nice way around the Engagement Strike is to summon or carry someone adjacent to the Nakitas. Since the figure isn't moving into adjacency (it's being placed), there should be no ES.
Like a two dragon army?LilNewbie said:The way around it is use large or huge creatures against them.
Grungebob said:Like a two dragon army?LilNewbie said:The way around it is use large or huge creatures against them.
I want to confirm. If my opponent uses the summoning glyph to summon a Nakita Agent. Do i Roll for engagement strike on the summoning figure?
could be brutal, if I have all the nakitas around the summoning glyph and then summon someone, then that person is subject to 3 engagement strikes followed immediately by 3 attacks.
I hope I am never the poor soul delivering those kicks!I'd also agree that the newly placed Zombie is subject to an Engagements Strike. As would be a newly placed Divider.
And now comes the totally awesome and incredibly unlikely best case scenario - A Divider engages a Nakita, gets kicked in the face by the Nakita, but gets the Divide roll. Then the newly placed Divider lands next to the Nakita, gets kicked in the face, Divides, etc...