• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

NGC Official Announcements

The Stellanauts have fallen to Valhalla.


You can find this special promotional unit - our first community submission, made in collaboration with Skywhale- now on the New Generation Customs website.

For this special release, we've provided seven different card faces, allowing you to more easily track the wounds on each Lost Stellanaut on the battlefield.

Look forward to more news about Wave 4 and our next community submission contest in the coming months.
NGC has asked you, the NGC community, to vote on NGC's next special release. The votes have been counted and the results have been finalized. You all have made it clear - Skremp is the sickly sensation that's sweeping the nation. Look forward to this unusually sized rodent's release on 4/1.

NGC has asked you, the NGC community, to vote on NGC's next special release. The votes have been counted and the results have been finalized. You all have made it clear - Skremp is the sickly sensation that's sweeping the nation. Look forward to this unusually sized rodent's release on 4/1.


Skremp - our first April Fools special release - is now live here on HeroScapers and the NGC website.
