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My Hero Academia public workshop


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Figured it was time for one of these. If you have any MHA designs, post them here and I'll add them to the OP!

Completed Designs:
All For One
All Might

Design Ideas:

All Might (powerless form) (Archie)
Endeavor (Shiftrex)
Eraserhead (AlexH12)
Sir Nighteye (Shiftrex)

Chargebolt (Shiftrex)
Ingenium (Shiftrex)
Froppy (Soundwarp)
Red Riot (Shiftrex)
Pinky (Shiftrex)

Tomura Shigaraki (Shiftrex)
Kurogiri mod tutorial (no design yet) (Archie)
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And to post one of my own:





LIFE = 3

MOVE = 5


You may draft one other Toshinori Yagi figure and start the game with that figure on the battlefield. After that Toshinori Yagi figure is destroyed, replace that figure with All Might, and you may move any Order Markers from that Toshinori Yagi’s card to this card.

At the start of the game, choose a Student Hero you control. For the rest of the game, once per turn whenever that Student rolls combat dice, they may reroll one die.

Range 1. Attack 10.
You may only use this special attack if you started the game with another Toshinori Yagi figure on the battlefield. After using this special attack, negate this special power and place wound markers on this card until All Might has 1 Life remaining.

This is All Might's shrunken powerless form. It represents him more as a mentor, and allows for his epic United States of Smash attack, though at a severe cost.
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So happy to see this!

Small Might looks great. The attack of 10 on United States of Smash is an awesome way to bring your other All Might figure to a close after he uses Plus Ultra. Will UA Teacher still work in conjunction with Shriveled Form if you have this guy sitting out and waiting for the other All Might to run his course?

I've got far too many MHA designs so I'll try not to flood this thread. Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with :D
The intent is for UA Teacher to work while Small Might is waiting to come in. I think the rest of the game language should allow that.

I'm definitely looking to more of your brainstorms!
I'll drop my Sir Nighteye take here to start some buzz.

- Hero Mentor during his arc in the source material
- Quirk allows him to see the future with near 100% accuracy by making eye contact (3 spaces seems appropriate)
- Acts as a more passive team leader and supports with his quirk/tactics
- Afraid to see more than a few seconds into the future at a time due to personality/history reasons

I put him at 4 life because I thought he would be a bugger to hit but goes down quickly once he does get hit... and he can also be ambushed or taken out with range due to how his quirk works.


Name = Sir Nighteye
SI = Mirai Sasaki
Species = Quirkhuman
Uniqueness = Unique Hero
Class = Investigator
Personality = Brilliant

Size/height = Medium 5

Life = 4

Move = 5
Range = 1
Attack = 4
Defense = 4
Points = ???

At the beginning of the game roll two combat die and place them on this Army Card. Once per turn, when Sir Nighteye or a Hero within 3 clear sight spaces of him rolls combat dice you may immediately swap one of those die with a die on this Army Card. If there is a revealed Order Marker on this Army Card you may swap up to two dice instead.

Range 3. Attack 3.
Choose a figure within 3 clear sight spaces to attack. If a figure without Super Strength defends against Hyperdense Seal Special Attack then move that figure up to X spaces away where X is equal to the number of skulls rolled. If this movement places a figure adjacent to a destructible object then roll one unblockable attack die against the moved figure.

When an enemy figure within 3 clear sight spaces reveals an Order Marker on their Army Card you may choose to immediately move either Sir Nighteye or a friendly hero figure within 3 clear sight spaces. Move the chosen figure up to 3 spaces.
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He's really powerful but seems easy to take out which I always think is neat.

I might skip the combat die stuff and just let him add/subtract auto-skulls/auto-shields? Unless there's a synergy/theme reason for the dice.
No terribly specific reason I guess.

I just thought it was a fun way to convey that he sees a snippit of the future and has to figure out how to use it to his advantage or to the detriment of someone else. If he takes a more direct role in it (having a reveal OM) then he can effect the outcome in a greater fashion. As opposed to someone gaining or losing dice he can just change their outcome.

He foresaw a miss would happen from this character at this juncture, so his leadership lets you exploit that (by replacing one of the skulls rolled by an opponent with a blank). Or he takes a blank away from an enemy roll that needed it and replaces it with a skull, foreseeing that they would use a power and denying it with his knowledge.

Maybe it's too complicated but I thought it might be more interesting to try and figure out how/when to strategically swap around these dice once per player turn instead of just having flat buffs/debuffs to play into a manipulation or knowledge based theme.
Cool draft, gets his quirk across well. I wouldn't limit Hyperdense Seal to a straight line since they're little chess pieces he throws, it's not like a beam where a straight line is required.
Oh that's a good point. I guess I just wasn't sure how knockback was supposed to work if I didn't do a straight line.
- Electric Powers, mid range
- exhibits the ability to shock people that touch him, uses it defensively
- Has overloaded himself a few times in the series to deliver a high power electrical attack to everything within a certain range. After he uses it his brain is fried and he is legit in a near vegetable state for the rest of the fight.
- No outstanding abilities, tactics, or traits when he isn't using electricity

Spent a lot of time looking at Electro and Static to try and get correct wording for our guy here :D


Name = Chargebolt
SI = Denki Kaminari
Species = Quirkhuman
Uniqueness = Unique Hero
Class = Student
Personality = Daring

Size/height = Medium 5

Life = 4

Move = 5
Range = 1
Attack = 3
Defense = 3
Points = ???

Range Special. Attack 4.
Choose 4 spaces in a path from Chargebolt. All figures on those spaces who are in line of sight are affected by Chargebolt's Target Electro Special Attack. Roll 4 attack dice once for all affected figures. Affected figures roll defense dice separately. Figures in water spaces subtract 1 from their defense number when defending against Target Electro Special Attack.

Range Special. Attack 6.
All figures within 3 spaces of Chargebolt are affected by Indiscriminate Shock Special Attack. Roll 6 attack dice once for all affected figures. Affected figures roll defense dice separately. Figures in water spaces subtract 1 from their defense number when defending against Indiscriminate Shock Special Attack. After using this special attack negate all of Chargebolt's special powers are negated for the entire game.

Whenever a special power on an Army Card or glyph refers to the Electrically Charged special power it refers to this special power as well. After an adjacent figure attacks Chargebolt with a normal attack, roll an unblockable attack die against the attacking figure.
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Cool draft. Electrification is really neat - definitely good that it's paired with low defense as that's a fairly powerful power. But Denki is a hidden powerhouse of Class 1A so it fits.

You can base wording off of Human Torch for Indiscriminate Shock. Something like this for the last line: "After using this special attack, all of Chargebolt's special powers are negated for the entire game." It's also more of a modern convention to just say "this special attack" instead of naming the special attack - it saves space on the cards.

Should Electrically Charged figures be immune to his powers? That's a bit to type out each time, but they probably should have some resistance thematically. Really depends on how we did it with our other electricity slinging dudes.
Thanks! I like the Baku-squad a lot lol. (Red Riot, Chargebolt, Dynamite). I'll update Indiscriminate Shock

So with these guys...



What I'm seeing here is that we could add the clause from Electro and Static where it references that they can't zap things that have the Electrically Charged special power. Would need to add it to all his abilities if we follow their structure. Definitely is precedent for it as he is currently immune to Electro's special attacks.
I updated Chargebolt to have an ability that covers the suggestion so that his powers can't affect other Electrically Charged heroes and whatnot. This is a draft from Mina that I did a while back, pretty much just took listed powers with her and did a direct translation about how I think they should look.

- Acid Powers, mid range
- Physically adept and often uses dance moves and skating as part of her combat kit
- Can toggle her acid to be more corrosive or less for a variety of uses to include a veil that dissolves incoming projectiles
- Upbeat and zany personality, a little dense at times and in the bottom of her class for grades


Name = Pinky
SI = Mina Ashido
Species = Quirkhuman
Uniqueness = Unique Hero
Class = Student
Personality = Enthusiastic

Size/height = Medium 5

Life = 4

Move = 5
Range = 1
Attack = 4
Defense = 3
Points = ???

Range 5. Attack 4.
Choose a figure within 5 clear sight spaces to attack. For every wound that figure takes from Corrosive Acid Special Attack roll one unblockable attack die against them.

If Pinky started her turn unengaged, instead of moving normally she may move up to 5 spaces with Acid Skating. When moving with Acid Skating, Pinky has the Flying special power, but may not move up or down more than 5 levels in a single skate, cannot skate over molten lava, and will not take any leaving engagement attacks when she starts to skate.

When Pinky rolls defense dice against a normal attack from a nonadjacent figure, the most amount of wounds that Pinky can take from this attack is 1. If Pinky is unengaged after rolling defense dice against a normal attack from a nonadjacent figure she may immediately move up to 3 spaces with Acid Skating.
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Looks like a fun character! I'd probably reword the special attack to something like this:
Range 5. Attack 4.
If Pinky inflicts one or more wounds with this special attack, roll one unblockable attack die against the defending figure for each wound inflicted in that attack.

I've not seen the show, but is there a reason her acid skating is stopped my molten lava?
I just couldnt think of a feasible way/reason for her to skate over molten lava. Seemed like a theme break, her gimmick is literally just using the acid to melt into things and slide. Based it off frozone's ice skating.

Thanks for the tune up on the SA wording:D
Solid take on Pinky! I'd probably drop her life to 4 since she's never struck me as particularly durable.
Howdy! This is probably going to be the page I'm most active on since My Hero Academia has so much potential to be incredible in this game! (Sorry if this isn't the place to post this) Ever since I started getting into heroscape I've been brainstorming ideas for alot of the characters in this show and so far the characters I've seen here look great! Cant wait to see more!




LIFE = 7

MOVE = 5


All For One may use the special attacks of any Unique Heroes in your Army. After All For One destroys an enemy Unique Hero, you may choose one special power on the destroyed figure’s card. For the rest of the game, All For One is considered to have that special power.

When All For One rolls defense dice against a normal adjacent attack, you may reveal an “X” Order Marker on this card to count all excess shields as unblockable hits on the attacking figure. You may then move the attacking figure up to 2 spaces, ignoring leaving engagement attacks.

All enemy figures without the Fearless or Valiant personality within 4 clear sight spaces of All For One subtract 1 from their Attack and Defense numbers.


All For One is the big bad of the My Hero Academia universe. He has the ability to steal quirks (and his doctor can copy them), and thus he has amassed a collection of powerful abilities. All Might is the only person able to stand up to him.
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Man, definitely read that first power as copying all special powers at first and was ready for the unbreakable Unstoppable Resilience / Magic Defense combo. :lol:

Anywho, you probably want to limit him to only copying Unique Hero special attacks / only power stealing from Unique Heroes? Once you get into VDOs and Event things and especially squads you start exponentially increasing the chances of hitting something really weird for him to be doing.
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Now that guy looks like a power house! :D

Agree with Soundwarp on making it limited to Unique Heroes special attacks. That will make testing and theory crafting easier with him. I think it could also pull out some of his personality because he seems to be a fan of offense (as far as the show went) that would pass over certain utility quirks that took too much effort to master. My impression is that this is why he made Kurogiri as a Nomu for transportation instead of just taking that quirk himself.