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MSE - Easy Army Card Creator (V2.5) (New Glyph Cards)


New member
Issue tracking and source code available on GitHub.

I found this program called Magic Set Editor a while ago. As its name implies, it was originally designed for creating Magic: The Gathering cards. However, it has a very nice scripting system that enables the creation of other templates. I figured I'd try to make a Heroscape template for it, as the Magic cards it turns out are very authentic-looking. This is the result.



An example card made with Magic Set Editor.

A card printed with MSE (print scale needed may vary with printers)


- Required Magic Set Editor

- Required V2.5 Core/Classic Templates - 8.99 MB - (zip)

- Keywords and Wordlists as of Wave D3 (Updated 10/24/10) - 24 KB - (zip)
--- Installation: Extract to Magic Set Editor 2/data. Back up custom keywords first.

Expansions and mods:
Spoiler Alert!


1.) Install Magic Set Editor if you haven't already.
2.) Back up heroscape.mse-game/keywords if you have added custom keywords you wish to keep.
3.) Delete any folders in Magic Set Editor/data beginning with "heroscape".
4.) Download the Official Templates ZIP or RAR.
5.) Extract the contents of the ZIP or RAR to Magic Set Editor/data.


1.) Install the official templates (by following the steps above) if you haven't already.
2.) Download the desired expansion ZIP or RAR.
3.) Extract the contents of the ZIP or RAR to Magic Set Editor/data.

Don't forget to read the included Readme file, even if you've read it in a previous version! The workflow changes slightly with every update, and you do not want to have a "facepalm moment" later on when you realize you've been doing extra work.


Ability Scripting Tutorial - How to create your own automatic abilities
MSE Template Tutorial - Useful if you intend to modify the template

  • Additional templating by mac122
  • SotM Cards blanked by Deathbringer85
  • RotV Master Cards blanked by netherspirit
  • RotV Aquilla blanked by darkmask
    • Edited by bmaczero
  • Marvel Blanks by GreyOwl
  • Marvel Superstrength and Flight symbols by hextr1p
  • Glyph and Destructible Object cards by GreyOwl
  • Comic logos gathered by GreyOwl
  • Ability list to Wave 8 compiled by Bixby
Spoiler Alert!

Last edited:
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

That's pretty cool. It might replace my use of Photoshop.... :ponder:

Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Dude. I'm going to check this out. If it works like it looks like it does... I love you ;)

+rep either way
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Good Stuff. Does it print the right size of the cards? (+rep either way)
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

I'm missing how to change the color (for Generals) of the card. I can only use the default Jandar.

Where's the option to change generals? Thanks :)

edit: Nevermind. That's really slick- you just type in the general's name below the character's name and it automatically switches the graphic. Nice.

edit again: There's also a dropdown in the same spot. How did I not notice this? :lol: this thing is great. Good job.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Thanks for the comments! I'm very glad this is helpful :).

edit again: There's also a dropdown in the same spot. How did I not notice this? this thing is great. Good job.
Yeah, I noticed that the boxes on the Jandar card are hard to see because of their color. I should probably put a darker card first...

Also, you can change the background image manually by clicking anywhere there isn't another text box or image.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Is there any way to make the type smaller for the powers. I have 3 pretty lengthy powers on a card, and it just runs off the card.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Is there any way to make the type smaller for the powers. I have 3 pretty lengthy powers on a card, and it just runs off the card.
Unfortunately, no. I plan to add automatically resizing text in an update, hopefully soon.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

I haven't started using it on HS cards yer, but it works really well for Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh!. Thanks!
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

One thing I just noticed. Very minor. I finished a card, saved it. Exported it as a jpg. Closed the editor program. Everything's great. When I go back into the program later to make a change, I open the file, it's all fine- except it's reverted back to the Jandar style. Still says the correct general text, but it's just blue again instead of red, or whatever. Very quick fix to just switch it back, but I just thought I'd let you know.

My full review is that this is fantastic. I have had a dozen or so customs fully made that I use at home, but had only bothered to post one of them, because it took me so dang long to use GIMP to make a decent looking one. Now I can post them thanks to you. ;) <thumbs up>
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

reverted back to the Jandar style
Thanks for that (and the shining review) :). I'll see what I can do. I've already got RotV Aquilla templates made, I'll see if I can fix that bug and get some variable-size text going and post a new version soon.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

I can't create my own symbol for a general. I tried to import a symbol I made for a Magic set, but it didn't work. HELP!
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

Oh, it isn't designed for custom general symbols. You'd have to go into the scripts to add another symbol...using the symbol editor for general logos is actually a good idea :). I will look into that.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator

I'm going to upload a new version now. It has a few minor updates and bug fixes.

@Disposable Hero - Unfortunately, I don't think the symbol editor is going to be a viable way of creating general symbols. If I use it for this, every card in the set must use the same general symbol. The new version does have a way of including your own general symbols, though a difficult one.

EDIT: Symbol editor is now usable!
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

Intruiging, Bookmarked if I ever start customizing.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

This Heroscape Template does not work for me, I keep getting an error message saying the zip is invalid
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

That's interesting, what program are you using to extract it? I'll try putting up RARs also, as soon as I figure out why Mediafire thinks I already have. xD
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

MSE is very customizable, i've used it for a few years to make mtg cards. however, best place to learn how to is their forums not here. they have tons of helpful people.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

This is great, can't wait for you to finish programming in the transparency/fog effect. This is one of the greatest Heroscape programs on this site.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

Here's a sample card showing how it's all coming along:
[Pic no longer needed]
I just need to finish adding blank pics to the basic sides and it should be ready for the next release version.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

After your 1.1 version i'm trying to do a template for the good ol' HeroQuest and StarQuest (or Space Crusade, out of Italy), as there's two strong italian community that keeps producing new stuffs for these games.

I'm amazed by your skills. I find MSE2 pretty cryptic and so i'm bowing to your efforts.
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

Thank you, Parduz! It did take me a good while to figure out MSE's scripting. I've considered writing a tutorial several times, since there aren't any good ones out there, but never I can never seem to find the time :(. I'll slap it on the infamous to-do list, though :).

Edit: Next release should be within a few days. All I need to finish up for it:
- Blank Aquilla common card images.
- Make sure everything lines up/quick bugtest.

Then we'll look at features for version 1.3 :).
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

It did take me a good while to figure out MSE's scripting. I've considered writing a tutorial several times, since there aren't any good ones out there, but never I can never seem to find the time :(. I'll slap it on the infamous to-do list, though :).
Then we'll look at features for version 1.3 :).
If i can ask (and suggest, and push, and beg and cry :D :D) i'd go for the tutorial. Spread the knowledge, and you'll have some "free" crew that will maintain/test/improve your template :)
Re: Magic Set Editor - Easy, Realistic Army Card Creator (V1

So the next release will do transparency and fog for us? That will be awesome, I salute you ability to indulge my laziness.