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Monday Night GoogleScape League


Online HS League Champion
Monday Night GoogleScape League

Games to be played on Monday nights using Filthy’s Heroskype App and Googledocs (Kinseth's System) w/Griffin's Heroskype System. Voice Skype is optional.

If a player must miss a night for whatever reason, both parties will give a good faith effort to play the game in a timely manner.

8 Players, 7 weeks + 2 week playoff possible (Top 4). Each player plays each other player once. -Standings will be based on W/L record. Ties are broken by head to head result.

Different format/map each week.
1. 500 points, Uncommon, w/ treasure glyphs
Map: Hot Treasure
Spoiler Alert!

2. 475 points, kill ‘em all (no glyphs)
Map: Highways and Dieways

3. 800 points, 12 start zone spaces, Marvel allowed.
Map: Can't See the Jungle
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4. *525 points, kill 'em all (+ glyphs).
*This weeks army will be used in the playoffs.
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5. 600 points, Heat of Battle (no glyphs)
Map: ???
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6. 450 points, B or Below.
Map: Blockage
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7. 510 points, Draft.
Map: Elswin Plateau
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Semis: 525 Points, use your army from week 4.

Finals: Reverse the Whip. Use the army that your opponent used in the Semis.

C3V allowed in all rounds.

1. Bengi
2. Megapower999
3. Sixthflagbearer
4. Kinseth
5. Vegaslen
6. Filthy the Clown
7. Dok
8. Scapemage

Full Schedule and Results hosted by league lineup
Schedule also found in post 2 of this thread.
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Iam able to play other nights from 9 to 11, so if that is acceptable count me in. some monday nights my games are early and I can play on monday nights.
I am really glad that this online gaming is catching on. :up: This should help keep our game/obsession alive and keep us all connected.
Interested, yes. Available, no unfortunately. I have two side work projects going at the moment which take up most of my evenings.
I'd toss Castle Defense for something like General Wars
I would like to do this as well, although I might quibble a bit over some of those formats... I'm not sure I'd want to commit to a "home and home" castle game, and I'd really like to see a pooled draft format once or twice, at least, out of the 7 weeks.

Are we keeping C3V/SoV legal? I'd like to. Also, is Marvel going to be allowed?

Now that I think about it, it seems like this could just be the way that tournaments should get run online.
  • Format changes every round. New army/draft pool every round.
  • Everyone uses the same map (with the same glyphs, unless they are face-down T-glyphs) every round.
I would like to do this as well, although I might quibble a bit over some of those formats... I'm not sure I'd want to commit to a "home and home" castle game, and I'd really like to see a pooled draft format once or twice, at least, out of the 7 weeks.

Now that I think about it, it seems like this could just be the way that tournaments should get run online.

  • Format changes every round. New army/draft pool every round.
  • Everyone uses the same map (with the same glyphs, unless they are face-down T-glyphs) every round.

I like the idea of the same map each round for online tournaments, but I don't think the format should change each round for EVERY tournament, but I like the idea of a tournament using that format.

I think we need the League group to have a list of 12-16 formats and for everyone to vote on their top 8, your favorite getting 8 points, second favorite getting 7 etc... Tally it up and we play those 8 formats, and have a vote on similar maps.

I think online, Heat of the Battle would be a great format to play.
I am certainly open to changing some of the formats. The list is really just what I came up with as a brainstorming session. As for the castle defense, I haven't worked out all the details, but it would have specific parameters and round limits so as to not take longer than a regular week. It is the most complicated one listed, so I put it near the end and we can certainly axe it if people aren't jazzed about it.

Kinseth, for me General Wars is a bit 'meh'. I bet we can come up with something better. I'd much prefer a Heat of Battle week.

As written, I hadn't considered Marvel/C3V/SoV. Maybe we make a week where that is allowed or required? I think I'd like to be pretty firm on the first 3 weeks and we can re-evaluate how the formats are going at that point. With such a small group I think we can easily come to consensus on games that will be fun for all of us.

I think we need the League group to have a list of 12-16 formats and for everyone to vote on their top 8, your favorite getting 8 points, second favorite getting 7 etc... Tally it up and we play those 8 formats, and have a vote on similar maps.

I don't think I want to get into that kind of thing this time around.

Dok, you're in. 1 spot left, this filled up fast!
I recommend always allowing C3V/SoV. Marvel is preferably optional, but could be fun for certain formats. I am also a fan of randomly choosing the format for each week, with voting for the format a close second.
You could have home and away fixtures where the home "team" places first and chooses glyphs, and has calls on LOS calls?

Of course then everyone would have to play twice to make it fair.

Taking kinseths idea of regular people one stage further you could even go with a full league system and have seasons with a relagation system and a couple of different leagues with say 8 people in each (to keep it short) with a top league being decided by who signs up first then letting the results take care of the better player from the weaker player.

Maybe a 3 league system division one, two and three of 8 people in each.

At the end of each "season" top player in division 1 is champion, and top players from two and three get promoted to league above, bottom Player in each league gets relagated.

"Seasons" will consist of 16 weeks with a four week extra season for games not able to be played on the given week then 2 to 4 weeks off season.

This way when more people want to join in they can be added at the end of season to bottom league or if anyone drops out bump up appropriate player highest in next league below.

Just an idea the more i write it the more i want to do it aaaarrrrrggggghhhhh if only i had more time.

Maybe arrange it within a comittee like C3V and C3G are, that way doesnt fall to one person

what do you guys think??
Thoughts on the formats:

1) I think C3V should be legal in all games.
2) We can do some marvel mixing. It will matter a ton in a couple of the formats below... not so much in some others.
3) We may as well use one single map for each round, or perhaps two.
4) Are we going to announce matchups before or after armies are picked? (Obviously you will be able to figure out your week 7 opponent either way.)

1. 500 points, Uncommon, w/ treasure glyphs
Marvel makes a huge difference in this format, if we allow it.

2. 475 points, kill ‘em all, no glyphs
If we go no glyphs, I strongly recommend that we use a map that is designed for no glyphs, such as Fulcrum or Ratcatcher. Maps that are designed for play with glyphs often have very boring, straightforward strategy when you remove the glyphs.

3. 800 points, 12 start zone spaces.
Sounds interesting. If we're going to put Marvel in any format, this would be the one.

4. 450 point draft, B units or below.
If we're doing a pooled draft, there's no need to restrict the letter grade of the figures, really. I wouldn't mind doing a B or less round, but we could do that separately from the pooled draft round.

5. Castle Defense –Double Header! 1 as attacker, 1 as defender. Special army rules TBD.
Maybe drop this one... the logistics of the "home and home" sounds annoying to me.

6. 550 points, Above cursed lands
Not a huge fan of this format, but I would give it a try. This is another one where Marvel makes a huge difference.

7. 525 points, kill ‘em all
Fine, of course.

Semis: TBD

Finals: 510 points, full draft
What do you mean by "full draft"? As in, draft from the whole universe of Heroscape figures?

Other classic formats worth considering:
Capture the Flag
Treasure Quest
Heat of Battle
General Wars

Finally, here's one more idea:

Week 4 (or whatever, but preferably somewhere in the middle of the schedule): Kill 'em all.
Semifinals: Kill 'em all, same army as week 4.
Finals: Reverse the whip; you play the other guy's army from the semifinals.
1) I think C3V should be legal in all games.
This seems to be the consensus. Fine by me. I guess I should familiarize myself with these units, maybe print out the cards.

2) We can do some marvel mixing. It will matter a ton in a couple of the formats below... not so much in some others.
No Marvel unless stated in the format. If you guys want the 800 point week to have Marvel, that is fine by me.

3) We may as well use one single map for each round, or perhaps two.
1 Map.

4) Are we going to announce matchups before or after armies are picked? (Obviously you will be able to figure out your week 7 opponent either way.)
Once we have all 8 contestants, I'll randomize the schedule so that we know the whole season. This way, if someone has a Monday night conflict, it increases the time to try and get the game in.

2. 475 points, kill ‘em all, no glyphs
If we go no glyphs, I strongly recommend that we use a map that is designed for no glyphs, such as
Yup. Or make a new map just for the week. I'm considering doing this for some of the different formats.

4. 450 point draft, B units or below.
If we're doing a pooled draft, there's no need to restrict the letter grade of the figures, really. I wouldn't mind doing a B or less round, but we could do that separately from the pooled draft round.
How do others feel about this? Combine the B or less w/ drafting, or B or less, no draft?

5. Castle Defense –Double Header! 1 as attacker, 1 as defender. Special army rules TBD.
Maybe drop this one... the logistics of the "home and home" sounds annoying to me.
Yeah, I've got (what I think are good) ideas for this one, but they are not fully fleshed out yet. I can understand your hesitation without knowing the details.

What do you mean by "full draft"? As in, draft from the whole universe of Heroscape figures?

Other classic formats worth considering:
Capture the Flag
Treasure Quest
Heat of Battle

General Wars
I'm leaning towards HoB for week 5. Would people prefer Treasure Quest to Above Cursed Lands for week 6? Megapower's 5 Card Stud format seems pretty cool too. How about HoB for week 5 and we vote on Treasure Quest or 5 Card stud for week 6?

Finally, here's one more idea:
Week 4 (or whatever, but preferably somewhere in the middle of the schedule): Kill 'em all.
Semifinals: Kill 'em all, same army as week 4.
Finals: Reverse the whip; you play the other guy's army from the semifinals.

I've never done reverse the whip so it's not something that crossed my mind. I really like the concept. I'm thinking that the Semis can be reverse the whip from the week 7 kill 'em all. It gives a nice advantage to someone who has done well all season. They can take a bigger risk in week 7 than someone who really needs the win to qualify. Should make for some interesting strategic choices. I really like the idea of a draft for the finals. I think is one of the best and purest forms of Heroscape.