Online HS League Champion
Monday Night GoogleScape League
Games to be played on Monday nights using Filthy’s Heroskype App and Googledocs (Kinseth's System) w/Griffin's Heroskype System. Voice Skype is optional.
If a player must miss a night for whatever reason, both parties will give a good faith effort to play the game in a timely manner.
8 Players, 7 weeks + 2 week playoff possible (Top 4). Each player plays each other player once. -Standings will be based on W/L record. Ties are broken by head to head result.
Different format/map each week.
1. 500 points, Uncommon, w/ treasure glyphs
Map: Hot Treasure
Restriction: No common army cards are allowed. Uncommon and Unique units are allowed.
6 Glyphs are all face down Treasure Glyphs:
Trap Rules (1-5): The figure must defend a 3 skull attack.
Heroic Rune (+1 Attack)
Talisman of Defense (+1 Defense)
Potion of Healing (Heal 3 Wounds)
Scarab of Invulnerability (16+ ignore wounds, temp glyph)
Belt of Giant Strenth (+2 attack, temp glyph)
Elixr of Speed (+4 Speed, temp glyph)
To figure out which glyph is revealed: Roll the d20/3. Match up with the glyph number (listed on the google map), rounding up. Reroll 18's and 20s and anything already previously revealed.
2. 475 points, kill ‘em all (no glyphs)
Map: Highways and Dieways
3. 800 points, 12 start zone spaces, Marvel allowed.
Map: Can't See the Jungle
4. *525 points, kill 'em all (+ glyphs).
*This weeks army will be used in the playoffs.
For weeks 4, Semis, and Finals, one of these maps will be used each week. Bad Moon Rising, w/ face up Wannok and Ulnavia
Map was decided by d20 roll after all armies were submitted.
Semis/Finals Maps are below, TBD. Swamp thing w/ face up Astrid glyph.
Quasach Playground w/face up Dagmar + Lodin
5. 600 points, Heat of Battle (no glyphs)
Map: ???
Players take turns placing a card’s worth of units, unengaged, on an empty space. When placing a squad, all figures in that squad must be placed adjacent. Players will roll the D20 to see who places their first card's worth of units. The D20 roll winner can defer, if they choose. The player who places units second will have initiative for the first round. Battle begins after all units have been placed.
I'm thinking of having a map building competition for this. There are very few maps designed with HoB in mind. We will use adjacent squad placement.
6. 450 points, B or Below.
Map: Blockage
2 treasure glyphs, face down. Randomly chosen from a pool of 5 with a d20 roll. Trap = 3 dice normal attack.
7. 510 points, Draft.
Map: Elswin Plateau
When you select an Army Card, take the figure or figures shown on the card and place them in your starting zone immediately, before the next player selects an Army Card.
For a two-player game, players draft as follows:
1. Both players roll the 20-sided die. Re-roll any ties. The higher roller decides whether to pick first or defer.
2. After the first pick, the other player then chooses two Army Cards.
3. Each player, in turn, then chooses one Army Card, until both players’ Armies have been completely chosen and placed.
We will go with a straight up draft from the whole pool of figures. The best way to do it will be to set up a Googledoc for your match and draft over the course of a day or so. This way you can really think about your pick each time. When you make your pick, just add the unit to the start zone, and maybe keep a running tally in a text box next to the map. Please do not comment on an ongoing draft until it is complete.
The glyphs for this map will be Kelda (closest to the palm tree) and Valda (next to the water).
Semis: 525 Points, use your army from week 4.
Finals: Reverse the Whip. Use the army that your opponent used in the Semis.
C3V allowed in all rounds.
1. Bengi
2. Megapower999
3. Sixthflagbearer
4. Kinseth
5. Vegaslen
6. Filthy the Clown
7. Dok
8. Scapemage
Full Schedule and Results hosted by league lineup
Schedule also found in post 2 of this thread.
Games to be played on Monday nights using Filthy’s Heroskype App and Googledocs (Kinseth's System) w/Griffin's Heroskype System. Voice Skype is optional.
If a player must miss a night for whatever reason, both parties will give a good faith effort to play the game in a timely manner.
8 Players, 7 weeks + 2 week playoff possible (Top 4). Each player plays each other player once. -Standings will be based on W/L record. Ties are broken by head to head result.
Different format/map each week.
1. 500 points, Uncommon, w/ treasure glyphs
Map: Hot Treasure
Spoiler Alert!
Restriction: No common army cards are allowed. Uncommon and Unique units are allowed.
6 Glyphs are all face down Treasure Glyphs:
Trap Rules (1-5): The figure must defend a 3 skull attack.
Heroic Rune (+1 Attack)
Talisman of Defense (+1 Defense)
Potion of Healing (Heal 3 Wounds)
Scarab of Invulnerability (16+ ignore wounds, temp glyph)
Belt of Giant Strenth (+2 attack, temp glyph)
Elixr of Speed (+4 Speed, temp glyph)
To figure out which glyph is revealed: Roll the d20/3. Match up with the glyph number (listed on the google map), rounding up. Reroll 18's and 20s and anything already previously revealed.
2. 475 points, kill ‘em all (no glyphs)
Map: Highways and Dieways
3. 800 points, 12 start zone spaces, Marvel allowed.
Map: Can't See the Jungle
Spoiler Alert!
Google Template
Roll the d20 for placement. Players take turns placing their armies, 1 card at at time. Figures may be placed in any 12 of the 24 possible starting spaces.
6 Glyphs are all face down Treasure Glyphs:
Trap Rules (1-5): The figure must defend a 3 skull attack.
Heroic Rune (+1 Attack)
Talisman of Defense (+1 Defense)
Potion of Healing (Heal 3 Wounds)
Scarab of Invulnerability (16+ ignore wounds, temp glyph)
Belt of Giant Strenth (+2 attack, temp glyph)
Elixr of Speed (+4 Speed, temp glyph)
To figure out which glyph is revealed: Roll the d20/3. Match up with the glyph number (listed on the google map), rounding up. Reroll 18's and 20s and anything already previously revealed.
Roll the d20 for placement. Players take turns placing their armies, 1 card at at time. Figures may be placed in any 12 of the 24 possible starting spaces.
6 Glyphs are all face down Treasure Glyphs:
Trap Rules (1-5): The figure must defend a 3 skull attack.
Heroic Rune (+1 Attack)
Talisman of Defense (+1 Defense)
Potion of Healing (Heal 3 Wounds)
Scarab of Invulnerability (16+ ignore wounds, temp glyph)
Belt of Giant Strenth (+2 attack, temp glyph)
Elixr of Speed (+4 Speed, temp glyph)
To figure out which glyph is revealed: Roll the d20/3. Match up with the glyph number (listed on the google map), rounding up. Reroll 18's and 20s and anything already previously revealed.
4. *525 points, kill 'em all (+ glyphs).
*This weeks army will be used in the playoffs.
Spoiler Alert!
For weeks 4, Semis, and Finals, one of these maps will be used each week. Bad Moon Rising, w/ face up Wannok and Ulnavia
Map was decided by d20 roll after all armies were submitted.
Semis/Finals Maps are below, TBD. Swamp thing w/ face up Astrid glyph.
Quasach Playground w/face up Dagmar + Lodin
5. 600 points, Heat of Battle (no glyphs)
Map: ???
Spoiler Alert!
Players take turns placing a card’s worth of units, unengaged, on an empty space. When placing a squad, all figures in that squad must be placed adjacent. Players will roll the D20 to see who places their first card's worth of units. The D20 roll winner can defer, if they choose. The player who places units second will have initiative for the first round. Battle begins after all units have been placed.
I'm thinking of having a map building competition for this. There are very few maps designed with HoB in mind. We will use adjacent squad placement.
6. 450 points, B or Below.
Map: Blockage
Spoiler Alert!
2 treasure glyphs, face down. Randomly chosen from a pool of 5 with a d20 roll. Trap = 3 dice normal attack.
7. 510 points, Draft.
Map: Elswin Plateau
Spoiler Alert!
When you select an Army Card, take the figure or figures shown on the card and place them in your starting zone immediately, before the next player selects an Army Card.
For a two-player game, players draft as follows:
1. Both players roll the 20-sided die. Re-roll any ties. The higher roller decides whether to pick first or defer.
2. After the first pick, the other player then chooses two Army Cards.
3. Each player, in turn, then chooses one Army Card, until both players’ Armies have been completely chosen and placed.
We will go with a straight up draft from the whole pool of figures. The best way to do it will be to set up a Googledoc for your match and draft over the course of a day or so. This way you can really think about your pick each time. When you make your pick, just add the unit to the start zone, and maybe keep a running tally in a text box next to the map. Please do not comment on an ongoing draft until it is complete.
The glyphs for this map will be Kelda (closest to the palm tree) and Valda (next to the water).
Semis: 525 Points, use your army from week 4.
Finals: Reverse the Whip. Use the army that your opponent used in the Semis.
C3V allowed in all rounds.
1. Bengi
2. Megapower999
3. Sixthflagbearer
4. Kinseth
5. Vegaslen
6. Filthy the Clown
7. Dok
8. Scapemage
Full Schedule and Results hosted by league lineup
Schedule also found in post 2 of this thread.