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Champ of C3G Con 2020, 2024, and mindless posting
Site Supporter
Mer-Man (Squidish Rex)


Card PDF




LIFE = 5

MOVE = 5

POINTS = 130


During setup, choose 3 empty spaces on the battlefield. Place a single-space water tile on each of the chosen spaces as long as it fits normally. Mer-Man has +2 Attack and Defense on water. During cleanup, if Mer-Man is not engaged, you may place him on a water space within 8 spaces.

After Mer-Man’s move phase, you may choose an adjacent enemy. If you do, roll a d20, adding 4 to the roll if the chosen enemy does not have Super Strength. On a 13+, you may maneuver Mer-Man up to 4 spaces with Stealth. If he ends this movement on water, you may then place the chosen enemy adjacent to him.

If Mer-Man is the only active figure on your team when he occupies water, remove him from the game.


THE MULTIVERSE IS FULL OF DARK THINGS: The ruler of Eternia's seas, he punishes those who dare set foot in the water!

Resources and Rulings
• The suggested figure for this unit is a Masters of the Universe: The Board Game - Clash For Eternia figure
• See this card's wiki page for synergies and strategies!

• Playtesters:
• Card art: ...
• Comic creators: Michael Halperin

• N/A
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Re: Mer-Man - Design

Dragged under seems a little complicated, would a d20 roll work better or is there a specific reason to stick with the combat die?
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Looks a little more than 160 to me with 5/6/6 stats on water and the ability to place his own water. Did you want it only working on water, or should it work on aquatic terrain?

Does Cut Bait represent him running away when his allies fall? Neat ability which pushes him away water in the endgame to avoid auto-losing him. Though I imagine it means you'll just lead with Mer-Man to avoid the risk of it completely.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Always like to see new water folks, really want to do a full underwater map someday.

I dig the cut bait ability. Would be funny to have someone with 1 life left throw him into the water to win a game.

I had the same thought as Fret on the d20 option maybe being simpler.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

I'm not married to the combat die. The d20 might work better, yeah. Any thoughts on how to word that well?

Looks a little more than 160 to me with 5/6/6 stats on water and the ability to place his own water. Did you want it only working on water, or should it work on aquatic terrain?

Does Cut Bait represent him running away when his allies fall? Neat ability which pushes him away water in the endgame to avoid auto-losing him. Though I imagine it means you'll just lead with Mer-Man to avoid the risk of it completely.

He might be higher, but 4/4 outside of water keeps him in check, IMO. If he just tanks in water, he can be sniped by a lot of builds. I think broadening it to aquatic terrain probably works fine. Cut Bait also prevents him from tanking on water without consequence. He can try leading, but if you stay away from the water, there's not much he can do as a first assault figure.

And, yeah, it represents him bailing on the situation.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

This one makes sense with Water to me. His advantage is being "in the water" not a mystical ability that draws power from moisture. And his kit is more about pulling folks under.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

How about a third option keeping the combat die

After Mer-Man’s move phase, you may choose an adjacent enemy and roll 1 combat die or 2 combat dice if the figure does not have Super Strength. If you roll a shield, you may maneuver Mer-Man up to 3 spaces with Stealth and place the chosen figure on a space adjacent to him, as long as either Mer-Man or the chosen figure ends this movement on water.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

This one makes sense with Water to me. His advantage is being "in the water" not a mystical ability that draws power from moisture. And his kit is more about pulling folks under.

I guess I'm a bit confused on what the standard is. Like Sandman calls out aquatic terrain and his whole logic is "sand gets wet in water." But that's probably more a me thing of not understanding the concepts?
Re: Mer-Man - Design

That specific thing best I got is…Sand man would be impacted by a puddle where as merman can’t pull someone into a puddle and have an advantage.

Tigra fear of water isn’t because she’s scared of a glass of water sitting on the table, Mera however could take the water in that glass and weaponize it.

Aquaman actually gets power from the water contact even trace amounts?
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Yeah I think japes has the right of it, though it does get murky with swamp water.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

This one makes sense with Water to me. His advantage is being "in the water" not a mystical ability that draws power from moisture. And his kit is more about pulling folks under.

Agreed. Feels like he needs to be submerged in water where drowning someone is a legit concern.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

OK, some tweaks after feedback:

1. Dropped his Move number to 4
2. Had Master of the Deep boost his Move number as well
3. Upped the movement on Dragged under from 3 to 4
4. Made Dragged under work on a d20 instead of a combat die (16+ for SS, 12+ for non-SS). I like the d20 because I think I can create some nice in faction synergy with it.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

+2 Move "on water" doesnt really make any sense? That would have to be like if he started his turn on water or something.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Yeah good call. I’ll just revert back to 5 base move and cut that bit.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Oho a water placer :D That's exciting!

The Cut Bait power is pretty neat too, places him solidly as a support character that has to mix it up in mid-early game and can't wait until late to drag people around. The conditional boosts seem well suited to make him interesting at 160 though.
Re: Mer-Man - Design

Should be a while before I get there (Ice is up first) but I propose we go to initial playtesting here.
Re: Mer-Man - VOTE 4 Initial Playtesting

This passes, thanks. :) Up next for me this week, then I'll try to hit some public stuff.
Re: Mer-Man - Initial Playtesting

Spoiler Alert!

Team Test
Units: Mer-Man (160), Aquaman (360), Green Arrow (210), Flash (270) (1000) vs Shredder, Foot Clan Elite, Bebop, Rocksteady (1000)
Unit Summary: This map was soaking wet and Aquaman was a beast here. None of his allies were anything special, though, Mer-Man included, and the results couldn’t be closer thanks to the Foot closing the gap in endgame after Aquaman fell.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [2] wounds on [Shredder [2]]
  • MASTER OF THE DEEP: Placed tiles [on opponent’s side of the map to create a bit of a barrier] during setup. Boosts were [nice and easy to come by though often came with giving up height]
  • DRAGGED UNDER: Rolled [0] times and placed [0] enemies; was [not really needed since water was abundant]
  • CUT BAIT: Did not trigger.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): A single Foot Clan Elite wins it.
Team Test
Map: Island Plane Crash
Units: Mer-Man (160), Batman (230), Red Arrow (150), Green Arrow (150), Wonder Woman (310) (1000) vs Beast Boy, Cyborg, Nightwing, Starfire, Raven (1000)
Unit Summary: Mer-Man was beastly here but once he fell his team went down like chumps. I’m thinking of dropping the range boost from being on water so that the dragging feels more relevant and he’s not quite so nasty.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [9] wounds on [Starfire [5], Raven [3], Cyborg [1]]
  • MASTER OF THE DEEP: Placed tiles [in the center of the map on height of the plane] during setup. Boosts were [nasty stacked with Wondy boosts]
  • DRAGGED UNDER: Rolled [4] times and placed [2] enemies; was [useful]
  • CUT BAIT: Triggered round [did not trigger]
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Beast Boy with Full Life and Nightwing with Full Life win.
Team Test
Map: Cell Games Arena
Units: Mer-Man (160), Baron Zemo (180), Executioner (340), Enchantress (320) (1000) vs Iron Man (270), Captain America (240), War Machine (260), Black Widow (230) (1000)
Unit Summary: I played without the range bonus on water for Mer-Man. Fun game and he feels about right. Cut Bait came into play for the first time and really showed its liability here. Without the range, Mer-Man’s attack power is less nasty and more appropriate for his cost.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [2] wounds on [War Machine [1], Captain America [1]]
  • MASTER OF THE DEEP: Placed tiles [in the middle area of the map, on height, towards the enemy side] during setup. Boosts were [X]
  • DRAGGED UNDER: Rolled [2] times and placed [2] enemies; was [effective at letting him position well]
  • CUT BAIT: Triggered round [X]
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Iron Man with 1 Life and Black Widow with Full Life win..
UNIT SUMMARY: I’m happy with how he plays with that range reduction.
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Re: Mer-Man - Initial Playtesting

I propose public playtesting (when I have a slot)
Re: Mer-Man - VOTE 4 Public Playtesting


Looks like a good choice to adjust the range bonus.

What maps were games 2 and 3 on?