• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

MCS Season I: 10/7/23 CHAMPIONSHIP

Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Thank you all who came out to our November event! Our next event will be January 7, 2023, and it will be the third event in the first season of the MCS! Event details are in the OP (500 points VC Delta); I'll get the map pool up soonish. Hope to see you there!

Welcome to the (newly-rebranded) Mass Championship Series!

Hosted by OEAO and Chris Perkins at the wonderful Games N Friends, the MCS is a friendly tournament series that anyone can attend! Each season will run (roughly) from fall through the next summer, culminating in a final championship. We will crown the champion of Season I at our inaugural MCS Season I Championship (date TBD) in summer of 2023!

We will also crown the regular season champion based on overall record for all events in the season prior to the Championship itself. Players who have played in at least 3 events that season are eligible to win the regular season champion title.

Mentions for Future Events:
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Important Announcement for the January 7th event.

Delta prices received an update today (31 figures had their point values changed). You can view that update from dok here.

These changes WILL be in effect for the next event.

So, if you had an army planned already, make sure it still fits under the point cap!

There should not be any further Delta updates prior to the January 7th event (Delta is posting updates roughly every 4 months).

The delta builder hosted on heroscape.org/builder has also been updated to reflect today's price changes, fyi.
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Tempted for sure. It’s a little under 2 hours of driving for me, and I never really expanded into D&DScape and beyond.
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Tempted for sure. It’s a little under 2 hours of driving for me, and I never really expanded into D&DScape and beyond.

It's about 2 hours for myself and a few others as well. I likewise stay within classic scape as well which is what I'll be bringing. The VC inclusion is mainly so Chris can play his pretty dragon. Hope to see you there!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Thanks, everyone. I saw the pictures on Facebook and it did look like fun. I’ll see if my partner would be down to join as well.
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

I am a cautiously optimistic maybe at this moment (threw the idea of going out there and was not rejected). :excited: I should know for sure early next week!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Thanks, everyone. I saw the pictures on Facebook and it did look like fun. I’ll see if my partner would be down to join as well.
Awesome- hope you can make it!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

I am a cautiously optimistic maybe at this moment (threw the idea of going out there and was not rejected). :excited: I should know for sure early next week!
Great- hope you can make it!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

FYI, you do not need to include any VC in your army to attend- it's completely optional.
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

I am a cautiously optimistic maybe at this moment (threw the idea of going out there and was not rejected). :excited: I should know for sure early next week!
Great- hope you can make it!

I'm now a day of (probably day before) decision. Unfortunately COVID is in the house. My wife is the only one who is positive (has some light symptoms), everyone else has tested negative each of the 3 days we've done so since including a test at the Doc's office for the kiddos.

If the rest of us stay negative and she's symptom free by Friday, then I'll likely be able to make it. If not, I'll have to wait till the next one :(
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

We're still planning to make the voyage from Maine. Frantically trying to decide on armies :)

Looks like the weather will be cooperating. @OEAO if anything changes let me know. Discord message would be easier for me to check. Hope we have a good turn out and look forward to gaming!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

I’m out unfortunately, we’ve not quite turned the corner here, yet. :(
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

I’m out unfortunately, we’ve not quite turned the corner here, yet. :(
Sorry to hear that- hope you all get better soon! I hope to see you at the next one!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

Just a quick point of clarification:

Here’s a link to the builder using the correct parameters: https://heroscape.org/builder/?delta=true&vc=true.

VC Delta means that classic and VC units are both allowed, and all prices are adjusted. Make sure to select the correct tab in the builder; some of the prices of classic units are different between Classic Delta and VC Delta!

Marvel is not allowed.

Sorry this wasn’t clearer- I’ll make sure the OP contains more details next time, and I’ll include a link to the builder with the parameters already set.
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

@OEAO or anyone ��. I messed up on the delta pricing and already traveled out of state. Luckily I brought several armies and was able to piece together some with delta pricing. If anyone can bring Otonashi with card we could borrow it would be appreciated. It would fill out an army. If not, I hope we can proxy. See you tomorrow!
Re: MCS Season I: 1/7/23

@OEAO or anyone ��. I messed up on the delta pricing and already traveled out of state. Luckily I brought several armies and was able to piece together some with delta pricing. If anyone can bring Otonashi with card we could borrow it would be appreciated. It would fill out an army. If not, I hope we can proxy. See you tomorrow!

If there's any other figures you want for tomorrow, feel free to PM me (ideally tonight, but I'll try to remember to check tomorrow morning also) and I can bring them also.

I have all Classic and some scattered VC.