Sure. May take a little longer, but I can do them.You are AWESOME!!!!!!!
Are you ready for another 5?
For the rest of these I took my own pictures to try and make it easer for you. If its not just let me know I can look around the internet for links.
Nice. I broke the remainder down into 5 waves of 5 cards each. Ill do a wave at a time so theres no rush and other people can get their cards worked on too.
For the rest of these I took my own pictures to try and make it easer for you. If its not just let me know I can look around the internet for links.
I just finished painting my first minis ever, and would love to have good quality cards to go with them!!!
I made yennefer, triss, and geralt from the witcher so far is this something you could make cards for?
Here it isDoes anybody remember who made my Warforged Cultists Card from several years back? The link that I had used to display the card in my thread has broken. I think I have a copy of the card saved on one of my computers but I'm not sure which. If the person who made it still has a copy of the card they could send to me that would be great!
@mac122 or anybody else are you still active?
I don’t however if you wanna make the hit zone and figure image png’s I can insert them into MSE myself. I remember now that’s what I’ve done in the past when you’ve helped me out with this![]()