• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

MCC-Makers of Custom Cards-turning customs from text to card

For the rest of these I took my own pictures to try and make it easer for you. If its not just let me know I can look around the internet for links.

Third picture seems good to use, but for the others I am not sure... (maybe the dragon, depending on how its zoomed face will render on the card).

Self-made pictures are really good for higher quality, but you might want to take a lot of care of some points to avoid having something worse compared to a googled picture.

=> choose wisely the shooting angle. Just imagine what you see on the photo inserted in an army card. For instance, photos #1 & #2 give a bad viewing angle of the figure.
=> Beware of the shadows ! You have to take the photos in a well enlightened environment, and essentially on the face of the figure you are photographing. Photo #4 looses a lot of details (and might look weird on the card) due to the shades.
=> Pay attention to the focus : you might want (or not) some parts of the figure blurry. Most of the time it's better if the whole figure is sharp (opposite of blurry = sharp, right ?). Identically, you might want (or not) to ignore some parts of the figure because you know they won't be seen in the army card (the foot for instance). But here too it's most of the time better to take care of having the whole figure in the photo, as you'll still be able to cut the useless parts during post-edition. :)
I just finished painting my first minis ever, and would love to have good quality cards to go with them!!!

I made yennefer, triss, and geralt from the witcher so far is this something you could make cards for?
I just finished painting my first minis ever, and would love to have good quality cards to go with them!!!

I made yennefer, triss, and geralt from the witcher so far is this something you could make cards for?

Sure. There are still a couple of us making cards. Post the designs and some good pics and one of us will put them together.
Does anybody remember who made my Warforged Cultists Card from several years back? The link that I had used to display the card in my thread has broken. I think I have a copy of the card saved on one of my computers but I'm not sure which. If the person who made it still has a copy of the card they could send to me that would be great!
Does anybody remember who made my Warforged Cultists Card from several years back? The link that I had used to display the card in my thread has broken. I think I have a copy of the card saved on one of my computers but I'm not sure which. If the person who made it still has a copy of the card they could send to me that would be great!
Here it is
Hey there could I get a hit zone made up for my murgul reavers custom? It’s a common squad of 3 figures and my hope was to take use the sahuagin raider hit box with 3 figures in the zone. Hope that makes sense.
Hey there need a little help with a squad card please. It uses the three figures below.




And here's the card to insert it in to.

Guns and staff grey please, everything else red for the hitzone image.
@William099 Do you have the card in PNG format with the image and hit zone area transparent? If not, I'll have to recreate it in MSE.
I don’t however if you wanna make the hit zone and figure image png’s I can insert them into MSE myself. I remember now that’s what I’ve done in the past when you’ve helped me out with this :)
I don’t however if you wanna make the hit zone and figure image png’s I can insert them into MSE myself. I remember now that’s what I’ve done in the past when you’ve helped me out with this :)
Spoiler Alert!

BTW, I used images from this site.