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Master Roshi's Custom Terrain

My favorite too, each time I make one of these I try something new so they're getting better. My next one is even bigger
I love these and I think they'd be great with other games including frost grave. If I had the storage space I'd follow you lead.


Nice! This is XPS foam, right? What is your process for trying to carve hex shapes into that formation? Are you just eyeballing it?
Nice! This is XPS foam, right? What is your process for trying to carve hex shapes into that formation? Are you just eyeballing it?

I place the hexes on top of the foam and trace around them so I know where to cut it to match the shape, I'm working on a new piece so I'll upload some progress pictures to show how I do it
Also I use floral foam blocks because they're easier to cut into the shapes I want
Good stuff. Tutorials are always nice to have. Really like how the hexes are shaped right into the rocks for easy figure placement.