This is intended to be a collection of 2 player maps, organized to correspond to the different regions of Valhalla as indicated by the expanded RiskScape map (see here). The main purpose of this thread is to provide map pools for those playing RiskScape or similar campaign modes where representative geography could add to the experience. Much of this is my subjective decisions at this point, but I've tried to base biome selections off of lore where I can to at least try and hit the right tone for each region and create a distinct feeling for each.
Many maps can realistically fit into multiple territories, and I tried not to repeat maps if at all possible, even if they would work in multiple regions. The idea is that this list can expand over time based on feedback and as I continue to explore more maps. Current inclusions are almost exclusively maps I have played on personally either in past campaigns or in general gameplay. Would love to hear from others who share an interest in matching maps up with the "world map" to build this list out into a fairly comprehensive resource.
[Note - Map links will be added and cleaned up when the downloads section is working again]
Territories are sorted roughly from the top of the map down:
Yealand Valley
Yngvild Pass by Sheep
Arctic Divide by UranusPChicago
Valledon Fortress by antmarchingroves
Sidewinder by Gamebear
Thaelenk Tundra
Draugr by mad_wookiee
Mountain Pass by Yodaking
Shattered by Dignan
Upper Laur (Dragon's Head)
Honor by Flash_19
Ice Blossom by StarOcean980
Jandar's Summoning Circle by Flash_19
Lower Laur
Venom by Flash_19
Savage Corridor by Nomad
Ritual by Vydar_XLII
Bleakwoode (Both Territories)
Everglades and Evergreens by Rednax
Stechavan by Shurrig
Blaze by Dignan
Remains of Cleonesia by tannergx
Seagate by Caps
Ruins of Rennoc by Flash_19
Highways & Dieways by UranusPChicage
Dredgewood Forest by SirHeroscape
Badru Valley by Gamebear
Forgotten Forest
Aeon by Flash_19
Flash Fire by Dignan
Rocky Mounds by Leaf_It
Origin by Flash_19
Artifact at Forgotten Lake by Flash_19
Mole Hills by Johnathan
Canary by Superfrog
From the Ashes by Biggabullfrog
Oasis No More by MegaSilver
No Man's Land by Dignan
Crumland (Both Territories)
Bountiful Grove by Robber
Bad Moon Rising by GameBear
The Crypt by Flash_19
Abarshates Pathway by TheEpicAlpaca
Sundered Sea Stronghold by Sheep
Barrendome by GameBear
Molten Crossing
Wyrmwalk by Panopticon
Dance of the Dryads by Typhon2222
Turmoil by Superfrog
Odin Wept by Typhon2222
Battlefield 23 by Flash_19
Stygian Rift by Typhon2222
Fire Isles by OEAO
Percolator by Ulysses
Grounds of Ashra by Shurrig
Southern Haukeland
Invasion by LongHeroscaper
Ruined Pier by DadScaper
Xualtiaca Valley
Ticalla Sunrise by GameBear
Fulcrum by Dignan
Vigil by Ulysses
Fen Hydro by Ulysses
Northern Jungle
Platypus by Robber
Frostmire by Flash_19
Uncharted Jungle
Desolation by Flash_19
Ticallan Tower by SirHeroscape
Hopefully this is as useful for others as it will be for me! Looking forward to expanding the project and to finding more new maps.
Many maps can realistically fit into multiple territories, and I tried not to repeat maps if at all possible, even if they would work in multiple regions. The idea is that this list can expand over time based on feedback and as I continue to explore more maps. Current inclusions are almost exclusively maps I have played on personally either in past campaigns or in general gameplay. Would love to hear from others who share an interest in matching maps up with the "world map" to build this list out into a fairly comprehensive resource.
[Note - Map links will be added and cleaned up when the downloads section is working again]
Territories are sorted roughly from the top of the map down:
Yealand Valley
Yngvild Pass by Sheep
Arctic Divide by UranusPChicago
Valledon Fortress by antmarchingroves
Sidewinder by Gamebear
Thaelenk Tundra
Draugr by mad_wookiee
Mountain Pass by Yodaking
Shattered by Dignan
Upper Laur (Dragon's Head)
Honor by Flash_19
Ice Blossom by StarOcean980
Jandar's Summoning Circle by Flash_19
Lower Laur
Venom by Flash_19
Savage Corridor by Nomad
Ritual by Vydar_XLII
Bleakwoode (Both Territories)
Everglades and Evergreens by Rednax
Stechavan by Shurrig
Blaze by Dignan
Remains of Cleonesia by tannergx
Seagate by Caps
Ruins of Rennoc by Flash_19
Highways & Dieways by UranusPChicage
Dredgewood Forest by SirHeroscape
Badru Valley by Gamebear
Forgotten Forest
Aeon by Flash_19
Flash Fire by Dignan
Rocky Mounds by Leaf_It
Origin by Flash_19
Artifact at Forgotten Lake by Flash_19
Mole Hills by Johnathan
Canary by Superfrog
From the Ashes by Biggabullfrog
Oasis No More by MegaSilver
No Man's Land by Dignan
Crumland (Both Territories)
Bountiful Grove by Robber
Bad Moon Rising by GameBear
The Crypt by Flash_19
Abarshates Pathway by TheEpicAlpaca
Sundered Sea Stronghold by Sheep
Barrendome by GameBear
Molten Crossing
Wyrmwalk by Panopticon
Dance of the Dryads by Typhon2222
Turmoil by Superfrog
Odin Wept by Typhon2222
Battlefield 23 by Flash_19
Stygian Rift by Typhon2222
Fire Isles by OEAO
Percolator by Ulysses
Grounds of Ashra by Shurrig
Southern Haukeland
Invasion by LongHeroscaper
Ruined Pier by DadScaper
Xualtiaca Valley
Ticalla Sunrise by GameBear
Fulcrum by Dignan
Vigil by Ulysses
Fen Hydro by Ulysses
Northern Jungle
Platypus by Robber
Frostmire by Flash_19
Uncharted Jungle
Desolation by Flash_19
Ticallan Tower by SirHeroscape
Hopefully this is as useful for others as it will be for me! Looking forward to expanding the project and to finding more new maps.
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