Re: Magic: the Gathering Strategy Board Game (Looks HeroScap
Or that they are there to promote the Magic brand.What royally pisses me off is that there's no mention of Heroscape in that video. It's like they're ashamed of it.
Did HeroScape promote itself as coming out of games like HeroQuest and BattleMasters a year before it came out? This isn't the first time Hasbro (or other game publishers) have updated one game and created a totally different game from it.Heroscape has a long history, coming out of games like HeroQuest and BattleMasters. I'd rather of seen them update one, or both, of those titles instead of forcing our game into the Magic mold. HeroQuest has spell cards. I've got an advanced version of BattleMasters that has spell cards as well. Or better yet just update Heroscape and rerelease it. It's a missed opportunity if you ask me.
Then it's not for you. Not every game is meant to be for everyone. Since Craig Van Ness is the lead designer, I have faith that it will be a solid game. The Magic theme doesn't particularly bother me, as I'm not a D&D player yet I love the Lords of Waterdeep game. I plan to judge the game on its own merits, not on any Magic affiliation.I wonder, D&D Heroscape didn't really convert anyone over to anything they weren't already playing. How does WotC think this will somehow do something different? I mean really, will Magic players really want this? As a Heroscape player it doesn't seem to have any attraction to me.