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List of C3G figures that require customization

Added Hawkeye II and Black Knight. Should be up to date.

Edit: Updated again 10-29-13

Edit: Updated 1-6-14
Brit - full repaint
Cecil Stedman - full repaint
Donald Ferguson - full repaint
The Crow - swap head, hands, add guitar, full repaint
The Mask - full repaint
I know, I'll get to it eventually. Right now I'm exhausted and still have to go back to work in ten minutes.
Another great wave guys! But, I don't have the time/skill to customize thes 5 new ones.

If anyone who is planning on customizing these 5 new minis and is looking for some commission work I'd love to know.

I'd be interested in paying a reasonable rate for the cost of mini + shipping + materials + your skill/time.

If anyone is interested please PM me. :)
Especially with all the new modded figures coming out, I think we need to get this updated! :) I can list my LD's here when I get a chance, but I don't know many of the newer ones. I'll update this post with my LD's and a mod can update the first post.
Especially with all the new modded figures coming out, I think we need to get this updated! :) I can list my LD's here when I get a chance, but I don't know many of the newer ones. I'll update this post with my LD's and a mod can update the first post.

Hmm, I still see the mod badge on you. Did we (probably I) turn off your Mod powers?
Especially with all the new modded figures coming out, I think we need to get this updated! :) I can list my LD's here when I get a chance, but I don't know many of the newer ones. I'll update this post with my LD's and a mod can update the first post.

Hmm, I still see the mod badge on you. Did we (probably I) turn off your Mod powers?

Well, I can't edit any other people's posts. I notice that when trying to update the playtesting thread. I assumed it was taken away during one of my absences. Which is totally fine, I don't care, but I need my hand held a little more :)
Especially with all the new modded figures coming out, I think we need to get this updated! :) I can list my LD's here when I get a chance, but I don't know many of the newer ones. I'll update this post with my LD's and a mod can update the first post.

Hmm, I still see the mod badge on you. Did we (probably I) turn off your Mod powers?

Well, I can't edit any other people's posts. I notice that when trying to update the playtesting thread. I assumed it was taken away during one of my absences. Which is totally fine, I don't care, but I need my hand held a little more :)

:lol: No worries. Looks like Hogg hasn't updated this in 5 years, so it's safe to say he's probably not intending on keeping it updated.

Do you want to have control of the OP here?
Well, I'll be adding some paint for the Durham Red and Spike soon. Not sure if you want to list unreleased units, but Durham Red is a public design that will be released right away so I see no harm in adding her to the list while we are thinking about it.

I'll look though my list of LD's and see if any of them use modified mini's post Conan (I see he's mentioned on the last page, not sure if he's in the FP or not though).

*edit* Looks like The Tick is my only new custom mini job since I ran Conan.
He-Man, Skeletor, and Orko all qualify for the list. That's it for what I've run, I believe.
All right, I updated the OP a bit here. It's still messy but we're getting there. All of my LD's are on there as I could easily find them. I'm ONLY working on the "Full List" at the moment, and I'll separate out after that is complete.

Also of note I thought it'd be nice to have the list of figures with decent clix options now (Such as Nightcrawler and Hugo Strange), so I added that to the bottom.

If anyone could post other modding needs here, I'll keep working on this!
Beyonder and Oracle might belong in the Clix category.

I have two designs that need painting/modding so far: Cassie Hack and Spike. Neither one's released, but both went through the public playtesting thread, so I don't mind mentioning them out here.
I believe my only designs that need repainting are Nemesis (Tom Tresser), Noob Saibot, and the Shadow Wraith. None of which are released quite yet. I don’t have any needing mods.
Carol is a repaint.
Teddy Bear is a minor mod, glue on a gun.
Kool-Aid Man is a full mod, repaint.
You got Satanus. I think that is it.
Glomulus has to be removed from Larfleeze's miniature and rebased. There is also a separate Glomulus miniature available.