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List of C3G figures that require customization

Lord Pyre

...has moist legs
Site Supporter
This is a list of C3G figures that need to be modified or customized in some way. (NOTE: Play with whatever figures you like, if you don't feel like working on these! We always encourage proxying figures!)

FULL LIST (Alphabetical):
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List of modded figures that now have Heroclix Options:

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Here is a link to Hogg's custom figure thread which has pictures of many of the C3G custom minis: http://www.heroscapers.com/community/showthread.php?p=1747512#post1747512
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Beyonder needs to be painted too. It would be nice if they linked to the Books threads too if you have time.
Beyonder needs to be painted too. It would be nice if they linked to the Books threads too if you have time.

Beyonder is added. I'll try to do the link thing sometime in the future.
A lot of the image stuff I've been doing in the sanctum require customization as well. I'm making tutorials for most of them in the threads, though. :)
What needs to be done to Nightcrawler?

You really have to look at the card and the mini. Its pretty complicated. Basically the HC figure is a BAMF cloud with all sorts of body parts sticking out of it. You have to pull them apart and assemble a humanoid shaped figure from them. I've been looking for a good/cheap Nightcrawler figure to use as a proxy.
This one is really ugly...


Though this one is quite nice.

I might pick up the second one, the first seems like too much work...

In other news I really appreciate the list Hogg, makes things easier to figure out.
The second picture is really nice but the mini is over $20. The best thing to do is just to customize the one on the card.
I have the second one. As a figure goes, it's not the prettiest, but it's by far the best Nightcrawler out there.
Beautiful paint job Skeeter. I may have to try painting mine. I never liked the figure before but, wow, you made it look awesome.
I'll have to do some searching for that figure, any idea how much he was? Is the scale right?
I'll have to do some searching for that figure, any idea how much he was? Is the scale right?

He is part of set of plastic figures called, Handful of Heroes. They can be found in the toy section of most Wal-Marts. However, the scale can be rather inconsistent ... the Hulks are a little small for my taste and Nightcrawler is too tall, imo, but it is a cheap proxy (among others from the set) that I've used since I've yet to acquire any heroclix version of the character.
He looks good Skeeter! I have that figure and was thinking I could one day use him for Azazel (Nightcrawlers red skinned father seen in X-men First Class) since I bought the Bamph! Nightcrawler figure a while back. I never considered pulling that figure apart though and just use it as is.
Unfortunately - the Nightcrawler above is not mine. I was away from home this morning and posted that online pic I found. Mine is not as well done. This picture is my Nightcrawler and should give you an idea of the scale:


When I bought my Handful of Heroes Hulkbuster, I saw this fellow. I paid $1 for him, which, to me, was better than the extensive rebuild or expensive alternative.

I have that figure and was thinking I could one day use him for Azazel (Nightcrawlers red skinned father seen in X-men First Class)

Great idea! Looking forward to it!

P.S. - This is a great idea for a thread. I'm really interested in seeing how other players have "solved" making customs for designs like Spawn, Master Mold, Hulkbuster, Killer Penguins, etc.
This is a great idea for a thread. I'm really interested in seeing how other players have "solved" making customs for designs like Spawn, Master Mold, Hulkbuster, Killer Penguins, etc.

Yea, I'm not interested in paying $25 for Hulkbuster. I'm thinking that you could GreenStuff some together, granted you have the time, patience, and money to afford a couple trial-and-error's run. I'm also trying to find an alternate for Spawn, I would really like to give him change.
This is a great idea for a thread. I'm really interested in seeing how other players have "solved" making customs for designs like Spawn, Master Mold, Hulkbuster, Killer Penguins, etc.

Yea, I'm not interested in paying $25 for Hulkbuster. I'm thinking that you could GreenStuff some together, granted you have the time, patience, and money to afford a couple trial-and-error's run. I'm also trying to find an alternate for Spawn, I would really like to give him change chains.

I think that is what you meant. If so you can look at the Spawn figure I made for myself, he has chains.
This is a great idea for a thread. I'm really interested in seeing how other players have "solved" making customs for designs like Spawn, Master Mold, Hulkbuster, Killer Penguins, etc.

Yea, I'm not interested in paying $25 for Hulkbuster. I'm thinking that you could GreenStuff some together, granted you have the time, patience, and money to afford a couple trial-and-error's run. I'm also trying to find an alternate for Spawn, I would really like to give him change chains.

I think that is what you meant. If so you can look at the Spawn figure I made for myself, he has chains.

Yea, something along those lines. and yea I mean chains.
This is a great idea for a thread. I'm really interested in seeing how other players have "solved" making customs for designs like Spawn, Master Mold, Hulkbuster, Killer Penguins, etc.

Yea, I'm not interested in paying $25 for Hulkbuster. I'm thinking that you could GreenStuff some together, granted you have the time, patience, and money to afford a couple trial-and-error's run.

Some pics of my custom Hulk Buster.
Before as War Machine
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As Hulk Buster, The head/helmet is off a motorcycle rider, shoulder pads from an Iron Man Stealth Suit(proxy for a Sentinel).
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I made another for my friend. I need to get a pic of it, the paint turned out much better.

I used a Crimson Dynamo from the Armor Wars set and came up with this proxy:
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Definately not as cool as the real figure, but much cheaper!
It's been raining for the last few days here and I've been stuck in the house. I've been painting heroclix figures all afternoon and will be doing a little more tomorrow when these coats dry. I'll post pictures when I'm finished. Spawn came out really well and so did a few others.

Edit: Added Joker II.