This is a list of C3G figures that need to be modified or customized in some way. (NOTE: Play with whatever figures you like, if you don't feel like working on these! We always encourage proxying figures!)
FULL LIST (Alphabetical):
List of modded figures that now have Heroclix Options:
Here is a link to Hogg's custom figure thread which has pictures of many of the C3G custom minis:
FULL LIST (Alphabetical):
Spoiler Alert!
- Anti-Monitor (Put on double base)
- Arkham Inmate (Remove material, paint)
- Arthur (Mod, Paint)
- Ash Williams (Mod, Paint)
- Axe Cop (Mod, Paint)
- Beyonder (Total Repaint)
- Billy Batson (Put on separate single base)
- Bizarnage (Repaint)
- Black Knight (Put on single space base)
- Bloodshot (Repaint)
- Brit (Total repaint)
- Buffy Summers (Just her hair and stick)
- Captain Marvel (Billy Batson) (Put on separate single base)
- Carol (Repaint)
- Cassie Hack (Mod and Paint)
- Cecil Stedman (Full mod)
- Chronos (Put on single space base)
- Chucky (Mod, Repaint)
- Conan (Repaint)
- The Crow (Full mod)
- Cyrax (Mod, Paint)
- Demona (Mod, Paint)
- Donald Ferguson (Repaint)
- Durham Red (Repaint)
- Eternal Warrior (Mod, Repaint)
- Galactus (Put on two double bases)
- Gert Yorkes (Separate)
- Ghost Rider (Put on single space base)
- Golgothoa (Paint)
- Goro (Mod, Paint)
- Green Construct Helicopter Gunship (Total repaint, double base)
- Green Construct Mech Warrior (Put on double base)
- Green Construct Shield (Put on single space base)
- Green Construct Tactical Bomber (Put on double base)
- Green Lantern (Aya) (Repaint)
- Hawkeye II (Put on single space base)
- He-Man (Modification, Paint)
- Hugo Strange (Head swap, paint)
- Hun (Repaint)
- Iron Man Mk I (Total repaint, base)
- Iron Man Mk 2 (Total repaint, base)
- Jack Royal Flush Gang (Separate Mini)
- Johnny Cage (Mod, Paint)
- Johnny Thunder (Separate)
- Joker II (Add hat)
- Kenshi (Paint)
- Killer Bee (Put on single space base)
- Killer Penguins (Single base, add weapons)
- King Royal Flush Gang (Separate Mini)
- Kitana (Mod, Paint)
- Kool-Aid Man (Mod, Paint)
- Lady Death (Paint)
- Lagoon Boy (Remove weapon)
- Laufey (Put on double base)
- Leatherface (Mod, Repaint)
- Liu Kang (Repaint)
- Livewire (Repaint)
- Master Mold (Total repaint, double base)
- Michael Myers (Repaint, Mod Addition)
- Mister Zsasz (Touch up)
- Mysterio Holograms (Total repaint)
- Negative Spirit (Repaint)
- Nemesis (Tom Tresser) (Repaint)
- Nightcrawler (Remove body parts from sculpt to assemble figure)
- Ninjak (Repaint, Optional Mod)
- Noob Saibot (Repaint)
- The Octopus (Mod, Repaint)
- Old Lace (Separate)
- Old One Eye (Paint)
- Oracle (Swap torso, add and remove misc, paint)
- Orange Construct (Glomulus) (Separate)
- Orange Construct (Stolen Identity) (Total repaint)
- Orko (Modification)
- Peter Stanchek (Mod, Repaint)
- Pied Piper (Put on separate single base)
- Pinhead (Repaint, Mod)
- Queen Royal Flush Gang (Separate Mini)
- Raiden (Mod, Paint)
- Red Lantern (Razer) (Mod, Repaint)
- Red Lantern (Kara Zor-El) (Alternate Figure, Repaint)
- Reptile (Mod, Repaint)
- Sam (Mod, Paint)
- Satanus (Total repaint, single base)
- Satellite Dish (Put on single space base)
- Scarlet Spider (Kaine Parker) (Cut off webbed criminal, rebase)
- Scorpion (Mod, Repaint)
- Sentinals (Total repaint if using Iron Man figures, double base)
- Shadow Wraith (Repaint)
- Shang Tsung (Repaint, Slight Mod)
- Skeletor (Repaint)
- Slam Bradley (Repaint)
- Spawn (Swap head and add gun, paint)
- Spider-Boy (Repaint)
- Spike (Repaint)
- Stealth Suit Iron Man (Total repaint)
- Sub-Zero (Mod, Repaint)
- Super-Soldier (Mod, Repaint)
- T-Sphere (Total repaint, single base)
- Ten Royal Flush Gang (Separate Mini)
- Teddy Bear (Mod, Add Gun)
- The Doctor (11th) (Paint)
- The Tick (Mod, Paint)
- Thunderbolt (Separate)
- Trickster (Put on separate single base)
- Venom (Pigeon) (Repaint)
- White Lantern (Hal) (Alternate Figure, Repaint)
- X-O Manowar (Repaint)
- Yellow Jacket (Just his face)
Spoiler Alert!
- Mr. Zsasz (Touch up)
- Arkham Inmate (Total repaint)
- Sentinals (Total repaint if using Iron Man figures)
- Master Mold (Total repaint)
- Iron Man Mk I (Total repaint)
- Iron Man Mk 2 (Total repaint)
- Mysterio Holograms (Total repaint)
- Yellow Jacket (Just his face)
- Stealth Suit Iron Man (Total repaint)
- Buffy Summers (Just her hair and stick)
- Beyonder (Total repaint)
- Satanus (Total repaint)
- T-Sphere (Total repaint)
- Green Construct Tactical Bomber (Total repaint)
- Green Construct Shield (Total repaint)
- Green Construct Helicopter Gunship (Total repaint)
- Orange Construct Stolen Identity (Total repaint)
Spoiler Alert!
- Billy Batson/Captain Marvel (DC) (Put on separate single bases)
- Pied Piper/Trickster (Put on separate single bases)
- Ghost Rider (Put on single space base)
- Chronos (Put on single space base)
- Killer Penguins (Put on single space bases)
- Killer Bee (Put on single space base)
- Nightcrawler (Put on single space base)
- Iron Man Mk I (Put on single space base)
- Iron Man Mk 2 (Put on single space base)
- Black Knight (Put on single space base)
- Hawkeye II (Put on single space base)
- Satellite Dish (Put on single space base)
- T-Sphere (Put on single space base)
- Green Construct Shield (Put on single space base)
- Green Construct Mech Warrior (Put on double base)
- Anti-Monitor (Put on double base)
- Sentinal, both versions (Put on double base)
- Master Mold (Put on double base)
- Laufey (Put on double base)
- Satanus (Put on double base)
- Green Construct Tactical Bomber (Put on double base)
- Green Construct Helicopter Gunship (Put on double base)
- Galactus (Put on two double bases)
Spoiler Alert!
- Nightcrawler (Remove body parts from sculpt to assemble figure)
- Killer Penguins (Add guns and weapons)
- Arkham Inmate (Remove material, paint)
- Hugo Strange (Head swap, paint)
- Lagoon Boy (Remove weapon)
- Spawn (Swap head and add gun, paint)
- Joker II (Add hat)
- Oracle (Swap torso, add and remove misc, paint)
List of modded figures that now have Heroclix Options:
Spoiler Alert!
- Arkham Inmate (Dark Knight Rises #004 Arkham Asylum Inmate; Justice League Trinity War #011 Blackgate Inmate)
- Hugo Strange (Streets of Gotham #101 Hugo Strange)
- Mister Zsasz (Streets of Gotham #024 Mr. Zsasz)
- Nightcrawler (Uncanny X-Men #002 Nightcrawler; X-Men Days of Future Past #009 Nightcrawler)
- Oracle (Streets of Gotham #001 Oracle)
Here is a link to Hogg's custom figure thread which has pictures of many of the C3G custom minis:
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