Lost Road Marsh: More roads that mostly do nothing... Jungle cover and a massive middle LoS block are helpful, but the roads don't access enough of the opposing hill easily. Melee is going to get shot once or twice if it wants to approach despite all the trees.
Lost Road Marsh:
Aesthetics and Creativity(originality of build/looks good): 10/10
Balanced (doesn't favor one build over another): 1/20
Fits Theme & Good name: 3/10
Total: 14/40
The build looks beautiful... but that's the problem. This is the one time that trees on the map don't work. I'm a Star Wars fan and this definitely isn't where Luke found Yoda. The road, the trees... Nothing says wasteland or abandoned here. Competitively, Rats will screen the living daylight out of an opposing army as they can get 3 spaces ahead of the glyphs/middle of the map by Turn 2. I also don't like that Raelin can perch behind the tree and cover both glyphs all with a single OM. As far as the Hive goes, there has to be a place for it. I get it, just remove 6 swamp hexes, but hey, even Draugur underwent changes by mad_wookiee to be accepted into the BoV because it technically, originally didn't have space for the Hive.
I honestly feel that Lost Road Marsh is more balanced than Obsidian Wastes, so I'm quite confused that both of you think it's worse.
I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but this isn't trying to be Dagobah. This is an old road that has been forgotten, and has become overgrown. If you look at the build instructions you can actually see that road goes underneath the patch of trees, and connects to the other side's roadway. I must respectfully state that I believe
heroscaper2010 is wrong to say that this does not feel abandoned, and overgrown.
Unless range wants to run right up to your side of the map, it can't get attacks off on you with a height advantage. This changes once you get to a glyph, but glyphs are supposed to be in bad positions. The trees make it so that melee can stay on it's own side of the map with a height advantage, until you are ready to run around the trees. The two highest points are close enough, even though they can't see each other, that if you start from one side of the trees, even a 4 move non-flying figure can engage the highest point on the other side of the trees in 1 turn.
As for Raelin, yes, she can cover the glyphs, but the other player will get a height advantage on those figures, and that puts Raelin pretty close to the front lines which is a big risk. If you move your forces past the glyphs, then you don't get your Raelin buff, so the other player either gets to engage when they are ready to, or you don't get your Raelin buff. You could just flying her over the trees at that point, but then she has no cover at all, and a road leading right to her. Rats will always do well if you know what you're doing with them.
Yeah... I'm still not sure if I want to add a weird patch of terrain just for the Hive. If that's the only thing wrong with the map, I don't know that I really care. I don't mean to be rude when I say that, it just doesn't make sense to me. I actually like Mad_Wookiee's first version better myself, and I see this issue as something quite nit-picky. In my eyes this is going by the word of the law, instead of the spirit of the law. Actually, looking at the different versions of Draugur makes me want to change Lost Road Marsh even less now, because I think it both looked, and flowed a bit better before those changes. It won't bother me if this keeps it from being ARG approved, and I feel that this will likely be the case.
Despite how my response might sound, I really do appreciate your feedback. Just please understand that I put a good amount of time and effort into these maps, and so I am going to defend them. Even if I don't agree with what you have said about them, I hope that you will give me your honest feedback on my maps in the future as well. Thank you.