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King Ghidorah


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King Ghidorah


Card PDF




LIFE = 13

MOVE = 6

POINTS = 1000

King Ghidorah has 3 attack actions per attack phase, or 2 attack actions if there are 7+ wounds on this card.

Once per round, instead of an attack action, you may roll 6 combat dice. For each skull rolled, choose a figure within 6 clear spaces of King Ghidorah to receive 1 Electric wound. You cannot choose the same figure 2+ times unless it is Huge.

Range 7. Attack 7.
This special attack can only be used once per round. All figures adjacent to the target, other than King Ghidorah, are also affected but ignore 1 hit from the attack. For each object defeated in the attack, inflict 1 wound on each defender.


WORLDS COLLIDE: A monster from another world, King Ghidorah comes to Earth to wipe out humanity and claim the planet as his own: where the monster Ghidorah passes, only flaming ruins are left.

Resources and Rulings
  • The suggested figure for this unit is a Bandai figure: Godzilla Movie Monsters / King Ghidorah 2001
  • See this card's wiki page for synergies and strategies!
  • Base Clarification: King Ghidorah is a double-based figure
  • N/A
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"Two or more". And yeah, no mechanical changes here, just wording changes and the second power becoming Electric damage.
"Two or more". And yeah, no mechanical changes here, just wording changes and the second power becoming Electric damage.

Good that's what I hoped it meant but suddenly realized I didn't know if you guys did something weird. :)
Hmm if you hit a figure with Electrical Weakness one time and it takes its one additional wound, have you inflicted 2+ wounds on it?

Wondering if there is alternate wording to clarify that’s not what’s being restricted.
Ah right, true. Probably needs to limit the choosing and not the wounding for that reason. Unfortunate, I suspect that's clunkier.
Yeah, I came to the same conclusion and decided it was more than I wanted to tackle phone posting :p
Looks good. :up: I think we can get away with replacing the last “that figure” with “it.”
With many figures able to move after rolling defense dice, is the second part of the SA hit the figures adjacent to the first target at the start of the turn or after the figure may have moved?
Great question!

My understanding of the timing of things is that you'd consider the adjacency after the resolution of the first attack, which would including anything that happens for the defenders. Additionally, if you out and out defeat the initial target, it wouldn't be adjacent to anything.

@Tornado can hopefully clarify the intent here and how it was tested. If it's meant to hit things that were adjacent to the target before the initial attack, I think the wording needs to better establish that.
Not sure that has ever come up. Was thinking maybe something like this.
Range 7. Attack 7.
This special attack can only be used once per round. All figures adjacent to the target, other than King Ghidorah, are also affected but subtract one skull from the result. After attacking, for each object destroyed, inflict 1 wound on each figure affected by this attack.

Would like to see him in a few playtests before release. Especially against anything new. He has felt a bit soft in the last few games I have played and he lost every game I played at Con.
Could just be my luck though.
If you're down to simplify it to one attack like that, I think that'd streamline the ability a lot.

We can for sure keep an eye on him and run some tests.
Yeah, I'm down to test him when it's time for sure. :up:
Not sure that has ever come up. Was thinking maybe something like this.
Range 7. Attack 7.
This special attack can only be used once per round. All figures adjacent to the target, other than King Ghidorah, are also affected but subtract one skull from the result. After attacking, for each object destroyed, inflict 1 wound on each figure affected by this attack.

Would like to see him in a few playtests before release. Especially against anything new. He has felt a bit soft in the last few games I have played and he lost every game I played at Con.
Could just be my luck though.

Come in…I finally beat you and you are going to blame luck 😜

Yeah I was really worried about him on paper but then seeing him in person at the Con was less impressive than I thought he’d be. Still seemed fun just maybe needed more life or something to feel worth 1000

I think this version of the power will be easier to understand.
If there is a general consensus that he wasn't quite feeling like 1000 points as is, I'd be fine with bumping his life up a bit now and start the testing there.
Might need to also bump up the number of wounds where he loses a head, in order to make a life bump feel meaningful. Just a bump to 14 Life/7+ wounds or 14/8 might make be enough to give him some edge. I'll defer to people who have played the card, I haven't gotten hands-on with him yet.

Been a while since I actually got a game in - if we can settle on some numbers I wouldn't mind knocking out some quick tests on TTS this weekend.
I think he is extremely well balanced but maybe too much so. Arkham has stated that these sort of designs should probably be a little better than balanced.
Was just going to suggest a one point bump in Life and see how that feels. EDIT: Bumping up the lose a head number will make a bigger difference.
I think simplifying the SA is a good way to go.
I think he is extremely well balanced but maybe too much so. Arkham has stated that these sort of designs should probably be a little better than balanced.
Was just going to suggest a one point bump in Life and see how that feels. EDIT: Bumping up the lose a head number will make a bigger difference.
I think simplifying the SA is a good way to go.
The tricky thing with 1000 pointers, is they're a one man army typically up against standard armies.

They don't get the advantage of excess wounds. Meaning, if Superman or Thing rolls 7 skulls against Green Arrow for example, he's likely dying and any wounds beyond his remaining Life at the time are pointless. But for a 1000 pointer, that's your entire army eating those wounds and thus no excess wound spillage advantage. Thus a botched defense with a 200 pointer stings but is whatever. A botched defense with a 1000 pointer could easily mean the game.

They're also more prone to OMs being stripped since they have them all on their card, vs. spread out in a normal army. (though they do avoid dead OMs, so maybe that much is a wash?)

They're more prone to having placement disadvantage due to being one figure, thus able to be swarmed and locked down etc.

They only have whatever limited abilities are on their card, vs. a field of abilities on the opposing army's toolset.

So when I say they need to pack a little bit of an extra punch, not exactly adhere to being 100% balanced at their point level, that's why. Also, they tend to be boss character types, so they should feel like they have the slightest of advantages? No brokenly so, but it should feel like a big deal when fought and defeated. If they're getting pushed over, outside of luck, they aren't riding the line enough, IMO.
Good analysis!

Are other folks cool with trying 14/7? Too much? Not too much enough? Trying to read the room before calling a vote.