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killercactus' maps-5/28/2010 - Over Drudge It (1x SotM)

Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

I'm glad you enjoyed Underground Oasis, pauldragon! Nice to see one of my maps get some usage!

You probably have a rematch clause though, since the glyphs of Thorian are actually meant to be Treasure Glyphs (my VS doesn't have the treasure glyph icon yet - I need to upgrade), but I'm glad they brought you over to that side of the map. I was afraid that wouldn't see as much play without a stronger glyph, and I've been considering changing the random glyph in the middle of the oasis to something static and powerful, like Astrid, Gerda or maybe Wannok. Any suggestions?

I see what you mean about those 2 empty spaces on top of the oasis. The reason they're empty is simply because I ran out of water tiles in my 2x BtfU, and wanted to keep it to just those 2 sets. Do you think it affects the gameplay at all?

@MegaSilver - I'm going to try to get some better images up for Dune Buggy and Decline of Sight this weekend. I finished those 2 maps at midnight Monday night, and just wanted to get them on the boards so players in my tourney next month (which was the reason I built them) can get a look and download them if they want to.

EDIT: I just remembered that using the IMG tag makes the images bigger than just copying / pasting the thumbnail. That produced some much nicer images of these 2 maps. I also added a bit of description and my thought process for each.

Dune Buggy has a TON of sand. I never realized just how many 2-hex sand tiles I owned until I built 7 BoV-type maps and still had 50 left over - enough to build Dune Buggy.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

The dune buggy map looks phenomenal. Now I really need to get more sand tiles.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

I don't think it affects gameplay at all, but I counted and you do have 2 water tiles left from the sets if you wanted to fill these spots in. They were the only two tiles left after I built Undergorund Oasis, that is why I spotted it.

We actually played with treasures on both sides and Thorian in middle. It was fine, but I don't think the top will see much play if there isn't a strong glyph up there. Wannuk would force more traffic up there for sure.

Plus, everything is symetrical but the starting zones and those three open spaces (2 on right + 1 on left). Maybe move some shadow spaces to these spots? I don't know, just for looks? Map plays great either way. Good job.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

I don't think it affects gameplay at all, but I counted and you do have 2 water tiles left from the sets if you wanted to fill these spots in. They were the only two tiles left after I built Undergorund Oasis, that is why I spotted it.

We actually played with treasures on both sides and Thorian in middle. It was fine, but I don't think the top will see much play if there isn't a strong glyph up there. Wannuk would force more traffic up there for sure.

Plus, everything is symetrical but the starting zones and those three open spaces (2 on right + 1 on left). Maybe move some shadow spaces to these spots? I don't know, just for looks? Map plays great either way. Good job.

Oh - my bad on the glyph-assumption. I agree though that the "random glyph" needs to be strong to get people to go up there. I think, for my tournament, I'll make it a static Wannok.

I just counted as well, and it seems I might have some extra water left over for that map. If there were 2 remaining, those two empty spots at the top would be a good place for them. Hopefully I can do a quick revision soon, fix that glyph and include those two tiles. Thanks for your input, pauldragon!
Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

I did a small upgrade to Underground Oasis based on pauldragon's input. I added those 2 extra water tiles and also moved the shadow tiles by the starting zone up to get some more play.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/20/2010: Dune Buggy & Decline of Si

I added The Fire Swamp tonight. Man, I love making maps with tough terrain! I think if more maps like this one were used in tournaments, we might see a reduction in swarm armies.

Also, I did a little general maintenance on the front page. I added Spoiler Tags so it's easier to scroll through the maps and seperate my discussion on each map from the next, and added a couple extra thoughts here and there.

I'm nearly finished with an RotV + 4x RttFF map for the Vanguard Summoner, Sera Eldwyn. The map will either be called Eldwyn Crossing or Sera's Forest - I haven't decided yet. Not as hard on squads as some of my more recent maps, but there are a ton of trees and lots of road to help melee out. I still need to get to Sneeks' Hideout - I'm just not sure what I want to do with it yet.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Added Eldwyn's Forest today (just combined the two names for lack of a wittier one), and updated the pic for Elien's Magma Cave to show the additional shadow tiles.

I don't want to take attention away from The Fire Swamp though - I really think it's an awesome map.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Ooah, I can't do any of them maps. :cry: I only got 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, and soon I'm getting 1 VotA and 1 RttFF.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Ooah, I can't do any of them maps. :cry: I only got 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, and soon I'm getting 1 VotA and 1 RttFF.

You've got a good start in terrain, you can actually do *a lot* with just the three master sets.

If you can pick it up for cheap, you may want to pick up the marvel set just so you can get the ruined wall, its pretty sweet. Concrete and asphalt make really good proxies for snow and lava field too.

I've seen it around for $23.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Ooah, I can't do any of them maps. :cry: I only got 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, and soon I'm getting 1 VotA and 1 RttFF.

You've got a good start in terrain, you can actually do *a lot* with just the three master sets.

If you can pick it up for cheap, you may want to pick up the marvel set just so you can get the ruined wall, its pretty sweet. Concrete and asphalt make really good proxies for snow and lava field too.

I've seen it around for $23.

Thank you so much for the tip. I always wanted the lava set, but I can't get my hands on one because of its discontinuity. What about the boiling lava? Paint spare flats red?
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

KC, the maps look great and the formatting with the spoiler tags gives the presentation a very sleek look.

Concerning The Fire Swamp, though, you made a grave error and I insist you correct it by changing the feature name "Quicksand" to "Lightning Sand." Some things are just sacred. :)
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Fire Swamp reminds me of a particularly delicious Bloody Mary I once had, looks like a fine map too!

I'm hoping to track down a VW set, and this will be the first map I make when I get it.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

KC, the maps look great and the formatting with the spoiler tags gives the presentation a very sleek look.

Concerning The Fire Swamp, though, you made a grave error and I insist you correct it by changing the feature name "Quicksand" to "Lightning Sand." Some things are just sacred. :)

Thanks - and you're 100% right. I was thinking the sand was called something else but it wasn't coming to me. I also renamed the molten lava hexes as Fire Spurts in my description.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Ooah, I can't do any of them maps. :cry: I only got 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, and soon I'm getting 1 VotA and 1 RttFF.

You've got a good start in terrain, you can actually do *a lot* with just the three master sets.

If you can pick it up for cheap, you may want to pick up the marvel set just so you can get the ruined wall, its pretty sweet. Concrete and asphalt make really good proxies for snow and lava field too.

I've seen it around for $23.

Thank you so much for the tip. I always wanted the lava set, but I can't get my hands on one because of its discontinuity. What about the boiling lava? Paint spare flats red?

I would think a lava set wouldn't be hard to repaint at all. You could probably find a RotV set or a SotM set for about $20, and repaint some lava from there. I bet RotV has enough terrain for sure to repaint 2 entire VW sets. I'd just repaint the entire hexes with white primer, then red, then some dark grey on the tops. Molten lava should be an easy brighter red repaint of some water or swamp water tiles.

The next time I can get to Wal-Mart, I think I'm checking the MS prices and trying to do this.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Fire Swamp is a very nice map. I will try to play this map soon.
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

I playtested Decline of Sight and Dune Buggy yesterday.

Game 1 on Decline of Sight:



Nagrubs x2
Stingers x2

I played the heroes, and I played them poorly. My brother, playing the Marro, was frustrated by the LOS blockers, but his Stingers found a few ways to get off shots at my heroes, and he just tore through them. I think I could've played this army differently, and used the LOS blockers more to my advantage than I did. It also didn't help that the glyph turned out to be Common Attack. Even though I got decimated, I think the map did its job. The matchup and glyph were really bad for me.

Then, we played 2 games on Dune Buggy:

Khosumet - 75
Anubians x3 - 300
Badru x1 - 380


Su-Bak-Na - 160
Hounds x2 - 340
Marro Warriors - 390

I played Wolves and my brother again played Marro. This game was much closer - Anubians and Hounds went back and forth, with him adding a few potshots with the Warriors. He got the defense glyph first with a Hound, but I eventually killed it and took it. There was one turn where I rolled a 19 for Fury, which Khosumet made a 20 and I had high ground, throwing 10 dice at 3 different Hounds. I didn't kill any of them. That turned the game to his favor. He finished me off with a wounded SBN and a Hound left standing. The Hounds were a little frustrated moving through the hilly terrain, but still did fine. The Marro Warriors didn't dominate as much as I thought they might, thanks to the Wolves 6 movement and good defense. My brother also rolled like a Champ for Marro Plague. I liked this map so far.

Game 2:

Zelrig - 185
10th Regiment x3 - 410


Cyprien - 150
Sonya - 195
Phantom Knights x3 - 415

I played Einar, and he played Utgar. Zelrig's job was to kill as many PK's as possible. He spread out his starting zone but Zelrig still killed 4 or 5 and put 2 wounds on Cyprien before going down. I thought I was in good shape with my 10th Regiment against the rest of his army, but Cyprien got some good rolls when he needed them, and the PK's didn't die quite fast enough. My range really helped on this map, but so did John's speed and Flying. I really thought I had it in the bag, but a couple of bad defense rolls here and there cost me. John won with 2 PK's and a heartbroken Sonya left.

I really liked the 2 maps, even if my brother handed me my butt 3 games in a row (and they were only the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th games he's ever played!)
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Dune Buggy looks like crazy fun. I'll have to see if I have enough sand to build it. Sounds like it plays well, but it sucks that you lost 3 in a row to your bro.

I really love the look of Eldwyn's Forest, but I'll have to buy a few more RtFF sets before I can try it. Really nice.

My favorite is still Underground Oasis, and I like the minor changes you made. We'll be playing this map again soon.

Keep up the good work!
Re: killercactus' maps-4/27/2010:The Fire Swamp (Inconceivab

Dune Buggy looks like crazy fun. I'll have to see if I have enough sand to build it. Sounds like it plays well, but it sucks that you lost 3 in a row to your bro.

I really love the look of Eldwyn's Forest, but I'll have to buy a few more RtFF sets before I can try it. Really nice.

My favorite is still Underground Oasis, and I like the minor changes you made. We'll be playing this map again soon.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks! I'm really not worried about losing 3 games to John. I like losing to new players - it makes it more fun for them. I especially like losing to them when I'm actually trying to win. I consider myself a very good Scape player, and that 3rd game I had a very good army and I played it to win. I still lost, which tells me that my brother could have some serious skills if he keeps playing.

For Eldwyn Forest, I took a page out of Underground Oasis' book and used 24-hexers to cover empty space. It really lets you get more out of your terrain if you don't have to cover up hexes on Level 1. 4x RttFF is quite a lot, but I just love all those trees and a high bridge messing with sight lines. I'm such an evil map builder. :twisted:
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

I added Riverbed Plateau to the front page. I wanted to make a map just out of RotV, and again wanted to try to use the terrain to give heroes the advantage. This map makes it tough for commons to bring up reserves to the front lines because of the water and high ground. I can't wait to test it out!
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

Looks good. Finally a map I can try. The map favors heroes more than squads, you say?
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

Looks good. Finally a map I can try. The map favors heroes more than squads, you say?

Well, really I would think it favors Uniques over hordes of Commons. I haven't tested the map yet, but the idea is that if some commons get over the river and onto the high ground and then die, the reinforcements have to again go through the river and climb the plateau before they're back in position, which will take a few turns. Uniques don't have to worry about reinforcements - once they get on the plateau, they're good until they're dead. D-E-D dead.
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

Looks good. Finally a map I can try. The map favors heroes more than squads, you say?

Well, really I would think it favors Uniques over hordes of Commons. I haven't tested the map yet, but the idea is that if some commons get over the river and onto the high ground and then die, the reinforcements have to again go through the river and climb the plateau before they're back in position, which will take a few turns. Uniques don't have to worry about reinforcements - once they get on the plateau, they're good until they're dead. D-E-D dead.

I played a game on Riverbed Plateau last night (Battle Report). Fun map! The river crossing does indeed slow things down. I was fielding MRT, Romans, and Mittens.
Mittens + river crossing = good!
MRT + river crossing + scout movement bonus = good!
Roman legos + river crossing (and without Marcus) = bad!

It seems like a toss-up between moving everything up en masse, or rushing to the high ground and glyphs and hope that you won't need speedy reinforcements.

Flying units (and venocs) are going to have a field day on this map (Protectors and Atlaga come to mind). That being said, I was playing against a wolf army, and the extra move of my MRT (and the 6 range) helped me on the road to victory.

Unfortunately, I placed the glyphs on the high ground adjacent to your designated glyph spots. I will try another run with a different army, and the correct glyph placement.

Added bonus: the map fit perfectly on my coffee table, with just enough room for a cold beverage. :)


PS-Keep the ROTV-only maps coming, please!
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

[It seems like a toss-up between moving everything up en masse, or rushing to the high ground and glyphs and hope that you won't need speedy reinforcements.

That's exactly what I was going for - awesome! Thanks for trying the map out!

I think my next project is a SotM-only map, but I'll keep it in mind to jump back to RotV-only. I know that's a set that a lot of players have.
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

I think my next project is a SotM-only map, but I'll keep it in mind to jump back to RotV-only. I know that's a set that a lot of players have.

SotM would be great! Alot of relatively new players only have SotM.
Re: killercactus' maps-5/22/2010 - Riverbed Plateau

By the way at the last tourney I played on Dune Buggy And Decline of Sight. I won on both maps (my only two wins) so for one I can say at least I was lucky on them, but here is my detailed analysis:

Dune Buggy: I thought this was a really great map. It proves you don't need line of sight blockers or water to have really great gameplay. For my game I had fast army so I went on the offensive and took the glyph on the road and pretty much stayed on that side and attacked my opponent in close to her start zone, but later on the game we ended up all piled on one of the "dunes" by her start zone. So probably a lot of the map, especially the middle on the opposite of the road will go unused, but may vary from game to game.

Decline of Sight: I don't think this was that good of a map design - I won easily with Trolls! The main problem is there are two many choke points. I took the height by the wall on the opponent's side, and he couldn't get around me. Maybe open up some more spaces for him to get around but still make it hard to take back height. One thing good is that the mock wall was very similar to Marvel wall and for practical purposes could be considered symmetrical.

Hope this helps.