• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.

Is the Heroscape community dead?

Well met!

The Gang of Four has remained intact, with a momentary blip, for a number of years now. What may/will happen as I spend more time in Charlotte, versus what the state of affairs would have been if such had happened in the past, may be more relevant with reference to the future - and the Death of Heroscape.

I feel that I have less of an interest to be around, in part because of RL, and in part because of the change the community has undergone. I don't know what exactly, but it's changed. People have gone (names that very quickly come to mind are: Bothi, ibcheif, strange_love, Bloody Boggle...). Discussion in forums that I used to visit frequently is much less, the hangout is down considerably (try as I might to get stuff going over there). Blog posts are down, CoN attendance is down somewhat.

I want to say that the only things that have gotten bigger is the custom sections (although of that I'm not even sure of because I don't go there very often).

So it all depends on who you are really. For me it is slowly dying, I still hang around and talk, I occasionally play CoN, and I'm constantly in the Hangout, but I don't find myself just browsing around anymore like I used to. For me it is dying. For others, particularly those who enjoy the custom community, I'm sure feel that the community is doing nicely. And in a way it is, but not for me. (Btw, I'd like to applaud all you folks in the custom section for keeping the spirit of the game alive).

Anyway, enough with the doom-saying, enjoy what the community has to offer! :smile:

Perhaps if we view the forum boards as if it were a body, we can get a better idea of the condition of the heroscape community.

Starting with the home page, which I'd equate to being heroscapers.com's face. It makes an effort to look good, but it shows it's age.

But we need to look deeper than that, so let's start at the top of the forums, with the Official Classic Heroscape section, which would be the brain. There's not much going on, indicating heroscapers.com has suffered some brain damage.

Moving down to the Custom Heroscape Creations section (the heart) there's a steady beat of activity. I wouldn't expect a cardiac arrest here anytime soon.

Next down is the Marvel Legends Heroscape section, or the gut, where there is lots to digest (of course it may be difficult to comprehend some of those C3G cards with the aforementioned brain damage).

Then we have the Heroscapers Community section, or the junk of heroscapers.com. I'm not sure about the people that hang out in this section, none the less there seems to be a lot of activity...

And at the very bottom is the Off-Topic section, or the legs. There's some restless leg syndrome here, but nothing to be concerned about. If this becomes the most active portion of the site I'd say the heroscape community is about ready to pack up and leave.

Actually, I guess that didn't help determine much at all.
Here in New York City the four of us continue to play exactly as we did years ago, as Kolakoski mentions above. Every month brings a new twist to Scaping in our games. This site may be relatively less active, but you can still spend not hours but weeks here reading and interacting with people all over the world.

Your local scene is its own story, but check out the meetup thread for possible players who may be playing near you. Putting up your location on your profile page may help others to introduce themselves to you, as they will be able to see if you are near them!
Thanks for reminding me my fly was down Sparkles.
Stop staring at my eyes.


This is how I imagine Jim posting

Does your server tend to freeze a lot? :p
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From what I have seen and read on this forum the Heroscape community shifting to different interests and like Batman said, entering a new phase. Some things that were really popular are dead like the classic forum section and other places like customs are doing so well it seems heroscape never went out of print :) We are smaller as a community but in many ways we are stronger.
Some people, like me, simply have had to put HS on the backburner for a while while we go through different phases in our lives.

I have my entire collection stored away right now waiting for the day when my kids are old enough for me to really introduce them to the awesomeness that is HS. My oldest is now 7 so it is about time to bring it out again and enjoy some basic games and see his eyes light up as I know they will.

So, at least one new 'scaper is about to be born.

Well met!

Some people, like me, simply have had to put HS on the backburner for a while while we go through different phases in our lives.


Shortly after I joined the Codex staff, I rededicated myself to my other passions - singing and Karate. I'm also leaving shortly for our annual Jamaica trip - 5 weeks. So I am building, writing, and playing (dreaming, thinking about) Heroscape much less than before.

Even so, I will try to write something apropos while I am gone, and will resume playing upon my return.

Happy 'Scaping!
We need to try to be showing the game to new people if possible. Heroscape is such a great game that people often get hooked:) A buddy of mine just got hooked, and now he is crazy into it!
Some people, like me, simply have had to put HS on the backburner for a while while we go through different phases in our lives.

I have my entire collection stored away right now waiting for the day when my kids are old enough for me to really introduce them to the awesomeness that is HS. My oldest is now 7 so it is about time to bring it out again and enjoy some basic games and see his eyes light up as I know they will.

So, at least one new 'scaper is about to be born.

@Lamaclown !!!! Clan is having a tournament on 12/13. FYI. ;)
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Since I checked Heroscapers less than 12 hours ago, over 25 threads that I am subscribed to have had new posts.

Pretty sure the community is not dead...
Heroscapers is a lot like Schrodinger's cat for me. I don't know how it's doing until I check every so often.

Now, to answer the question: HeroScape is, and always was not alive to begin with. Seriously, the pieces are plastic with flesh tones, they just looked somewhat lifelike. Trust me, that time you dropped that Marro, it didn't feel it, it isn't a living thing.

The community is also not a living thing, but it harbors living things in it.

When the last person logs off for the last time, that is when we decided that the community was ready to go, when the last piece is thrown away, that is when we decide that it was time for it to go.

Hasbro should know this much: They may have cancelled the game, but they do not have the power to kill that which has no life. We, in this community, do.
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Heroscape isn't dead... Unless you count the zombies... Or Cyprien...

Anyway, as long as we play it, Heroscape will never die. Sure, we sell some of our stuff, but we still play the game. Heroscape will stick around.

Lol. Yup, this ^^^


Wish there were Heroscape players that lived close to Lake Worth, FL. I'm always up for a game.
Heroscape isn't dead... Unless you count the zombies... Or Cyprien...

Anyway, as long as we play it, Heroscape will never die. Sure, we sell some of our stuff, but we still play the game. Heroscape will stick around.

Lol. Yup, this ^^^


Wish there were Heroscape players that lived close to Lake Worth, FL. I'm always up for a game.
There are several Florida 'Scapers, maybe not too far from Lake Worth. I believe @BurnyFlame is in central Florida, and occasionally posts about tournaments. Shoot him a pm or something. There is a Florida 'Scapers thread around somewhere, too; look in the "Meet other Scapers" subforum.