And you are more than welcome to join in on any games or tourneys that we have. Im not as close as some in your area, spider_poison lives in Iowa City, and is second to none in this community. A great person, and an excellent player. Supergeek, is probably one of the best map-building minds on the boards...and would/could easily throw dice with ya sometime. I, myself, live a little bit farther from you than others. But if you ever feel up to it...our wives could always sit around and do the wife stuff while us geeks sit around and do geek stuff.
I know the drive is a bit farther than Supergeek and spider, but I know that SG comes out on a semi-regular basis, and I used to head out there about the same. This area has a very friendly playgroup that exceeds easily 20 players. Getting us together on a regular gamenight, however, would be close to impossible. Tourneys are about the only way for our group to keep up with each other.
Glad to see another member has joined the Midwest Group, and hope to toss dice with ya in the future.