• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.


There's not a whole lot. There's alot more in Nevada which is about 1/3 the size and about 10 miles East.
Joah said:
gibberish_47 said:
Wait, where's Iowa again?

It's in the middle of the corn belt. SG, why are there so many houses for sale in Ames?
I don't know what the deal is but it's a buyers market for sure. My brother lives in Nevada and has been trying to sell his house for a year.
Edit: Last night I realized that the students are gone and many of those signs could have been for rent.
Drumline3469, are you from Nevada? Feel free to PM me the next time you are in the neighborhood if you feel like a game, you wouldn't need to bring a thing.
My gma lives there and my other lives in Ames so I'm there often I'm there in August maybe helping my gma move out. But yeah houses don't sell worth shit in Nevada. People only want the ones that are brand new and being built on the outskirts. I'll PM you when I know for sure about my next visit. I'm from Wichita, KS along with Roxas.
Do you guys have an exact date and time planned yet? This way I can start planning with my friends and most important, my wife. I think somebody said sometime in Sept./Oct.?

What is the entry going to be? Prizes? Are the games going to be 1 on 1, or teams?

Some of these may have already been answered, if so I apologize.

deliverymanxas said:
Do you guys have an exact date and time planned yet? This way I can start planning with my friends and most important, my wife. I think somebody said sometime in Sept./Oct.?

What is the entry going to be? Prizes? Are the games going to be 1 on 1, or teams?

Some of these may have already been answered, if so I apologize.


Check out the seventh entery on page 2 .....I answered most of these the best I could as details aren't completed yet.

I'm sure it will be October, I was going to poll everyone on which 3 Saturdays would work.

-Entry fee will stay at $5

-1 on 1 although Jormi_Boced said he may do a team event in Austin

- Prizes I was hoping to find some at Gen-Con, haven't contacted any sponsers yet. I am planing on T-shirts for all entrants.

Watch the " Event Tread " for details - I'll probably post under " Tree Town Classic - Iowa/Minnesota
Read that one, and sorry I kinda missed a few things. But I will watch for updated stuff. Im guessing this thing will start sometime in the late morning/early afternoon?

But Ill keep my eyes open in this thread and in the events thread.

I may have more questions as time progresses though. Hopefully, since this is my first attempt at getting to a tourney, you are patient with me.

Deliverymanxas, No problem … ask any questions you may have. My only issue was everything is in flux right now and I don’t have any definitive answers for some of the questions. I appolige if I came across as abrupt, I do have patients (unless my children haven’t used it all up)

Most likely we would target 9:30 – 9:45 for the group to assemble and sign in, pairings would get announced and then the first round could start at 10am. A couple rounds could get played then we could take a break for lunch and trade battlefield stories. Then we would most likely start the 3rd round after lunch and play another round or two after that. Of course the bigger the turnout the more rounds we play. When we get down to one undefeated warrior the score sheets are tallied. First criteria is won/loss record and then tiebreakers are done using total point diferenental accumulated between all your matches. Then everyone goes to the award table in the order of finish and picks out a prize... of course the winner will get to choose from everything. At this point I planing on everyone getting a HS tourney t-shirt.

None of this really matters as we all have a good time just getting together to play HS.

Hope you can make it (when we figure out when it is)
Honestly, I think you can slate us in. I have been telling my wife that there is a tourney coming up. She has been really anxious for me, since this is something that I have been kinda bugging around about lately. She seemed a little...little...wierded about the 5+ hour drive just to play, but then she dismissed it. Kinda cool. That's why I love her...always supportive.
Awesome! I hope you guys can make it! That would be sweet to have like 20+ people for that tourney.
deliverymanxas said:
But Ill keep my eyes open in this thread and in the events thread.

I'm trying not to post it on this thread.... but the discussion kind of went this direction.

Again, Please refer to the " Events " area. I have it posted under "Tree Town Open ( Iowa / Minnesota )
I know there are some of you out there. Kennyra, Gilk, Mechastar?
Anyone want to practice for the TTO, or just play a game?
Ok hey guys Im from Iowa but live in Mexico I need some help. I have made some bretty cool things for heroscape and want to show u guys but can paste my pics can u help?
Supergeek said:
heroscapewanabchamp said:
hey man! i am from central iowa also.
All right! Welcome to the site.
Do you ever make it up to Ames?

Man, Im sorry...you posted, and now SG is gonna have a friend to Scape with...

On a serious note...Welcome, and hope you have many o' fun games with Supergeek...I have had a few, and he is a tough opponent to outsmart.

Especially when he rolls his fixed dice... :wink:

Luv ya Brother!!
Shoot me a pm sometime when you're going to be up here and you can stop by and maybe play a game.
I'm thinking about having a small team tourney on my big table in the next month or two.
I live in Des Moines but I'm from Nevada and am in Ames quite often. I'd definitely be interested in a tournament or maybe a match or two as my only regular opponents are my two nephews and we've only played twice since I've gotten into the game in late March (though to look at my collection you'd think I played in tournaments every weekend...).
Where are the rankings baby? Don't you Iowan guys want to know where you are like the AzHOLEs? I give you guys props on tournaments, but who is keeping score year to date! Hey Codeman, we still got you in our standings since last visit! If you have the shackle champion, what has he done lately? I like to know on the forums........ :wink: