• Welcome to the Heroscapers 2.0 site! We've still got some dust to clear and adjustments to make, including launching a new front page, but we hope you enjoy the improvements to the site. Please post your feedback and any issues you encounter in this thread.


For those not involved and since it's not in this thread, would you mind summarizing what the changes are?
Current version:

After Invincible's attack action, if he has 4+ wounds or if an ally within 4 clear spaces has 2+ wounds, you may roll 2 damage dice against an adjacent figure.

Proposed change:

After Invincible's attack action, if he or an ally within 4 clear spaces has 2+ wounds, you may roll 2 damage dice against an adjacent figure.

Basically let him trigger off his own wounds at 2 instead of 4. I found he was dying pretty quickly after having any chance for the Desperate Attack, so he rarely got to use it.
It does make it more useable as the 4 wounds was difficult to get him to without him dieing first so the best play was to run someone else out and/or attack them yourself. This at least lessens the pull towards wounding your own figure (which I hadn't really considered before). If it proves a little too strong I might consider going to if he has 3+ wounds or half of his life.
I ran two tests with it in post 100. Didn't feel too strong to me.
That's 3 Heroes OK with it and LP OK with it. Anyone else?
Reminds me I need to update OPs. Doing that now. If anyone wants to argue we can change it back.
Sweet. :up: I'll assume it's good to go for an @japes update then (just wanting to get all the Starter Deck stuff settled! :) )