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Re: Invincible - Testing

I don't mind dropping his life by 1. I like him throwing the 2 unblockables personally. Of course dropping his life by 1 wouldn't change the outcomes of these games though.

Anyone else have thoughts?

He actually would have died in that second match in R3T2 which could have changed it for the Mutants. As they still had Archangel and Cyclops at that point.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Attack or Life seem like the best places to tweak him down some, yeah. I'd be OK with either of them going down by one (not both). Happy to test either change this weekend.
Re: Invincible - Testing

I like him at 7 Attack personally. It gives the feel of Invincible having this incredible strength that he doesn't necessarily know how to handle which feels on point so I almost lean Life personally.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Alright, dropped his life to 6. We can swap to attack if this isn't enough. And I don't mind boosting his points a touch, Atom Eve is just going to have to go down then.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Sounds good. :up: Do we want more testing? I can run a game or two as soon as tomorrow evening.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Yeah the only losses he's had were from my initial, so might as well keep going until he feels a bit more balanced.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Yeah, that makes sense to me. I'll probably run back the builds Karat used him in, but go against different competition.
Re: Invincible - Testing

I support this decision. This is the time to get this right.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Noticed tonight that Superman (JL) was incorrectly listed at 440 in the On Deck thread (he's 460) so that build with Invincible, Superman, and Plastic Man in the last set of tests was 1020 points.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Spoiler Alert!

Team Test
Units: Invincible (360), Omni-Man (440), Mantis (200) (1000) vs JL Trinity (1000)
Unit Summary: The JL got the drop on Omni and secured height early and then Superman rolled well on attacks to finish Omni early. Omni’s sacrifice allowed Invincible to rack up desperate attack wounds, though, and he left Mantis in solid position to take out Batman in end game. This one did feel balanced and like it could go either way, but the Omni/Invincible combo is definitely scary.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [8] wounds on [Wonder Woman [6], Superman [2]]
  • DESPERATE ATTACK: Rolled [10] dice to do [6] wounds on [Superman [5], Batman [1]]
  • BRUTAL INSPIRATION: Boosted defenses [2] times
  • SUPERHUMAN ENDURANCE: Healed [1] wounds
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Mantis with Full Life wins.
Team Test
Units: Invincible (360), Superman (JL) (460), Raphael (200) (1020) vs Batman (Outsiders) (220), Geo-Force (280), Looker (200), Black Lightning (150), Katana (150) (1000)
Unit Summary: No d20 luck kept Katana in check here and the Outsiders used up a lot of resources taking out Invincible’s allies, leaving him in good position to clean up.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [16] wounds on [Black Lightning [4], Geo-Force [1], Katana [4], Batman [3], Looker [4]]
  • DESPERATE ATTACK: Rolled [6] dice to do [2] wounds on [Batman [1], Looker [1]]
  • BRUTAL INSPIRATION: Boosted defenses [1] times
  • SUPERHUMAN ENDURANCE: Healed [2] wounds
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Invincible with 2/6 Life wins..
UNIT SUMMARY: He feels closer but still nasty.
Last edited:
Re: Invincible - Testing

8 wounds on Superman and Wonder Woman and 16 wounds in cleanup in the second game, I feel like that drop in attack will do the trick here.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Yeah, he might've been rolling on the hot side too. I feel like I say 6 skulls on several attack rolls from him.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Ugh, also messed up and forgot that Raph has been bumped to 200. Updated the test there, so really I was playing Invincible at 340 instead of 360 in that one.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Tried him with 6 Attack.

Team Test
Units: Invincible (360), Superman (JL) (460), Marvel Girl (180) (1000) vs Batman (Outsiders) (220), Geo-Force (280), Looker (200), Black Lightning (150), Katana (150) (1000)
Unit Summary: The Outsiders won key initiatives here and rolled much better on offense and defense both. Invincible still did plenty of damage but didn’t steamroll quite like last time.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [6] wounds on [Looker [2], Katana [2], Black Lightning [2]]
  • DESPERATE ATTACK: Rolled [4] dice to do [4] wounds on [Katana [2], Black Lightning [2]]
  • BRUTAL INSPIRATION: Boosted defenses [1] times
  • SUPERHUMAN ENDURANCE: Healed [1] wounds
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Batman with Full Life, Looker with 2/5 Life, and Geo-Force with 4/5 Life win.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Should I still run a game or 2? Or are we good?
Re: Invincible - Testing

I'm satisfied, unless y'all are worried we over-nerfed him.
Re: Invincible - Testing

I think a couple more tests would be wise here. I'd like to make sure he feels balanced, especially in that Omni-Man combo. I'd even play with Eric!
Re: Invincible - Testing

How much did the JL Superman and Raph games make a difference since they were both 20 over.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Eric and I just finished 2 patches, results posted in the morning, but it felt much more balanced this time around. Had some really swingy luck but that is what it is. The important bit is that I think Invincible is good at 360 now.
Re: Invincible - Testing



Version tested:
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: 800 pts – Iron Man 270, Tigra 170, Invincible 360 VS 800 pts – Wrecking Crew
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: 1000 pts Omni-Man, Invincible, Mantis VS 1000 pts - Fan4
Spoiler Alert!

GENERAL THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT: I think Invincible is finally there. In both games he wasn't the MVP but was still scary enough. Played both games with Karat, and we both said that we would feel comfortable moving Invincible forward.
Re: Invincible - Testing

Sweet. Pre-yea for Final Editing from me.