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Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

With that other guy clear from testing this guy is ready to move.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Anything in particular you want to see here?
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Nope, he fits in with any army to some extent. Thanks!
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Sounds good! Thanks.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Spoiler Alert!

Team Test
Units: Invincible (360), Atom (JL) (100), Flash (Barry) (JL) (270), Hawkman (JL) (270) (1000)
vs Darkseid (520), Desaad (240), Parademons (x3) (240) (1000)
Unit Summary: This could’ve easily gone the other way had Darkseid hit Invincible for one more wound or rolled better on the d20. As it was, Invincible was strong with this crew and did well despite poor rolling for his desperate attack. The design is cool and feels very on theme.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [7] wounds on [Darkseid [6], Parademon [1]]
  • DESPERATE ATTACK: Rolled [8] dice for [2] wounds on [Desaad [1], Parademon [1]]
  • BRUTAL INSPIRATION: Affected [1] attacks
  • SUPER HUMAN ENDURANCE: Block was [useful but not that strong]. Healed [2] wounds.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Invincible with 2/7 Life, Atom with 1/2 Life and Hawkman with 1/5 Life win..
Team Test
Units: Invincible (360), Superman (JL) (460), Raphael (180) (1000) vs Black Canary (JL) (220), Green Arrow (JL) (210), Green Lantern (Hal) (JL) (300), Flash (Barry) (JL) (270) (1000)
Unit Summary: Touch match up for the Justice League here. Superman only got two Justice Marker uses but Raph, Invincible, and Superman were all hard to put down. They targeted Invincible early due to his defensive boost to the others and his unblockables, but they spent all of their capital to get it done and Superman saved Raph from a bit hit, then Green Lantern and Green Arrow just couldn’t hit Superman in end game.
Game Summary
Spoiler Alert!

  • Damage Done (Normal Attack): Inflicted [2] wounds on [Flash [2]]
  • DESPERATE ATTACK: Rolled [2] dice for [2] wounds on [Flash [2]]
  • BRUTAL INSPIRATION: Affected [4] attacks
  • SUPER HUMAN ENDURANCE: Block was [useful, but not overly powerful]. Healed [0] wounds.
Who won? List figures remaining in the winning army (include life remaining for heroes): Superman with 3/7 Life and Raphael with Full Life win.
UNIT SUMMARY: First game was a coin-flip. Second game was a much bigger victory. Small sample size, but he’s definitely solid. I think his results might even out with more testing, but we’ll see. He may be a tad on the strong side for 360.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Sweet, glad he was fun. Count that as a victory. We can turn a few minor dials if he’s still showing slightly strong, or we can up his point and fit Eve in whatever gap is leftover.
Last edited:
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Oh for sure. His base life or attack could go down 1 for instance. Probably going to go against Eric running him Wednesday if our schedules work out so we can see how he feels after that.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing



Version tested:
Spoiler Alert!

Army Test
Map: Cell Games Arena
Units: 800 pts Omni-Man 440, Invincible 360 VS 800 pts – Wrecking Crew
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: 800 pts Iron Man 270, Tigra 170, Invincible 360 VS 800 pts – Outsiders - Batman, Geo Force, Katana, Black Lightning
Spoiler Alert!

GENERAL THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT: Played both games against IAmBatman. Game 1 was a landslide. Wrecking Crew rolled well enough on offense but the Viltrumite's defense stood strong and Invincible was able to heal a few of his wounds. Both he and Omni-Man hit hard and the Wrecking Crew whiffed quite a few times, which was responsible few some of the lopsided win. They did roll average for the Wrecking Crew power. In game 2 it was a little closer and in round 2 an Initiative win for the Outsiders would have probably swung the game in their favor. Iron Man rolled well on offense and did most of the wounds for his team. Invincible's powers all work and I like the new Desperate Attack although he had the wounds on him, he never was able to pull the 2 damage dice off at the end as he killed the opponent before it happened. In game 1 he never had enough wounds for it to trigger. Both Bats and I felt like Invincible is a 360 point figure that plays and feels more like a 400 pointer. We both felt like a drop in defense by 1 could fix that and also have Desperate attack kick in more often. If the LD wanted the defense to stay, then a drop in attack by 1 could also balance him out while still being a strong attacker. Invincible went 2-0, one game was close but still a decent sized win and one was a really big win against a strong 800 point team. I think one of those small changes works to keep him 360 and moves him forward to Final Editing.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Yeah, in agreement with Eric's analysis here. I know Omni has 1 more life, move, and attack, but I don't think that quite covers the 80 point gap between them, especially with Invincible having a better ability set, IMO. One thing for sure is that at 800 points facing the two of them together is tough sledding, given how tanky they are. I like the idea of Mark being slightly less tanky and unfun to play against and in desperate mode more often, so dropping the defense by 1 appeals to me.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Cool, I’m fine with that! I can update in a few days and call the vote. Theoretically we’ll have a few more games with him when we work on Eve anyway so we can feel it out.
Re: Invincible - Waiting for testing

Cool, I’m fine with that! I can update in a few days and call the vote. Theoretically we’ll have a few more games with him when we work on Eve anyway so we can feel it out.

That's true, I like the changes
Re: Invincible - vote for editing


This is one were I'm on the skeptical end on balance, but comfortable enough to move forward with the understanding that he'll get tested with Eve!
Re: Invincible - vote for editing


This is one were I'm on the skeptical end on balance, but comfortable enough to move forward with the understanding that he'll get tested with Eve!

What's the skepticism? We did drop his defense after testing. But yes, will have more games played.
Re: Invincible - vote for editing


This is one were I'm on the skeptical end on balance, but comfortable enough to move forward with the understanding that he'll get tested with Eve!

What's the skepticism? We did drop his defense after testing. But yes, will have more games played.
I mean...he went 4-0 in public testing, received a (substantial but not massive) nerf, and then went straight to editing. I don't want to slow him down (especially since I'm not able to test him right now), but just seems like one to be cautious on.
Re: Invincible - vote for editing

If not for the further testing with Atom-Eve caveat, I'd be against his moving forward. I'm also cool with pumping the brakes and trying to get one more set before advancing here, though.
Re: Invincible - vote for editing

I must've misread the results last week, honestly thought the results were closer. I don't mind if you want more tests, I ain't in a rush.
Re: Invincible - vote for editing

I'd say lets hold off and try to get one more set, then. Abundance of caution and all.
Re: Invincible - vote for editing

Cool, then I don't have to deal with linking the playtests yet like I forgot to do.
Re: Invincible - Testing



Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Probably

- What should be the unit's point value? 360-380?
- Give a brief overview. He felt about right but luck strongly favored his side with Plastic Man hitting Rubbery Rebound in a row and generally making it difficult for the Avengers to do anything but try and deal with him. Quicksilver giving himself the final 2 wounds to save Iron Man didn't help either.
Map: Island Plane Crash
Units: Invincible, Superman (JL), Plastic Man (JL) (1,000) vs Cap, Winter Soldier (Soldier), Iron Man (Avengers), Quicksilver (Avengers) (1,000)
Spoiler Alert!


Army Test
- Does it pass, Yes or No? Yes

- What should be the unit's point value? 370-380
- Give a brief overview. This was a very brutal match where Omni-Man did a lot of damage early and then Invincible cleaned house. Mantis was Icing on the cake with not having to worry about OM placement and having her safe from the action for clean up. A few more good Razor Wing Slashes or good attacks (or if I could roll a blank with X-23) and the X-Force team would have had a bit more of a chance of taking the win.
Map: Conflict Chernobyl
Units: Invincible, Omni-Man, Mantis (1,000) vs Cyclops (Utopian), Wolverine, X-23, Archangel (1,000)
Spoiler Alert!

THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT'S COST, BALANCE, & DRAFTABILITY: All his powers are useful and he seems balanced on his own and is very draftable. seems like 370-380 might ultimately work better based on these performances.

GENERAL THOUGHTS ON THE TESTED UNIT: On his own, Mark is probably worth 360 but he has enough solid pairings that mesh with him and screw with your enemy that he feels like he's worth 20-40 points more in those builds because he is a durable heavy hitter with a solid Defensive boost and auto-wound option.

If you want to reign him in just a hair, maybe make Desperate Attack a single damage die or lower his life by 1.
Re: Invincible - Testing

I don't mind dropping his life by 1. I like him throwing the 2 unblockables personally. Of course dropping his life by 1 wouldn't change the outcomes of these games though.

Anyone else have thoughts?