As you finish an official C3G map or scenario, please send me a PM and I'll add it here.
Competitive C3G maps (approved for play testing C3G figures on):
Additional maps approved for play testing C3G designs:
Casual C3G maps:
C3G Scenarios:
Good for 3 Players:
Unfinished Maps:
Avengers Tower - 2 Marvel, 2 FotA
Fast Lane - 2 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 3 RttFF
Heir Apparent Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA
Sokovian Aftermath - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel
Underground Lair - 1 BftU, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 VW
Yellowstone Throwdown - BftU x2, RttFF x2
Japes's Pocket Mod Maps - a way to easily print your maps!
Competitive C3G maps (approved for play testing C3G figures on):
Spoiler Alert!
Alkali Lake Map - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA, 1 TT
Cell Games Arena - 1 RotV, 2 RttFF, 1 FotA
City Park - 1 RotV, 1 2 RttFF, 2 Marvel
Conflict Chernobyl - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 TJ
Country Road - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF
Crash Landing - 1 SotM, 1 VW, 1 TJ, 1 FotA
Dark Dimension Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 VW
Elm Street Map - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel, 2 RttFF, 2 Bungalows, 4 Parked Cars
Green Lantern Mogo - 2 SotM, 1 RotV
Grundy's Grave Map - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF
HYDRA Base Gehenna - 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 BftU
Icy Road Map - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 TT
Island Plane Crash - 1 RotV, 2 TJ, 2 Marvel
Ivy's Greenhouse Map - 1 RotV, 1 TJ, 2 RttFF
Martian War Zone: The Heat Map - 1 RotV, 1 VW, 2 BftU
Moon Base Alpha - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 2 FotA
Mountain Spring - 2 RotV, 1 BftU
Muspelheim Melee - 2 RotV, 1 VW
Ninja Turtle Dojo - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA
Platforms 5 and 6 Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 1 Marvel, 2 BftU
Ravaged Road Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA
Rocket Launching Platform - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 2 FotA
Sacred Shrine Map - 1 RotV, 1 FotA
Sauron's Eyrie - 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 2 RttFF, 1 Marvel, 1 VW
Sewer Labyrinth Map - 1 SotM, 1 FotA, 1 Marvel
Swamp Lab - 1 SotM, 1 FotA
Tri-ways War Zone - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 Marvel, 1 RttFF
Underground Catacombs - 1 BftU, 2 FotA
Wakandan Royal Forest - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 2 RttFF, 2 Trees of Life, 2 Trees of Death
X Marks the Spot Map - 2 Marvel, 1 BftU, and 1 FotA
Cell Games Arena - 1 RotV, 2 RttFF, 1 FotA
City Park - 1 RotV, 1 2 RttFF, 2 Marvel
Conflict Chernobyl - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 TJ
Country Road - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF
Crash Landing - 1 SotM, 1 VW, 1 TJ, 1 FotA
Dark Dimension Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 VW
Elm Street Map - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel, 2 RttFF, 2 Bungalows, 4 Parked Cars
Green Lantern Mogo - 2 SotM, 1 RotV
Grundy's Grave Map - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF
HYDRA Base Gehenna - 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 1 BftU
Icy Road Map - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 TT
Island Plane Crash - 1 RotV, 2 TJ, 2 Marvel
Ivy's Greenhouse Map - 1 RotV, 1 TJ, 2 RttFF
Martian War Zone: The Heat Map - 1 RotV, 1 VW, 2 BftU
Moon Base Alpha - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 2 FotA
Mountain Spring - 2 RotV, 1 BftU
Muspelheim Melee - 2 RotV, 1 VW
Ninja Turtle Dojo - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA
Platforms 5 and 6 Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 1 Marvel, 2 BftU
Ravaged Road Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA
Rocket Launching Platform - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 2 FotA
Sacred Shrine Map - 1 RotV, 1 FotA
Sauron's Eyrie - 1 RotV, 1 FotA, 2 RttFF, 1 Marvel, 1 VW
Sewer Labyrinth Map - 1 SotM, 1 FotA, 1 Marvel
Swamp Lab - 1 SotM, 1 FotA
Tri-ways War Zone - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 Marvel, 1 RttFF
Underground Catacombs - 1 BftU, 2 FotA
Wakandan Royal Forest - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 2 RttFF, 2 Trees of Life, 2 Trees of Death
X Marks the Spot Map - 2 Marvel, 1 BftU, and 1 FotA
Additional maps approved for play testing C3G designs:
Spoiler Alert!
All BOV & ARV approved maps.
Arctic Redoubt - 1 RotV, 1 TT, and 1 FotA
Under the 'El' - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Arctic Redoubt - 1 RotV, 1 TT, and 1 FotA
Under the 'El' - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Casual C3G maps:
Spoiler Alert!
Abandoned Missile Base Map - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel, 2 RttFF, and 2 FotA
Aldridge Chemicals Map - 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 2 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 VW, 2 FotA, 1 TT, and 1 BftU
Another Day At The Office - 1 BftU, 2 RttFF, and 2 FotA
Battleship Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 FotA, and 1 Marvel
Bridge of the Gods - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA, and 2 Marvel
Carnival of Carnage Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 RttFF, 2 Marvel, 2 TJ, and 1 SotM
City Streets Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 1 RttFF, and 3 Marvel
Corner High Rise Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Crime Alley Map - 1 BftU, 2 Marvel, 2 FotA, and 2 RttFF
Dark Cave Lair Map - 1 RotV and 3 BftU
Hol Hall - 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 2 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Hellicarrier Map - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Island Sanctum Map - 2 SotM, 2 Marvel, 1 FotA, 2 TJ, and 1 VW
Junkyard - RotV
Madripoor Marina Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Police Headquarters Map - 2 RotV, 3 FotA, 2 RttFF, and 5 Marvel
Ruins of Heroes Past Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Sanctum City Piers Map - 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
Savage Land Map - 2 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 FotA, 2 RttFF, 3 TJ, 1 VW, and 1 TT
The Sewer Entrance Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Shattered Streets - 2 RotV, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF, and 2 FotA
The Well Of Souls - 2 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF, 1 VW, and 2 FotA
Aldridge Chemicals Map - 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 2 Marvel, 1 RttFF, 1 VW, 2 FotA, 1 TT, and 1 BftU
Another Day At The Office - 1 BftU, 2 RttFF, and 2 FotA
Battleship Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 FotA, and 1 Marvel
Bridge of the Gods - 1 RotV, 1 RttFF, 1 FotA, and 2 Marvel
Carnival of Carnage Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 RttFF, 2 Marvel, 2 TJ, and 1 SotM
City Streets Map - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 1 RttFF, and 3 Marvel
Corner High Rise Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Crime Alley Map - 1 BftU, 2 Marvel, 2 FotA, and 2 RttFF
Dark Cave Lair Map - 1 RotV and 3 BftU
Hol Hall - 1 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 2 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Hellicarrier Map - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Island Sanctum Map - 2 SotM, 2 Marvel, 1 FotA, 2 TJ, and 1 VW
Junkyard - RotV
Madripoor Marina Map - 1 RotV, 1 BftU, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Police Headquarters Map - 2 RotV, 3 FotA, 2 RttFF, and 5 Marvel
Ruins of Heroes Past Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 1 FotA
Sanctum City Piers Map - 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
Savage Land Map - 2 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 BftU, 1 FotA, 2 RttFF, 3 TJ, 1 VW, and 1 TT
The Sewer Entrance Map - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Shattered Streets - 2 RotV, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF, and 2 FotA
The Well Of Souls - 2 RotV, 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, 2 RttFF, 1 VW, and 2 FotA
C3G Scenarios:
Spoiler Alert!
Ch. 1: Battle at the Baxter Building Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 2 Marvel
Ch. 2: Subterranean Subterfuge Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 BftU, and 1 Marvel
Ch. 3: Doom's Deception Scenario - 1 RotV and 2 FotA
Ch. 4: Through the Looking Glass Scenario - 1 SotM and 2 BftU
Ch. 5: Cosmic Invasion Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 1 Marvel
World's Finest Release:
A City Overrun Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
An Icy Reunion Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, 1 FotA, and 1 TT
A World in Chaos Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, 1 FotA, and 1 VW
Recruit The Batman Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
Undead Alliance Scenario - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, and 2 RttFF
Single Release:
Hostage Holdout Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Odin's Challenge Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 1 Marvel
Shadows Over Gotham Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Slums of Rio Scenario - 2 RotV, 2 Marvel, 2 FotA, and 2 BftU
Ch. 1: Battle at the Baxter Building Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 2 Marvel
Ch. 2: Subterranean Subterfuge Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 BftU, and 1 Marvel
Ch. 3: Doom's Deception Scenario - 1 RotV and 2 FotA
Ch. 4: Through the Looking Glass Scenario - 1 SotM and 2 BftU
Ch. 5: Cosmic Invasion Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 1 Marvel
World's Finest Release:
A City Overrun Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
An Icy Reunion Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, 1 FotA, and 1 TT
A World in Chaos Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, 1 FotA, and 1 VW
Recruit The Batman Scenario - 1 Marvel, 1 RotV, and 2 FotA
Undead Alliance Scenario - 1 SotM, 1 Marvel, and 2 RttFF
Single Release:
Hostage Holdout Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Odin's Challenge Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 1 Marvel
Shadows Over Gotham Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Slums of Rio Scenario - 2 RotV, 2 Marvel, 2 FotA, and 2 BftU
Good for 3 Players:
Spoiler Alert!
Odin's Challenge Scenario - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, and 1 Marvel
Rocket Launching Platform - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 2 FotA
Shadows Over Gotham Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Tri-ways War Zone - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 Marvel, and 1 RttFF
Rocket Launching Platform - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 2 FotA
Shadows Over Gotham Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 RttFF
Tri-ways War Zone - 1 RotV, 2 FotA, 2 Marvel, and 1 RttFF
Unfinished Maps:
Spoiler Alert!
Avengers Tower - 2 Marvel, 2 FotA
Fast Lane - 2 RotV, 1 Marvel, and 3 RttFF
Heir Apparent Scenario - 1 RotV, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA
Sokovian Aftermath - 1 RotV, 2 Marvel
Underground Lair - 1 BftU, 1 Marvel, 1 FotA, and 1 VW
Yellowstone Throwdown - BftU x2, RttFF x2
Japes's Pocket Mod Maps - a way to easily print your maps!
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