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Well met!

Wasn't there some discussion about the possibility of broken combinations? I know that, in a game we played long ago, I ran Baron Zemo and Gravitron in a prebuilt army of clearly over 1,000 points, and it felt broken to the other players. Maybe we were just missing the appropriate matchups. The very limited draft format I use enables me to insure balance.

Which Zemo was it? Heinrich and Graviton both want all the OMs, so some strong anti-synergy there.

Graviton was a tough nut to crack in 1.0, and could end up being less so in 2.0. We haven’t converted him yet. In 1.0, I’ve beaten him just fine in competitive play.
C3G has historically done a great job of reevaluating and fixing broken combos though. In general, I think it was a significantly more balanced game than Heroscape, with a much wider competitive meta and way lower percentage of worthless figures.
Graviton is horrid to play against. Not sure I would say broken but certainly sucks the fun out of the game. But that is one card in a vast library and a pretty early card.
Graviton is horrid to play against. Not sure I would say broken but certainly sucks the fun out of the game. But that is one card in a vast library and a pretty early card.

And not a card we've converted to 2.0 yet, probably for these reasons. When we do, I'm sure we'll get some of the "unfun" out of it.

Well met!

@IAmBatman, Tornado, it was indeed Helmut.


The "X" wasn't needed all that much as I recall.


Gravitron is even nastier than I remember.

I wish I could remember what else I fielded with them . . .

Gotcha, Helmut not Heinrich. Easier combo for sure. No huge synergies, but both can hit fairly hard on their own. Helmut likely will look pretty different in 2.0 as well.
Yeah nothing there that really boosts either, they are both just really good.
Bonding Graviton to like Ms Marvel is really scary.
Graviton prefers to have at least two OMs, though, so the Ms. Marvel combo isn't ideal. Something like Zombie or Hawkeye or Avengers Hulk probably works better.

Well met!



I may have done this earlier. I seem to recall that Gravitron was there to place an opponent's unit within range of Adhesive X Trap.

P.S.: The Power Cosmic! has been revised. I believe the relative values of the Cards in the Draft to be less obvious. They certainly are to me . . .

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OK, so it was *Heinrich* and not *Helmut*? The story keeps changing :p A decent amount of solid ranged attacks takes down that combo no issue, imo, especially with their working at cross-purposes in terms of Order Marker placement.
Heh, fair enough. I think a lot of C3G stuff can also feel tougher than it is while you are first learning it. Like a good video game boss
That is my favorite Zemo. The best public design in 1.0 imo.
But yeah, what Bats said about the OMs. That combo is even tougher as Zemo really wants all the OMs and Graviton needs them to be full powered.